The Horse Soldier: Beginnings Series Book 10

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The Horse Soldier: Beginnings Series Book 10 Page 4

by Jacqueline Druga

  Dean drew up a look of concern. “Wait a week before doing so. Try to push more on Henry since he will be . . .” Dean swallowed. “. . .the leader of this community. Throw hints his way and others that you aren’t up to it.”

  Joe agreed. He walked to Ellen and laid his hands on her shoulders. “This will work. We can bring Frank back. He’s alive, Ellen, and he’s fine. You have to do your part. You can’t dwell on Dean’s leaving. You have to think about him bringing Frank back. Dean’s going is an assurance that nothing will happen to Frank in the meantime. Think about that.”

  Ellen took a long breath and turned around. “I guess you’re right. Frank’s all right. He’s alive and we have to help him. If we don’t do this, we may never find him.”

  Robbie spoke up. “We will eventually but it could be a long time. It’s a big country out there.”

  Joe saw that Ellen was coming around. He kissed her on the cheek. “O.K., we have a direction. Inform Jess that the search for Frank is off. I do, however, still feel we can trust him so let’s train him for the scouting.”

  Robbie nodded. “Jess is a good man for this. He was in the Canadian Special Forces. This is right up his alley.”

  “Good,” Joe said. “Ellen, you know your part. George’s suggestion of a marriage may be something to consider. If the people in this community see you move on, they will really doubt that Frank is alive and this inside person will see this. That’s where our main concern lies. We four have to be convincing. Dean, what do you think about the marriage, even if it’s just until Frank’s back? It can be annulled after that. Of course we have to make it look real to Reverend Bob so it will have to be legit.”

  “I understand,” Dean commented. “It could be a good idea.”

  “It would show stabilization in Ellen’s life,” Joe explained, “especially after all she’s been through. I’ll need you two to start talking about it and letting it be over heard.”

  Dean watched Ellen nod to Joe and he shook his head. “The marriage is a good plan, but it doesn’t have to happen to convince people. Scratch the marriage idea.”

  “If it’s not going to hurt, why not do it?” Joe asked.

  Dean looked at Ellen. “It’s not right. And I . . . I can’t do it.”

  Joe was shocked. This really surprised him.

  Ellen moved to Dean. “What do you mean?”

  “I can’t marry you, El.” Dean looked at her. “Not for this reason. It’s not right to get married only to break up when it’s done. I won’t. I’m sorry. It doesn’t have to be done so why do it? It’s just icing on the convincing cake and we don’t always need icing.”

  Ellen bit her bottom lip. She was silent for a long time, staring at Dean. As she saw Joe ready to speak she held up her hand. “Dean,” she whispered “We’ll talk about this later. O.K.?”

  Dean shook his head. “No. We won’t. El, please. Let’s not talk about it at all.”

  “You don’t want to marry me.”

  “Not for this reason,” Dean reiterated.

  “You’re really not going to do this.”

  “No.” Dean said. “I’m sorry. It doesn’t need to be done.”

  “I think it does. If George mentioned it, we should do it because he has Frank and right now he holds the high card. We don’t know who his person is. Dean?” When she received no response, Ellen tossed her hands up and moved toward Robbie’s front door. “Fine. This is stupid. You’ll do everything else but this. I’m going home. To my home. Joe, Robbie, let me know when we need to discuss this more. Just know this. If I’m going to go along with this plan then I’m going to do all that I can to make sure it works in our favor.” Ellen stormed out, slamming the door.

  Joe wasn’t going to say anymore. Ellen had said enough and he could see by the look on Dean’s face that Dean didn’t need any more questions on the subject that left the room with Ellen. “All right.” Joe bent down to the coffee table and picked up the tablet he had there. “Let’s sit down and recap what we wrote down . I want to go over again everything that George said.” Joe moved to the sofa and sat down. Robbie did too. Dean still stared at the door. “Dean?” Joe called to him. “Join us?”

