A Collector's Item: Rowena's After Dark Regency Romance (The Arlingbys Book 1)

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A Collector's Item: Rowena's After Dark Regency Romance (The Arlingbys Book 1) Page 24

by Alicia Quigley

  "You’re so warm," he breathed. "And you’re ready for me."

  Rowena moved her bottom against his arousal again and pulled his face down to hers, kissing him with a fierce desperation that delighted him. When he had her like this he knew she belonged to him, that she wasn’t thinking of her brother, or Alfred Ingram, but only of him. He listened with satisfaction to her tiny groan of disappointment when he slipped his fingers out of her.

  "Alaric?" she whispered.

  "I’m here, darling." He lifted her quickly, his need urgent, and raised her so that she faced him, her knees straddling his hips. Roughly, he pushed her gown up over her hips, baring her from the waist down.

  "Aren’t we going to the bed?" she asked, confused.

  "I can’t wait."

  Alaric positioned her so that her warm passage was directly over his throbbing erection, and he slowly lowered her onto it, feeling the exquisite pressure as she closed around him.

  "You’re so tight," he said.

  "You’re so large," she responded, her voice a seductive purr.

  Alaric shifted his hands to her hips and pushed down gently, lifting his own hips slightly as she sank slowly onto him. The sensation was exhilarating as he eased slowly upwards, Rowena’s tiny cries of pleasure filling his ears.

  "There you are, darling," he said when he was finally fully submerged. "You set the pace. Go as slow or as fast as you want."

  An impish smile covered Rowena’s face as she placed her hands on his shoulders and slowly raised herself up. The friction was delectable, and Alaric groaned as she lowered herself again, slowly, a fraction of an inch at a time. His hands rose and gripped her bottom, sliding her up again more quickly, and just as swiftly lowering her.

  "I thought I was to set the pace," murmured Rowena, her face buried in his neck, her delicate tongue leaving a trail of fire. Her hips rotated in a sensuous pattern.

  "You were, but I’m not sure how much of that I can stand," he groaned.

  "You said I was in charge, so you will just have to, won’t you?" Rowena replied playfully, moving her hips in the opposite direction over his lap.

  Alaric muttered baleful imprecations, but let her have her way. Rowena rose several times more, very slowly, and just as slowly moved down, her hips writhing all the while. Brayleigh clenched his teeth, and then she did it once again, but pushed herself forward against him, seeking the best contact for her most sensitive spot, and he braced his feet and pushed upward a tiny bit more as felt the tremors begin inside her, the fluttering of her muscles that threatened to send him over the edge. She threw her head back and gave a sensuous cry as she gave herself up to her release and he joined her, plunging even further into her honeyed warmth as he allowed himself his own climax. Rowena collapsed forward onto his chest, her blonde head in the crook of his shoulder, panting slightly from exertion.

  Alaric smiled gently down at Rowena’s head where it rested on his shoulder. He pulled his dressing gown from under them and draped it over her, shielding her body from the coolness of the room. She gave a little sigh of contentment.

  "Thank you," she murmured.

  "It was my pleasure," he answered. "You may ask that of me anytime."

  "I didn’t ask!" protested Rowena.

  "Didn’t you? I seem to recall it was you who came to me tonight."

  "Only because I was concerned about you! As I said, I thought perhaps you were ill and needed my help."

  Alaric laughed. "Whatever you say, my dear. I appreciate your concern for my health." He stroked her hair gently and Rowena snuggled closer to him, enjoying the warmth of his body and his masculine scent.

  She felt very comfortable in that moment, held securely in her husband’s arms. She would never have guessed only a few weeks ago that she would find this sort of contentment in her marriage to the Earl of Brayleigh. The idea would have seemed preposterous, but now a fragile hope arose in her that she could make Alaric love her. He certainly seemed to care for her, and today he had even listened to her and taken her advice. Perhaps that sort of trust would blossom into something greater.

