Wicked Pleasure

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Wicked Pleasure Page 13

by Nina Bangs

  Wade’s eyes brightened. “Funny thing, I just bought a G. Loomis tackle box for one hundred thirty dollars. Needed a new one for this week’s fishing tournament.” He shifted his gaze to Brynn. “Great tackle box.”

  Sparkle didn’t look impressed. She handed Kim the next item. “Ultrahot Gucci studded black low-rise pants. The studs are also a modification by moi. Three hundred ten dollars.” She stared at Wade, daring him to match that.

  Wade accepted the challenge. “Picked up a pair of top-of-the-line Van Staal pliers for taking hooks out. Three hundred fourteen dollars.” He didn’t bother even trying to include Brynn in the conversation anymore. His gaze stayed fixed on Sparkle.

  Sparkle raised one expressive brow. “Christian Louboutin black leather slingbacks. Four hundred ninety-five dollars.” She shoved the shoes into Kim’s hands.

  Wade’s eyes lit with triumph. “Got a Shimano CTE200DC reel for four hundred ninety-nine dollars and ninety-five cents the other day. Can’t wait to use it in the tournament.”

  Sparkle patted Kim’s hand, but her gaze never left Wade. “Put these on and have Brynn take a picture of you in them so I can see how you look.”

  Wade’s gaze warmed. “I can tell you’re a woman who appreciates the best in life. How about coming with me so I can show you my boat?”

  “I admire a man who can outspend me. Only a special few have that kind of talent.” Sparkle’s smile was whipped cream with a plump red cherry in the middle. “Deimos can watch my store for another hour. I’d love to see those really expensive pliers.”

  Yeah, right. Kim watched as Sparkle walked to the door with Wade. She turned for one last word with Kim. “Remember, it’s not just what you wear, but how you wear it. Get yourself some attitude.” Her gaze slipped past Kim and then froze. “Where’s Sweetie Pie and Jessica?”

  “Who? Oh, the plants.” Kim was still focused on the clothes. Not what she usually wore, but hot, definitely hot. “I told Deimos to keep them.”

  “Deimos?” Sparkle’s tone said Kim might as well have dumped a jar of aphids on them. “Deimos is a virgin. They’ll be nothing but bare sticks by the end of the week. Sweetie Pie and Jessica are the owner’s favorites.” She speared Kim with a hard glare. “Why’d you make Deimos take them?”

  Kim toyed with asking her why she was so bent out of shape over the plants but decided it would only prolong Sparkle’s stay. “Deimos said the plants needed lots of . . . stuff happening to keep them happy and healthy. They weren’t going to get it in my room.”

  Sparkle’s gaze turned sly. “Oh, I wouldn’t be too sure of that, sister.” With that parting shot, she followed Wade out.

  It was a testament to the weirdness of the castle that neither Brynn nor Wade had tried to question Sparkle about the leafy sexual-energy guzzlers.

  Okay, two down and one to go. Although Kim was a little conflicted about the go part. “I didn’t get a chance to find out why you dropped by.”

  Brynn smiled, sucking all the air from Kim’s lungs. Jeez, she wished he wouldn’t do that.

  “I’m going mattress hunting today.” He didn’t spell out why he needed a new mattress. He didn’t have to. “I have a few things to do here first, but I thought you might want to get away from the castle for a while.”

  Common sense said the worst thing she could do was to go mattress hunting with the enemy. Well, maybe not the enemy, but certainly Lynsay would count him as one of the unfriendly spirits.

  Kim thought about what Lynsay would say, and then she thought about what she wanted to do. No contest. This was a day to wear sexy clothes and go shopping with a demon.

  She glanced at her watch. “I’m meeting my sister for breakfast in about ten minutes. How about if I meet you in the hotel lobby at eleven?” Kim frowned. “How will you know if Lynsay or Uncle Dirk are close by?”

  His smile was slow and supremely sensual. “Once I leave here, I’ll make some calls. I wouldn’t be surprised if you had a few people join you for breakfast. By the time I meet you, everyone will know what your sister and uncle look like.” He leaned close. “Don’t worry about my safety.” His breath fanned her cheek, setting off a remote explosion that released all kinds of erotic possibilities. “Worry about your own. Shopping for a mattress with me can be lethal.”

  Kim smiled up at him. Sexy teasing? She wondered if he realized what he was doing.

