Taken by the Dom: A Light BDSM Bad Boy Romance

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Taken by the Dom: A Light BDSM Bad Boy Romance Page 16

by Dee, Cassandra

  After the ceremony ended, I bolted from the stage and hurried to the main building. Fortunately, it was empty and cool inside, the gym floor shiny, the nets dangling limply. As soon as I got inside, I walked to the wall and leaned my forehead against it, cheeks flushed even as my temperature went hot, then cold, then hot again. What was going on?

  But he knew. A warm shiver ran down my spine as he entered the gym, every cell alive.

  “Hey,” came a deep voice, soothing and warm. “Congratulations, sweetheart.”

  But I couldn’t feel the pride that fills every graduate. Instead, my heart felt like it was made of lead, dropping into my stomach. With slow feet, I turned and looked at Thorn, those beautiful blue eyes unreadable, hands stuffed in his pockets. At that moment, the alpha didn’t look like a headmaster, just an incredibly gorgeous man. My heart pumped, even in the midst of sadness.

  “Thank you, Master,” was my mumbled reply, staring at my feet.

  My heart was sinking, drowning in a pool of anxiety and worry. Where would I go after all this? What was the ending to this horrific day? I could stay with Dina but she had some friend from Sweden in town, there wasn’t enough space. I couldn’t ask Nicole, our friendship wasn’t close enough. We were still more bunkmates than real friends.

  I had no one.

  And tears trembled on my lashes, even with Thorn was standing in front of me.

  I couldn’t cry in front of the alpha.

  I didn’t want to.

  This was my problem, not his.

  “What’s wrong Minnie?” Concern laced that deep voice. For a moment, hope flared in my chest.

  But that quickly died because reality won out. Whatever went on with Thorn and I, it was nothing but sex. He’s started this because of physical attraction and that’s it, no emotions and no strings attached.

  But I underestimated the Master.

  “Did he kick you out?” came that low, soothing growl.

  I looked at him with wide eyes, surprised at the words. Or maybe he knew. “Yes,” I stammered. “How did you know?”

  Thorn looked away for a moment, that handsome profile pained. But then those blue eyes swung back to me, captivating my soul.

  “Pat called me,” he rumbled intently. “It was a few months ago, and I ignored it. I didn’t think that fucker would actually go through with it.”

  “You certainly don’t know my father.” I told him, bitterness coating my voice. “You don’t know what he’s capable of.”

  But the big man was ready.

  “Do you need a place to stay, honey?” rasped that low voice. There was concern in those eyes, something that made my heart twist, although for better or worse, I couldn’t say.

  Numbly, I raised beseeching eyes to his.

  But I couldn’t say yes. I was already struggling with a disobedient heart, emotions on loose.

  Staying with Grayson would make it worse.

  “What?” I finally choked out, chest pounding furiously. “Why do you ask?”

  His blue eyes pierced through my soul. “Because I want you to stay, sweetheart. What else?”

  But that wasn’t enough.

  “I don’t want your pity, Grayson,” came my low voice. “That’s not for me.”

  And something flared in the Master’s eyes then.

  “No sweetheart. There’s no pity. It’s because I adore you, pretty girl. You and you only, sweetheart. Come and stay, make me a happy man.”

  Like a volcano, my heart erupted with emotion. This powerful alpha wanted to help me not because he felt he was obliged to but simply because he wanted to. It wasn’t money. It wasn’t just the sex. It was something real and pure.

  Oh god, how I love him.

  I couldn’t deny it to myself anymore.

  “Thank you,” was my answer, voice quiet and barely above a whisper.

  The alpha seized my chin in his, pulling it up to stare into my eyes. And unbelievably, it was filled with emotion swirling in those blue depths, taking my breath away.

  Plus, the kiss wasn’t the usual burst of ravaging heat. Instead, it was somehow slower and yet more intense, our lips committing each other’s to memory. I pulled myself closer to that massive bulk, clinging to Gray desperately.

  Because he was a lifeline.

  He was my anchor in this storm.

  My safe haven when the rug was pulled out from under my feet, leaving me no place to go.

  The big man tantalized my lips, deepening the kiss before pulling away gently. I whined, hating the loss of contact even as his chuckle reverberated through that massive chest.

