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Cougar Bounty

Page 6

by J. A. Rawls

  “No Liza there’s nothing you need to know. Both Marshal and I are consenting adults and we enjoyed each other’s company while I was in Germany.”

  “Moooommmm! Damn, he’s a friend of Jake’s. Why would you do this?”

  “Liza, take your puritanical attitude and keep it to yourself. I’m only going to say this one more time. Both Marshal and I are consenting adults. Leave it alone.”

  “Okay mom, jeez, I can’t believe you. You’re right you two can do whatever you want. I question the adult factor, but it is what it is. You make this an uncomfortable situation for Jake and me. Hell, I may need therapy.”

  “Only in your mind Liza. If you talk to Jake he’s going to tell you to mind your own business and that’s my suggestion as well. Do you need me for anything else, if not I’ve got to cut this off so Charlie and I can catch our flight.”

  “Have a good flight home, but please behave yourself, or at least try,” she laughed. “I love you mom, see you soon.”


  Boarding yet another plane, Jana was pumped. Her new international corporate acquisition couldn’t have gone better. It was run by a dedicated group of managers and Dale Brown and his daughter were priceless. Looking over the contract she was pleased with her success, “Charlie.”


  “Young man you are amazing. You did your homework and made sure they were comfortable. You also knew he preferred working with a man-didn’t you.”

  “That used to be true. Laura and I had a chance to talk for a few minutes as she walked me to meet you. She said her dad always felt a woman’s place was in the home, but since she joined the company he’s decided woman are an important element, especially when his products deal with the female consumer. Dale attended a class recently where he was shocked to find more women shopped on the internet than men and that they bought their husbands clothes. Laura said her and her mom let him in on a little secret as well.”

  “What’s that?”

  “That they’d been buying his clothes for years and giving them to him on his birthday and Christmas because they knew he wouldn’t return them or not wear them. Basically he’d been wearing what they wanted him to wear all his life,” Charlie laughed.

  “It’s the truth you know. I remember when Craig and I were first married. His secretary told me once she knew when I was traveling because she was convinced he was fashioned impaired. I got so I put a tie and shirt together for him as well as pants so he’d look good when I was gone. I wish I’d thought about those clothes for kids where symbols match the pants and the tops. They need to do that for husbands, it’d be so much easier.”

  “I don’t have that problem. I know more about fashion than most women. It has a lot to do with Sami-and a lot to do with you. Don’t tell anybody,” he whispered. “I do love to go shopping for clothes.”

  “You’re a kick Charlie. I’ve know you love to shop almost as much as I do.”

  “Not funny. I’m tired, how about you.”

  “I’m exhausted, but it’s a good feeling.” She leaned back and closed her eyes.

  Charlie felt her relax and noticed the soft rise and fall of her chest. Yes, rest was exactly what the cougar needed. Smiling, he too leaned back and closed his eyes. The flight took off without either one of them noticing.

  Charlie stirred in his seat. “I can’t believe we slept through most of the flight. I’m starving.”

  “Me too, we’ll get something to eat when we clear customs.”

  “I don’t think I can wait that long.”

  “Then ask the flight attendant for something.”

  “Okay, do you want something?”

  “Just bring me whatever you get, and I’d like something to drink, but need to use the restroom first.” Jana walked down the aisle. As she entered the restroom she smiled, I remember a much better use of this facility on the flight over the pond.


  Clearing customs was a nightmare. You’d think the feds could get this worked into a more streamlined process. No, it’s as it always is when dealing with a large bureaucracy, hurry up and wait. I can’t understand the rationale of asking the same questions to someone gone a week and someone gone a year. Damn, just hurry up for God’s sake.

