Pokey_Areion Fury MC

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Pokey_Areion Fury MC Page 2

by Esther E. Schmidt

  “Wait, Pokey…I…” Blue’s voice sounds pained.

  Spinning around, I look to Zack. I can tell by one look that he didn’t know and will always stand behind me. “Keep your woman away from me. Every single one of them for that matter.”

  All he gives me is a tight nod. See? Brothers. A fucking truckload more respect and honesty with brothers.

  “Thanks,” I mutter and open the door to my room.

  Fuzzbutt, my cat, comes running and stands on her hind legs, stretching her front paws on my pants. Swooping her up, I nuzzle my face against her back. She’s been with me for a while now, cute as a button, but only with me. She becomes very aggressive when it comes to other people.

  Fuzzbutt lives in my room, attacks everything on sight and hates practically everything and everyone. Sometimes she likes to crawl inside my shirt and come with me, popping her head out to glare at shit. I even take her for a ride on my bike that way, which she seems to really enjoy. Other than that, she likes to stay inside the comfort of my room.

  I found her dying on the side of the road after she was hit by a car. I spent three weeks carrying the kitten around in my shirt until she was strong enough to pull through. Fuzzbutt’s got scars, hairless patches, and is missing an eye and an ear. The only fur left is on her butt, hence the name. But she’s mine.

  “Wanna go for a ride, Fuzzbutt?” I croon. She rewards me by purring loudly. “Okay, Fuzz. I gotta pack some shit and we’ll be on our way.”

  I hope Orianna’s got a room I can lock Fuzzbutt up in so I don’t have to leave her here alone. Another problem to add to the fucked-up situation.

  Chapter 02


  Sonofanelephant. How the heck did my life go from bad to worse, spinning into a tornado of elephant crap? Yes, I’m obsessed with elephants, hence the swear twists because I have a little kid who’s bound to grow up having big ears that catch everything and I don’t want him to have a big mouth too, you know?

  I can’t even begin to think what I should say to or tell Pokey when he comes back. What about the truth? Yeah, conscience, smart thinking there. Looking back, the truth is as thin as a piece of paper that can crumble into a ball and be tossed away. Because let’s face it…how good of a mom am I? Keeping a man out of the loop that he’s in fact the father. I can only hope he doesn’t take Austin and fight me for custody.

  That’s the only thing in my life that kept me going. Austin. Although the girls of Areion Fury helped me struggle through everything, it has still been so hard. Even Everleigh has been a doll these last few weeks, and with the elephant crap she went through? Yeah, that’s a whole different pile of crap.

  And if that scary looking biker, Sico, with that man bun on his head, piercing in his nose and bulging muscles knew what she went through. Ugh. I still can’t believe he claimed her as his ol’lady only to insult and diminish her. What an asshole.

  He’s a big manwhore and he thinks she’s a whore too, and yet she’s anything but, because…okay, I have to stop glaring at him and push away those problems. They aren’t mine to stick my nose in. Besides, he’s kinda scary when he crosses his arms in front of his chest and leans back against the wall.

  Keeping my hands busy, I take care of the laundry I threw on the chair before I went shopping. I’m glad Austin is napping, I have some serious cleaning to do after I get this laundry done. I wasn’t ready for all of this, but would I ever be?

  Time seems to have slipped between my fingers when I hear the front door open and close. I’m in the kitchen holding Austin, while trying to open a pouch of tuna. I haven’t eaten all day and ever since I gave birth to Austin, hot buffalo style tuna seems to be my addiction. With one side in my mouth, I try to tear the thing open.

  “What the hell are ya doin’?” Pokey growls, scaring the crap out of me.

  The pouch tears open and practically explodes all over Austin and me.

  “Sonofanelephant. Why did you have to scare the crap out of me?” I seethe while I look down. Ugh. I so needed that tuna in my stomach and not all over us “Oh, Pookie, look at you.” I croon at Austin while I throw the pouch in the sink and try to remove the tuna from his face.

  “Pookie? Why are ya callin’ him that?” Pokey asks while he holds his hands out and takes Austin from me.

