Changing Places

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Changing Places Page 14

by Colette Caddle

  ‘God, you’re as big a snob as your bloody mother! It’s a job, for God’s sake, and the way things are going, you can’t afford to be so damn picky!’

  Liam had glared at her, his eyes like ice. ‘Firstly, leave my mother out of this. Secondly, if you think I’m still unemployed because I like doing nothing all day then you don’t know me at all.’

  And Anna had gone to bed and then left the house this morning without opening her mouth to him. Liam couldn’t remember a row ever having lasted this long before, but then nothing was the same these days.

  Mark had just given Anna a salary increase and she was on an all-time high as a result. There was no doubt that Anna had found her niche and although he was pleased for her, Liam couldn’t help feeling envious. He wasn’t proud of himself for being that way and he knew Anna was disappointed in the lack of interest he showed in her work, but he just couldn’t help it. He found the fact that she was the main breadwinner very hard to handle and the thought of accepting a job with a salary much lower than hers was completely abhorrent to him.

  Which is when he’d started to seriously consider the handyman idea. He had enough experience to run his own business and he quite liked the idea of being hands-on again, too. Once things were up and running, he could take on one or two guys but he wouldn’t make the mistake of expanding too quickly. The only fly in the ointment, however, was finance. He and Anna had few savings and to set up a proper business he’d need the right tools.

  He hadn’t checked out financing but he couldn’t imagine a bank wanting to take a chance on him. It was embarrassing to admit that at thirty-three he had sod-all savings! He hadn’t planned for this to happen, had been smug in his cosy little job at Patterson’s. Bloody idiot! He had paid into a pension plan and life assurance, so Anna would be fine if he popped his clogs, but it had never occurred to him that he would ever be out of a job. What the hell had been the point of all those years in college, for God’s sake? Unemployment only happened to unskilled people, or so he’d thought. So, given his naivety, he was hardly great loan material.

  Tara had hinted that she would loan him the money he needed to get up and running, but Liam would die rather than take it. He could ask his mother, as he knew she had a few bob tucked away, but that went against the grain too. God, he was surrounded by women with money and it didn’t half make him feel inadequate. Feeling very sorry for himself, Liam turned over in the bed and closed his eyes. Doing nothing was a very tiring business.

  In the office of Donnelly’s Real Estate, Anna tried to concentrate on what Mark was saying but kept reliving the horrible row she’d had with Liam last night. She couldn’t believe that he hadn’t tried to make it up. She knew that he was awake when she’d left this morning, although he’d stayed well buried under the covers.

  ‘So, have you had any luck with Charlie? Anna?’

  ‘Sorry, what was that?’ Anna pushed her hair back off her face and looked at her boss.

  ‘What’s wrong?’ he asked bluntly. ‘You’re in another world this morning and you look terrible.’


  ‘Oh, come on, love, you can tell me. Is it Liam?’ Mark settled his ample figure back in the chair and waited.

  ‘We had a row last night.’

  ‘Ah. Well, that’s marriage for you, darling. We all have little disagreements from time to time.’

  ‘I suppose, but we seem to be having more than our fair share these days. I can’t say or do anything right. The least thing and he jumps down my throat. I saw a vacancy in Dixon’s that I thought would suit him and he threw a complete wobbler.’

  ‘A management job?’

  She shook her head. ‘No, but you’ve got to start somewhere, haven’t you?’

  Mark chuckled. ‘No, Anna, I don’t agree with that.’

  ‘Neither does he, but he’s so miserable at home. Surely any job is better than nothing?’

  ‘Not really. You see, at the moment, the last job on his CV is a very senior one. If he were to take a lower-paid job, companies would see it on his CV and be less likely to offer him a management role.’

  ‘But the longer he’s at home, the bigger the gap on his CV. Surely that’s worse?’

  ‘Not necessarily. He can always say that he decided to take a sabbatical, that he could afford to take a break and wait for the right job to come along.’

  ‘But we can’t!’ Anna cried in frustration.

  Mark looked at her. ‘They don’t know that, do they? It’s really a game of chicken, Anna. If Liam keeps his head, looks the part and plays the game, he may well ride this out.’

  Anna absorbed this. ‘So you think I’m wrong to push him into just any job?’

