A Collector's Item: Rowena's After Dark Regency Romance (The Arlingbys Book 1)

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A Collector's Item: Rowena's After Dark Regency Romance (The Arlingbys Book 1) Page 27

by Alicia Quigley

  "Perhaps he has simply seduced you with his charms. He always was a ladies’ man. He could wrap them around his little finger."

  "I am not infatuated, Malcolm. I see quite clearly what is going on around me. Please, you must promise that you will do as I ask."

  "I can’t go back to the Continent, Rowena. I don’t ever want to leave England again. I belong here." The spirit seemed to have drained out of Malcolm, and Rowena was torn to see him looking so wounded.

  "It is only for a little time. I promise I will write to you and tell you what is happening. I don't want to lose you again."

  Malcolm put an arm around her shoulders and drew her to him, hugging her close. "Perhaps you are right," he murmured. "Perhaps I have wasted twelve years blaming the wrong man."

  Rowena felt a great surge of relief roll through her. She would be able to convince him that she was right. Then she could restore her relationship with Alaric and begin an investigation into what had really happened. In time, everything would be all right.

  "What a pretty picture." The words cut across Rowena’s pleasure, and she gave a gasp when Malcolm let go of her and swung around. Alaric was standing only a few feet from them, his green eyes filled with anger.

  Malcolm bit out an oath at the sudden appearance of his old enemy, and Rowena took a hasty step to stand between the two men.

  "What are you doing here, Brayleigh?" demanded Malcolm.

  "I believe I should be asking that question of you, Arlingby," said Alaric. "You are the one wanted by the law."

  "Because of you," spat out Malcolm. "You and your greed and spite. You ruined me, damn you."

  "You ruined yourself." Alaric’s voice was harsh. "Don’t blame me for your stupidity." He reached out and grasped Rowena’s arm, pulling her towards him. "But I do not care what you think. I came only for my wife."

  "Why are you here, Alaric?" asked Rowena hurriedly. She must find a way to get rid of him. Malcolm was so close to acceding to her wishes.

  "I followed you, my dear. Did you think you had fooled me this morning? It was obvious that missive was from your prodigal brother." Alaric gave her a scornful glance. "You are not a very talented conspirator."

  "I have not conspired," protested Rowena.

  "Yesterday I find you searching my safe, and today I find you meeting your brother, despite my express orders forbidding you to do so. That looks like conspiracy to me."

  "He discovered you searching the safe? You didn’t tell me that," said Malcolm. "Are you all right? Did he hit you?"

  "Of course not--" began Rowena, but Alaric’s voice cut across hers, heavy with anger.

  "I would never hit a woman, even one who treated me as your sister has. I was taken in by your plot, Arlingby, but you will get no satisfaction from it. You can't cast me as a murderer. I don't have the pearl."

  "Why didn’t you tell me of this?" demanded Malcolm. He seized Rowena’s other arm and shook her slightly.

  "Because I knew you’d act like a fool," she said sharply. "Exactly as you are now. And you are no exception, my lord," she snapped, turning on Alaric. "It was unnecessary that you follow me. I can handle this on my own."

  "I will not allow my wife to conspire against me," said Alaric. "You married me, and although you did that only in an attempt to destroy me, you are still my wife. You will behave properly."

  "What is he talking about?" asked Malcolm.

  "He thinks we have been plotting for many years to destroy him," said Rowena wearily. "He is convinced I married him so I could prove him to be the murderer."

  Malcolm looked stunned. "What a marvelous idea. I wonder why I didn’t think of it?"

  Rowena made an exasperated sound as Alaric jerked her out of Malcolm’s grasp.

  "Don’t dissemble, Arlingby," snapped Alaric. "Your plot has been revealed to me. I did not believe Rowena would stoop to such a level, but when I found her searching my safe, I knew it was the truth. But it shall go no farther than this."

  A look of dawning enlightenment covered Malcolm’s face. "So you didn’t discover her accidentally. Someone told you that she would be there."

  Alaric snorted. "Your friend, Lady Bingham, was kind enough to inform me. You should choose your friends better. I could not believe my wife would do such a thing, but I soon found out she was truly your sister and capable of any crime."

