A Collector's Item: Rowena's After Dark Regency Romance (The Arlingbys Book 1)

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A Collector's Item: Rowena's After Dark Regency Romance (The Arlingbys Book 1) Page 18

by Alicia Quigley

  Alaric groaned. His body screamed at him, demanding satisfaction now. "I would get up and leave this room immediately," he ground out.

  "You would do that for me?" Rowena sounded surprised.

  "I gave my word," answered Alaric. Then he gave a rueful grin. "But I would have to stay away from you for the next month. And I mean away, Rowena. I would leave London and go to Brayleigh. I cannot stand this torture another day."

  She smiled back, tremulously. He had asked her permission, and she knew she could not bear to wait any longer for a repetition of the bliss she knew she could find in his arms.

  "Very well," she whispered.

  Alaric leaned closer. "What did you say?" His breath was warm on her throat.

  "I said ‘Yes,’" she repeated, a little louder.

  Alaric kissed her throat and moved down to her chest, his tongue trailing a tiny path towards her breasts. "That is a rather grudging response," he teased. "I had hoped for more enthusiasm."

  Rowena twisted in his arms as he took one aching nipple between his teeth. She moaned gently in her throat.

  "That’s more like it," said Alaric. He slid one hand up under her skirts, reaching up above her stocking to caress the inside of her thigh. He felt the tremors shooting through her body as he stroked the sensitive skin.

  "Tell me that you want me," he urged. "I need to know that you need me as I need you."

  Rowena trembled and moved restlessly in his arms, her hands reaching almost unconsciously for his cravat and beginning to untie it. Alaric kissed her breast again, and she arched against him.

  "Tell me," he repeated. "You must tell me."

  His hand closed over the damp, heated flesh between her legs and Rowena gasped, her hips rising up against his hand in a search for greater contact. Alaric smiled softly down into her flushed face.

  "You are lovely. So warm and soft. And you want me. Tell me again, Rowena."

  "Alaric, please," she gasped. "Please, I want you."

  "That is what I needed to hear." Alaric kissed her gently and thoroughly, his hand moving slowly between her legs. "Relax, dearest. I will take care of you."

  He stood up hastily and removed his jacket and shirt, dropping them haphazardly on the floor. Then he fumbled hastily with the closings on his trousers, ridding himself of the cumbersome clothing as quickly as possible. He turned back to Rowena and gazed at her for a moment as she sprawled on the blue satin, her eyes slowly drinking in the sight of his naked body.

  "You are beautiful, my lord," she said in a hushed tone, shyly taking in his heavily muscled chest and narrow hips.

  "What did you call me?" he demanded, striding towards her and lowering himself down onto the couch next to her.

  "Alaric," she said hastily. "You are beautiful, Alaric."

  "You are the beautiful one here," he answered. "I need to see you, darling." He turned her and eased the fastenings of her gown open, his fingers gentle. He whisked her gown over her head and turned his attention to her petticoats, which were impeding his explorations.

  "Damn the things," he said, suppressed anger in his voice. Rowena gasped as she heard a ripping noise and then she was quite naked as Alaric flung the ruined undergarments away. She flushed as his eyes roamed over her body.


  "What, my dear? Don’t be embarrassed. You are so lovely I can scarcely believe it."

  He rolled her over onto her back and lowered himself onto her, pressing her into the cushions with his weight. She thought that perhaps she should feel uncomfortable, but the feeling was strangely reassuring. His erection rested against her stomach, and she moved gently against it, marveling at the hardness of it.

  "Slowly, darling." Alaric’s voice was husky. "Don’t push me too far."

  Rowena smiled up at him mischievously, and then reached between their bodies with her hand. He shuddered when her fingers brushed up against him, caressing him with a feather-light touch. Alaric groaned with pleasure, but removed her hand from his throbbing shaft after only a few moments.

  "Don’t you like that?" she asked.

  "Very much, my dear, but if you keep doing that much longer, I will not be able to satisfy you. And I want you to be very happy tonight." As he spoke he reached down between her legs again and found the tiny pearl that nestled in her silken curls. He stroked it gently, at the same time parting the soft skin that shielded her inner secrets. He bent down and nipped at her breasts, alternately licking and nibbling as his fingers worked their magic between her thighs, until Rowena grew desperate for him. Slowly he sank one finger into her, watching her face as her eyes opened wide with passion.