  Dean, in thought, took another second of staring, as if he expected Ellen to return. “Um . . . yeah.” Slowly he turned and joined Joe and Robbie. He felt really bad at that moment for turning down Ellen, but he felt strongly in his reasons for doing so, but those feelings and thoughts would have to wait. It was time to return to the discussion of George.


  Binghamton, Alabama

  Dr. Morris made notation in Frank’s chart as he stood by Frank’s bedside. “Vitals strong. Respiration normal. Reflexes normal. Everything is normal.” Dr. Morris closed the chart. “So tell me Mr. Slagel, what is holding you up from coming back to us? Hmm?” Tucking the chart under his arm, Dr. Morris checked Frank’s intravenous once more and walked from the room.

  Dr. Morris’ footsteps moved as steady as the beeping of Frank’s heart monitor. The sounds of his walking faded away until it no longer could be heard. And then Frank . . . opened his eyes.


  September 9

  Beginnings, Montana

  As she did her hair, trying to get finished before she had to get the kids up for school, Ellen heard the thump coming from outside her bathroom door. She opened it up and looked into her bedroom. She saw Dean opening his dresser. “What are you doing here?”

  “I live here.” Dean pulled out a pair of jeans. “I need fresh clothes.”

  “How did you get in?”

  “The window.”

  “Well, I’m going to have to tell Henry to put an alarm system on my windows to keep out unwanted pests.”

  “Ellen,” Dean said her name strongly. “Why are you being like this? Why did I have to come home to find myself locked out of my own house? A house I just moved into thank you very much.”

  “You’re a dick.” Ellen walked by him and to her dresser.

  “Excuse me?” Dean stopped her, taking hold of her arm.

  “Did you not hear me?”

  “Oh, I heard you. Can we talk?”

  “Nope. You said last night we wouldn’t talk about it.”

  “Ellen . . . listen.”

  “No.” She pulled away. “What is it about me? I’m good enough to sleep with but I’m not good enough for a commitment? You don’t have to even look at it as a real marriage.”

  “That is exactly the reason I will not marry you.”

  “What?” Ellen said with sarcasm. “What kind of reason is that Mr. ‘I’m going to save Frank but I have reservations about some parts.”?

  Dean slowly took a breath, walked over and closed the bedroom door. He had an edge to his voice, his hand moved with a ridged action as he spoke. “Look. From the moment I knew I loved you, that was the moment I knew I wanted to commit to you and spend the rest of my life loving you. Now, history shows we were married. But you see, in my mind, time was rippled, I’m not blessed with that memory and that is a memory I want. There’s is nothing more that I want than to marry you, El, but I’ll be damned if to get that I have to cheat. I don’t want our marriage to be a ploy, a front, and I certainly don’t want you to have the easy out when it’s all said and done. And you will have that. Frank comes back, marriage annulled. If circumstances were different and I didn’t love you as much, I would do it. But that’s not the case. Marrying you means far too much to me than to have my shot and it be short lived.”

  “If you question the fact on whether or not I love you enough to marry you for real, then question no further. If a real marriage is what you want. I will give you a real marriage with no intentions of taking the easy way out when it’s all said and done. I love you enough to do that.”

  “If you would have said that yesterday before my phone call from George, I would believe that. But you want Frank back. You’ll say or do anything to get that. You may believe what you say is true, but when Frank walks
through those gates, all will change. It always does and it always will.”

  “You don’t believe what I’m saying is true?” Ellen spoke with some hurt in her voice.

  “I believe you believe it . . . for the time being.”

  “Then the hell with you.” Ellen tossed her hands in the air. “You say you love me. I say I love you. Well you know what I think. I think you’d be afraid to take the step no matter what the reason. You say you want to marry me? Well I think you’re a coward and I think you would find an excuse not to no matter what the circumstances.” Ellen started to walk out.

  “Then I’m a coward. But I’m a coward with reason because I’ve been burned one too many times by you.”

  Ellen stopped in her stride out the door. Calmly she walked back in her bedroom and straight to Dean. “Fuck you.” She turned around and walked back out.