  With a gentle move, the alpha rested his forehead on mine. He touched my face with his hand and I leaned into that soft caress.

  In that moment I was truly sure.

  I was deeply, undeniably and absolutely in love with Grayson Thorn.


  Forest Hills was deserted. All the other students left with their parents, probably out celebrating this joyous day. Most likely, they were devouring juicy steak dinners in fancy restaurants before resting their heads in air conditioned hotel rooms.

  That was fine.

  I wasn’t jealous, even if Pat had deserted me.

  Because it meant that no one except Thorn and I were on the school premises.

  And we were in his cabin.

  I wanted to confide my feelings, but feared that it would ruin the moment. At the moment, the alpha had me pinned against the door, my arms locked above my head as his lips swept over mine ravenously.

  His mouth swept to my neck, nibbling on the delicate skin there. I moaned, lids falling shut, before opening my lips. The words had to come out.

  “Master,” I gasped. “It’s different this time, isn’t it?”

  He growled deep in his throat.

  “Different how? You’re mine, sweet Minnie. All mine.”

  My eyes fluttered open, staring dazed into that unfathomable blue.

  “I mean we’re alone now,” was my soft whisper, penetrated by his gaze. “We’re truly alone, there’s no one else on campus. We can live life out in the open.”

  And he dropped his head then, nuzzling at my neck as a low growl rose from his chest.

  “Sweetheart, we have been living out in the open. Sure you’ve been sneaking around, but honey, we were so reckless. There were so many times we could have been caught and hung out to dry.”

  I smiled beatifically at him.

  “But it’s all over now, right? I’m not your student anymore. You’re not my counselor. We can be free now.”

  Not to mention the fact that the nature of our loving had changed. Because speaking those words this afternoon made all the difference. I could feel it in the air, there was a vibrancy that didn’t previously exist. It was a true connection between a man and a woman. And slowly, those perfectly sculpted masculine lips turned up in a smile.

  “That’s right sweetheart,” came his low growl. “No more talking. Give it to me, little girl. Give me your all.”

  And with that, my boundaries fell. My heart cracked open, emotions pouring into the open. Our tongues danced and writhed around each other, even as his hand let go of my wrists, fumbling to undo my dress. This was the first time we were meeting in street clothes as equals. I was no longer the prisoner of that ugly jumpsuit.

  And when my dress fell, those huge boobies dangled, lush and full as usual. I hadn’t worn a bra in anticipation, the nips bright pink and hard, pointing straight at the big man.

  In a second, his mouth circled one tight bud, laving it. My head tilted back as a moan sounded in the air. Was that me? Oh god, yes. It felt so good and I cried out his name, hands stroking through that thick black hair.

  “Yes Master Thorn,” was my low plea. “Yes, take me. Use my body. Make me yours.”

  My gorgeous alpha was more than ready to oblige. Moving fast, Thorn’s mouth came off my tit with a resounding pop. And then in one swift motion, the man dragged me to the bed and tossed me onto the mattress, nake
d except for my black stilettos, boobies bouncing up and down. My skin was flushed, eyes surprised but hungry too.

  And in a flash, Thorn’s clothes were gone as well. Yes. Oh yes. That massive fuckpole stood out at ninety degrees from his hips, ready to do damage. Saliva flooded my mouth, I was so hungry.

  But not so fast. With deliberate steps, the alpha strode to the wooden box that held all the things that I’d grown to love. Reaching inside, he came out with several items although I couldn’t see what.

  And in two seconds, I was cuffed to his bed, arms and legs immobile.

  “Oh god,” I cried out. “Ahhh!”

  Because the big man shoved a vibrating dildo into my pussy, harsh and unrelenting. And my creaming pussy took it all and then some, juices running wetly down his hand. His eyes dilated, never leaving the juicy site.

  “Fuck baby, you’re beautiful. So fucking drenched all the time,” came that grunt before he shoved the dildo into my pussy even further.

  I screamed once more, waves of pleasure making me shake uncontrollably.

  “Master, Master! Oh god, Master!”

  And the shrieks only drove Thorn to a higher plane. A ravenous growl sounded in the air as he clamped my nipples and twisted viciously, the dildo still vibrating deep inside.