  He looked up from her breast, and smiled mischievously, then kissed his way down to her navel, where he tickled her with his tongue, even as he slid a second finger further inside her drenched slit. Rowena grasped his shoulders, pulling him upwards, moaning her need.

  "Oh please, Alaric, please," she implored him.

  "I knew I could make you beg for my favors," he whispered in her ear with a ragged laugh. "But I feel like begging for yours as well, so we are equal in our need."

  Rowena grew increasingly agitated as he teased her. "More, please more," she pleaded.

  "You’re so wet and tight," he murmured as he gently drew his hand before sinking it even deeper into her moist heat. "I could lose myself in you for hours. God, you’re going to drive me mad, Rowena."

  Very slowly he added a third finger to the others, reveling in the feeling of the gentle muscles that clung to his fingers as he moved in and out of her body. When he felt the first tiny convulsions as she began to lose control, he moved up her body in one swift motion, lowering himself over her and grasping her legs, wrapping them securely about his waist. As she writhed in his grip he sank himself into her, glorying in the tightness of the fit, the way she molded around him. She gave a tiny cry of surprise as he moved inside her and then shuddered, losing herself in the amazing sensations that were coursing through her body, making every part of her body tingle as though it were on fire.

  Alaric laughed again, "I knew you would be one of a kind," he murmured.

  Her nails sank into the muscles of his back as she drew him closer, and he drew out of her slowly, then moved deliberately back in, forcing himself even higher. Rowena cried out in surprise and delight and surrendered totally, shaking in his arms as everything about her seemed to melt away until there was only Alaric. He gave a hoarse shout and thrust in once again, and then collapsed over her, carrying her back against the cushions.

  Chapter 20

  There was a long silence as they held one another, the scent of their lovemaking hung in the air. Alaric gave a deep sigh of contentment. He had not felt so peaceful in many years. Some deep need inside him that he had never been able to name had been satisfied.

  Rowena lay very still, her arms still clasped tightly about Alaric’s shoulders. She tightened her hold when she felt him move, reluctant to release him. She was overwhelmed by the realization that she could bring him so much pleasure while at the same time being raised to the very heights of passion herself. It also filled her with a powerfully feminine sensation, and she recognized that she and Alaric had created a bond between themselves that could not be closer. Right now, in this moment, he was hers.

  "Rowena?" Alaric spoke her name very softly. He shifted slightly so he could pillow his head on her chest.

  "Yes, Alaric?" Her hand moved gently through his dark hair, feeling the heavy silk of it flow over her fingers.

  "Thank you."

  She smiled. "I trust you enjoyed yourself?"

  He nodded. "And you?"

  "More than I even anticipated," she murmured.

  He looked up with a grin. "Give me a few minutes, and we can repeat it."

  She smiled beguilingly. "Can we really? I think I would like that."

  Rowena looked around, realizing that she now lay naked on Alaric’s priceless Louis Quinze settee. She had forgotten their surroundings in the excitement of th
e moment. The magnificent objects of Alaric’s collection surrounded them still, glowing in the candlelight.

  "Did we ruin the chaise?" she asked softly.

  "It will be twice as valuable to me now," said Alaric. "Every time I look at it I will think of what happened here."

  Rowena laughed. "I must admit that I will never see this room in quite the same way again."

  Alaric drew her closer to him. "You have made me very happy, Rowena. I wish I could show you how much you mean to me."

  She looked down at his dark head with a sad smile. It was too much to hope, she supposed, that he might say he cared for her.

  "You don’t have to do anything," she answered. His lovemaking would have to be enough for now. When he embraced her she knew that there was a bond between them, one that was very powerful. Surely Alaric would also come to realize that in time.

  He shook his head. "I have the very thing."

  With one lithe movement he rose from the couch and walked to the far wall of the room. Rowena gazed after him, flushing slightly when she realized how much she enjoyed watching the movement of his muscles under his skin. She glanced away, but her gaze was immediately drawn back, and she gave herself up to the pleasure of gazing on her husband’s athletic body.