  As Jana approached the customs counter she was ready to scream. She spent the next ten minutes answering questions. ‘Were you on a farm; did you bring in any vegetables or meats into this country; how long were you out of the country; where did you travel to; was it business or pleasure; do you have anything to declare?’ It was more like a survey. I wonder it I told them I had a suitcase full of contraband would the agent even pause or just type yes in the on-line questionnaire he seemed to be filling out as he asked his questions. He reminds me of a dedicated gossip monger obtaining fodder for his morning coffee break. Convinced it didn’t really matter, Jana answered each and every question knowing she wouldn’t clear this point without crossing the t’s and dotting the i’s. What a bloody joke.


  In the back seat of the company car, Jana heaved a sigh of relief. As much as I love going to Europe it’s a major pain getting there and back. “Charlie, you want us to drop you off at your apartment or do you want to go into the office?”

  “I’ll go to the office with you. I have some things I need to take care of and my car is there.”

  “Steven, please take us to the office.”

  “Yes ma’am.”

  “Jana, don’t you want to go home; shower and change first?”

  “No, I’ll shower in my office. I have work to do as well. If you want you can take a shower there too.”

  “I might take you up on that, we’ll see.”

  “I need you to set up a meeting with Cheryl, say in an hour or so. I want to know how she did on hiring the new managers. Then I need to go see Liza. I want to help her with the issues at the office and talk her through what’s going to happen with Craig.”

  “Are you planning to go over and see him?”

  “I wasn’t planning on it, but if Liza wants me too, I will. There are a lot of things to work out if he only has a month left. Tomorrow should be soon enough to get into all that. To tell you the truth, I think it’ll be best if I wait for Liza. It’s so easy for me to slide back into that wife mode and I need to prevent that. I talked to Liza before we left England and she agrees. In fact, she told me if I did she was going to walk up behind me and smack me in the back of the head.” She smiled, knowing that’s exactly what her daughter would do too.

  “If I were you I wouldn’t give her the opportunity,” Charlie laughed at the predicament she was in. “Don’t worry, I’ll protect you.”

  “From Liza? I seriously doubt it.”

  Jana’s cell vibrated and she answered, “Yes Liza, what’s up?–Sure you’re taking your dad home and putting him to bed–Okay, I understand. I’ll meet you at the condo in the morning–No, I’m fine. I wanted to meet with Cheryl; maybe I can get her to have dinner with me–You take care, love you sweetheart, see you tomorrow.”

  “I guess that’s settled, you’re having dinner with Cheryl?” Charlie questioned.

  “Yes, if she’s available, and quite frankly I think I could use the down time.”


  “Cheryl thanks for joining me tonight. I didn’t want to eat alone and I sure didn’t feel like cooking.”

  “Not a problem, I don’t think I’ve ever been here. Is this place new?”

  “No, I think it’s been here a while. Charlie and I have come here to lunch a couple of times and I’ve had dinner here as well. I like the decor, and the waiters are all college students, very cute.”

  “You’re nuts. Speaking of college students, the rumor mill has you married to our lead accountant. Please tell me they’re not talking about Sean.”

  Jana nearly spilled her pomegranate martini, “Let me set the record straight. No, I’m not getting married, and no I’m definitely not seeing Sean. Give me a break. However,” she smil
ed shyly, “I did date Mike, our previous lead accountant, for an entire week.”

  Cheryl studied Jana, and ventured further, “In my wildest dreams I couldn’t imagine dating a man that age. In fact, I’m pretty sure I have shoes older than he is.” Cheryl raised her hand to the waiter indicating they needed another round of drinks. “You’re amazing Jana. How’d you decide on this course of action, a younger man? I’m going to make you my mentor if you can tell me how I can get some of that action. We could start a club or something. What do you think?”

  “Cheryl, you’re crazy. Okay, okay to be in my club you have to answer a single question.”

  “Question, I can do that, what type of question?”

  “No, I’m not giving you any hints. It’s like this, if you answer my question correctly, I’ll tell you everything I know. If you can’t answer it, you’re on your own.” Jana raised her hand, beckoning the waiter for another round of drinks.

  The waiter quickly arrived with their drinks, “Ladies, how about something to eat?”

