Changing Places

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Changing Places Page 18

by Colette Caddle

  ‘Gosh, I haven’t slept in a caravan since we went on holidays to Tramore when I was twelve.’

  ‘And it rained and rained and rained,’ Anna reminded her. ‘But you can’t really compare the camper van to the little tin cans we used to stay in.’

  ‘It is quite luxurious, isn’t it?’

  ‘Microwave, fridge-freezer, fantastic shower, the works,’ Anna said.

  Jill looked at her watch. ‘I need clothes! If I head back to the office now, I can get a bit of shopping in later.’

  Anna made a face. ‘I won’t have any time for that. Mark will make me work my butt off this week.’

  ‘What will Liam say?’ Jill asked, suddenly remembering the reason for the trip.

  Anna’s smile disappeared. ‘I don’t know. Maybe he’ll be delighted. He’ll be able to get on with his new romance without interruption.’


  ‘Oh, who knows, Jill. I certainly don’t. But you’re right, I could do with a break from him. I just hope I manage to get through a week with my sister without killing her.’

  ‘I’ll make sure you do,’ Jill promised. ‘And you never know, you might even enjoy yourself.’

  ‘Next week?’ Mark looked at her as if she’d lost her mind.

  ‘I’m sorry for the short notice but it’s just with Dad being sick.’

  ‘It’s only an ulcer, Anna.’

  ‘Yes, I know that but, well, Rachel and I would still like to see him and make sure he’s getting the right treatment.’

  Mark snorted. ‘And maybe get in a bit of sun-bathing too.’

  ‘I haven’t had any time off since March,’ Anna said firmly. ‘I’ll work late every night this week. And Val said she’d do some viewings for you while I’m away.’

  ‘Oh, okay, go if you must,’ he capitulated. ‘Only a week, mind.’

  ‘Only a week,’ Anna promised with a smile.

  ‘What does your husband think of you sodding off to Spain without him?’ he called after her as she went back out to her desk.

  ‘I don’t know and I don’t care,’ Anna retorted, earning herself a worried look from Val.

  ‘And Jill’s going too?’ Mark followed her out. ‘Maybe I should come along to look after you girls.’

  ‘We’re going to see my folks,’ Anna reminded him.

  ‘And if you were with them, they’d really need looking after,’ Val said in an uncharacteristic outburst.

  Mark looked at her, amazed. ‘Val, I don’t know what you mean!’

  The older woman reddened and turned her attention back to her work. ‘I’m sure.’

  ‘I just hope Rachel doesn’t go into labour while we’re away,’ Anna said.

  ‘How far is she gone?’ Val asked.

  ‘Thirty-four weeks, I think.’

  ‘Another six to go, then. I’m sure she’ll be fine.’

  Anna shuddered. ‘She’d better be. I don’t see myself as a midwife.’

  ‘Just tell her to keep her legs crossed. In fact, same advice to you and Jill!’ Mark went back into his office, laughing uproariously.

  ‘One of these days I’m going to wash that man’s mouth out with carbolic soap.’ Val tutted.

  ‘He’s a lost cause,’ Anna told her. ‘I don’t know how Jan puts up with him.’

  ‘Oh, it’s all front,’ Val assured her. ‘He’s actually a very good husband.’

  Anna shot her a look of pure disbelief. ‘He hides it well. Anyway, I’d better get going. I’ve got four houses to visit before lunch.’

  ‘And another five this afternoon.’

  ‘And a viewing at six-thirty.’ Anna groaned. ‘By the end of this week I’m going to need a holiday.’

  ‘I’m going to Spain.’ Rachel put down the phone and stared at herself in the hall mirror. ‘What clothes do I bring? God, what about Alex? I’ll need to fill the freezer or Gary will just take him to McDonald’s every night. And then there’s his lunch – I wonder is it okay to freeze ham sandwiches? Maybe I’ll post the question on MumSpeak.’

  Rachel continued to mutter to herself as she went through her wardrobe and gazed at the awful baggy clothes that hung there. Given the lousy weather this summer all the tops were long-sleeved and way too warm for the hot weather her parents were enjoying in Spain. She’d have to find time to drop into Mothercare and see if she could pick up something more suitable.

  She closed the wardrobe, went down to her desk and flicked on the computer. As she waited for it to come on, she started a ‘to-do’ list. It would be the first of several if Gary was to survive without her for a full week. She couldn’t believe that not only was Gary encouraging her to go, but he was taking a week off work to mind Alex. She wondered what he’d do if Alex woke during the night. Gary loved his sleep and was very grumpy when he didn’t get it. She chuckled as she signed on to MumSpeak. Maybe a week without her was exactly what he needed. As she entered the chatroom, she scanned the latest messages, coming up short when she saw Message for Al’sMum.