  If one were to ask Ellen to describe Johnny’s appearance she would say, though he looks like Frank, he is much better looking than Frank was at his age. Johnny knew he probably was one of the best looking guys in Beginnings. He was sneaking around with the women before he was sixteen and before understandings even began.

  He needed milk and Johnny’s time was so limited since Joe ran him around in every division he could use him. Distribution always seemed like a pain to Johnny. But on this day it, fit into his plan in which he had reluctantly agreed to help his grandfather.

  She stood there, leaning against the counter talking to Cole. Bev flirted, perhaps to get a little more. Since Johnny, in plan mode, he made it obvious. He stood next to her and . . . well, he stared.

  It took a few minutes into Bev’s conversation with Cole. At first she thought Johnny was staring and then she knew. Annoyed, Bev swung her head to Johnny and, rolling her eyes, she spoke so snippy. “What are you looking at?”

  Suave would describe him as he ran his forefinger and thumb down the sides of his goatee. He flashed his bright smile and leaned close to Bev, staring his dark eyes at her. He spoke deep and smooth. “Your legs. They’re the best pair in Beginnings.” Taking his milk from Cole along with a ‘what are you up to?’ look from him, Johnny left distribution.

  Bev’s mouth dropped open and her eyes followed Johnny out.


  Bowman, North Dakota

  Every man that could, lined up in the field. Standing tall and proud, Hal walked down the long line of men. Rows deep they were. Peter stood there waiting as Hal approached him. They exchanged salutes.

  “For displaying qualities of leadership, for handling pressure in extreme circumstance like no other could, and for bravery he has shown me, I hereby promote Private Peter Haskell to the ranking of Sergeant. With this promotion, he will lead his first regiment out west to scout for the camp or camps associated with the Wild Cats.” Hal extended his hand to Peter. “Congratulations, son.”

  Following the shaking of hands, Sgt. Ryder edged his way to Hal and cleared his throat subtly.

  Hal leaned down bringing his ear closer to Sgt. Ryder. “Yes.”

  “Grace . . .”

  Hal cringed.

  “Grace is going to be upset. You’re sending him away. I saw his schedule.”

  “Gr . . . Gr . . . she’ll just have to get over it. She never mentioned he had to be around now, did she?” Hal stood straight and grinned. He watched the new Sgt. Haskell gather up his men for a scouting expedition that would leave Bowman in a few short minutes. To Hal, everything was falling into plan.


  Beginnings, Montana

  Dropping the last child off at the nursery, Ellen headed to a place where she seldom saw the inside walls . . . the library. Not that Ellen was particularly the reader, she wasn’t but the cavalry soldier was waking and wanted something to read. Ellen wanted to do him the favors of picking out a special book. Beginnings had a great library or at least she heard.


  A small shriek came from Ellen then a laugh as Danny walked up behind her.

  “You’re out and about early. I didn’t think you were working yet,” Danny said.

  “I’m not, but why not take advantage of the free babysitting, right?”

  “Right. Where you off too?” Danny asked.

  “The library. God, I think I was in there once.”

  “I didn’t know you read a lot,” Danny commented.

  “I don’t. It’s not for me. It’s for the cavalry soldier that is ill. I’m picking him out a book only I haven’t a clue what to get him or where to start.”

  “I’ll help you. I’m very averse in libraries, you know.” Danny grinned. “They call me Mr. Library.”

  Ellen laughed as they neared the library. Upon entering they saw Trish who usually worked at history.

  “Hi.” Trish smiled but spoke at a library whisper. “Well if it isn’t Mr. Library.”

  Danny nodded. “What did I tell you?”

  “Trish, why are you working in here today? Doesn’t Lynn usually work the library?” Ellen asked..

  “Usually but she has a case of this terrible stomach flu. She thinks it was something Josephine baked.” Trish shrugged. “Go figure. Why are you here, Ellen? You don’t read.”

  “Yes I know. It’s not for me. It’s for someone in the clinic. Danny’s helping me.”