  “We’ll get to that eventually,” Jana responded with a sexy smile.

  “Okay how about an appetizer? My treat,” he added.

  “No, not yet, maybe later.” Jana looked into the young man’s beautiful green eyes, “Don’t worry about us. We’re not driving, so we can drink as much as we want. In fact,” reaching into her purse Jana took out a business card, handing it to the waiter. “Do me a favor; when you’re sure we’ve had more than we can handle, call Steven at this number and he’ll come and help you pour us into the car, okay?”

  “Yes, ma’am I’ll take care of you,” his eyes were wide as he took the card.

  “Thanks, what’s your name?”


  “Tell you what Fr…an…k. First of all don’t call me ma’am again or there will be no tip. My names Jana and this is Cheryl.” Both of them were laughing as the young man walked away from the table shaking his head.

  “Frank, what was that all about?” the bartender asked.

  “I have two cougars that are going to be drunk on their executive asses in about an hour. The one with the sexy blond highlights gave me a card to call her driver when they’re done.”

  “Go for it. You know what they say about cougars, right?”

  Reluctantly, Frank asked, “Okay, what do they say?”

  “What they say is that if you want sex by ten at night you need to date a cougar as they don’t have time for all the games the young females play. Hell, they have a job they need to go to early the next day and don’t have time to waste.”

  “Take care of your customers; I’ll take care of mine,” Frank responded with ambivalence. What is it with this guy? These women are beautiful and given the opportunity I’d take care of each of them in turn. He smiled.

  Frank placed the shrimp appetizer on the table. “Ladies, enjoy.”

  “Frank,” Jana stated, “we didn’t order this.”

  “I know, but I thought you could use something to eat. It’s on me.” He smiled, displaying perfect teeth framed by sensuous lips. “Can I get you anything else?”

  “Yes, we’d like another round,” Cheryl replied.

  “Are you sure?”


  “Please bring us another around.” Jana waved her finger indicating Frank should move closer, whispering in his ear, “I’ll get her to eat something. Why don’t you make her new drink a virgin, okay? But I want mine loaded.”

  “I’ll take care of it.” Frank smiled as he walked away. Women no matter what age need taking care of and I’m definitely ready, willing and soooo able. Pulling the card from his pocket he unclipped his cell phone. “May I speak to Steven? Steven, Jana is ready for you to come and pick her up. You’ll need to come into the restaurant and I’ll help you get them to the car. They’re both rather inebriated I’m afraid.”

  “I’ll be there in thirty minutes,” Steven responded smartly.

  Meeting Steven at the door, Frank escorted him to Jana’s table. “Ladies, I’m here to take you home. You ready?”

  “Did we call you, Steven?” Jana asked.

  “Sure you did about thirty minutes ago. You asked me to come and Frank here has agreed to assist as well.”

  “Steven, Frank, I guess we’re ready.” Cheryl and Jana both stood. Steven took Cheryl’s hand and wrapped his arm securely around her waist walking her to the door. Frank did the same with Jana and together they left the restaurant.

  “Frank,” Jana leaned over and whispered in his ear, “would you consider me forward if I gave you my phone number?”

  “No. In fact if you’re not busy tomorrow night could we have dinner?”

  “Really, I’d loved to, but I don’t know what my schedule is; call me tomorrow and we’ll-arrange-something.”

  “Sure, I have your card.” He waved it in front of her, “I’ll give you a call.”

  Jana reached in her bag for a pen, grabbed back the card and wrote her personal cell number on the back. “Don’t be intimidated by the card. I’m just a woman who wants to have dinner with a handsome young man.”

  A CEO, holy smokes, yes I can take care of her. “Not a problem, I’m fine with it. I’ll call you tomorrow. Remember my name is Frank.”

  “Not to worry, I’ll remember.” She smiled as he shut the door.

  Cheryl sat back and stretched out her legs as the limo moved into traffic. “I’m waiting, Jana.”