  "So he did have time to remove the pearl!" A look of triumph came over Malcolm’s face. "You see Rowena, he does have it. He simply moved it somewhere else. I knew I could not be mistaken."

  Rowena wanted to fall into strong hysterics as she saw all her plans collapse around her. She had come so close to achieving her goal, and now everything was ruined. Alaric and Malcolm were equally convinced the other was a criminal, and there was now no chance she would be able to get them to work together.

  "Be quiet, Malcolm. You aren't helping."

  "Damn it, I won't have him bullying you."

  "He's not bullying me," answered Rowena. She looked at Alaric, and the frozen glare in his eyes made her heart sink further.

  "Come with me now, Rowena. I'll take care of you. We'll think of a way to clear my name." Malcolm pulled her towards him, and Alaric promptly tightened his grip on her other arm.

  "Let go of me!" said Rowena, her voice rising. "Both of you!" she continued, when they glared at one another accusingly. The men released her arms and she turned towards Malcolm, determined to mend the damage caused by Alaric's appearance.

  "Please Malcolm, be sensible. A few minutes ago you were willing to accept the fact that Alaric is innocent. What has happened since then?"

  "First, he crept up on us like some sort of spy," said Malcolm fiercely. "What business does he have following you about? Arlingbys are trustworthy."

  "I found your sister searching my personal safe in an attempt to prove me to be a murderer." Alaric's voice was heavy with sarcasm. "Hardly the act of a trustworthy person."

  "And," continued Malcolm, as though Alaric had not spoken, "I found out that Marguerite had been meddling and told him of our plan. So that makes your search null and void. The pearl has simply been moved."

  "Now, you see what you have done?" demanded Rowena, turning on Alaric. "I had everything under control until you ruined it all. Now I don't know how I will ever reconcile the two of you."

  Alaric raised an eyebrow. "You planned to reconcile the two of us? What a charming scheme, Rowena. But impractical, considering I would as soon rot in hell as trust an Arlingby. And now, my wife, you are returning home with me."

  "Aren't you going to turn me into the magistrates?" taunted Malcolm.

  "I see no reason to re-open a dead scandal. It would only serve to renew gossip that has been better off buried." Alaric shrugged and ran a caustic eye over his rival. "You may stay in England and wait until your own carelessness gets you into trouble, or you can return to your life as a professional gambler in Europe. It makes no difference at all to me. Come along, Rowena."

  "Rowena, don't go with him. He'll do something dreadful to you. You'll be found dead somewhere, a terrible ‘accident.’ I tell you, he's dangerous." Malcolm sounded genuinely concerned.

  "Alaric won't hurt me," she said, firmly. "He's very angry with me, but he won't harm me, I promise you. Malcolm, it's urgent that you take my advice and return to France. I will do my best to help you here."

  Alaric took her firmly by the arm again. "Rowena, we are leaving now. Good afternoon, Arlingby." He bowed with exaggerated politeness, and led Rowena to where his carriage awaited them, a stony-faced groom holding the horses. Alaric glanced at him, and then looked at Rowena's flushed face.

  "You had best walk home, Bartleby. I will take care of Lady Brayleigh."

  "Yes, sir," answered the groom in a wooden tone. He waited until Alaric had settled Rowena in the carriage's seat and then, handing the reins over to his master, departed hastily.

  Rowena looked over her shoulder to where Malcolm had stood, but he was gone. She watched nervously as
her husband climbed into the curricle and put the horses into motion. The events of this afternoon would only have compounded his distrust of her.

  "I hope you will not make a practice of this sort of behavior, Rowena. If you do, I will send you into the country to one of my estates." Alaric spoke softly, but Rowena could hear the steel in his tone.

  "I never said I would not see Malcolm. I didn't lie to you." Rowena knew it was a weak defense, but at least it was the truth.

  "No, you didn't lie. But you knew I didn't want you to talk to him again. Your loyalty should be with me, Rowena."

  Did she hear a touch of hurt in his voice? Was it perhaps more than his pride that was wounded? A tiny ray of hope touched Rowena as she wondered if his heart had been touched by her just a tiny bit.

