The G.A. Henty

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The G.A. Henty Page 80

by G. A. Henty



  The news of this terrible danger was so wholly unexpected that Guy for a moment felt almost paralyzed.

  “It seems almost incredible that such wickedness could take place!” he exclaimed.

  “My information is certain,” the count replied. “I do not say that I think your Burgundian friends are in so much danger as some of those of the king’s party, as Burgundy’s influence with these Parisians goes for something; still, he might not be able to save them if they waited till the demand was made, although he might warn them if he learned that they were to be among those demanded.”

  “Does the duke, then, know what is intended?”

  The count smiled. “We know what followed the last reconciliation,” he said, “and can guess pretty shrewdly at what will happen now. Then the duke murdered Orleans, now he may take measures against the supporters of the present duke. It was certain that the struggle would begin again as soon as the kiss of peace had been exchanged. Last time he boldly avowed his share in the murder; this time, most conveniently for him, the Parisians are ready and eager to do his work for him. Dismiss from your mind all doubt; you can rely upon everything that I have told you as being true. Whether you can convince these young knights is a matter that concerns me not; but remember that if you fail to convince your mistress, her life and those of her children are forfeited; and that, so far as I can see, her only hope of safety is in taking refuge here.”

  “I thank you with all my heart,” Guy said, “and will now set about carrying out your advice. First, I will return to my lady and consult with her, and see what we had best do with the men. As to Count Charles d’Estournel and his friends, I will see them as soon as I have arranged the other matter. Their case is not so pressing, for, at least, when once beyond the gates they will be safe. I will see that my lady and the children shall be ready to accompany your daughter when she comes for them.”

  “Look well up and down the street before you sally out,” the count said; “see that there are but few people about. It is a matter of life and death that no one who knows you shall see you leave this house.”

  Guy followed his advice, and waited until there was no one within fifty yards of the door, then he went out, crossed the street, took the first turning he came to, and then made his way back to the silversmith’s as fast as he could.

  “What ails you, Guy?” Dame Margaret said as he entered the room, “you look sorely disturbed, and as pale as if you had received some injury.”

  “Would that that were all, my lady. I have had news from the Count of Montepone of so strange and grave a nature that I would not tell you it, were it not that he is so much in earnest, and so well convinced of its truth that I cannot doubt it.”

  He then related what the count had told him, and repeated the offer of shelter he had made.

  “This is, indeed, beyond all bounds,” she said. “What, is it credible that the Duke of Burgundy and the king’s son, the Duke of Aquitaine, can hand over to this murderous mob of Paris noble gentlemen and ladies?”

  “As to Burgundy, madame, it seems to me from what the count said that he himself is at the bottom of the affair, though he may not know that the Parisians demand the lives of some of his own knights as well as those of his opponents. As he did not of old hesitate to murder Orleans, the king’s own brother, we need credit him with no scruples as to how he would rid himself of others he considers to stand in his way. As to Aquitaine, he is a young man and powerless. There are no Orleanist nobles in the town to whom he might look for aid; and if a king’s brother was slain, why not a king’s son? It seems to me that he is powerless.”

  “That may be; but I cannot consent to what the count proposes. What! disguise myself! and hide from this base mob of Paris! It would be an unworthy action.”

  “It is one that I knew you would shrink from, madame; but pardon me for saying that it is not your own life only, but those of your children that are at stake. When royal princes and dukes are unable to oppose these scoundrel Parisians, women and children may well bend before the storm.”

  Dame Margaret sat for some time with knitted brows. At last she said: “If it must be, Guy, it must. It goes sorely against the grain; but for the sake of the children I will demean myself, and will take your advice. Now you had best summon the four men-at-arms and talk over their case with them.”

  Guy went upstairs and fetched the four men down.

  “We have sure news, my friends,” Dame Margaret said calmly, “that to-night we and many others shall be seized by the mob and slain.”

  An exclamation of rage broke from the four men.

  “There will be many others slain before that comes about,” Long Tom said.

  “That I doubt not, Tom, but the end would be the same. An offer of refuge has been made to me and the children, and for their sake, unwilling as I am to hide myself from this base mob, I have brought myself to accept it. My brave esquire will stay in Paris in disguise, and do what may be to protect us. I have now called you to talk about yourselves. The gates will speedily be guarded and none allowed to sally out, therefore what is to be done must be done quickly.”

  “We will all stay and share your fate, madame. You could not think that we should leave you,” Robert Picard said, and the others murmured their agreement.

  “You would add to my danger without being able to benefit me,” she said, “and my anxiety would be all the greater. No, you must obey my commands, which are that you forthwith quit Paris. Beyond that I must leave you to judge your own course. As French men-at-arms none would question you when you were once beyond the gate. You may find it difficult to travel in this disturbed time, but you are shrewd enough to make up some story that will account for your movements, and so may work your way back to Villeroy. The difficulty is greater in the case of your English comrade—his height and that light hair of his and ruddy face would mark him anywhere, and if he goes with you would add to your danger, especially as his tongue would betray him as being English the first time he spoke. However, beyond ordering you to quit Paris, I must leave this matter in your hands and his, and he will doubtless take counsel with my esquire and see if any disguise can be contrived to suit him. I will see you again presently. You had best go with them, Guy, and talk the matter over.”

