Our First Dance

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Our First Dance Page 13

by P Nelson

  “Yes, you do, Master Eric,” Calla replied watching him intently. She didn’t say anything else letting him come to his own decisions.

  “I’ll do it.” Eric watched Calla’s face light up. “On one condition.”

  Calla scowled at Eric. “What condition?”

  “You find someone else for the next training sub. I don’t mind taking one on every once in a while, but I’m not going permanent like Master Gaige.” Eric was serious. He didn’t want to be stuck with all the newbies.

  “Deal, but you know we don’t get a lot of tourists through The Cage anyway.” Calla seemed happy with his decision. “I’ll forward your details on to her, and the two of you can meet out in the mundane world.”

  “Fine.” Eric eyed Calla as she stood up, getting ready to leave. “Where are you going, Calla? You owe me ten.” She appeared to struggle with the command for a second before demurely lowering her gaze.

  “Where do you want me, Master Eric?” she asked.

  “Pull your shorts down to your ankles, lean over and rest your hands on the bar.” Eric felt a surge of satisfaction go through him as Calla immediately did as he requested. Going into the bag at his feet, Eric unzipped his kit and looked through it until he found what he was looking for.

  “What’s your safe word, Calla?” Eric asked as he tested the weight of the paddle in his hand. It felt good to have an instrument of torture ready to use.

  “Red, sir,” Lilith answered immediately.

  “Good girl.” Eric reached up and pushed the T-shirt away from Calla’s ass to reveal the small of her back. Calla was a good-looking woman, but she needed a little more meat on her bones for Eric’s liking. “It’s a count of ten. This is a punishment, so I want to hear you count out.”

  “Yes, sir.” Calla’s voice had become breathless in anticipation of Eric lighting her ass up.

  “Good girl.” Eric lined the paddle up with the fleshy part of her ass and struck. The sound of the paddle hitting her ass made his balls tighten and his dick harden.

  “One.” Calla breathed out.

  The next few smacks came in rapid succession, landing just after Calla’s count. Hearing her breathy voice, seeing the way her body responded to his paddle brought Eric the kind of peace he had searched for these past few weeks. He was finally out of his head and in his Dom space, working over a woman who was committed to this small scene with him.

  “Ten.” Calla sighed and her head sagged between her outstretched arms.

  “Good girl, Calla.” Eric’s voice was rough. “You took your punishment like a good sub. Do you want to be rewarded?”

  “I think I can handle that.” The voice of The Cage’s resident porn star said from beside him. Eric knew that Calla had been playing with Master Dillon and his protégé Master Mason for the past few months. Calla wasn’t wearing either of their collars, but Eric felt himself step back emotionally and physically.

  “Of course, Master Dillon.” Eric relinquished his rights to aftercare to Master Dillon who inspected his handiwork on Calla’s ass. He rubbed the red stinging flesh, and Calla whimpered in response.

  “This is very nice work, Master Eric.” Master Dillon commented in a matter-of fact-tone. Normally, the guy was full of sarcastic comments, but tonight he appeared to be serious.

  “Thank you, Master Dillon.” Eric took out some cleansing wipes and used them on his paddle before he put it back into his kit bag. Eric watched as Master Dillon leaned over Calla and said something in her ear. She nodded and stood up with a slight wobble. Master Dillon helped her pull her boy shorts back up and signalled for Master Mason to come over.

  “Why don’t you administer a little aftercare to Calla, Master Mason?” Master Dillon addressed Master Mason as he approached. A grin spread across the other man’s face, and he picked Calla up and held her to his chest.

  “No problem, Master Dillon.” Master Mason nodded to Dillon before doing the same to Eric. “Have a good night, Master Eric.”

  Before he strode away, Calla’s voice called out, “Don’t forget to watch for Jane’s phone call.”

  “I won’t.” Eric accepted the reminder. He was looking forward to meeting this new sub and seeing where the next month took them.

  “You taking on a new sub?” Dillon asked Eric with a frown.

  “Yup. A training sub,” Eric replied, and Dillon frowned harder. “What?” Eric was starting to get worried over Dillon’s reaction.

  “Tricky business, training new subs,” Dillon remarked as his gaze caught something that looked interesting. Eric followed where he was looking and spotted Lilith and Gaige approaching a St Andrews Cross. His heart clenched at the sight. “You don’t want to end up like them, having to scene with one sub for the rest of your life.” Dillon’s voice took on a tone of sympathy.

  Eric thought about only playing with Lilith for the rest of his life and believed it wouldn’t have been such a bad thing. But he was looking forward to meeting Elizabeth and working out some of his demons.