  “Waiting for what?”

  “What question do I have to answer to be a member of your cougar club?”

  “Oh-that,” Jana sighed and turned to her friend. “It’s not a simple question, the answer can be complicated. Bottom line, can you take a young man home, make love to him without falling in love, let him leave in the morning without remorse, but continue to see him if it pleases you?”

  “Pleases me, no love attachment? This isn’t easy-is it?”

  ”No, it’s not. Even with Mike I had issues that almost crossed the line. I cared for him and he wanted to marry me.” Jana paused and stared straight ahead. “I almost caved and said yes, not because I wanted to be married, but because he wanted to. It was hard, and without Charlie’s help I’m not sure I would have done the right thing.”

  Watching Jana’s face, Cheryl answered softly, “I’d like to try it, regardless of the possible shortfalls. I’m confident I can draw the line between love and sex.” She laid her head back against the seat, “With all the young men in this world the possibilities are endless.” She turned to look at Jana, “And I’d like a piece of that action.”

  “Well then, welcome to the cougar club; your benefits are limited only by your imagination.”


  Liza approached her mother’s desk, worried about the way Jana looked. Tired was the only way to describe her. “Mom, are you okay?”

  Startled, Jana looked up, “Sorry honey didn’t hear you come in. I thought I was going to meet you at your dad’s condo. What are you doing here?”

  “We need to talk, and I didn’t think we should do it in front of dad.”

  “Why not, he needs to be involved.”

  “Mom, dad’s gotten much worse. He gets weaker every day. I called the doctor this morning and he said I needed to prepare myself. He said dad could go sooner than a month, the month was a guess.”

  “Damn! I need to go see him.”

  “Okay mom, but prepare yourself.”

  Jana’s mind raced through the memories she’d had with Craig. She didn’t know what to expect when she entered the condo but the man in front of her was not what she was prepared for. Craig had lost weight, he had dark circles under his eyes and his cheeks were sunken. Though he smiled when she entered the room, Jana could see the pain in his eyes. “Morning, Craig, how are you doing?”

  “You’re going to have to ask my nurse,” he pointed toward Liza. “She’s been doing a good job of taking care of me.” He tried to stand and when he couldn’t he simply sank into the leathe
r chair even more. He looked to Liza, “Help me get up, please.”

  Jana knew how much Craig hated to ask for help from anyone. “Let me Liza, why don’t you go make us some tea.”

  “Okay mom, all you had to do was tell me you wanted to talk to dad alone. You didn’t have to send me on a useless errand.”

  “Liza, I need to talk to your father alone. Please make me some coffee and make it strong–thank you.”

  “Yes, mom.”

  “Jana, what’s up?” Craig’s voice was hoarse, strained.

  “Craig, Liza called the doctor this morning because she was concerned that you’re getting weaker each day. He said the month was a guess and that he really didn’t know how much time you have.”

  “That’s true, he told me that when I left the hospital yesterday. The vitamins and intravenous feeding they did, it built me up, but it was short lived. I’m not eating enough to keep a bird alive. I know this, and yet I can’t eat, it just makes me sick. I can’t move on my own anymore, as you’ve already seen, and I hurt everywhere.”

  She took his hand, noting it seemed smaller-colder. “What do you want me to do?”

  “I’ve gotten all my legal papers in order, getting the stuff done for Liza helped. My will is current, my company goes to Liza.” He watched Jana for her reaction, “That doesn’t surprise you, does it?”

  “No, that’s exactly what should happen. I’m confident Liza can manage it. I think with everything else going on, she’ll need the company to pull her through all this. It’ll give her something to concentrate on.”

  “Jana, I want to say one last time how sorry I am for everything.”

  “Craig, there is no need to apologize for anything. We’re friends and we’ll always be friends.”

  “I know but I threw away our marriage, and for that I’m truly sorry.”

  “Craig stop it, we’ve got more important things to worry about.’


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