Odd Billy Todd

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Odd Billy Todd Page 32

by N. C. Reed

  Ralph came out at Reb’s bark, and ordered the dog to ‘heel’.

  “Come on up,” Ralph called. “Might as well get it over with!” Billy chuckled, and touched his boots to Samson.

  “Rommel, trail,” he ordered. Rommel looked at him in confusion, but dutifully fell into trail.

  When they were about fifty feet from Reb and Ralph, Billy dismounted.

  “Rommel, friend,” Billy said forcefully. Rommel looked dubious.

  “Friend!” Billy said again, and Rommel understood the authoritative voice.

  Billy led Rommel to where Reb was standing, and the big Annie snorted once in warning.

  “Friend, Reb,” Ralph ordered, much as Billy had. Reb looked just as dubious.

  The dogs squared off, and the owners allowed them to ‘greet’. There was some pawing, and snorting, as well as sniffing. The two dogs circled each other, looking for a weakness.

  After nearly five minutes, the two dogs abruptly broke apart, and returned to their respective masters.

  “Huh,” Ralph grunted.

  “Okay, I didn’t see that comin’,” Billy looked surprised.

  “Me neither,” Ralph admitted. “Dare we assume it’s just mutual respect?”

  “I don’t assume nothin’ where this lug is concerned,” Billy laughed, ruffing Rommel’s head. “Good boy,” he added. Ralph did much the same for Reb.

  Apparently the dogs had decided to view each other as equals. Their owners would take that, and gladly.


  “Now that there is a house,” George murmured, getting a look at the Clifton house for the first time. The house was a two story structure, large and solid looking. The windows all sported real shutters, and PV panels lined the roof.

  “What ya’ll got against electric meters?” Ralph asked, laughing.

  “Storms roll through here ever year,” Jerry shrugged. “Go three, four days ‘thout power four or five times a year, you start into thinkin’ you can do better.”

  “Makes sense,” Ralph nodded.

  “Save enough on buyin’ power that you pay for it in a few years,” Billy added. “It’s a good investment, and it’s payin’ off now.”

  “Can’t argue with that,” George nodded.

  “Any idea if there’s still someone here?” Billy asked Jerry, dismounting.

  “No,” Jerry admitted. “And I should o’ came up here and checked.”

  “Ain’t no need in blame layin’,” Billy told him flatly. “We all had plenty on our plates, of late.” Jerry nodded, and got down.

  “Reckon we can just go and knock, first,” Billy noted. He walked up to the house, shouting as he did so.

  “Mister Clifton! It’s Billy Todd, from down the way! Ya’ll about?”

  Nothing stirred other than a few leaves blowing about in the wind. Billy turned to them.

  “Be watchful. Even if the Clifton’s ain’t about, someone else may be.” With that he went to the door, and knocked. He did so from the side, remembering the narrow miss from the night before. There was no response after five minutes of knocking.

  “Reckon we can try to get in,” Billy said. He found a window that wasn’t locked, and forced it up. The smell hit them all at once.

  “I’d say your neighbors are inside, all right,” George noted sourly.

  “Yeah,” Billy sighed.

  “I’ll go,” Ralph offered, but Billy shook his head.

  “No. I skipped out yesterday. Reckon it’s my turn.” He pulled himself up to the window, and shimmied his way inside. He saw right away why the stench was so bad.

  Mister and Misses Clifton were lying in their bed, side by side. Their withered, nearly mummified remains were still holding hands in the bed they had shared for over fifty years.

  Billy removed his hat, gazing at them for a moment. Then he tore himself away and went to open the front door.

  “C’mon in,” he told the others. “That was their bedroom,” he added. Jerry nodded.

  “Let’s search the rest o’ the house, first,” George suggested. The others agreed, and spent the next ten minutes doing so. There was no one else in the house, and nothing had been disturbed.

  “Well, this place is huge,” George said, coming down the stairs. “There must be like eight bedrooms.”

  “Full basement, too,” Billy nodded, coming up from there.

  “Was a big bunch, once upon a time,” Jerry nodded mournfully.

