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Noah Page 1

by Catherine Lievens

  Can you really live a life decided by others?

  Noah has lived in isolation most of his life. He’s a demon, and demons keep to themselves. He’s not satisfied with his life, though. One night he sneaks out and meets Duncan. He likes the man, but he knows he can’t be with him because it would mean losing everything.

  Duncan knows what he wants, and he wants Noah. He doesn’t care—much—about his homophobic parents’ reaction. He knows he has the support of his friends and most of the pack, and that’s enough for him. Will it be enough for Noah, though?

  As Noah and Duncan get to know each other, Noah has to make a decision—his parents, or his mate? Choosing his parents means he’ll have to marry a woman and have children, even if he’s gay. Choosing Duncan means he’ll lose everything he’s ever known. Or not?

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  This book is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places, and incidents either are products of the author’s imagination or are used fictitiously. Any resemblance to actual events or locales or persons, living or dead, is entirely coincidental.


  Copyright © 2015 Catherine Lievens

  ISBN: 978-1-4874-0487-1

  Cover art by Latrisha Waters

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  Published by eXtasy Books Inc or

  Devine Destinies, an imprint of eXtasy Books Inc

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  Gillham Pack 4


  Catherine Lievens

  Chapter One

  Noah wrapped his tail tighter around his leg and slid his jeans up. It was a pity he couldn’t wear anything tighter, given where he was going, but it wouldn’t do for the humans to see his tail. Noah didn’t leave the isolated town he lived in that often, but he did know humans weren’t used to seeing tails and horns on someone.

  Noah knew what he could get away with it in a club—no one would probably look twice at his blue hair and his swirling eyes. They’d think they were artificial. Even the horns could be looked at that way.

  A knock on the door made Noah freeze. “Noah?”

  “Yes, Father?”

  “Are you already in bed?”

  “Umm, yes. I’m sorry, did you want to talk to me? I can get up—”

  “No, no. Don’t worry about it, we’ll talk tomorrow. Good night.”

  “Good night, Father.” Noah stuck his tongue out at the closed door and waited for the retreating footsteps to fade before buttoning his jeans and reaching for the shirt he’d put aside for this occasion.

  It was see-through, just enough to give anyone who looked at Noah a good peek at the swirling blue designs on his skin. They could easily pass for human tattoos, but they weren’t. They were a sign of the rank Noah belonged to and of the power his demon species wielded. In theory. Noah had yet to show any of those, though, but he was still young.

  Noah finished getting ready and turned the light off. He bundled up some clothes and hid them under his sheets, hoping it would fool anyone who looked in, not that he expected someone to do so. The servants had strict orders to never disturb him once he was in bed.

  He sprawled on the leather couch in front of the fireplace and waited for everyone to go to bed. He was lucky his parents were set in their routine—he knew they would be in bed in their rooms on the other side of the house soon. They wouldn’t be able to hear any noise coming from Noah’s wing then, and he would make his exit without problems.

  He waited a half hour before getting up again. He checked his make-up, quickly adding a bit of eyeliner before silently opening the French window that let out to his private garden. The only sound he could hear once standing outside in the warm sweet-smelling air was the tinkle of the water in the fountain.

  Noah made his way to the wall that ran around the entire property. He easily climbed it—he’d started doing that when he was a kid, no more than ten or eleven years old—and let himself fall on the other side.

  He smiled at the sight that greeted him. “Hey, Demi. You’re on time, for once.”

  “Shut up, Noah.” Demi pushed away from the car he was leaning against and opened the driver’s door. “Get in.”

  Noah hurried to obey. The last thing he wanted was to be left behind when they’d planned the evening so carefully. He tugged on the seatbelt and put it on before looking at his friend. He would never understand how anyone could think Demi was inferior or some other bullshit like that just because of the designs on his skin.

  It wasn’t his fault his swirls were light green instead of dark blue. It wasn’t his fault he was born that way, and it shouldn’t have importance. “So, where are we going?”

  “You’ll see.”

  Noah stuck his tongue out. Demi was always the one organizing their outings because he didn’t have to hide from nosy parents, and he liked to surprise Noah. “Is the club nice at least?”

  “Noah... promise you’ll stay close to me this time, please.”

  “I’m not a baby.”

  “No, but last time we went dancing I had to save you from that guy who thought you were hitting on him. Humans don’t care about your blue, you know that.”

  “Yes, I know. You don’t have to give me the talk every time we go out.”

  “Look, it’s simple. If you don’t stay close, I’m taking you home right away and I’ll never take you out again. I can’t risk us being found out. You know what would happen to me.”

  Noah nodded. It wouldn’t be pretty if anyone found out what Demi and Noah were up to. Noah would only get a scolding, but Demi’s fate would be harsher.

  Noah watched as they got to the edge of town. He could see the illusion that was cast to keep the town hidden from humans shimmer in the moonlight and the rest of the world behind it. Yet, he knew anyone who stumbled on it from the other side would see only an inhospitable land. That was how they kept humans away—anyone would think twice before climbing the rocky, desolated mountain.