  Then her heart gave a sickening lurch. In the pleasure of Alaric’s lovemaking, she had completely forgotten Malcolm. He was depending upon her to deliver information that would convict the man she held in her arms at this very moment. Rowena, despite her certainty that Alaric was innocent, felt an overwhelming sense of guilt. If Alaric knew what she was doing, he would be very angry. The same thoughts circled in her head that she had pondered earlier. In order to prove Alaric’s innocence to Malcolm, she had to do as he requested. And she couldn’t tell Alaric of Malcolm’s presence until she was sure he would not try to harm her brother.

  She raised her head and placed her chin on Alaric’s chest, gazing up at him thoughtfully. Her violet eyes were very wide, her expression thoughtful. Alaric could be so tender, but she had also had some experience with his temper. He would feel hurt and betrayed if he discovered what she was doing.

  "What is it?" asked Alaric. "Shouldn’t you be going to sleep?"

  "I was just thinking about the rubies you gave me," she answered.

  "Is there something wrong with them?" Alaric’s voice was lazy, as though his thoughts were elsewhere.

  "No, of course not. They’re beautiful," Rowena hastened to assure him.

  "You looked lovely in them tonight. You are the only woman I can imagine owning them. Tonight when I saw you in them, I thought of the last time you wore them."

  Rowena flushed slightly, imagining his thoughts, but then resolutely returned to her goal. "I was just worried about leaving them in my jewelry box," she said in as casual a tone as she could muster. "Don’t you think they should be locked up when I’m not wearing them?"

  Alaric shrugged. "I don’t see why. The servants are honest and I doubt anyone would have the temerity to break into my home. It’s well-known that I guard what I own."

  "I am sure you are right, but it makes me uneasy," continued Rowena. "They are so very valuable. What if I misplaced them?"

  "Then I should have to buy you some more," answered Alaric promptly, dropping a kiss on her nose.

  Rowena moved uncomfortably. Alaric was doing nothing to alleviate her feelings of guilt.

  "I would feel easier if I could keep them in the safe when I’m not wearing them," she said softly.

  She glanced up at him to see how he was taking her suggestion. There was a wary look in his eyes.

  "I don’t think that is necessary," he said, his voice low. "I am sure they are quite secure in your jewelry box."

  Rowena sighed and put her head back on his shoulder. She could no longer meet his eyes. "Please, Alaric. I have never owned anything so valuable before, and I would feel terrible if I lost them."

  "Very well. If you are so uncomfortable I will put the rubies in the safe for you in the morning." Alaric’s voice sounded slightly strained.

  Rowena hesitated. "If you would not mind, Alaric, I would prefer it if you could tell me the combination so that I could do that myself." She felt him stiffen at her words and she hurried on. "After all, you are not always about. I could not have worn them tonight, for instance, for you were not home."

  "I will promise to be home whenever you are dressing to go out," said Alaric. "Will that satisfy you?"

  Rowena managed a light laugh. "Don’t be silly. You cannot do that. You have far too many engagements to be waiting about the house for your wife to get dressed."

  Alaric’s arm tightened about her shoulders. "Perhaps I will take away all your clothes and lock you in your room with nothing to wear but your jewels. Then you will have no need to get dressed and the rubies will be safe as well."

  "You are being nonsensical," said Rowena as lightly as she could. She could sense some undercurrent in the conversation and it made her uncomfortable. Alaric surely couldn’t have an inkling of what she was up to. "If you don’t trust me with the combination, there is no more to be said, of course."

  "So it is to be a
matter of trust, is it?" Rowena could feel Alaric’s heart begin to beat slightly faster under her ear. "If I will not tell you, will you punish me in some way?"

  Rowena turned at that and looked up directly into his green eyes. They were glaring down at her intently, as though he was trying to see directly into her thoughts. She sat up a little and the dressing gown fell back from her shoulders, revealing her breasts. Alaric’s lips twisted into a tight smile.

  "Of course I won’t," said Rowena hastily, reaching for the robe to cover herself. "I never said that. I simply thought it would be more convenient for you if I did not have to bother you. It is really quite unimportant."