  He gently removed from the wall an exquisite VanDyke painting of a young woman. Behind it was a safe. Rowena watched in surprise as he quickly turned the cylinder, entering the combination.

  Alaric reached into the depths of the safe and removed a box covered in blue velvet. He turned with a smile and strode back to the couch, settling himself next to Rowena, his thigh grazing hers. She felt a tingling sensation when their skin touched, and she reached for him unconsciously, her hand sliding gently over his biceps. He took her hand in his and pressed a kiss in the palm, then placed the box on it.

  "What is in it?" she asked.

  "Open it if you wish to know," Alaric responded.

  She released the clasp on the box and slowly opened the lid. The glimmer of rubies flashed at Rowena from their bed of blue velvet. A magnificent set of gems nestled there, set in filigreed old gold worked by expert hands. She leaned forward in amazement, awed by the glow of the jewels.

  "They’re beautiful," she breathed.

  "I promised you Mary of Scotland’s rubies," said Alaric. "They are yours, Rowena."

  She gazed up at him in surprise. "Mine?"

  "When I bought them I knew that I would give them to my wife one day. I have never found a woman worthy of them before. I want you to have them, Rowena."

  She leaned forward and touched one of the gems with her fingertip. "They’re astonishing. But much too valuable to wear, Alaric. Put them away again."

  "I want to see you in them. They should be adorning a beautiful woman, not locked away in a safe." He reached into the box and withdrew the necklace. Gently brushing the soft tendrils of hair away, he fastened it about her neck. The gold was cool against her bare skin and she felt faintly barbarous, and rather wanton, stretched out on a couch, naked except for a ruby necklace.

  Alaric smiled faintly. "Even in my dreams I hadn’t realized you would look so spectacular," he said. He picked up the bracelet and clasped it about her wrist, then removed the circlet and settled it gently on her gilt curls. He leaned back, admiring her for a moment. Then he lifted the earrings. Rowena turned her head for him to put one on.

  "No, not like that," he smiled, "I have a more interesting idea."

  He turned her to face him, and gently palmed one breast. The he took the earring and slid her nipple into the clasp, gently tightening it until it could hang from her breast. He flicked it gently, and Rowena felt a bolt of pleasure flash like lightning from her breast to her womb, as her muscles clenched with desire. She squirmed on the settee, and Alaric lifted an eyebrow. "I see you like that, my sweet. Let us try the other as well." He deftly screwed the second dangling ruby to the other nipple, and watched with pleasure as it swung gently along with its twin.

  Rowena looked down and felt as though she might melt from the heat pooling in her pelvis. She gave a shaky laugh. "I feel preposterous."

  You look amazing. I will never tire of this sight. It makes me want to look at you this way forever, Rowena." His hand slid over her shoulder, caressing her softly. "But there are even better things we can do while I am looking," he continued. He stood next to the settee and held out his hand to her. "Come with me," he urged.

  Rowena took his hand and stood up. The weight of the stones around her neck and on her head, along with the constant stimulation of the earrings bobbing on her nipples swamped her sensations, and the insistent craving she felt made it hard for her focus as Alaric led her to a large standing-cheval looking glass with an elaborate gilt frame upon which dolphins frolicked, while Neptune blew a conch shell at the top.

  Rowena glanced at their naked reflections, hers ornamented with the rubies, and his with the readiness that he had promised a few minutes earlier, and blushed violently, then cast her eyes down. She swallowed nervously.

  "What a beautiful mirror; it’s amazingly large," she said.

  Alaric put a finger under chin and tipped her head up, looking at her face in the mirror. "Yes, the mirror is as large as can possibly be made, and the frame is a work of art in itself. There’s also a charming ottoman just next to it that came from the same boudoir. If you look you’ll see that it’s embroidered with Neptune frolicking with his nymphs," he said. "But, I didn’t bring you over here for a lesson in the furniture maker’s art. I want you to be able to see how beautiful you are as you stand here covered in rubies, like an ancient captive. And I want you to see how you look when I touch you."