  Demi stopped the car just before they could cross the illusion. He turned to Noah. “Promise you’ll stay close?”

  Noah huffed and nodded with enthusiasm and Demi drove the car through the illusion. Noah turned around as soon as they were past it, and even though he knew what he would see—or wouldn’t see—it was something that surprised him every time. “That’s so weird.”

  “You get used to it once you go back and forth enough times.”

  “I wish I could do that, do this more often.” Noah slumped back in the seat and crossed his arms on his chest. “I’ve had enough of not being able to do what I want. All I do is study and go to the parties my parents want me to go to.”

  Demi gave Noah a quick glance. “That’s what you were born to do.”

  Noah scoffed. “Please. We both know I would be crap if I had to lead my father’s business.”

  “You’ll have to do it one day.”

  “Not if I manage to get out of it before the time comes.”

  “And just how are you going to do that? No one from our world would help you, and you don�
�t know anyone else.” Demi’s hands tightened on the steering wheel. “And don’t even think about running away.”

  “I won’t, don’t worry. I’ll find a way to get out of the life my parents have already decided for me without giving you trouble.”

  “Noah... I know you want this more than anything, but be careful. Not all humans are nice.”

  “I’m not stupid, I know that. I’m not going to run away with the first hot man I meet, you know.”

  “I sure hope not.”

  Silence fell in the car and Noah’s thoughts stayed on his future. He didn’t want any part in what his parents had planned. He didn’t want to succeed his father as head of the house and the business, he didn’t want to marry a woman who had to be approved by his parents. Most of all, he didn’t want to spend the rest of his life hidden behind an illusion.

  Surely there had to be a place that would be safe for him, where he could be himself without scaring anyone. Demons weren’t the only paranormal creatures in the entire world. Noah knew there had to be someone out there who would help him live the life he wanted to live. Noah didn’t even know where he could start to look, but he’d already taken the first step toward that by leaving town. He just hoped it wouldn’t prove to be a bad decision.

  * * * *

  Duncan squinted and tried to find his brother in the crowd. Nate would have his head if he lost Derick, and that was exactly what Duncan had managed to do as soon as they’d stepped into the club.

  He sniffed, hoping he might find a lead, but immediately regretted it. The air was heavy with the smell of sweat, sex and alcohol, and the scent of wolf shifter disappeared under it. “Damn it, Derick!” Duncan muttered under his breath.

  Duncan should have known it was a bad idea. He’d always been used to a quiet Derick, but since the man had moved to Whitedell and had mated, his real personality had started to emerge. It made Duncan happy to see his brother was finally living his life like he wanted to live it—most of the time anyway. The problem was that he’d discovered that Derick could be a stubborn brat when he wanted to, and he had the proof of that at the moment.

  He looked around again, remembering how he’d said stick close to me, Derick. I don’t want to lose you in the crowd and Nate would have my hide if I did. Derick had nodded in earnest, Duncan had turned around to go to the bar—et voilà—Derick was gone.

  Duncan was tempted to chuck the drinks and call Nate, since he was the pride’s best tracker, but he was too attached to his hide. Instead, he tried looking around again. Knowing Derick, the man would be in the middle of the dance floor, shaking his ass and snarling at whoever got too close to him.

  It took Duncan the better part of a half hour, but he finally found his brother. By then the ice in his drinks had melted, so he abandoned them on a table nearby and started to make his way through the crowd. It wasn’t easy, especially since he kept his eyes stuck on Derick’s bobbing figure. Duncan pushed his way through the throng of bodies, not caring one bit about the offended looks he got back, and finally reached Derick’s side.

  He grabbed his brother’s arm and tugged him close. Derick’s eyes flashed in anger until he recognized who was touching him and turned sheepish. Duncan dragged Derick to the edge of the dance floor. “I thought I told you to stick by me,” Duncan yelled as close to Derick’s ear as he could.

  “I know, sorry. I got, uh, distracted.”

  “Really? Really, Derick?”

  “I said I was sorry.”

  Duncan sighed. He couldn’t stay angry with his brother, especially when he made those puppy eyes at him. “Fine. Just... try not to go too far. You know what happened the last time you did.”

  “It was ages ago and no one wants to kill me anymore. Well, I think no one does anyway.”

  “You’re not helping.”

  Derick waved Duncan’s worry away and started swinging to the beat again. “Why don’t you try to have fun, huh? That’s what we’re here for.”

  Oh, Duncan needed to have fun. The last few months had been heavy for him. He’d worked a lot on the pack’s security, and that had meant long hours. Add his day job to that, and he was tired, not only physically, but mentally as well. He deserved to have some fun.

  “Oh, and try to get laid tonight, please. You need that too.”


  “What? It’s true! When was the last time you did?”

  Duncan thought about it and frowned. “I can’t remember.”

  “See? It’s been way too long if you can’t even remember.”

