The Horse Soldier: Beginnings Series Book 10

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The Horse Soldier: Beginnings Series Book 10 Page 22

by Jacqueline Druga

  “Lt. Merrick has disappeared?” George asked with surprise.

  Frank fluttered his lips. “How do you like that? I’m not wasting much more man power on searching for him, that’s for sure. He left in the middle of the night, one of my staff said.”

  “Yes, as you know, we have problems with defectors.”


  “So, I see you met Marcus.”

  Frank turned his chair, looked at Marcus, then turned away. “Yeah.”

  “How is he?”

  “An asshole.”

  George laughed. “I don’t like him much either. Three things, Frank.”


  “One, take care of him and issue him three or four guards to accompany him on his camp site search. Two, I need you to do something for me tonight. Got a pen?”

  “Yep.” Frank reached and fumbled for one.

  “Write down this number. 916-4556.”

  Frank wrote it down and stared at it. “Who am I calling?”

  “Seems we need to let these people of Beginnings know that they didn’t kill you. A little mind game. I want you to do it this evening. Call that number. When the man answers, you tell him that you just wanted to warn him that you were alive.”

  “Sounds stupid,” Frank commented.

  “Humor me. Marcus will be there when you call if you run into any problems.”

  “What’s the third thing?”

  “The UWA soldiers. They no longer are needed. Have them killed. The sooner the better.”

  Frank was silent for a moment as he turned his chair once more and looked at Marcus. “I’ll take care of it personally.”


  Beginnings, Montana

  Joe looked at his watch as he stood in Robbie’s living room and then looked up the steps. “Ellen, for crying out loud. It’s four ten. Move it!”

  With a running thump, Ellen flew down the steps. “Sorry. I was changing.”

  Joe looked at the dress she wore. “You had that on when I got here twenty-five minutes ago.”

  “Yeah, I changed it and put it back on. Then changed it, tried something . . .”



  “Your wedding?”

  “Yes, my wedding,” Ellen said nervously.

  Joe opened the door for her. “After you. Good thing I radioed Dean and told him you were running late.”

  “Is he mad?”



  “Go.” Joe pointed to the Jeep and pulled the door closed.

  “You look very nice, Joe, cufflinks and everything.”

  “Yeah.” Joe looked at the silver cufflinks. “Had quite the informative time looking for them too.”

  “Huh?” Ellen was lost.

  “Get in the Jeep. And why are you so dressed up anyhow?”

  Ellen tossed her hands up as she climbed in.

  “Christ.” Joe stopped the Jeep as they hit the spot a mile out in the under developed section. “What the hell is this shit?”

  “Joe.” Ellen stepped from the Jeep. It looked as if every person in Beginnings was there. “It was supposed to be just our family.”

  “Yeah, well, you know the people in this town. They look for any excuse not to work.”

  “Oh my God.” Ellen was breathless. There were so many people standing there she couldn’t see Dean despite the small opening path that divided them.

  “You ready?”

  “I think. Yes. Shit. This wasn’t supposed to be like this. Now I’m nervous.”

  Joe smiled at her and lifted his hand in a signal wave to Robbie.

  The words ‘she’s here’ went through Dean and shook his stomach so hard he thought he lost that internal organ. He lifted himself from the seat on the ground he had as Reverend Bob informed him that Ellen had arrived and was ready.

  Dean took a deep breath and walked with Rev. Bob. He saw Paul sitting with the guitar where Rev. Bob was going to stand. He wasn’t supposed to be there. None of the massive amounts of people were supposed to be there. Simple, short and quiet. “Rev. Bob.” Dean whispered as he walked. “This wasn’t supposed to be like this.”

  Rev. Bob simply smiled and took his place with Dean on his left.

  Fixing the grey tie he wore, that Robbie lent him, Dean nervously ran his hand over his crisp white shirt that Jess ironed for him, placed his hands in the pockets of the black pants Danny lent him, and turned around to face where he knew Ellen would walk up.