  It was too much.

  I’m a newbie compared to the Master.

  And with a half-howl, half-shriek, it happened.

  “Fuck, yes, fuck! I’m coming, Master! I’m coming!”

  But Gray knows no mercy.

  “No!” he grunted roughly, flicking off the dildo with his thumb. He pulled it out of me with an obscene squelch, making me shiver, and then drove his tongue into my wet, leaking cunt. I moaned in pleasure, writhing against the soft mattress.

  But Gray never hesitated even for a second. His tongue buried in my snatch, he reached one long arm up and twisted my nipple clamp.

  “Oh!” was my helpless cry.

  And like a god from the depths, he rose from my pussy, mouth dripping with my juices.

  “You’re mine, Minnie Evans,” came that harsh growl. “All mine.”

  There wasn’t time to reply because those masculine lips crashed down, harsh and sensitive at once. Oh god, oh god, it was so tangy. Was this my pussy juice? I moaned again involuntarily, pushing my breasts against that hard chest.

  “Yours,” was my gasp of acknowledgment. “All yours, Grayson.”

  And a gleam came into his eyes then. He bit on my lower lip and pulled it lightly before letting go.

  “Mine,” was his confirmation.

  “Yours,” I told him, my eyes locking with his. “Yours always, Master.”

  The male rose above me then, stroking that hot fuckpole before positioning it at my entrance. I couldn’t take it. My pussy leaked wetly as he teased me, brushing the bulbous head against my folds.

  “Please, Master,” I whispered. I couldn’t take the teasing much longer. “Fuck me please.”

  “How do you want it?” he asked, his voice deep and velvety. “Tell me how you want it, Minnie.”

  I closed my eyes as he continued to play with me, brushing that purple helmet against my most sensitive spot. Desperately writhing against him, my hips jerked forwards on their own, trying to catch him inside.

  “Here,” I begged. “Put it in me.”

  But Master is relentless.

  “Tell me the words,” he rasped. “Exactly how you want it baby girl. Beg me.”

  And all resistance flew out the window.

  “I want you to plunge your thick cock into my hot pussy, Master, and fuck me without mercy. In my pussy, in my mouth, even my ass if you want,” I cried out desperately, giving myself to him.

  Gray’s blue eyes gleamed hearing the words.

  “Good,” he ground out. “Very good, you’re getting it.”

  And with no warning, he plunged himself into my pussy, so huge and deep. I screamed, my cunt so full, crammed unbearably tight.

  “Oh oh oh!” came my helpless whimpers. “Oh god!”

  But Gray was relentless with his strokes, moving like an enormous machine. My pussy exploded within minutes, helplessly creaming around the fuck shaft, gripping him tight as spasms wracked my sweetest spot.

  “Oh god!” came my cry. “Oh god!”

  But Gray wasn’t finished with me yet.

  “Yeah milk me,” he rasped, hips still moving like a piston. “Milk this fuckpole baby girl, that’s what you’re good at.”

  And with no warning, he removed the cuffs and roughly turned me on my front, hoisting my ass up into the air before fucking deep into my pussy.

  “Oh god yes!” I screamed as he thrust hard and deep. “Yes, I’m coming, Master!”

  And the hard pounding was so amazing. I cried into the sheets, pressing my face into the mattress as he owned my creaming cunt from behind.

  The alpha was ruthless.

  Absolutely dominating with no mercy.

  And I loved it.

  I felt him come into my sweet folds, hot jism spraying my insides, bubbly and hot. Yes, this was right as well. This was what I wanted and I let go simultaneously, crying out my pleasure.

  But Gray was on a rampage. This was our first night together as equals, and he wasn’t through taking yet. Pulling himself out from my pussy, that fat fuckpole glistening and wet with a mix of our juices, he brandished the weapon before me.

  “Suck,” was his curt command.

  And I did.

  I sucked on him hard, pulling any last bits of jism into my mouth. Oh god, the taste was tangy and salty at once, the seed combining with my pussy cream for a frothy brew. And yet I only wanted more, my folds moistening again as I enjoyed the candy.