  “Let’s get the Clifton’s moved to a decent spot,” Billy suggested. “Jerry, why don’t you see if their tractor’ll start. We can use that to bury them with.” Grateful for the reprieve, Jerry nodded, and hurried outside.

  “He was close to Mister Clifton, once upon a time,” he said quietly to Ralph and George. “C’mon.”

  Together the three men carefully and respectfully wrapped the bodies in what Billy thought were their favorite quilts, and then with a sheet. One by one, they carried them carefully outside.

  “Tractor had a trickle charger on the battery,” Jerry announced, getting down from the tractor he’d brought up. There was a front scoop and a back hoe attachment hooked up.

  “Why don’t you pick a proper spot, Jerry,” Billy said softly. The older man nodded, and climbed back aboard. He drove to a spot beneath a large oak tree, and started digging.

  The job was finished in less than half an hour, as they laid the Clifton’s to rest, still together, after all those years.

  “We should all be so lucky,” Ralph intoned quietly, as the bodies were being covered.



  “Needs a good dustin’, but otherwise, I’d say it’s a good deal, especially if we’re thinkin’ on little one’s and what not.”

  “The house is as secure as we can ask,” George agreed. “How far back to the next road?” he pointed toward the back of the Clifton property.

  “At least five miles, I reckon,” Billy nodded, looking at Jerry. The older man nodded his agreement.

  “Then I’d say this is the place,” Ralph said firmly. “I guess we can start with Mary.”

  “Um. . .yeah, ‘bout that,” Billy said hesitantly. “I. . .I wouldn’t count on that, was I you.”

  “What? Why?” George asked.

  “I’m fair certain that Rhonda aims for Mary to stay with us,” Billy told them. “She ain’t out an’ out said so, yet. But I’d not bet a’gin it.”

  “Well, that’s different,” George chuckled. “Still, you guys can’t take them all in, so this place will still serve, if and when we wind up with more people.”

  “I agree, and Hank would like that,” Jerry smiled. “He loved a big family.”

  “Well, reckon that’s settled then,” Billy nodded. He took a key ring from the hanger by the door, and fiddled with the keys until he found the right one. Locking the door, he handed the keys to George.

  “‘Spect you’ll be needin’ them.”


  Rhonda had left Mary with Georgie and Amanda, not wanting to put her through being in the Smith house again. Mary had readily agreed, which just re-enforced Rhonda’s sense of the situation. The girl was still shy, and hesitant, but she was improving. Only one day removed from her long ordeal, Rhonda thought Mary was doing wonderful.

  “So, you want us to take Mary?” Debbie asked, smiling.

  “No,” Rhonda shook her head. “I promised her she could stay with us.” Debbie looked shocked.

  “But she. . .she really needs a family, Rhonda!” Rhonda stopped dead, looking at Debbie.

  “You don’t think Billy and I can give her that?” she challenged.

  “I. . .I didn’t say that,” Debbie demurred. “I was just thinking about what’s best for Mary.”

  “And you’d be better for her than we would, is that it?” Rhonda asked, her voice dangerously calm.

  “Well, we do have children of our own,” Debbie nodded, blissfully unaware of the dangerous ground she was treading on.

  “All the more re
ason not to take on any more,” Rhonda nodded firmly. “And we can take care of her just fine, I imagine.”

  “I wasn’t saying that you couldn’t, dear,” Debbie said, reaching out to touch Rhonda’s shoulder. Rhonda dodged away.

  “Yeah, you were,” the younger woman shot back. “Why is it so hard to believe that we could give her a good home, huh?”

  “Rhonda, I don’t think that’s what she was getting at,” Amy said, trying to gently break the discussion up.

  “Then just what was she gettin’ at?” Rhonda demanded, hands on her hips now, green eyes blazing.

  “Rhonda, you two are so young,” Debbie tried again. “And. . .well, inexperienced.”

  “And you was experienced, when your son came along?” Rhonda asked.

  “Well, I’ve been teaching for. . . .”