  Alaric gazed at her for another moment, and then seemed to make a decision. "Very well. I will give you the combination. You are my wife, and, as you pointed out, worthy of my trust. What is a marriage without trust, after all?"

  He spoke sternly, and Rowena stared at him in concern. She hadn’t thought her request would bring about such a strong reaction.

  "This isn’t a test of our marriage, Alaric," she protested. She would simply have to find another way to convince Malcolm that Alaric was innocent. "Please, it doesn’t matter."

  Alaric lifted her and stood up, and then placed her gently back into the chair. He strode over to the desk that stood nearby and seized a quill. "I will write it down for you, so that you will not forget it."

  Rowena watched in silence as the pen scratched across a small piece of paper. Alaric picked it up and brought it to her, thrusting it into her hand.

  "Now you may do as you choose," he said. "You may keep the rubies anywhere you wish."

  Rowena swallowed. "Thank you, Alaric. I did not mean to upset you."

  Alaric stared down at her for a moment. "You did not upset me, Rowena. Your request was perfectly normal. And now I believe you should get some sleep."

  With one swift movement he picked her up again and walked across the large room, carrying her lightly through the door into her own chamber. Within moments she was ensconced in the large bed, the covers pulled up firmly under her chin.

  "Aren’t you going to sleep with me?" she asked in a sudden panic when she saw Alaric was still standing next to the bed.

  "I have a very early appointment. Jameson will wake me long before you are ready to rise. I think it would be best if I slept in my own room tonight."

  Rowena felt her heart sinking. She did not want Alaric to leave her alone, especially since he still seemed to be upset about her request for the combination to the safe. "I don’t mind being woken up. I like having you here with me."

  "Thank you, but I think it will be best for us both if I sleep alone tonight," said Alaric firmly. His eyes rested for a moment on Rowena’s face as though he was attempting to gauge her reactions. "Good night, Rowena. I will take the rubies to the safe now, but you may fetch them whenever you choose."

  He leaned over and touched his lips gently to her forehead. Then he wrapped his robe about himself and was gone, stopping only to pick up the rubies from her dressing table. The door closed behind himself with a decisive click. Rowena felt like crying as she gazed down at the crumpled piece of paper she still clutched in her hand. She did not know why, but she felt as though something very important had changed in the last few minutes. She hoped fervently that she was wrong.

  Chapter 27

  Rowena awoke late the next morning, for sleep had not come to her until the dawn was almost breaking. She felt tired and uncomfortable, and longed to simply roll over and go back to sleep. But Lawson had brought her a cup of chocolate and seemed determined that she should arise, and then she remembered with a crashing sense of dismay that she needed to get into the safe this afternoon. Malcolm expected to meet her tomorrow. She plucked nervously at the counterpane and watched Lawson bustle about the room, preparing her toilette.

  "Lawson, has his lordship gone out?"

  "He left early this morning, my lady."

  Rowena tried to appear unconcerned. "Do you know when he will return?"

  Lawson shook her head. "I think he intended to be gone quite some time, my lady. I’m sure he will be back for dinner."

  "He means to be gone all day?"

  "I believe so, my lady."

  Rowena couldn’t ask any more questions without seeming to be unduly curious. Perhaps she could obtain more information from Ferguson. She pushed the covers away from her and got out of bed.

  "Don’t you wish for your chocolate, my lady?" asked Lawson.

  Rowena waved her hands nervously. "No, I should get dressed. I have a great deal to do today."

  But when Rowena emerged from her bedroom, dressed in a pretty green muslin dress, its bodice embroidered with flowers, matched by a charming row of floral eyelet broderie at the hem, her hair loosely coiffed, she stood irresolutely in the doorway, looking anxiously up and down the hall. Perhaps she should go immediately to the safe now. After all, Lawson had said Alaric was not in the house. But what if he had returned? What if he had forgotten something or Lawson had misunderstood his intentions? He would surely look for his wife, and if she were found going through his safe... Rowena gave a little shudder. It was best to talk to Ferguson first.