  Paul’s guitar picking of the simple bridal march--his own rendition--made Dean’s stomach flutter but not as much as when he saw Ellen walking up the pathway, holding on to Joe’s arm. Ellen waved with a smile to him and Dean’s heart pounded so strong. He lost his breath momentarily and cleared his throat in his nervousness. He couldn’t take his eyes off of her. The cool breeze that swept through the field wisped Ellen’s dress and hair just a little but enough to make the whole entire vision that Dean took in almost dream like. The moment was too good to be true, too long awaited, and Dean hinged in fear of the second he would wake up and it would be gone.

  But the music kept playing, Dean kept watching, and Ellen and Joe drew nearer.

  Joe laid his hand with a father’s pat onto Ellen’s as it gripped tighter to his white shirt. He leaned his head to her the closer they walked to the front. “It’s Dean. Come on. Calm down.”

  “This is real. It didn’t seem real until this moment. I’m marrying Dean.”

  “Yep. This is as real as it gets.” Joe stopped walking with Ellen when they reached Dean. He looked to Dean, one eyebrow raised a little and a quirky smile hit him. “First time I really give her away, Dean.” Joe winked. “Don’t make me kick your ass if you do her wrong.”

  Dean’s head dropped with a smile.

  Before Joe handed Ellen over, he faced her. His left hand laid on her face and Joe pressed his lips firmly to her check. “Love you,” he whispered.

  “Love you too.” Ellen touched his hand and Joe stepped back.

  Joe took his place next to Andrea, looked at her hat, and stepped a few inches from her.

  “Hey.” Ellen smiled at Dean.

  “Hey.” He whispered back then motioned his head to everyone behind him. “What is up with this?”

  “I don’t know.” Ellen shook her head. “It’s not supposed to be like this.”

  “I’m nervous.”

  “Me too.”

  “Can we begin?” Rev. Bob asked with a snicker to his voice.

  “Sorry,” Ellen said with embarrassment.


  Rev. Bob opened his Bible. “Can I ask our two witnesses to step forward?”

  Robbie moved close to Dean’s side and Jenny stepped forward to Ellen’s. At the sound of a small sob, at the same time, Ellen Dean, Robbie and Rev. Bob all looked to Jenny.

  “Sorry.” She dabbed her eye. “Sorry. I need a hanky.” She faced the crowd and whispered loudly “Who has a hanky!”

  Andrea, holding her hat, did a feminine run to the front, handed Jenny a handkerchief, and stepped back.

  Rev. Bob waited until he saw all were situated. “We’ll begin.”

  Ellen swallowed and felt Dean search out her hand. They joined fingers and locked them. So tightly his hand held hers. “You look very handsome.”

  Dean smiled. “Thanks.”

  Rev. Bob peered once at his Bible then looked back up. “Love is patient and kind. Love is not jealous or boastful or proud or rude” Rev. Bob smiled at both of them. “We’re gathered here . . .” He paused when Jenny sobbed again. “Are you all right?”

  Jenny nodded with a whimper. “That was beautiful.”

  “Back to where I was.” He cleared his throat. “We’re gathered here today, amongst God’s green earth, to celebrate the greatest gift God has given us, the gift of love and expression through marriage. I’ve given them an assignment. I asked them to write their own vows today. Ellen?”

  “Oh God,”
she gasped in nervousness. “Sorry Reverend.” With another deep breath she faced Dean. “Here I go . . . Thank you for this. I mean that from the bottom of my heart. This step that we’re taking is . . .it tells me something. It tells me you have faith in me, which makes me feel good, Dean, because I have this humongous amount of faith in you. I want you to know that I promise, as your wife, to stand by you. I’ll love you and try my hardest with you because you’re worth it. I truly believe that I couldn’t face tomorrow if I didn’t have you there. I know this from our past. And Dean, I’m not letting you go this time.”

  Dean kissed Ellen, ran his hands though his hair, and waited for the ‘go ahead’ nod from Reverend Bob. “The road’s been long, El.” He let out a loud breath. “Really long, but we made it and I’m still waiting for someone to jump out and say. ‘Hey, we’re kidding you’.” He paused in his nervousness. “El, I can’t stand here and tell you what my heart feels because I’d be standing here forever. Just know, from this moment on, I will do my best not to let you down. And I’ll stand beside you too . . .” Dean closed his eyes. “I am so grateful to God for this day. You can’t even imagine how grateful I am. I’m . . . grateful for you.”