  Biting lightly onto his thick cock, he groaned and winced as I looked up at him through my lashes. Oh god, this man is handsome. He was all bronzed skin with thick, hard pecs and washboard abs. Thorn’s eyes were closed, his jaw tight as I worked him with my mouth.

  “Master,” I panted, pulling off slowly. Oh fuck, the sight was arousing. A long strand of creamy semen connected my lips to the tip of his cock. “Master, is this how you like it?”

  Those blue eyes flickered open, coming into focus.

  “Suck it, you little whore,” was his rough command. “Suck this fuckpole dry.”

  And of course, my mouth latched onto his glans immediately. Thorn threw back his head and erupted then, that hard rod jerking and twisting within my lips. I tried to keep going around the firehose, but Thorn was too strong. He pulled his cock out of my mouth and sprayed me with his cum, hot lashes of pure white seed hitting my chin, neck and breasts. Like a slut, I rubbed it into my skin, lathering it as if it was the formula for the Fountain of Youth.

  “Yes,” was my low moan. “Give it all to me.”

  And finally, the heavy white spurts dribbled off. Hot cum dribbled from his dicktip, a wet pool on the mattress. Surely, he was done right? There couldn’t be more?

  But never underestimate the Master.

  Because in one second, I was swept into his arms and cuffed to the desk. What? I twisted around, trying to look at him.

  But Thorn had his own agenda.

  “You are fucking amazing,” he grunted, eyes savage. “Bend over sweetheart. I’m tasting that sweet brownie.”

  And oh god, but it was so nasty. Because the big man knelt behind me, gripping my hips, and that tongue slid right into my damp crack. Unnh! This was so dirty and wrong, his mouth touching my anal rim, probing lightly at that dark star.

  But Thorn didn’t think it was disgusting at all.

  “All of you tastes good, sweetheart,” he rasped hoarsely into my butt. “Every single part of you.”

  And with that, three huge fingers plunged into my pussy. I screamed from shock.

  “Oh yes!”

  My breasts jiggled, body so loose and ripe. This was the best night of my life. I was being fucked by the man I loved, down and dirty the way that suits us best. There was no holding back. Nothing
in reserve. We belonged together and I creamed hard, both my pussy and anus spasming.

  “Unh unh unh!” came my squeal. “Unnh!”

  Thorn was just about to say something nasty when a loud bang interrupted our lovemaking. What in the world? Through dazed eyes, ripples still shuddering through my frame, my vision blearily made out my father.

  Pat Evans was here.

  Shocked and unmoving in the doorway, his jaw practically on the floor.

  It was like a cartoon, really. My father turned three shades of color. First, he was white with shock, the paleness a stark contrast against his red tie. Then he was pink like a grapefruit, and eventually, he resembled the color of Santa. Beet red.

  But this was no kindly Santa Claus.

  “You fucking whore!” he screamed, finger pointing at me as he screeched every curse word known to man. “And you! You’re her fucking headmaster! You son of a bitch! Fucking a young underage girl!”

  Thorn removed the cuffs in a flash and I faced my father, uncaring how naked I was. My man was being accused of a crime that wasn’t true. I was eighteen now, and my own woman, not some teenage jail bait. All the anger I’d shoved down in the deepest crevice of my heart suddenly began to rise up, bursting with fury.

  But Pat got to it first.

  “You’re just like her!” he screamed at me. “Just like that fucking whore who spawned you.”

  Usually, I let him win. It’s easier that way, the ugliness stops sooner if I let Pat have his way. But this time, there was too much emotion. And besides, I had Thorn at my back. I was going to be okay.

  So I fought back this time.

  “Like who Dad?” I screamed back, the sting of angry tears behind my eyes. “Just like Mom? Just like the woman who left you? You know what? She was right to leave a selfish man like you! You deserve what you get!”

  Pat stood stock still for a moment, shocked that I’d actually opened my mouth. But then he moved surprisingly fast for someone who was so unhealthy. In two quick steps, the man was before me and shaking a finger in my face.

  “You’re a fucking ungrateful bitch! I gave you everything. I gave you a home!” he screeched.

  “And now you took it back!” I told him, screaming in his face for the first time in my life. “You told me I couldn’t come home to you anymore!”


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