  ‘In a word, my love, yes.’

  Anna sighed. ‘Shit. I’m just trying to help, Mark.’

  ‘Just hang in there, love. He’ll get through this and no doubt come out much better off at the other end.’

  ‘Everyone says that, but I’m beginning to wonder.’ Anna blinked back the tears. ‘I feel so completely helpless, Mark. I just wish I could do something to help. I hate to see him so miserable.’

  ‘All you can do is stand by him,’ Mark said softly. ‘That’s all he wants from you right now.’

  Anna blew her nose. ‘You’re right, Mark, thanks.’

  ‘That’s fine. Now, is there any chance we could get a bit of work done?’

  ‘Your boss makes a lot of sense,’ Jill said when Anna relayed the conversation over their lunch later that day in a pub in Clontarf. This was their usual lunchtime haunt as it meant they were both only twenty minutes’ drive from their offices. Jill tucked into a chicken salsa wrap, pausing to dab at the sauce running down her chin.

  ‘Aren’t you on a diet?’ Anna said.

  ‘Nah, I’m on a break. So what are you going to do now?’

  ‘Try harder, I suppose. I was thinking on my way over here that I’m complaining about Liam not talking to me, but I suppose he hasn’t had that much opportunity. I’ve been so busy and a bit preoccupied.’ Anna paused and with a groan, dropped her face in her hands. ‘Oh God.’


  ‘I just remembered I had a go at his mother last night too.’


  ‘No wonder he wouldn’t talk to me this morning.’

  ‘I think you could both do with some cooling-off time. Why don’t we go out tonight?’

  ‘Oh, I don’t know.’

  ‘It would give him time to think and it would do you good to have a night out.’

  ‘Yes, okay then. Where will we go – into town?’

  ‘No, let’s stay in Malahide. We could try out the new wine bar and then go to Gibneys.’

  ‘Sounds good.’ Anna checked her watch. ‘I’d better go, I’ve an appointment at two. What time will I see you?’

  ‘About seven?’ Jill suggested.

  ‘Great, see you then.’ When Anna was back in her car, she noticed the postcard that she’d snatched off the postman this morning and hadn’t had a chance to read yet. She smiled at the photo of the Promenade in Nice. Oh, to be walking along that right now! Turning over the card, she started to read.

  Hello, my darling Anna! Sorry we missed you when we phoned the other night but it was nice (no pun intended!) to talk to Liam. He does sound a bit down, the poor man. Please God he’ll get something soon. I light a candle in every church we visit – your father thinks I’ve lost my mind because I’m lighting candles for Rachel too. She doesn’t say much, Anna, but I don’t think she’s very well at the moment. Please keep an eye on her. I rely on you, you know, to look after your little sister.

  Anna paused. Jill was also worried about Rachel but she’d been so preoccupied with her own problems at the moment she had little time to think about her sister. She’d call her tomorrow, she promised herself guiltily. Bending her head, she went back to the postcard.

  I’ve asked her to come for a visit before Alex goes back to school: maybe you could try and persuade her. It w
ould put my mind at rest if I could see her. I seem to be running out of space, my darling, so I’ll go now and call you soon. Hugs and kisses to you and Liam.x, Mam

  Anna put down the card with a sigh, turned the key in the ignition and headed back to work. If her mother was so worried about Rache, why didn’t she just come home? She could fly from Nice to Dublin, dead easy. Anna immediately felt bad at the way her mind was working. She was turning into a right misery-guts altogether, and it was all because of Liam. She wasn’t the same person these days. She didn’t laugh as much and it was all down to the constant bickering and nitpicking that seemed to fill their time when they were together.

  She missed curling up with him on the sofa in the evenings and discussing their days, laughing, making plans and eventually making love in front of the fire because they hadn’t the patience to wait until they got upstairs. She would have to try harder to keep the peace. They needed each other now more than ever. She would go out tonight with Jill, let off some steam and then tomorrow, she would start again.

  Anna was the last in the office that evening and once she’d locked up and put on the answering machine, she went out to the tiny loo to freshen up. She decided to let her hair down from its tight knot and leave her jacket at the office. She was wearing a cropped black T-shirt that was too informal on its own for the office but perfect for a girls’ night out. When she walked into the small restaurant, Jill was already at a table in the corner.