  A soft smile came across Ellen’s face and she kissed Dean. “Thank you.”

  “You too.” He winked.

  Rev. Bob motioned his head to Jenny then to Robbie. He held out his hand and both of them laid the thin gold bands in his palm. “Ellen, just like I told you.”

  Ellen took the larger band and took Dean’s hand. “With this ring, I thee wed.” She slipped it on his finger. “I take you as my husband.”

  His steady hands trembled as Dean lifted the band and took Ellen’s hand. “El, with this ring, Dean’s voice cracked a little as he placed the ring on her. “I take you, El, as my wife.” He lifted her hand, ran his thumb over the band, and gently laid his lips to her fingers.

  Reverend Bob watched their joined hands. “We have witnessed the vows spoken and the exchanging of rings. Now with the power vested in me, I now pronounce you husband and wife . . . You may kiss your bride.”

  A quiver took over Dean’s top lip as he leaned down to Ellen, laying his left hand that sported the wedding band upon her cheek. So rapidly, so strongly his heart beat as he kissed her softly, then kissed her again. Pulling away slowly, they embraced.

  Reverend Bob extended out his arms as Dean and Ellen ended their hold. He laid his hand on their shoulders and guided them to turn and face the people of Beginnings. “What God has joined together, let no man put asunder. Ladies and Gentlemen of Beginnings, may I proudly present to you, Mr. and Mrs. . . . Dean Michael Hayes.”

  Dean and Ellen blushed some and smiled as they faced those who greeted them with applause, whistles, and cheers. The awaited union had taken place. Finally and for real . . . Dean and Ellen were married.



  Binghamton, Alabama

  Link, Kyle, and Jeff moved slowly because their feet were in shackles and they were linked together like a chain gang as they moved passed the gate guard and out into the deep wooded area.

  “Keep moving,” Frank ordered as he stayed behind them. “Go. Go. Move. That’s it.”

  The gate guard watched until he no longer saw Frank and the UWA soldiers. He turned to the soldier who held the post with him. “Are you sure one of us shouldn’t go with the Colonel.”

  “Positive,” the other soldier responded.

  “He’ll be all right out there with them?”

  “They’re chained together. The Colonel will be fine.” At that moment, three shots, all two seconds apart rang out. “See what I mean?”


  Beginnings, Montana

  Dean’s hand intercepted the glass of wine that Robbie poured and passed to Ellen. “Don’t be getting her drunk. I made need to use that tool later.” He quickly kissed Ellen and took the glass of wine elsewhere. He looked around at the massive amount of Slagels and Slagel extensions that were still in his home. It was his wedding night and he couldn’t determine if it was his imagination or if it was taking the Slagels and everyone else too long to leave his house.

  The hitting against his leg by Joey, who had way too much sugar, spun Dean in the direction of what he thought might be a solution to one of his problems for the night. Henry. Dean moved to him. “Hey Henry.”

  “Dean, did you hear?”

  “Hear what?”

  “I yelled at Cole today, deepened my voice and everything. I sounded so leader like.”

  “That’s good, Henry. I’m proud of you. Henry . . . I have this really special evening planned tonight.”

  “I would expect as much, Dean.” Henry leaned down to him. “It’s your wedding night.”

  “Yeah. But Joe’s house is a disaster and he can’t take the kids. Any chance I can get you to take your son with you tonight?”

  “Oh I’d love to . . .”

  Dean smiled.

  “But I can’t.”

  “Henry, he’s your son.”

  “You took him, Dean, and . . . I have to be up and in Mechanics by four.”

  “Henry, come on. It’s my wedding night.”

  “Yeah I know.” Henry grinned. “Excuse me.”

  Dean tossed his hand up. He almost felt as if there were some secret plan to hinder any quality wedding night time he and Ellen could get. Joe couldn’t take the kids because of his cluttered home. Jenny was too busy doing something she couldn’t say. Dean’s house was still full as it hit nearly nine. Henry wouldn’t take his own son. Robbie kept insisting on getting Ellen drunk. It was a good thing for Dean that Billy kept yelling at Robbie. There had to be a person that wasn’t against him and there was. Dean walked over to Danny.