  Quickly she tabbed down to the message and pressed Enter. She groaned at the question and began to wish she’d never opened her heart to these people.

  Hey, Al’sMum. Haven’t heard from you for a while. Is everything okay? Have you talked to your husband? How do you feel now about the baby? You’re in my thoughts and just wondered if you’re okay. Galway Gal

  ‘Oh no.’ Rachel hadn’t tackled Gary, of course she hadn’t. The last thing she needed was to hear her worst fears confirmed. Rachel winced as the baby gave a particularly violent kick. ‘Hey, you, stop that.’ She caressed her bump. ‘Mummy does love you, you know that.’

  Forgetting about her questions for the other mothers, Rachel closed the MumSpeak window and switched off the machine. She’d have to cope on her own from now on. The last thing she needed was well-meaning strangers telling her what she should do. With a bit of luck, she might get to spend some time alone with her mother during this holiday. If anyone would understand what she was going through, it would be Bridie.

  Chapter 22

  ‘Oh, look. They have that wonderful concealer, Touche Éclat. I think I’ll get that.’ Jill eagerly checked out the duty-free magazine as the last of the passengers finished boarding.

  ‘I can’t get this bloody belt around me,’ Rachel complained, pulling in her tummy and trying unsuccessfully to close it.

  ‘They have extensions for fat people,’ Anna told her. ‘Ring for an air hostess.’

  ‘Flight attendant,’ Jill corrected, leaning across Rachel and loosening the belt. ‘You don’t need an extension. There.’

  ‘Thanks, Jill.’ Rachel looked across her cousin and scowled at her sister. ‘And thanks for your sensitivity, Anna.’

  ‘Oh, for heaven’s sake!’ Anna turned away and looked out of the window. It was only half six on a cold Sunday morning and Liam was probably still snoring his brains out.

  She’d said goodbye to him last night and even put their differences to one side to wish him well in the interview he had later that week. The job would be perfect for him and Anna knew he was excited about it. ‘The taxi’s picking me up at four so I don’t suppose you’ll want me to wake you,’ she’d joked feebly as she was going to bed, but she’d been very hurt when Liam had just shrugged and wished her a pleasant holiday. God, he was like a stranger. He hadn’t even attempted to kiss her. Anna’s eyes filled as she watched the baggage handlers dumping cases into the hold. He was probably glad she was going. Maybe he wouldn’t be there when she got back. He could easily move into Tara’s place, there was plenty of room and then he’d have his beloved mother next door. What more could he want? He’d never have to work again with those two clucking over him.

  ‘Here we go,’ Jill said as the plane pushed back and the flight attendants started their spiel on safety.

  Rachel fiddled nervously with her belt as she watched the lifebelt demonstration. This was the first time she’d been away without Alex and she had found it very hard to leave him. She had wanted to
hug him before she left but Gary had nearly had a fit. ‘It’s the middle of the night, Rachel, would you leave the kid alone. You said goodbye to him already.’

  ‘Do you think he’ll be okay without me, Gary?’

  ‘He’ll be fine as long as you bring back lots of presents,’ Gary had assured her.

  But Rachel knew that Alex would miss her; it was his father she wasn’t so sure about. Gary had been very enthusiastic about this trip – too enthusiastic. Still, he wouldn’t be able to get up to much while she was away, what with Alex to look after. And maybe, just maybe, he’d appreciate her more when she got back.

  Jill’s mind was also wandering as the attendants moved down the aisle, checking seatbelts were fastened and tables were up. As soon as she’d returned from her lunch with Anna, Jill had gone straight in to see her boss. Sue hadn’t been too pleased about her taking time off at such short notice but, as Jill hadn’t had a summer holiday, she reluctantly agreed. Jill got no more work done that day, spending her time on the internet and the phone arranging flights and checking with Gary that Rachel’s passport was current. After work she’d headed down to Grafton Street. The shops were already full of the new styles for autumn but luckily, skimpy tops were all the fashion and you could always rely on Brown Thomas when it came to swimwear. She’d gone home that evening exhausted, with a boot full of bags, including a large box of shortbread for Bridie. She had ended up buying Shay an opera CD. She usually bought him chocolate, booze or fags, but her life wouldn’t be worth living if she brought him anything remotely unhealthy.

  ‘I think I need a drink,’ Rachel said, her hands digging into Jill’s arm as the plane turned on to the runway.

  ‘You’ll be fine.’ Jill patted her hand. ‘It’s a very short journey; it will be over before you know it.’