  ‘You’re looking very sexy,’ she said as Anna sat down opposite her.

  ‘You can talk!’ Anna admired Jill’s low-cut, green top and black gypsy skirt. ‘I feel positively formal.’

  ‘You look gorgeous,’ Jill assured her.

  Anna made a face. ‘I wish I felt it.’

  ‘A couple of glasses of wine and you will.’

  ‘I’m driving,’ Anna reminded her.

  ‘Leave your car here and we’ll take a taxi. I came out on the train so that I could have a couple of bevvies. You can’t let me drink alone.’

  ‘I suppose not,’ Anna agreed with a grin. ‘But don’t blame me if I get all maudlin and cranky and cry on your shoulder.’

  ‘I’ll risk it.’ Jill called the waiter and ordered a bottle of the house white wine. ‘Did you tell Liam you were going out?’

  ‘I sent him a text message, saying sorry and telling him I was meeting you. He didn’t reply.’

  ‘Oh, poor you.’

  Anna shook her head. ‘Forget it. We are not talking about Liam tonight. I came out for a break.’

  ‘Fair enough. Tell me about work then.’

  Anna’s eyes lit up. ‘Oh Jill, I love it so much – although I’m working all hours, which doesn’t impress Liam.’

  ‘I thought we weren’t going to talk about him?’ Jill teased as the waiter poured their wine.

  Anna groaned. ‘No, we’re not, sorry.’

  They quickly gave the waiter their order, Jill ordering two starters instead of a main course – one meat and one fish. ‘Atkins Diet, no carbs,’ she explained and then settled back with her wine.

  ‘So what do you think is going on with Rachel?’ Anna asked. ‘I got a card from Mam today and she’s worried about her too.’

  ‘Oh, I’m sure it’s just her pregnancy getting to her but I do worry about how isolated she’s become. She’s not telling you or me her problems and your mother’s miles away, so who does she talk to?’

  ‘Gary?’ Anna suggested with a shrug.

  Jill shook her head. ‘I don’t think so. Maybe you should ask Bridie to come home for a visit.’

  ‘Maybe,’ Anna said. ‘Let me drop in and see Rache at the weekend first and I’ll see if I can find out what’s going on.’

  ‘Oh, okay.’ Jill looked mildly surprised.

  Anna rolled her eyes. ‘Don’t look so bloody shocked. I’m not that heartless, you know!’

  ‘Never said a word.’ Jill laughed.

  The subject was dropped as their food arrived and instead Jill entertained Anna with stories of her and Karen’s diets and the antics of the staff in ADLI.

  ‘What about the guy who’s after your job?’ Anna asked.

  ‘Vinnie? Oh, he’s as big a pain in the ass as usual but I can handle him.’

  ‘Good woman. You’ll have to show me how it’s done. I should stand up to Mark more.’

  ‘He does seem to work you quite hard.’

  ‘He’s just a natural skinflint and refuses to hire anyone else even though we’ve got at least thirty per cent more business now than we did six months ago. But I’m saying nothing. It’s enough that Liam’s out of work, I don’t want to join him.’

  ‘But your job’s safe, surely?’

  Anna shrugged. ‘It probably is, but after what happened to Liam, I wonder if anyone’s job is really safe any more.’

  Jill shivered as an image of Vinny Gray sitting behind her desk flashed through her mind. ‘You could always apply for a job at a different estate agency,’ she said, forcing her mind back to her cousin’s situation.

  ‘Oh no, I don’t think so. I know I complain about Mark but he’s not the worst. Better the devil you know and all that.’

  ‘He’s a lecherous sod, though.’

  ‘He is, but not with me. He knows that Liam would throttle him if he tried it on!’ Anna smiled as the waiter handed her the dessert menu. ‘Are you allowed dessert on the Atkins Diet?’

  ‘No idea, but I’m having the chocolate fudge cake. Chocolate’s protein, isn’t it?’

  ‘I doubt it,’ Anna laughed. ‘I’ll have the apple pie. Maybe I’ll sneak it home to Liam – he loves the stuff. It could be a little peace-offering.’

  ‘You know, Anna, I’m sure it will all work out fine. I know that’s hard to believe right now, but we both know that Liam would be an asset to any company. It’s only a matter of time before the right job comes along.’