  “Hey, Dean,” Danny spoke up before Dean could. “I need to know if your chemically superior mind can come up with something I need for a new invention I’m creating.”

  “I don’t know. What?”

  “Check this out. Your wedding night made me think of this.”

  “Oh no.”

  “No, no, this is good.” Danny grinned. “Let’s bring back candy panties.”

  Dean choked on the surprising laughter that came from him. “Candy panties? Why do we need those?”

  “Novelty. Come on, Dean. I’ll name them after you. Of course ‘Dean’s candy panties’ doesn’t sound as cool as ‘Danny’s candy panties’. Does it?”



  “Danny, I have a favor to ask you. What’s the odds of you taking my kids tonight for me?”

  “Actual odds or vicinity odds?”

  “Any odds,” Dean said.

  “Slim to none. Dean that’s five kids.”

  “Four. Josh is staying with Denny.”

  “Four kids?” Danny whistled. “I don’t know. It’ll cost you.”

  “I’ll pay.”

  “Here’s the rate. One kid, you sign a small favor slip. Two, a medium one. Three, a big one and all four will cost you a huge favor slip.”

  Dean thought about it and considered his worst two. “O.K., I’ll go with the medium favor slip.”

  “Dean, Dean, it’s your wedding night. You sure you don’t want to get rid of them all?”

  “Positive. I’ll keep the older two.”

  “O.K.” Danny shrugged and reached into his back pocket. He pulled out a homemade tablet and pen. He circled the word ‘medium’ and handed the sheet to Dean. “Sign please.”

  Dean took the pen, shook his head, and signed the favor slip. “You have this down to a science now don’t you.”

  “Hell yeah. If you change your mind, let me know.”

  Dean handed the favor slip and pen back. “I won’t. Thanks.” There was a certain amount of relief for Dean knowing that Joey, the hyper child, and Nick, the crying child, would not be an intrusion on his night. He looked over at Ellen who sat on the couch talking to Hal and Robbie. He looked at the two children he knew would be staying home. Alexand
ra snuggled close to Ellen on the couch and Billy sat on the floor, a book was on the coffee table in front of him. The two calm children. Dean smiled. His wedding night wouldn’t be so bad after all.


  There were candles lit in Dean and Ellen’s living room, not many, but enough to give that romantic feel. A bottle of wine was open on the table. Two half filled glasses sat next to it. Slow music played softly and Dean held Ellen somewhere between dancing with her and seducing her.

  He smiled some as his hand moved across the long sleeved, white button shirt she wore. “This looks much better on you than it did on me.” He spoke softly, fiddling with the collar.

  “I thought you’d like it.” Ellen stared at him while they danced.

  “Very, very nice.” Dean kissed her. “When you said you wanted to put something comfortable on, I thought you meant jeans.”

  “Usually I would have.” Ellen giggled at his teasing kisses.

  Dean undid the buttons as he swayed with her. He brought his wine tainted lips to her neck, gliding them up to her ear.

  “Daddy!” Alexandra called. “I’m thirsty.”

  Dean closed his eyes. “Not again.” He shook his head. “Alex, I left you water on your night stand.”

  “Thank you!”

  Ellen snickered. “Don’t worry about it.”

  “I’m not. Now . . . where were we.”

  “You were.” Ellen pointed to her neck. “Right here.”

  “Yeah, that’s right.” Dean, with an ornery grin, placed his lips where Ellen pointed. His hands undid a few more buttons and pulled at the collar, opening the shirt. He moaned some as his hands moved to her back, down to her thigh, and strongly up, lifting the edges of the shirt as he felt her. He traveled his lips downward, across her collar, and to the openness of the shirt. He bent his knees just a little and moved his mouth softly and gently across Ellen’s chest.

  “What are you doing to my mother?” Billy’s voice called out too close.

  With his head still buried in Ellen’s shirt, mouth to her breast, Dean shifted his eyes and saw Billy. He immediately removed his hand that was planted on Ellen’s backside and stood up straight with a heavy breath. “Billy.”


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