  I freeze up and have to contain myself from not ripping him back to keep him pinned to my chest. Ridiculous, because I know for one hundred and a million percent sure, Pokey would never hurt his son. Yet, I don’t know him at all. We only met twice and one of those times he got me pregnant.

  It’s then that something hideous crawls from underneath his shirt. It’s like watching something from a horror movie and I don’t know what it is or what to do. It’s got the shape of a cat and…oh, gosh…it’s heading straight for Austin.

  It’s so weird. The thing might be hideous but I have a feeling it won’t hurt him, and when it starts to lick Austin’s cheek, I’m sure.

  Stepping forward, I hold out my hand. “You cute little thing, you like that, huh?”

  It turns its head ever so slowly and shakes it softly, like it’s searching and trusting its nose to do what half of its face won’t allow. One eye is sealed shut, obviously preventing full eyesight of its surroundings. She finds my fingers that are covered with tuna and starts to lick them.

  “I got a lot more, sweetie, you hungry?” I scratch behind the ear that seems to be missing and the cat starts to purr.

  “Ho-ly-fuck,” Sico whispers from inside the doorway.

  I slide my gaze sideways to see what he’s talking about. He’s watching Pokey, Austin, the cat, and myself.

  Sico backs up slowly. “I’m gonna…yeah. I’m not gonna wait till Fuzzbutt turns Hellraiser. Call if you need me.”

  Pokey nods, but I’m pretty sure Sico missed the action because he doesn’t know how fast he should hightail out of here. That to me is just odd.

  “Come on, Fuzzbutt. That’s your name, sweetie?” I croon while I grab the pouch from the sink and empty the rest of the contents on the kitchen counter while the cat jumps from Pokey onto the counter to follow my actions.

  “Ah. I can see why. You had a rough time in your life, didn’t you? Eat up, sweetie, there’s more where that came from.” I turn my attention to Pokey. “Where did you leave her stuff? You can put the litterbox over there and her bowls can…”

  “I forgot it,” he mutters. His expression is one of a person who’s dumbfounded.

  He forgot. How can you bring your cat but not the items she obviously needs?

  “Can you go pick it up? I’m sure she’s going to need it. Seeing you still have my keys…” Crap. Better not mention that part.

  I’m annoyed he won’t let me have my keys back, to my own home I might add, but I get the reason why and I understand. For now.

  “I need to give Austin a bath anyway because he smells like tuna, just like me.” I take a step toward Pokey so I can take Austin, but he steps back.

  I feel my shoulders slump by the action. “Are you going to keep him from me?”

  Pokey glares at me. “He needs your milk, so no.”

  I can’t help but roll my eyes. “Well right now he needs a bath, not my breast.”

  “I’m not sure we should do that,” he whispers.

  My eyebrows go down. “Why not? And why are you whispering?”

  He jerks his chin in the direction of Fuzzbutt, his voice still a whisper. “She never, and I mean never, allows people to touch her or is even nice to anyone else besides me.”


  “So that’s why Sico was in a rush.” It’s not even a question because it makes sense how weird he was acting.

  “Yeah.” Pokey’s gaze lands on Austin.

  “So, you think it’s because we’re covered in tuna? That’s why you don’t want to bathe Austin?” I look back at Fuzzbutt and she’s just observing us. “Have you ever taken her anywhere else with you?”

  “Sometimes we go riding, but never into
another home.” Pokey bends forward. “You like it here, Fuzzbutt?”

  The cat purrs and smashes his head against Pokey’s chin.

  Okay, I’m gonna try something here, and with what Pokey just said, I hope she doesn’t scratch my eyes out. Leaning toward the cat and Pokey, I address her like I did before. “Are you okay with sleeping here tonight, sweetie?”

  She takes a step back from Pokey and sits down, eyeing me with the one she’s got left.

  Knowing how much a cat can have its own personality, and from what I’ve seen and heard in the last few minutes, this cat is special. So I decide to keep leaning forward and wait her out. Fuzzbutt gets up and takes two steps before she jumps on my back and starts to purr and knock her head against mine. Hard.

  “You’ve got a special way of bonding, sweetie,” I croon.

  She then slides down and gets into my sweater, like how she was tucked inside Pokey’s when he stepped into my kitchen. How weird. Her head comes up from between my…

  “What’s with everyone wanting your tits, dammit,” Pokey mutters.