  “Teaching?” Rhonda scoffed. “And what does teaching do for your parenting skills? Besides, it ain’t like Mary’s a baby. She’s almost a teenager. She don’t need coddling, she needs people who can help her grow into a confident woman who can look after herself!”

  “Rhonda,” Emma said softly, and the young woman snapped her head around.

  “That’s enough, dear,” Emma said kindly. “I don’t think anyone objects to your and Billy raising Mary. Especially if that’s what she wants. Right?”

  “Suits me,” Amy nodded, trying to calm the waters. She didn’t know Debbie much better than she did Rhonda.

  “Well, I still think she needs a stable family,” Debbie had to add.

  “What’s unstable about us?” Rhonda demanded. “Wasn’t for us, where would you be?” Debbie didn’t have an answer for that, and wisely shut her mouth.

  “I think I’ll head home,” Rhonda said suddenly. “I don’t like the atmosphere around here,” she added, looking at Debbie. The older woman wouldn’t meet her eyes.

  “Rhonda, I don’t think that’s necessary,” Emma told her. “There’s plenty of work to do, I’m sure.” Rhonda looked at her for a moment, then nodded sullenly.

  “Stay away from me,” she told Debbie pointedly. Grabbing her cleaning gear, she stalked up the road, where the Smith house sat in sight. Emma waited until she was out of ear shot, then turned to look at Debbie.

  “What is your problem with them raising that child?” she demanded. Her voice had lost the ‘kind old lady’ tone she usually adopted.

  “I just think that it’s best for the child to be raised in a proper home,” Debbie replied, just a little defiant.

  “And who defines proper?” Emma asked.

  “Well, a mother and a father,” Debbie answered. “What else?”

  “So you think Billy and Rhonda can’t function as a mother and father? Or maybe an older brother or sister?”

  “That’s hardly the point,” Debbie waved her comment away. “I’ve had years of experience dealing with children, and have one of my own. I’m obviously the best. . . .”

  “I have two children, myself, you might have noticed,” Emma cut in icily. “As for your teaching skills, I hardly see where that qualifies you to be a parent. You have a son, and he deserves your attention. Bottom line, I think that Mary Jerrolds is more than able to decide who she wants to live with.”

  “Children can’t just live where they want!” Debbie objected. “They have to have a safe and stable environment. One that has been certified by. . . .”

  “By who?” Emma challenged. “By you? By some social worker? Politician? Let me tell you something, missy,” Emma scolded. “Those two young people are as fine a couple as you’ll ever meet, anywhere. Billy Todd has more moral character than any man twice his age. His parents raised him to be a good and honest man, and to care for those who can’t care for themselves. To help those in need, and to protect those who can’t protect themselves. And Rhonda Higgins had raisin’ that was just as good, and she’s as smart as a whip to boot. They’re two of the finest people this county ever had the privilege to be home to.”

  “And that girl is from right here in our county,” Emma added. “We’re fresh out of social workers and regulations, in case you hadn’t noticed. And I hardly think that you should be offending the very people who helped pull you out of a bad situation. Should I go on? Or are you getting my meaning?”

  Debbie’s face was red by the time Emma was through. She was preparing a retort when Amy interrupted.

  “Debbie, what the hell is wrong with you?” Debbie looked at her house mate.

  “With me?” she demanded. “Are you taking their side, now?”

  “The only side here is Mary’s,” Amy told her flatly. “What is your problem with Billy and Rhonda.”

  “They aren’t even married,” Debbie said quietly.

  “Neither are Ralph and I, but you’re sharing a house with us.”

  “That’s hardly the same thing!” Debbie retorted. “Children need a good, stable home environment. Those two are fine people, but hardly parenting material.”

  “And who the hell put you in charge of deciding that?” Amy huffed. “Am I bad parenting material because Ralph and I aren’t married?” Amy was starting to get mad now.

  “Debbie, dear,” Emma said. “I think there’s an old saying you should acquaint yourself with.”

  “What?” Debbie demanded.

  “When you see you’re in a hole, stop digging.” Amy guffawed at that.

  “Lord, I ain’t heard that in years!” she exclaimed, laughing. Debbie looked between the two women, at a loss for words.