  He did. She watched the playfulness fade from his eyes to be replaced by a guarded expression. He moved away from her. After his centuries of thinking of women as the enemy, he probably didn’t get playful very often. In fact, she’d bet he was regretting asking her to shop with him.

  Time to change the subject before he took back his invite. “Does your back still hurt?” No, she wasn’t going to ask about his bottom. He’d just have to assume she meant that, too.

  “It’s okay.” Translation: it hurts like hell, but men don’t admit they’re in pain. “I heal faster than a human.”

  Kim kept her smile firmly in place. “Well, if the okay doesn’t feel better by the time we get back, I can always put more cream on it.”

  The gold flared in his eyes, but his expression didn’t change. “I’m sure I’ll be a lot better than okay after I get my mattress.” And right before he turned away, a smile touched that wonderful mouth. “But if not, I’ll be sure to let you know.”

  As a parting shot, it was pretty good. But she couldn’t let him get away without asking something important. “Look, would you tell these people you say will be joining me for breakfast not to mention that I’m working here as an architect? My family thinks I’m demon hunting.”

  He paused, and she thought he would say something, but he must’ve thought better of it. “Sure.”

  Kim watched him leave and close the door behind him. Finally, she allowed herself to relax.

  Why exactly were the two of them going shopping together? Talk about your fatal attraction. And it would definitely be fatal to Brynn if her family had any input. Kim firmed her lips as she walked over to pick Fo up from the bureau. She’d just have to make sure her family didn’t find out about him. When did you get into the demon-protecting business? She hadn’t a clue.

  Fo. Kim had sensed there was a missing mouth during the conversation. Fo hadn’t said one thing. Not normal behavior. Kim picked up the demon detector—couldn’t really call Fo that anymore—and paused to look into the wide purple eyes. “Why didn’t you say anything?”

  “I was afraid of Wade. He looked at me with mean eyes. I thought if I talked, he might throw me on the floor and step on me again.” Fo somehow managed to convey fear with just her eyes.

  Fear, another very human emotion. Kim carried Fo to her purse. “Oh, he’s an okay guy. He didn’t step on you on purpose.” She slipped Fo into the outside pocket of her purse where Fo continued to peer up at her.

  “I think he did do it on purpose, Kimmie.” Fo sounded plaintive. “He’s not human, you know.”

  Kim slumped onto her bed. Damn. She would’ve sworn that Wade was a normal guy. She didn’t know which way was up anymore. Fo and she were useless, wandering aimlessly among hordes of supernatural beings. She’d probably meet a werewolf on her way down to the restaurant, maybe strike up a conversation with a fairy while she was browsing in the hotel bookstore, or excuse herself to an ancient goddess that she bumped into on her way out the door. And then she’d stroll away with a dumb smile on her face because she . . . didn’t . . . have . . . a . . . clue.

  After staring into space for a few minutes, she heaved a sigh and stood up. “Okay, pity party over, Fo.” She picked up her purse and slung it over her shoulder. “We do know one thing for sure. Brynn is a demon, but we like him because he was kind to you.” That wasn’t the only reason Kim liked him, but she wasn’t about to admit anything else to Fo. Fo didn’t keep secrets well.

  “And we have to protect him from your family.” Fo had perked up.


  Kim chose to use the stairs instead o
f the elevator. No way did she want a surprise meeting with Asima again. She sensed storm clouds on the horizon if Sparkle found out that Ganymede was chasing Asima or if Ganymede discovered Wade was giving boat tours. The explosion would probably send Galveston to the bottom of the Gulf.

  As she made her way down the narrow stone stairway lit only by authentic-looking wall sconces, Kim’s imagination drifted to a picture of what Brynn would look like walking down the stairs ahead of her. Naked. His broad shoulders would gleam in the fake candlelight. The muscles in his back would flex beneath smooth, golden skin. The taut, perfect cheeks of his . . .

  Okay, why was she obsessing? Reluctantly, she banished Brynn’s hot bod from the step in front of her and tried to think logically. She could chalk it up to being twenty-seven with hormones popping like overheated kernels of corn. Hey, her hormones wanted to have Brynn’s baby.