  “We have a great thriller and horror section. Go take a look-see.”

  Ellen motioned her head. “Come on Mr. Library. Show me the way.”

  With his hand holding onto Ellen’s arm, Danny led her in the right direction. “Is this guy going to read it or are you reading it to him?”

  “I’ll read it to him if he wants.” Ellen looked around the sides of the books. “Wow, how can you tell what they’re about?”

  “Open the inside or some have it on the back.” Danny answered

  “Like a video box.”


  Ellen reached for a book and snickered.

  “What is it?” Danny moved to her.

  “Look at this. It’s her picture. God, how awful.”

  “True, but she wrote that good vampire series.” Danny put the book back and grabbed another. “How about him?” He showed Ellen the author’s picture.

  “Oh I never liked him. And what’s up with that pose? The hand to the chin thing they all do. I would think if they want to sell books they might pose nude or get someone attractive to decorate the back cover. I would.”

  “No, you wouldn’t.”

  “Yes, I would.” Ellen put the book back.

  “Wait. I know an author who takes great pictures. He’s in the next aisle. I’ll be right back.”

  “O.K.” Ellen browsed the titles, pulled one out and put it back. In her reach for a thick book, thinking it had to be good because it was big, she heard the annoying voice of Bev. The mention of Dean’s name made Ellen’s listen. She pulled the book some and saw Bev as she talked to Todd from fabrics.

  “I just felt so bad for Dean,” Bev stated. “He was wandering around last night because she kicked him out of the house.”

  “The house he worked so hard on for her.” Todd commented.

  “It’s his house too. Anyhow . . . he was really appreciative when I let him stay with me.”

  Ellen’s heart sunk and she moved to replace the book. In her slow deliverance of it to the shelf, a hand met hers and helped her place it back. She shifted her eyes with the shocked expression still on her face. Danny was there.

  “I got a good book for your friend.” He held it up. “Let’s, uh, get out of here.”

  “I couldn’t agree more.” Ellen followed him up to the desk where Trish sat waiting.

  Trish looked up from a book she read. “Find something for the sick person?”

  Danny laid the book down. “He might like this. It’s an all-like.”

  “Oh I couldn’t agree more.” Trish opened the cover. “Library card please.”

  Danny looked at Ellen then back to Trish. “I don’t have a library c

  “Then you can’t check out this book.”

  “Trish.” Danny didn’t know if she was serious. “Lynn let’s me check them out without a card.”

  “O.K. but if you excuse me for saying so, Lynn’s a fool. People don’t return books as it is. Imagine if you didn’t know who had it.”

  “Just write down my name.” Danny told her.

  “How will I find you? The library card makes it so much easier.”

  “Can’t I have the book without a card?” Danny asked.

  “Certainly . . . not.” Trish answered. “But . . . would you like to check it out?”

  “Yes.” Danny said hearing Ellen snicker.

  Licking her finger, Trish leaned down, opened a drawer, and pulled out a piece of paper. “Fill this out. This is an application for a library card. Include your address since you know what yours is. You made them up.” She handed him a pen.

  Danny leaned on the desk to begin to fill it out. He looked at Ellen. “A hundred and fifty people in this town and they’re afraid they won’t be able to track us down. Where are we gonna go?” Shaking his head, Danny filled out the application.


  Andrea exercised the leg of the Society soldier, Tom Collins. She spoke to Dean as she bent the leg up and laid it back down. “Muscle tone, Good. Reflexes improving.”

  Dean wrote down in the chart. “Any responses at all to touch?”

  “Some,” Andrea said and smiled at Tom. “He’s not feeling it. I am. It’s a good sign.” She laid down his leg. “Anyhow . . . I’ll let you get some rest.” She covered Tom up. “We’re going to be trying you in a wheelchair today. How’s that?”

  “A wheel chair?”

  “Yes,” Andrea told him. “that way you can get around our little town. As soon as I see you practiced enough, we’ll move you to containment. There are a lot of people there who can assist you if you need it.”


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