  Truth be told, Duncan had avoided it on purpose. His friends and his brother knew he swung both ways, but his parents didn’t, and the last thing he wanted was for them to find out. He knew it wouldn’t be a problem for Kameron and most of the younger pack members, but Duncan’s parents wouldn’t be happy. Actually, that was an understatement.

  They’d be livid if they ever found out. Duncan wasn’t blind. He’d seen how they’d treated Derick over the years—he’d heard their homophobic slurs. He still heard them when they were alone, and they lamented the fact that a fag was their alpha now, that some of the pack members had come out now that they could, that now that the pack was gay friendly they had a few new gay members. The pack and the pride were oases of acceptance in a world that was still largely homophobic, even if it was changing. It would take more than a few months or even a few years to get to the point that everyone could be who they wanted to be, and even then, some people still wouldn’t be happy with gay people. That was one of the downsides of shifters’ long lifespan. They had a hard time growing along with the times.

  “Don’t worry about me getting laid, and have fun, Derick.”

  Derick beamed and grabbed Duncan’s hand, pulling him along as he walked back into the throng of dancing bodies. Duncan followed eagerly, needing to let off at least a bit of the tension. Derick pushed people aside until they were in the middle of the dance floor and turned to face Duncan. He started to dance and Duncan followed suit.

  He threw his head back and closed his eyes, letting the beat of the music guide his movements. It was freeing, not having to think too much, and he soon was drenched in sweat but happy.

  When Duncan felt two hands land on his hips, his eyes flew open. He looked down, expecting to see Derick, but it wasn’t his brother. Duncan frowned and started to look around, but his eye caught a smiling Derick leaning against the wall to his left. Derick winked at Duncan and gave him a thumbs up. Duncan nodded and hoped his brother would remember to stay close before he finally looked down again.

  His eyes went wide. The guy who was looking up at him was incredible. There were no other words to describe him, really. His long dark-blue hair fanned around his face, some of the strands sticking to his sweaty skin. A pair of small blue horns was barely visible on top of his head, and while Duncan found it weird, it suited the man. The guy was lithe but tall, just a few inches shorter than Duncan was—the perfect height. Duncan could see dark tattoos peeking from under the guy’s shirt and couldn’t help but wonder where they ended, at least until he was distracted by the guy’s eyes.

  They were the most incredible thing Duncan had ever seen. He knew they had to be contacts, but he couldn’t help being awed at the sight of them. They didn’t have a pupil, not exactly. Instead, black and dark blue swirled together, separated, but twined around each other.

  The man was looking at Duncan with a question in his eyes and Duncan nodded at him. The hands on his hips pressed harder and the man leaned closer, his hips swinging to the music and his groin now barely brushing against Duncan’s.

  Duncan groaned and reached for the guy. He slid his arms around the small shoulders and brought him even closer before leaning toward his ear. That was when the scent hit him.

  Mate. The guy in front of Duncan was his mate.

  Duncan jerked away from the man’s ear and looked at him again. The eyes that were looking back at him had a hurt expression,
and he felt the hands on his hips fall away, so Duncan tightened the hold he had on his mate and leaned over again. “I’m Duncan,” he said, loud enough to be heard over the music.

  His mate relaxed and slid his arms around Duncan’s waist. “I’m Noah.”

  Noah. Duncan turned the name around in his mind and decided he liked it. It suited his mate and sounded so very good next to his own name. Duncan and Noah. Perfect. “Nice to meet you, Noah.”

  Noah smiled at Duncan and Duncan had to stop himself from grabbing the man and making a run for it. He pressed his nose against Noah’s neck as they started to move together and took a deep breath. He tried to ignore the way his dick twitched in his pants and to concentrate on the scent of his mate. Noah didn’t smell like human. but he didn’t smell like shifter either. It was confusing but not unpleasant.

  Noah’s scent was spicy, underlaid with smoke and something sweet. It reminded Duncan of honey and burning wood, and he wanted nothing more than to bask in it. Taking a chance, he licked a strip of hot flesh along Noah’s neck and waited for his mate’s reaction.

  * * * *

  Noah shivered when he felt a slick tongue run along his neck.

  His goal when he’d planned the evening hadn’t been to find a guy, but when he’d seen Duncan, he hadn’t been able to resist. It wasn’t like something had to happen between them anyway, and he quite liked the way Duncan was dancing with him and nuzzling his neck.

  Noah knew it was dangerous. Duncan could question his eyes and horns or even try to cop a feel and find the tail around Noah’s thigh. There was no way to tell how he would react if he did, but Noah could imagine Duncan would push him away and start yelling. That wouldn’t make Demi happy, at all.

  Noah shook his head. This was a bad, bad idea. He tried to push against the hard chest in front of him, but Duncan wasn’t letting him go so easily. He did lean away from Noah’s neck, but it was only to press a kiss on his forehead. Duncan didn’t even appear disgusted by the sheen of sweat his lips encountered.


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