  But Rowena found the butler to be of little more help than Lawson. He bowed politely at Rowena’s casual questions as he served her breakfast and ventured the opinion that his lordship would be gone the entire day. He did not know where he had gone and could not guess when he might return. Did her ladyship wish to go riding this morning?

  "What? No, no I will stay in, Ferguson." Rowena gazed down at her toast, discouraged. It certainly seemed as though the field was wide open for her to explore the contents of Alaric’s safe, but she still felt as though her stomach was full of butterflies. The picture of Alaric catching her in the act filled her mind to the exclusion of almost any other thoughts.

  "A missive for you, my lady. It was just delivered."

  Rowena looked up absently as Ferguson extended a silver salver towards her on which rested a folded piece of paper, neatly folded and addressed to the Countess of Brayleigh. There was no indication of whom it came from, and Rowena sat fingering it idly for a few moments, her thoughts still on the problem of the safe. Then she looked at the note closely. Perhaps it was from Malcolm, she thought with surge of relief. Perhaps in the daylight he too had thought better of their rash plan. She tore the envelope open with eager fingers and spread the sheet of paper out in front of her, trying to decipher the her brother’s scrawl.

  "My dear sister," the letter began,

  "I cannot tell you what joy I felt to see you again after our long separation. The belief you expressed in my innocence reassured me that blood is indeed thicker than water. I know that we shall not again be separated as we have in the past. My heart has ached at the knowledge that I could not be present when you needed me, as at the time of your recent forced marriage to my greatest enemy.

  Rowena wrinkled her nose slightly at Malcolm’s florid style, and then continued.

  "I know that what I have asked of you is dangerous, but I can only be glad that you love me enough to risk this for me. I do not think Brayleigh will harm you if he learns of it; although the man will stoop to almost any baseness, his knowledge that I will protect you will surely shield you from his wrath.

  I am aware that when Brayleigh is convicted it will mean the end of your marriage to the Monster and that you may find yourself spoken of unkindly among the ton. I assure you, I will support you in a manner befitting the sister of the Earl of Wroxton. You will most probably wish to go into seclusion on my estates in Yorkshire, and I will heartily support you in this desire.

  I will write again tomorrow, letting you know where we can meet. I look forward to seeing the proof of Brayleigh’s guilt and my innocence.

  Your brother,


  "Goodness!" exclaimed Rowena, running her eyes over the letter again in the hope that she had made some mistake. But the words were quite definite. Malcolm clearly in
tended her to go through with the scheme, and was still unmoved by her protestations of Alaric’s innocence.

  She picked up her tea and took a defiant sip. Obviously Malcolm believed he was living in some sort of romantic novel, with himself cast in the role of hero and Rowena as the worshipful sister willing to go to any lengths to aid her brother. Go into seclusion in Yorkshire, indeed! It was imperative that she bring Malcolm to his senses immediately and force him to see that this was a matter that needed to be handled with finesse and tact, not with histrionics that would be much more appropriate on the stage. She folded the letter firmly and tucked it into the bodice of her dress. When she met with Malcolm the next day she would tell him exactly what she thought of it.

  Rowena stood up, her resolve renewed by Malcolm’s ill-advised note. Whereas before she had wavered, she was now quite resolute in her determination to prove him wrong. He would understand before tomorrow was over that Alaric was not a monster and that she had no intention of turning him over to the magistrates for the murder of Alfred Ingram. They would simply have to learn to work together on this matter.

  She marched out of the dining room, her toast and tea forgotten on the table. A quick glance around the hallway showed her that no one was about, and she headed up the stairs purposefully. At this hour the chambermaids would be occupied making up the bedrooms and the kitchen staff should be busy preparing the evening’s meal, making it unlikely that she would be seen going into the gallery. Now was as good a time as any to accomplish her goal.

  As she approached the door to the gallery her determination wavered, but she set her shoulders firmly and placed her hand on the doorknob. She would accomplish her task as quickly as possible, and tomorrow she would be able to tell Malcolm that it was necessary to search for another culprit in the matter. Then she could bring him together with her husband and they would swiftly solve the mystery.


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