  Or could her fixation have a more sinister origin? Dub in scary music here. If Brynn could read her thoughts and change women’s memories after they had sex with him, then maybe he could make her lust for his body. She frowned as she reached the lobby and headed for the restaurant. Hmm. Flaw in reasoning. Brynn didn’t want women to desire him.

  That left only the hormone theory. Personally, she preferred the other one. Because if Brynn wasn’t doing this to her, then that meant she was doing it to herself. Which made her really uneasy, because she couldn’t remember feeling this level of lust for any man in her past, no matter how yummy.

  Kim paused in the doorway to the restaurant. As she scanned the room she saw Lynsay waving madly. A man sat at the same table. The mysterious Uncle Dirk? Weaving her way to the table, she sat down.

  “This place is amazing, Sis.” Lynsay grinned at her. “I can almost feel the demonic vibes all around me.” She motioned to the man sitting beside her. “Meet Uncle Dirk. I think we’ll need his help here.” She widened her smile for Uncle Dirk—the same smile she used whether she was opening birthday presents or offing a demon. Lynsay had an equal opportunity smile. “And this is my sister Kim, Uncle Dirk.”

  “Glad to meet you, Dirk.” Kim was damned if she’d call a man she’d never met before Uncle Dirk. As she smiled and shook hands with him, she took inventory.

  Overall impression? Ordinary. Ordinary height, ordinary face, ordinary everything. Middle aged, maybe fifty. Gray suit, blue shirt, tie—business type and not adventurous so far as his wardrobe went. Washed-out brown eyes to match short brown hair fading to gray. In a guess-my-profession contest, no one would ever peg him as a demon hunter. And that’s exactly the bland impression he’d want to project. So all in all, a perfect cover.

  He offered her a polite smile, not showing a lot of teeth. “I’m sure the Castle of Dark Dreams will be a satisfying experience for all of us.” He shifted his gaze to someone standing behind Kim.

  Kim turned her head in time to see Holgarth in full wizard costume. He offered her his usual supercilious smile. “I thought I might join you for a few minutes.” Without waiting for anyone’s objection, he sat in the empty chair to Kim’s right.

  Kim frowned. Brynn had said a few people might join her for breakfast, but before she even ordered? Sheesh. “Lynsay, Dirk, this is Holgarth. He . . . does things at the castle.” What was Holgarth’s title here? “Holgarth, this is my sister and uncle. Both Vaughns. We’re a big family.”

  Holgarth nodded and offered them a thin-lipped smile. Holgarth the Jolly. “Please go ahead and order. I won’t be here long.”

  By this time a waitress decked out in medieval dress was hovering. Kim ordered orange juice, pancakes swimming in syrup, and coffee. Not healthy, but she deserved some comfort food this morning. Then she leaned back to hear what Holgarth had to say.

  Holgarth reached up to center his tall conical hat—did he sleep in that hat?—and then speared Dirk with a piercing stare. No one did piercing as well as Holgarth. “I’m assuming you’re on vacation from your business. What exactly would that be?” He could be so subtle when he chose.

  For just a moment, something flared in Dirk’s eyes and then was gone. Kim blinked, not sure she’d seen what she thought she’d seen. Whatever it was, it didn’t leave her with a warm fuzzy feeling.

  Holgarth must’ve seen the same thing because he narrowed his eyes and tightened his lips to a thin, disapproving line.

  Dirk’s expression remained bland and slightly amused. “Good to meet you, Holgarth.” He politely refrained from asking, “Holgarth what?” He took a sip of the coffee he’d evidently ordered before Kim arrived. “I have business interests in various parts of the world. I’d decided to do some fishing near Galveston, so I called Texas members of the Vaughn family to see if any of them would like to join me here. It’s always nice to touch base with relatives you’ve never met.” His gaze rested on Kim and Lynsay with fake benevolence.

  Fake? Where’d that thought come from? “Yeah, family get-togethers are always fun.” Not.

  Holgarth remained tight-lipped as he nodded and then stood. “I’m gratified that you chose the Castle of Dark Dreams.” He didn’t look gratified. “I hope your stay is enjoyable.” Holgarth stared at Lynsay. Evidently, he didn’t give a damn whether Dirk had a good time. “Feel free to come to me with any concerns you might have.” This was aimed directly at Kim, and he didn’t smile when he said it.

  Uh-oh. Holgarth’s first impression of Dirk hadn’t made him a happy wizard. Dirk, on the other hand, seemed perfectly satisfied with Holgarth. He turned away for a few last words with the wizard.