  “She’s right, Debbie,” Amy told her, when she stopped laughing. “You’re dead wrong, and deep down I think you know it. Now, let this go, and let’s go clean a house. And you might want to start thinking about how you’re going to apologize to Rhonda.”

  “For what?” Debbie demanded.

  “For being a pompous ass, dear,” Emma smiled sweetly. “Now, let’s do go and clean a house. We have other things to do today.”


  “Well, of course I want to stay with Rhonda and Billy,” Mary looked shocked at the question. “Where else would I stay?”


  The house was clean, and the women were gathered back at the Maness/Purdy place. The men were there as well, and had each been told, by the women in their lives, of the ‘discussion’ on the road that day.

  There was no real arguing, just a good bit of heated discussion. Billy listened quietly for a while, then stood.

  “Let’s ask her, and be done with it.”

  “She can’t make such a decision herself!” Debbie had objected.

  “She lived all alone for near three months, maybe more,” Billy replied flatly. “Reckon she’s earned the consideration to choose for herself.” With that he’d called Mary into the room.

  “Girl, we need to know something. Ain’t no one gonna mind, whatever you say. Some here don’t think you can decide on your own, and some don’t see as you should live with Rhonda and me. Thing is, you’re near thirteen. Done lived on your own all this time, and done well. I figure you earned the right to choose where you want to live.”

  “Do you want to stay with Rhonda and Billy, dear?” Emma asked.


  “I still say she can’t make that decision herself!” Debbie exclaimed after Mary’s declaration.

  “And who are you again?” Mary asked, surprising them all. Debbie looked at her.

  “I’m Debbie Purdy, dear,” she smiled.

  “And you think I ought to live here, with you, is that it?”

  “Yes, honestly I think it’s best,” Debbie replied.

  “And just why is that?” Mary wanted to know. Debbie blinked at that. Such a direct question from the girl startled her.

  “Well. . .I mean, I just assumed you’d want to be here, with us. With the other children, and where I can teach you.”

  “Teach me what?” Mary asked. “How to spell, and do math? I know all that,” she waved her hand away. “There won’t be no college for me, and even if there was, what w
ould I do with it?”

  “My daddy always spoke high o’ Mister Todd,” she pointed at Billy. “My daddy didn’t speak high o’ many. But he said Mister Todd was the fairest, most honest man he’d ever dealt with in Cedar Bend. And trusted him to work on his truck, and no body else.”

  “And even after I near shot him to death, he and Rhonda took me in, and fed and clothed me. And. . .and after so long, all on my own, I slept last night feelin’ safe for the first time in I can’t even remember when.” She looked at Billy and Rhonda.

  “So long as they’ll let me, I aim to stay with them.”

  “Well, I’d say that settles that,” Emma declared. “Now, I need to get home. I’ve got to make sure that Shelly hasn’t burned my kitchen up.” She rose, and Jerry took her arm.

  “See you boys in the mornin’,” he said to Ralph and George. Both nodded.

  “Guess we can head on, too,” Billy rose. “Get your coat, little’un. Time to go home, I think.”

  “Okay,” Mary smiled, and went to do as she was told.

  “This is a mistake,” Debbie told those still at the ‘meeting’. “That child needs a good home.”

  “We’ve got a good home,” Billy shrugged. “She wants to stay with us, she can. We got plenty o’ room. We can take care of her.”

  “She needs a family,” Debbie insisted.

  “Reckon we can be a family,” Billy said, starting to get just a little touchy. “And she made her choice. Reckon that’s it.”

  “Me too,” Rhonda said coldly. “Let’s go,” she said to Billy. “I want to be away from here.” Billy nodded. They went to collect Mary, and left.

  “This is wrong,” Debbie told the others.

  “Debs, the girl made her choice,” George tried.

  “She shouldn’t have had a choice!” Debbie almost yelled. The others, George included, frowned at that.

  “Debbie, what makes you the authority on that?” Amy asked.

  “I know what’s best for that child!”

  “She knows what she wants,” George told her, his voice soft but firm.


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