  Rowena shook her head, speechless between her embarrassment and her desires.

  Alaric stepped to her side and a little behind her, one hand holding her chin up gently, while the other caressed the underside of one breast, so that the earring ornamenting it would bob on Rowena’s sensitized nipple, and then slid slowly down her abdomen.

  "Look up," he whispered.

  Rowena’s eyes fluttered open and she stared as his hand traveled lower to slip into the curls nesting above her thighs.

  "Blonde like your beautiful hair," he whispered. "See how delightful it is to make love in the light? I never saw how charmingly blonde you are here."

  Rowena found herself quite unable to respond, except to inadvertently close her eyes again.

  "Open them," Alaric reminded her firmly, and she looked again. He slipped his hand further down, gently parting her labia, and running his finger across the slick pink flesh he found there. He dipped a finger just inside, gently swirling it and then removed it, glistening. He licked at his finger. "Your taste is irresistible, my sweet," he said lightly, and then rubbed his finger, slick with her juices, over the portion of one nipple that protruded from the ruby earring’s clasp. Rowena gasped, and shivered next to him.

  "Perfect," he whispered. "You are so responsive, dear Rowena, so beautiful, and so sensitive. One of a kind." He kissed her neck, his fingers stroking through her pubic curls. "Spread your legs a little, for me."

  Rowena complied, unthinking, and he flicked the earrings with his fingers, setting them to swinging vigorously, as the muscles in her thighs clenched in attempt to stay steady, her already fraught senses further overstimulated. Alaric dropped to his knees slightly behind her, but still able to see her response, and slipped two fingers into her pussy. Rowena gasped again and trembled, and Alaric steadied her with his free hand. He slid his fingers in and out, and then bit gently at the soft flesh of her firm behind.

  Rowena was shocked out of her sensual stupor, "Alaric!" she cried as she jumped in surprise.

  "Steady, darling, I’m not hurting you, am I?" he asked, kneading her flesh, and nipping her again.

  "No, no, it doesn’t hurt, but I feel so, so--" her voice trailed off.

  "Excited, perhaps?" he asked, "Desperate for more? Are your eyes still open, Rowena?" He looked up to make sure. "You’re ve
ry compliant darling, I like that. Will you be able to stand up much longer?"

  Rowena shook her head, feeling very much as though she would topple over at any moment from sheer lust, and the need to feel him inside her.

  "Wait a moment, darling," said Alaric. He withdrew his fingers, and she gave a groan of disappointment. Swiftly, he rose and fetched the ottoman that matched the mirror. He moved it over to Rowena and placed it in front of her.

  "Kneel down and rest your forearms on this, sweetheart, but keep your knees spread," he urged.

  Rowena knelt, and blushed again when she saw how her breasts looked in the mirror with the earrings dangling from them, pressed forward by her arms as they rested on the ottoman. Alaric smiled at her in the mirror.

  "Perfect, darling," said Alaric. "Are you comfortable?"

  Rowena, looking at his enormous, thrusting erection found herself speechless once again, but since Alaric didn’t seem to require a response, she didn’t attempt to speak. He knelt behind her, stroking her back, pulling the ruby necklace up snug against her throat, so the rubies pooled over her spine between her shoulders. He kneaded and caressed her buttocks, and massaged her lower back soothingly, as he watched the rubies dance on her nipples in the mirror, and Rowena moaned, and wriggled under his skilled touch.

  Then she felt him press himself against her from behind, and as his thick length slid smoothly into her juicy slit, she groaned from the fullness he created. When Alaric began to move, she was quickly overwhelmed, for every time he pushed into her, her breasts bobbed, the earrings pulled, and she felt a jolt of excitement that linked her breasts and womb in an ever-expanding circle of pleasure. Very soon, she was pushing back against him desperately, gasping and crying out as a violent orgasm gripped her. The strong spasms in her tight channel brought Alaric with her in a fierce outpouring.

  Rowena collapsed with her face on the ottoman, breathing unsteadily. Alaric wondered briefly how their lovemaking could be so much more exciting than anything he had experienced with some of the most beautiful and charming courtesans in Europe. He rubbed her back gently.


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