  “Kimmie, aren’t you going to introduce me?” Fo’s whisper sounded as though her feelings were hurt.

  “No.” Kim hoped Lynsay and Dirk were too busy saying good-bye to Holgarth to hear her hissed reply.

  What was she going to do with Fo? More and more Fo was interjecting herself into conversations, demanding that she be treated like a human. Kim couldn’t hide her away. That wouldn’t be fair to Fo. But she had to make her aware that talking to strangers could be dangerous.

  Once Holgarth was gone, Lynsay and Dirk turned back to her. Thank heavens, Fo had subsided into a silent pout.

  “An unusual man.” Dirk looked thoughtful.

  “Uh-huh.” Kim figured uh-huh was ambiguous enough to be safe. “So how was the drive from Dallas? Whose car did you take?” Maybe a change of subject would get Dirk’s mind off of Holgarth.

  “We didn’t come together.” Lynsay watched the waitress approaching with their breakfasts. “I drove down by myself. More of the family would’ve come, but the Texas Paranormal Phenomena Convention is this weekend in Austin. I decided I’d rather meet Uncle Dirk and do some serious demon hunting.”

  “I trailered my boat here from Florida. It’s at a local marina.” He frowned. “My timing was unfortunate. I didn’t know about the convention.”

  “Don’t worry about it, Uncle Dirk. The rest of the family will ride to our rescue if we get overrun by demons.” Lynsay looked gleeful at the possibility. “Do you still have that useless piece of crap you laughingly call a demon detector, Sis?”

  Kim tried to ignore the angry hiss coming from said useless piece of crap. “Yes.” She refused to apologize or make excuses. Fo was more amazing than Lynsay would ever know.

  Lynsay shook her head at the futility of trying to snare demons without a state-of-the-art detector. “Take a look at this baby.”

  She fished in her purse and came up with a detector that had a case much like Fo’s, but there the similarity ended. At the base of the screen were enough small buttons to land a 747. And the screen itself showed row after row of words and numbers that meant squat to Kim. Scary.

  “Top-of-the-line. It scans everyone who comes within twenty feet, analyzes them in ten seconds, and recommends destruction when necessary.” Lynsay’s face glowed with the pride of a mother.

  Kim tried to control her laughter as she got a mental picture of her sister in labor and the doctor’s face when Lynsay popped out her precious demon detector.

; “That looks interesting. What is it?” The deep voice belonged to Conall, who’d sneaked up on them while Lynsay was bragging.

  Kim smiled up at him. “A demon detector. Doesn’t have much personality, but I guess it does its job.” She motioned to the seat Holgarth had occupied.

  Lynsay gasped and then glared at her. Dirk still wore his blandly amused expression.

  Conall gave the response Lynsay and Dirk would expect. “Yeah, right. Well, if I see any demons hanging around, I’ll give a shout.” He laughed.

  But Conall’s amusement never reached his eyes as he studied Lynsay and Dirk. “How’s the castle treating you?”

  “Conall, this is my sister Lynsay and my uncle Dirk.”

  He nodded his greeting. “I’m Conall McNair. My brothers and I see that the castle runs smoothly. We also act in the fantasies that run from eight p.m. to four a.m.” He winked at Lynsay. “Drop by some night, and we’ll do a fantasy especially for you.”

  Lynsay flushed with pleasure. Who wouldn’t? Conall had shaggy dark brown hair that framed a face so masculine it made Kim’s teeth hurt. His face was a series of contradictions. It was hard with the memory of too many battles and too many deaths. But his full, sensual mouth promised that in between the battles he’d made lots of women happy. The dark slash of his brows and the hard line of his jaw would make most men pause before challenging him. But his gray eyes fringed with long, dark lashes softened the impact enough to make him simply gorgeous to women.

  “What, no fantasy for me?” Dirk smiled his semi-smile. The one that looked like he was conserving lip energy.

  Conall cast a sharp glance his way. “We have a fantasy to fit every taste.” His smile was polite, nothing more.

  Hmm. Looked like Holgarth and Conall found Lynsay likable and Dirk not so. Of course, that might be because Lynsay had long blond hair, big blue eyes, a pouty mouth, and a curvy body. Dirk didn’t. That was just Kim’s guess, though.


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