  Elizabeth stirred the salad leaves around her plate. What she really wanted was a cheeseburger with everything on it. Elizabeth looked up and studied her reflection in the black oven door. She was pretty, rather than gorgeous. Big blues eyes stared back at her critically, and Elizabeth closed them. Not nearly sexy enough to go through submissive training with Jerry, those were the words her ex had recently used to break up with her. After she had saved all her money, worked a second job and used the rest of her small inheritance to get them both into the couples’ training program at The Cage, the most exclusive BDSM club in Vancouver. Elizabeth had been judged and found unsexy.

  The woman who had done one of the entrance interviews, Calla, told her she was a great candidate for the sub-training program. Elizabeth opened her eyes and slid them away from her reflection. Maybe if she kept her weight down and wore a little more makeup, she could hide the fact that she was unsexy from whomever her training Dom might be. Her cell phone made her jump as it vibrated across the table, and she shook off her depressing thoughts. BDSM was going to help her with her body image issues was what she had read. Everyone was accepted, even if they carried an extra few pounds.

  “Hello, this is Jane,” she answered quickly.

  “Hello Jane, this is Calla Jones from The Cage.” The voice of The Cage’s shrink made Jane’s heart flutter, and she wondered if she could find a play partner for her. Maybe Jerry had already started his Dom training, and he had told everyone that Elizabeth wasn’t very sexy at all.

  “Hello, Calla.” Elizabeth put on her best cheerful voice and plunged into the conversation even though she wanted to throw up a bit. “How are you this evening?”

  “I’m great, Jane, and you’re going to be great, too. I’m sorry it’s taken me a few days to get back to you with your training Dom’s details, but our regular guy has taken on a permanent sub as I said before. We don’t match subs to just any old Doms; we want to make sure they’re as compatible as possible. So, I have the name of Eric Danvers. These are his details,” Calla continued while Elizabeth scrambled for a pen.

  “Have you given him my details?” Elizabeth wondered whether she should worry about a negative reaction from her training Dom. She thought she might die if he thought the same thing as Jerry.

  “Master Eric has been in the kink community for a very long time, Jane.” Calla’s voice was reassuring. “Remember I told you The Cage was open to everyone for play as long as they passed the requisite tests. You passed all of them, and you earned the right to explore your submissive side. You don’t have to have sex or do anything else with Master Eric if you feel uncomfortable.”

  “Yes, I remember you went over the rules when we filled out my hard and soft limits.” Elizabeth could hear the doubt in her voice, but she plunged on. “You know Jerry ditched me because he wanted a sexy sub. What if Master Eric wants a sexier training sub?” she asked.

  “Stop right there.” Calla’s voice had gone from soothing to
commanding in under a second. The authority in the other woman’s voice pulled at Jane’s senses to obey. “There’s no cookie cutter mould for a submissive in BDSM. Women come in all shapes and sizes, I don’t need to tell you that, and their needs come in a myriad of different shapes and sizes, too. You’ll be making a really big mistake if you try and be something you’re not in the kink world. You won’t enjoy the experience, but more than that, you won’t have the opportunity to reveal the true submissive inside. Do you understand?”

  “Yes, I think I understand,” Elizabeth murmured.

  “No, you don’t yet, but in time you will,” Calla said cheerfully. “And take my advice, never, ever bring up your body issues to Master Eric, he will be offended, and you will end up with a very red ass.”

  “Really?” Elizabeth asked, not quite believing Calla.

  “Yes, there’s nothing more irritating to a Dom that a sub who persists in criticising what belongs to him. And if you decide after your mundane date that you want Master Eric to top you, he will own your body, and he will take great pride in showing it off and working you over,” Calla finished her warning.

  “I like the sound of that,” Elizabeth said, and she really did. She had spent every waking moment she could spare reading about BDSM and submission. In her heart, she knew she was born to be a sub.

  “Good. I have your medical from the doctor so you’re clear to play at the club. You indicated you’re on birth control, so it will go on your contract. Remember you have to get your medical done every month, especially if you play with someone outside the club. Now give Master Eric a call and make plans to meet. Make sure you call me afterward and let me know if you think the two of you make a good fit.” Calla’s voice was cheerful again.

  “I will and thank you for everything,” Elizabeth said thinking it was inadequate for how much she owed Calla.

  “My pleasure, we subs have to stick together. Have a good night,” Calla announced, and Elizabeth offered her the same before she hung up. Elizabeth stared at the name written on the old receipt she had dug out of the bottom of her purse and his number. Eric Danvers. The name sounded sexy, and she tried it out.