  "My loyalty is with you, Alaric. I admit that I have gone about this the wrong way, but you must see that I am trying to do what is best for both of us."

  Alaric gave a cold laugh. "I see nothing of the sort. And now, Rowena, I ask you not to discuss this any more. I have only myself to blame for believing you to be something that you are not, and I will pay the price. However, if you think I plan to make it easy for you to flout my desires, think again. If I find you with your brother again you will be sent away from London immediately. Do you understand me?"

  "Yes, Alaric." Rowena folded her hands in her lap and bit her lip. She fought back the tears that rose in her throat. She had to convince Alaric somehow that she was not attempting to harm him. But looking at his inflexible profile she could tell it was going to be a difficult task.

  Chapter 30

  Rowena stood against the wall of the Bradnam ballroom, fanning herself languidly. She was exhausted. Her last partner had been particularly energetic, and she was already worn out from lack of sleep. Alaric was the cause of that. Every night he came to her room and made imaginative, passionate love to her without a word, until it was almost dawn. Then he left, still without saying a thing. Rowena had pleaded with him to allow her to explain her actions, but he refused, saying only that there was no need for further discussion. Alaric would not listen to her arguments about her innocence, and they spent almost no time together except at night, when they were occupied by their lovemaking. The situation was beginning to wear on her nerves; physically, she both yearned for, and was exhausted by his passion, but her emotions felt as though they would overwhelm her if matters continued as they were.

  Rowena narrowed her eyes as she gazed across the room at her husband. He didn’t look as though he was exhausted, though she had no idea when he might be sleeping. He stayed out of the house all day, returned home only for dinner, and then went out again, coming in after midnight and making his way to her bedroom. This was the first time since he had discovered her searching his safe that he had accompanied her anywhere, but when she had tried to thank him, he had cut her off.

  "I don’t want more gossip spread about us, and that would surely happen if we were never seen together," he had said shortly. "That is the only reason I am going with you."

  They had travelled to the ball in silence, and Alaric had danced with her once when they arrived, and then left her to her own devices. She didn’t lack for partners, but she couldn’t prevent her gaze from following her husband as he moved about the room. She could see him smiling at other women, exerting himself to be charming. As she watched, the redheaded woman in the very low-cut dress he was speaking to leaned forward and placed her hand on his arm, giving him a seductive smile. Rowena could feel her anger rising. It wasn’t fair of him to treat her this way. She had done nothing but try to help him, and now she was being punished for it.

  "Daydreaming, Rowena?"

  Rowena looked up to see Charles standing next to her. She gave him a wan smile.

  "I’m afraid I don’t feel very well," she murmured. "I have a headache."

  Charles looked concerned. "I’ll tell Alaric. I’m sure he would want to take you home. He’s very concerned about your health."

  "No!" Rowena grabbed his arm as he turned away. "No, don’t bother him. He seems to be enjoying himself."

  Charles gave her a searching glance. "Is something wrong, Rowena?"

  "No, not at all. I’ll be fine. I just need to rest for a moment or two." Rowena fidgeted with her fan.

  "You aren’t regretting your marriage, are you?"

  Rowena’s violet eyes flashed up to Charles’s face. "Why would you ask me that?"

  "I shouldn’t meddle." Charles looked down at the ground. "But I know of the history between your families, and that Alaric compromised you intentionally in order to force a marriage. I know that there are gossips out there that would like to poison your mind against Alaric. I just thought perhaps you were regretting your marriage now."

  "Oh, no." Rowena shrugged helplessly as she watched Alaric lean forward and say something that brought a sensual light to the redheaded woman’s eyes. Perhaps it was a good thing that he came to her every night, she thought desperately. At least she knew where he was.

  Charles followed her gaze and sighed. "Don’t be concerned, Rowena. Alaric has always had that effect on women. Since he married you he has been the model of a good husband."

  "I know," said Rowena wretchedly.

  "Of course, you must not expect too much of him. He’s not used to being married. But you must promise me that you will not listen to the latest gossip," said Charles.

  "What gossip?" The redhead leaned forward, almost revealing her entire bosom to Alaric’s gaze.