  “This thing cannot be done, Master Guy,” the archer said doggedly when they reached their apartments; “it is not in reason. What should I say when I got home and told them at Summerley that I saved my own skin and left our dear lady and the children to be murdered without striking a blow on their behalf? The thing is beyond all reason, and I will maintain it to be so.”

  “I can understand what you say, Tom, for I feel exactly as you do. The question is, how is the matter to be arranged?” Then he broke into French, which the archer by this time understood well enough, though he could speak it but poorly.

  “Tom is saying that he will not go, men,” he said, “and I doubt not that you feel as he does. At the same time our lady’s orders must be carried out in the first place, and you must leave Paris. But I say not that you need travel to any distance; on the contrary, I should say that, if it can be arranged, you must return here in a few days, having so changed your attire and aspect that there is no fear of your being recognized, and bestow yourself in some lodging where I may find you if there be need of your services.”

  “That is what will be best, Master Guy,” Robert Picard said. “We have but to get steel caps of another fashion to pass well enough, and if need be we can alter the fashion of our hair. There are few here who have noticed us, and I consider that there is no chance whatever of our being recognized. There are plenty of men among the cut-throats here who have served for a while, and we can easily enough get up some tale that will pass muster for us three. That matter is simple enough, the question is, what are we to do with Tom? We cannot shorten his stature, nor give his tongue a French twist.”

  “No, that is really the difficult
y. We might dye that hair of his and darken his face, as I am going to do myself. There are tall men in France, and even his inches would not matter so much; the danger lies in his speech.”

  “I would never open my mouth, Master Guy; if need were I would sooner cut out my tongue with a dagger.”

  “You might bleed to death in the doing of it, Tom. No; we must think of something better than that. You might perhaps pass as a Fleming, if we cannot devise any other disguise.”

  “Leave that to me, Master Guy, I shall think of something. I will at any rate hide somewhere near Paris, and the lads here will let me know where they are to be found, and I shall not be long before I join them in some such guise as will pass muster. But it will be necessary that we should know where you will be, so that you can communicate with us.”

  “That I don’t know myself yet; but I will be every evening in front of Notre Dame when the bell strikes nine, and one of you can meet me there and tell me where you are bestowed, so that I can always send for you in case of need. Now I think that you had better lose no time, for we know not at what hour a guard will be placed on the gate. You had better go out in pairs as if merely going for a walk. If you are stopped, as may well happen, return here; but as you come purchase a length of strong rope, so that you may let yourselves down from the wall. Now that peace has been made, there will be but slight watch save at the gates, and you should have no difficulty in evading the sight of any who may be on guard.”

  “That will be easy enough,” Robert Picard said confidently. “We had best not come back here, for there may be a watch set upon the house and they may follow us.”

  “The only thing that troubles me,” Tom said, “is that I must leave my bow behind me.”

  “You can get another when you get back to Villeroy; there are spare ones there.”

  “Yes, yes, but that is not the same thing, Master Guy; a man knows his own bow, and when he takes to a fresh one his shooting is spoilt until he gets to know it well. Every bow has its niceties; for rough shooting it makes but little matter, but when it comes to aiming at the slit in a knight’s vizor at eighty yards one makes poor shooting with a strange bow.”

  “Well, you must practise with your new one, that is all, Tom; and if you hide yours here it may be that you will be able to recover it before we start for Villeroy. You must leave your bundles behind, it would look suspicious if you were to attempt to take them with you. I should advise you to put on one suit over the other, it will not add greatly to your bulk. When you are ready to start, come below and our lady will say good-bye to you. Do not give her a hint that you are thinking of staying near Paris; if she asks any questions say that you intend to disguise Tom, and he will travel with you.”

  A few minutes later there was a tapping at Dame Margaret’s door; Guy opened it and the four men entered.

  “I wish you good fortunes, my friends,” Dame Margaret said. “Here is a letter, Robert, that I have written to my lord telling him that you have all served me faithfully and well, and that I commend you to him. I have told him that you are leaving me by my special orders, and that you would willingly have stopped and shared my danger, but that, as I feel that force would avail nothing and your presence might lead to the discovery of my hiding-place, I bid you go. Here are four purses to pay the expenses of your journey and of any disguises you may find it necessary to adopt. And now farewell. Tarry not an instant, my heart will be lighter when I know that you are beyond the walls.”

  She held out her hand to them; each in turn knelt and kissed it, the three Frenchmen in silence but with tears running down their cheeks. Tom was the last, and said as he rose:

  “I am obeying your orders, Lady Margaret, but never before have I felt, as I feel now, that I am doing a mean and cowardly action. I would rather stay by your side, though I knew that I should be cut in pieces this very night, than leave you thus.”