  Anna nodded. ‘You’re probably right, Jill, it’s just such lousy timing. Our life should be going in a completely different direction right now.’

  ‘What do you mean?’

  ‘We had just decided to start a family.’

  Jill’s eyes widened. ‘I had no idea! Congratulations!’

  Anna sighed. ‘Don’t congratulate me, it’s not going to happen now. Liam won’t even talk about it.’

  Jill squeezed her hand. ‘Well, that’s understandable. He has enough on his plate at the moment.’

  Anna nodded. ‘I expect so. But you know, I was showing a beautiful little cottage a couple of weeks ago and I fell in love with it as soon as I walked into the place. It was too small for the client but it would be just perfect for us – Liam, me and our little baby.’

  Jill saw the wistful look on Anna’s face. ‘There will be other cottages even more perfect.’

  Anna looked at her cousin and nodded. ‘Of course there will.’ She glanced down as her apple pie was placed in front of her. ‘This is way too delicious for Liam. Oh Jill, I said I wasn’t going to talk about him and I haven’t shut up all night. No more, I promise. Tell me about Handy Andy instead.’

  ‘Nothing to tell,’ Jill said, tucking into her cake.

  ‘Oh, don’t be so coy. Come on, you haven’t mentioned the guy in weeks.’

  Jill finished her dessert and then turned to signal the waiter for the bill. ‘That’s because I finished with him.’

  ‘Oh no! He seemed perfect for you.’

  ‘How can you say that? You never even met him.’

  Anna shrugged. ‘Well, no, but from what you told me it was obvious that you were happy.’

  ‘Was it? Yes, well, it’s too late now.’

  ‘You could always do something really strange. You could always try to get him back.’

  ‘Who says I want him back?’

  ‘Okay, okay, if you don’t want to talk about it, you just have to say.’

  ‘I don’t want to talk about it.’

  ‘Fine. Let’s go to the pub.’

  ‘I shouldn’t have any more
to drink,’ Anna was saying as they pushed their way through Gibneys.

  ‘Don’t worry, darling, I’ll carry you home,’ Jill promised.

  ‘I’d be glad to offer my services too,’ a voice said from behind them.

  Anna whirled around. ‘Charlie!’

  ‘Hello, Anna.’ Charlie smiled down at her. ‘Mark and I are sitting down at the end of the bar. Will you ladies join us?’

  ‘Do we have to?’ Jill murmured.

  ‘Sure, why not?’ Anna said, ignoring her cousin and following Charlie. ‘Hi, Mark.’

  Her boss swivelled around on his stool. ‘Anna, what are you doing here? And Jill! What a pleasant surprise!’

  ‘Is it?’ Jill climbed up on a stool, aware of his eyes on her legs.

  ‘What can I get you, my darling?’ His eyes had moved up to her chest.

  ‘Oh, to hell with it, I’ll have a gin and tonic.’

  ‘And you, Anna?’

  ‘White wine, please.’ Anna took the other stool and Charlie leaned against the pillar beside her. ‘So, how’s it going?’ she asked.

  ‘Fine, thanks. Are you going to introduce me?’ He nodded towards Jill.

  ‘Oh, sorry. Charlie, this is my Cousin Jill. Jill, this is Charlie Coleman, a client of ours.’

  Jill watched with interest as Charlie frowned. He quite obviously saw himself as more than a customer and she wasn’t sure she liked the way he was leaning on the back of Anna’s stool, his bare tanned arm touching Anna’s. ‘Pleased to meet you,’ she said. ‘Is Mark trying to squeeze a larger commission out of you then?’

  He laughed. ‘He can try but I wouldn’t rate his chances.’

  Mark groaned as he paid for the drinks. ‘I work for a pittance, you know that?’

  ‘You work?’ Anna retorted. ‘Charlie’s my client.’

  ‘I thought estate agents represented the vendor, not the buyer,’ Jill said.

  Mark puffed out his chest. ‘At Donnelly’s Real Estate we offer a better class of service, especially to valued clients such as Mr Coleman here.’

  ‘Oh, cut the bull, Mark, it’s me you’re talking to.’ Charlie turned to Jill. ‘I’m an old friend and I asked him to help me find a place in Malahide.’


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