  I have to chuckle and walk toward the living room. “Why don’t we just sit down on the couch for a while. Let her settle in so we can clean up later?”

  Pokey follows me and I see him holding his phone in one hand while holding Austin in the other. His biceps are so freaking big that I’m guessing he can hold two babies while texting.

  I need to look away because I remember those arms surrounding me, resulting in that little bundle he’s holding. He’s made it clear he’s here for him and that’s… I have to swallow at the emotion that’s cutting deep inside my chest. I feel a wet, tuna smelling piece of sandpaper sliding over my cheek, licking up my tear.

  “Thanks, sweetie,” I whisper and cuddle with the cat that belongs to him.

  After a moment, Fuzzbutt crawls out of my shirt and starts to roam around the room. She eventually settles in front of the window where she stares outside. Leaning forward, I flip on the TV, Pokey obviously brought with him, mainly because I need a distraction and can’t watch Pokey and Austin interacting right next to me. I mean, I want to, but it’s hard. Besides, I’m tired and it’s better to keep my eyes locked on a screen.

  “Orianna.” I hear someone call my name but I just want to ignore.

  I’m warm, sitting upright on the couch, no pain, finally content and it feels amazing. I’m soooo…

  “Orianna, wake up. I don’t know what to do with Austin. Wake up, babe.”

  My eyes flash open. Don’t know what to do with Austin? “Holy mother of elephants. I fell asleep, didn’t I?”

  “Yeah, you did. And I would have given you more time to nap, but seriously…take a whiff. What he’s carrying is lethal, babe. I’m gonna pass out any fucking second if you don’t handle this.” His face shows he’s in pain and I can’t help but giggle.

  Pokey is holding Austin up for me to take and our little boy is unaware that his father can’t handle a diaper with a bonus in it.

  “Come on Pookie, let’s get you cleaned up.” I take Austin, wincing at the pain in my shoulder, while Pokey sighs in relief.

  When I head upstairs to Austin’s room, I hear something behind me and see Fuzzbutt is following us. “Hey, sweetie. Us girls can handle a little smell, can’t we? Uh, huh. I know.”

  Yes, I realize I’m talking to the cat. Try not having people around you for a long time and only having your son to talk to. One sided conversations. It’s not like Pokey wants to have small talk or anything.

  I’m glad we’re not bickering or flat-out fighting, but we’re not actually communicating either. So maybe fighting wouldn’t be that bad, get it all out…but…ugh…until then? I’m absolutely talking to the cat.

  I place Austin in his crib so I can get his bath ready. Fuzzbutt jumps and balances over the ledge. I know what Pokey said about his cat, but up until now, she doesn’t seem hostile so I’m just going to give Austin a bath.

  Grabbing the plush elephant, I grab the rope and pull, activating the lullaby Austin loves. The cat seems enthralled and taps the rope with her paw.

  “I knew you’d like it,” I mutter while I scratch behind the ear that’s missing.

  I make myself busy with getting the bath ready. Pokey observes all of it from the rocking chair in the corner. When I’ve wiped Austin’s butt clean and have him naked in my arms, ready for his bath, I turn to Pokey.

  “Do you want to give him his bath?” Crap. I wish I could keep my voice steady and not pleading.

  A tiny smile tugs his lips as he rises from the chair. His gaze is set on Austin. Why does he have to be so incredibly handsome? The stubble on his jaw, the tattoos that lash out from underneath his shirt and go all the way up to his jaw. God. I’ve never seen him naked but over the last few months he’s been the center of every lust filled dream I’ve had.

  Pokey is fierce, rugged, and utterly captivating. Most who see him would back away, yet he makes me feel safe. His eyes are warm and gentle when you look close and that is the very reason I asked him to take my virginity. Because deep down, I knew he’s the kind of person who will never let you down. The kind who would do anything for the person he loves.

  That can never be me. I burned that shot when I neglected to welcome him into my…our life.

  Swallowing that thought away, I hold out the person who will have that and more. Austin. “He loves his bath time.”

  When the sentence leaves my mouth, I can see the hurt in Pokey’s eyes. Dammit. Right before he takes Austin, I pull him back against me.