  "They say you are pregnant, and he is now taking an interest in other woman because he has secured an heir for himself."

  Rowena’s hand drifted down to her flat stomach. Her courses were late, and she had begun to wonder over the past few days if perhaps she carried Alaric’s baby. But she tried not to think about it, fearing that if she had a son Alaric would completely disassociate himself from her. There must be some way to repair her relationship with her husband. She could not bear to think of him with other women.

  "That is complete nonsense," she said sharply.

  "I thought so," said Charles. "I knew that Alaric would tell me if you were expecting a child." His eyes followed Rowena’s as she watched Alaric. "You mustn’t worry, Rowena. He would never do anything to hurt you."

  "Thank you, Charles," said Rowena. Alaric was leading the woman out onto the dance floor, and she felt her temper rising. He was probably doing it only to annoy her, she thought. But what if he wasn’t? What if he truly no longer harbored any affection for her at all? She couldn’t stand to watch him drift away from her, back to his mistresses. If that happened, she would have to retire into the country. At least there she wouldn’t have to watch him flirting with other women.

  "Lady Brayleigh? I believe this dance is mine?"

  Rowena looked up into the eager eyes of Hugh Grantly. He had been a suitor of hers prior to her marriage, and the fact that she was now a married woman seemed to have done little to dim his ardor for her. If anything, he seemed to enjoy her company more than ever. Although he was several years older than Rowena, she couldn’t help thinking of him as a mere boy. Alaric, she thought bitterly, made every other man seem dull in comparison.

  "Certainly," she murmured, placing her hand in his. Hugh led her out onto the floor and swept her into the dance. Rowena looked anxiously over her shoulder until she caught sight of Alaric moving around the floor, the redhead clasped in his arms.

  "Who is that woman dancing with my husband?" she asked.

  "Eh?" Hugh’s head swiveled about. "Oh, that is the infamous Mrs. Peckham. She is supposed to be very amusing."

  "Alaric looks amused," said Rowena sourly. As she spoke she saw Alaric tilt his head back and laugh at something Mrs. Peckham said.

  "Bound to be," snickered Hugh. "She’s said to be a woman who knows how to entertain a man."

  Rowena tried to tear her eyes away from her husband and Mrs. Peckham, but it seemed to be an impossible task. She knew that she should act uncon
cerned, but it was quite impossible. What if Alaric sent her home alone tonight? What if he didn’t come home at all? What if he was planning on finding a new mistress now that he felt their marriage was a failure? It was impossible to contemplate. She had to somehow convince Alaric that she had not been plotting against him.

  "Lady Brayleigh?"

  Rowena started. Hugh was talking to her, and she had no idea what he had said.

  "Yes, Mr. Grantly?"

  "Are you quite well, Lady Brayleigh? You seem distracted."

  "I...I have a headache." Rowena despised herself for repeating such a weak excuse, but she reflected that if Alaric continued to spend time with Mrs. Peckham, it would very soon be true.

  "You need some fresh air." Hugh’s voice was concerned. "Allow me to assist you."

  He led her from the dance floor, over to the open doors of the ballroom, and out onto the balcony. Rowena felt a pang of unhappiness as she remembered the first night she had met Alaric, and how he had escorted her out onto the tiny balcony. She had fallen under his spell that night, she knew, and she doubted she would ever recover from it. If only she had been wise enough to avoid him she would not be suffering this agony now. She had made a very bad mistake, giving her heart to Alaric. He didn’t trust her enough to believe her, and what was love without trust?

  Rowena could hear Hugh saying something to her, but it did not penetrate her consciousness. She wondered if Alaric was still with Mrs. Peckham, and if he knew how much unhappiness he was causing her. Perhaps this was another way of punishing her. Or perhaps he didn’t care at all. Maybe he didn’t even think of her when he was with Mrs. Peckham.

  She returned to reality with a start when she felt Hugh clasp her hand and press his lips to it in a very genuine kiss. She looked down at his head, startled.

  "What are you doing, Mr. Grantly?" she demanded.

  "Oh, Rowena, you must be aware of how I feel. I have just told you my innermost thoughts. You are so beautiful, so pure, so kind...you cannot refuse to accept my devotion."


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