  “Master Danvers,” she repeated aloud and a shiver went down her spine. It was stupid, but after her discussion with Calla she felt very excited about what was to come. Not wanting to waste any time, she dialled the number on the paper and listened while the phone rang.

  “Danvers.” A terse, but altogether deep, sexy voice answered on the other end of the line. Elizabeth was momentarily caught by nerves, and he had to question who was on the line. “Hello? This is Eric Danvers.”

  “Yes, Master Eric, I’m Elizabeth Williams. Calla called me before and…” Elizabeth took a deep breath and did her best to carry on even though she felt as if she was making a hash of the entire conversation. “She said we should meet in the mundane world.”

  “Stop.” Eric’s voice held an even deeper note of command than Calla’s had previously, and it did something to her girl parts. She felt her nipples responding and butterflies erupt in her stomach. “You’re Jane, and you’ve been proposed as a training sub for me, am I correct?” His questions were succinct and to the point. Eric spoke in his dominant voice, and she wanted to rub her pussy against her seat to get some friction.

  “Yes, that’s right,” Elizabeth answered.

  “Are you free tomorrow night?” he asked, and Elizabeth felt anticipation ratchet up her system.

  “Yes, always free for you,” Elizabeth blurted out. “Oh, I didn’t mean to say that. What I meant was I’m free. I can make myself be free.”

  “Stop, Jane,” Eric chuckled into the phone, and her heart melted at the sound. “You have some impulse control issues don’t you, sweet girl?”

  “Well I have been accused of speaking before thinking,” Elizabeth admitted.

  “That’s something we’ll try to work on, then.” Eric’s voice was still calm and controlled. “Do you know the restaurant L’ Abattoir in Gastown?”

  “Yes, I’ve heard of it, but I’ve never been there. Isn’t it supposed to be really expensive?” Elizabeth wasn’t sure how these things were supposed to work, but she knew she couldn’t afford anything at the upscale eatery, even though she would love to go there one day.

  “Good. I’ll have my secretary make a reservation for us and text you the time. Wear a skirt, no panties and make sure you wear your hair down,” Eric instructed.

  “But it’s really expensive,” Elizabeth repeated.

  “This is your first lesson concerning Doms. We don’t like to be contradicted. Jane, it’s customary for Doms to pay for the first meal together, and if we agree to play together, I will pay for every meal in the future. It’s my right as your dominant partner. Do you understand?”

  “Yes, I understand,” Elizabeth replied uneasily.

  “I get that in the past your dates have all required that you pay for half, and it has something to do with being an independent woman in a modern world. The BDSM world is different. How I practice in the lifestyle is different. I like to take care of the women I top, and part of that is paying for their meals. You’re entering a whole new world, Jane, you’d better be open to making some changes, or this is going to be a difficult transition for you, involving many spankings,” Eric finished.

  The thought of Eric spanking her ass with that sexy voice counting out loud made her pussy clench. Elizabeth had to swallow a couple of times before she could answer.

  “I understand, Master Eric,” Elizabeth replied obediently.

  “Perfect, sweet girl. Now what were my other instructions?” he asked in a tone that brooked no disobedience.

  Elizabeth went back over his original directions and thought hard. “I’m to wear a skirt with no panties and have my hair down,” she repeated. “Also, we’re not allowed to play outside the club during my thirty-day training period.”

  “You’re right, of course, Jane, but this is a lesson in your obedience.” Eric reminded her. “Watch for my text tomorrow with the reservation time.”

  “Yes, Master Eric.” Elizabeth felt calm as the end of the conversation neared. She had gotten a meeting out of Eric Danvers at the very least without doing anything to ruin it. “I look forward to meeting you.”

  “I look forward to meeting you too, sweet girl. Now get some rest, you might not have much time to sleep after tomorrow night,” Eric commented before he hung up.

  We might not have much time to sleep because we would be up all night fucking. He would be torturing her into submission. Just the thought filled Elizabeth with lust, and she thought of her toys hidden in her bedside table. Was it better to masturbate tonight and be on an even level emotionally when she met Eric tomorrow? Or should she hold off and save up all her pent-up lust for him?

  Elizabeth pushed her salad plate away from her and stood up. She wasn’t hungry for food now, anyway. She wanted to meet Master Eric, and more than anything she wanted him to live up to the promises he made on the phone. Elizabeth walked the short distance from the small kitchen to her bedroom without flicking on the lights. No need to turn them on for what she had in mind.




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