  I snap. Not just because my shoulder is killing me, making me wince, it’s more than that. “Okay.” I didn’t mean to say it that way, but this has got to stop. “You and me, history, guilt, blame, hate, resentment, fine. You need to put a pin in it or we are having that talk after Austin’s bath. I’m the one to blame. I am more than aware of that and I’m holding nothing against you, but it’s a punch to the gut every time I…”

  “You need to stop talking so we can give Austin his bath.” Pokey doesn’t look at me but gently takes Austin. To my utter surprise, he doesn’t need one word from me but does exactly what needs to be done.

  Stunned, I stumble over my own words. “H..h..how? How do you know what to do? Austin, he…he’s three weeks old. It took me…”

  “My sister and her husband have a little girl. My niece is five years old. I help them out weekly. It started with just doing shit like getting groceries or running errands. To be honest, I forgot all about the horrendous smell of filled diapers, can’t say I missed that part. The last few years I’ve been their babysitter. We watch movies and paint our nails.” He raises his head and pins me with a stare. “If you would have picked up a phone at any fucking time over the last few months, I would have told you.”

  Now. He wants to have this talk now? “It isn’t as easy as you think.”

  “That’s where you’re wrong, babe.” His eyes fall away from me and somehow I feel cold.

  I feel tears burn my eyes and my throat is clogging up. He doesn’t understand. I need to tell him everything and yet I can’t bear to get the words out of my mouth.

  “I was wrong about a lot of things,” I mutter.

  His eyes flash back up and it’s then I realize he took it the wrong way.

  “Not about that, you big goon. You don’t know how much…what I’ve…it’s…” I throw my hands up in defeat. “It was just sex. Back then…”

  “Just sex?” He doesn’t even raise his voice, but keeps his tone even.

  “Yes. We met in a freaking bathroom…” I stare at him, confused. “With everything they’ve told me…Ugh, this is awkward. You know what? Never mind. Just so you know, I only had that one time with you and I’m not intending to have a relationship or man in my life when clearly I’m devoted to the little man you’re holding. With that being said…”

  “Why the fuck are we talking about sex and who shagged who or who didn’t?” Pokey rumbles.

  I cover my face with m
y hands. I’m such an idiot. Months went by where I thought daily about what I was going to say to him. Holding my phone, ready to make that call. Then words and reasons would flow by, reminding me why I couldn’t…

  “Can you manage giving Austin a bath yourself?” My voice cracks at the last few words and I can curse myself from not holding it together.

  “I’ll manage.” Pokey states it like he’s dismissing me, and I’m sure he is.

  I practically run out of Austin’s room, heading toward my own. I need a shower so I can cry really loud without one single worry someone can hear me.

  Chapter 03


  It’s eight at night and I’m standing in the doorway of Orianna’s bedroom. I’ve put Austin to bed. It took me half an hour and in that time, she crashed on her bed. And crashed is the correct word instead of fell asleep. She’s lying across her bed, on top of the covers, arms alongside her body, and her head is turned to the left.

  My cat is curled up beside her. I still can’t believe Fuzzbutt adopted this as her home, and the people in it. Her crazy ass doesn’t like anything except me and here she goes, taking in two people at the same time. Opening her heart while mine closed shut. Pain rushes through my chest when I look at Orianna’s sleeping face.

  Earlier she fell asleep on the couch next to me. I’m so fucking lost. All this time I’ve wanted her, would have done anything for her, proved to the ol’ladies of Areion Fury, to everyone including myself…that I was worthy of her.

  Meanwhile, all these months, it seemed like she didn’t find me worthy of letting me know we made a life together. My brain can’t wrap around that fact. Well, the getting her pregnant and having a son, that’s a given. I don’t regret any of it. Trusting the ol’ladies? The women that belong to the club, family? Yeah. Knife to the chest kinda thing.

  The same with Orianna. She consumed me. Every cell in my body craved her. Lust and craving pumped through my body every second of every day. Jerking off to the sweet memory of those mere minutes we were together kept me going until we could finally be together. Only to find out she had been in town for months and pregnant all along with my kid…keeping everything from me.


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