  “I doubt it not, Tom. I know well how your inclinations lie, and yet I feel that it is necessary that you should go. If the great nobles cannot withstand this cruel mob of Paris, the arm of a single man can avail nothing, and your presence would bring danger rather than safety to me.”

  “I feel that, my lady; did I not do so I would not go even at your command. You are my liege lady, and I have a right to give my life for you, and would do it were it not that I see that, as you say, my staying here would bring danger upon you.”

  As soon as they had gone Dame Margaret said: “Now, Guy, I will detain you no longer; hasten and warn your friends.”

  Guy hurried away; he found that Count Charles was on the point of mounting to go for a ride with some of his friends.

  “Stay a moment I beg of you, Count,” Guy said as he hurried up, “I have a matter of most serious import to tell you.”

  “Wait, my friends,” the young count said to Sir Pierre Estelle, Count Walter de Vesoul, and the Sieur John de Perron, who were already mounted; “I shall not detain you many minutes.”

  “Well, what is it, friend Guy?” he asked as he entered his room.

  “I have come to warn you of a great danger, Count. This evening a mob of Parisians, I know not how numerous, but at least of great strength, will demand from Burgundy and the Duke of Aquitaine the surrender to them of you and the others who took part in defeating them the other night, besides other gentlemen, and, as I hear, ladies.”

  “Pardieu! if it be so the duke will give the impudent knaves their answer.”

  “Ten thousand armed men are not apt to take an answer, Count. You know that many times already the Duke of Burgundy has been overborne by the leaders of these Parisians and forced to do things that must have displeased him, as they displeased you all, therefore I implore you to ride off while you may. Even now it is possible that the gales may be closed, but if so, they are not likely to be strongly guarded. It is evident that your going would at any rate save the duke from grave embarrassment.”

  “Are you sure that this news is true?” the count asked.

  “Absolutely certain. If you would save yourself and your friends I pray you to call upon them at once to mount and ride in a body to one of the gates. You may bid some of your retainers mount and follow you at a short distance, and if you find the gates closed and the fellows will not let you out, call them up and fight your way out. You can stay for to-night at Sèvres, and if you find in the morning that I have not spoken truly you can return and upbraid me as you will. If, however, you find that strange events have happened here, then you had best ride away to Burgundy and stay there until you find that these villainous knaves here have been reduced to order, which methinks it will need an army to undertake.”

  The count went to the window, opened it, and called his friends below to come up.

  “No, no,” D’Estelle said laughing; “if we once come up we shall stay there. If you cannot come now, join us at the Lion d’Or at Sèvres, where you will find us eating the dinner that we have sent on to order.”

  “The matter is urgent,” D’Estournel said. “I am not joking with you, but pray you to come up at once.”

  Seeing that the matter was serious the three knights dismounted and went up. They were at first absolutely incredulous when they heard from Count Charles what Guy had told them.

  “That the knaves owe us no good-will I know well enough,” Count Walter said, “for they have over and over again laid their complaint against us before the duke; but it is hard to believe that they would dare to demand what Burgundy would never grant.”

  Guy repeated the arguments that he had used with D’Estournel.

  “There is no limit,” he said, “to the arrogance of these knaves, and in truth it cannot be denied that they are masters here, and that even the duke cannot altogether withstand them; and you know, moreover, how essential is their goodwill to him. But even should he ever so obstinately refuse their demands they might well take their way without his leave. What can he, with a handful of knights and a few hundred armed men, do against the mob of Paris? I earnestl
y pray you, gentlemen, to treat the matter as serious. Warn your eight friends without delay; bid your retainers mount and ride to the gate. If it is open, all the better, it is but a party of pleasure bound for Sèvres, and if you learn to-morrow morning that all is quiet here you can return. If it seems better to you, and this may save you much argument, merely ask your friends to mount and ride with you to dine there; if any refuse, say you have a motive that they will learn when they get there, and almost compel them to go with you. I pledge you my honour that you will have no reason to regret having taken my advice.”

  “Well, what do you say, gentlemen?” Count Walter asked. “As Master Aylmer says, it will at worst be but a carouse, which I hope he will share with us.”

  “That I would right gladly do,” Guy replied, “but I have the safety of my lady and her children to look after, for she too, as well as our four men-at-arms, have incurred the enmity of these butchers. I have sent the men out of the town, and a place of safety has been prepared for her and the children. I shall see them safely bestowed there at nightfall.”

  “Since you have thought such preparations necessary we will at any rate act on the information that you have given us, and will promise not to blame you unduly should it turn out that the affair you speak of does not come off. Let us lose no time, gentlemen; let us each go to two of our friends and take no denial from them to our invitation to dine with us at Sevres. Let us say nothing to them about bringing their men-at-arms and grooms with them. We can ourselves muster some thirty fighting men, and that should be enough with our own swords to bring these knaves to reason if they keep their gates shut against us.”


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