  Rachel squeezed her eyes shut and offered up a silent prayer. ‘I know I don’t talk to You as often as I should but please, please, please keep me and my baby safe and bring us back in one piece. And keep Alex safe too. And I promise I’ll take him to Mass more often.’ Surreptitiously she crossed herself and clung on to Jill’s arm. Once they were up she’d be fine. It was just that horrible feeling when the plane first took off that got her. And the turbulence, of course. And she wasn’t so keen on the landing. ‘I definitely think I’ll have a drink. One won’t do any harm. What do you think, Jill?’

  ‘Oh for God’s sake, will you shut up?’ Anna snapped at her sister. ‘A plane crash will be the least of your worries if you keep rabbiting on like this!’

  ‘She’s nervous,’ Jill hissed in her ear. ‘Give her a break.’

  ‘I’m sorry.’ Anna turned mournful eyes on her cousin. ‘I’m just a bit down.’

  Jill patted Anna’s arm with her free hand. ‘We’ll talk about it when Rachel falls asleep,’ she whispered.

  ‘How do you know she’s going to fall asleep?’

  ‘Take a look.’

  Anna leaned forward to get a better look at her sister and suppressed a giggle as she saw that Rachel’s head was already lolling on Jill’s shoulder.

  ‘Gary told me she didn’t go to bed at all last night so she’s knackered. Five minutes tops and she’ll be gone.’

  Anna leaned across to say gently, ‘Don’t worry, Sis, we’ll be there in no time.’

  Rachel sleepily smiled her thanks and closed her eyes.

  ‘Can I get you ladies a drink?’ A pleasant-looking attendant stood over them.

  ‘Three white wines,’ Jill told her, rummaging for her purse.

  ‘Here, I’ll get them.’ Anna pulled out 20 Euros and handed it over.

  ‘Thanks.’ Jill took her drink and Rachel’s.

  ‘Do you think she’ll actually get to drink that?’ Anna asked.

  ‘No, but I’m sure you and I will manage it between us. Happy holiday!’

  ‘Cheers!’ Anna raised her plastic glass. ‘God, what are we like, boozing at this hour of the morning.’ Most of the people around them were drinking tea, coffee or juice.

  ‘They’re just cheapskates,’ her cousin told her. ‘I’ve noticed that a lot of people don’t drink on planes when they have to pay for it themselves.’

  Anna took another sip. ‘Miserable sods.’

  Jill grinned as Rachel let out a small snore. ‘I think it’s safe to talk now. So, how are things?’

  ‘Terrible. Liam didn’t even get up to say goodbye to me.’

  ‘Well, it was the middle of the night,’ Jill said reasonably. ‘Has he said any more about Tara?’

  ‘He’s tried,’ Anna admitted, ‘but I don’t want to hear it. You know, I just don’t trust myself. I feel so angry I’m afraid of what I might say.’

  ‘Anger’s good,’ Jill assured her.

  ‘It is?’

  ‘Yes. Much better than being sad or defeatist.’

  ‘Oh, I feel all that too but at the moment I feel mad more than anything. You know that day that I walked in on them, I had been feeling so guilty over Charlie?’

  Jill’s eyes widened. ‘You didn’t!’

  ‘No! That’s just it, Jill, I didn’t do a damn thing! My biggest crime is that when Charlie tried to kiss me, I thought about letting him.’

  ‘You didn’t?’ Jill said again.

  ‘I didn’t. But I felt guilty because I was kind of sorry I didn’t. I wondered what it would be like.’ She sighed. ‘And because I felt like that, I went rushing home to Liam and look what I found.’

  ‘It will all work out in the end. You two are made for each other.’

  Anna stared into her drink. ‘I’m not so sure.’

  ‘One word of advice,’ Jill added.

  ‘What’s that?’

  ‘Keep away from Charlie Coleman. It’s harder to resist temptation when you’re vulnerable.’

  ‘You don’t have to worry about him, I won’t be seeing him any more. He’s put in an offer on a house and I’m pretty sure it will be accepted.’

  ‘That’s good. Isn’t it?’

  ‘I suppose it is, but to be honest, he’s the only thing that’s kept me going these last few weeks. You know I’ve deliberately been taking on extra work because it’s preferable to going home?’

  ‘I didn’t know things were that bad.’

  ‘They’ve never been worse.’

  ‘Rachel, Anna, cooee!’ Bridie Gallagher bounced up and down on her tiptoes trying to attract her daughters’ attention.

  ‘Bridie!’ It was Jill who was the first to spot her aunt as they came through Arrivals. ‘Come on, girls.’

  ‘Howaya, Da.’ Anna hugged her father. ‘You’re still alive then?’

  ‘Hard to kill a bad thing,’ Shay said, swinging her off her feet.

  ‘I’d like to see you try that with me,’ Rachel joked as she kissed her mother.

  ‘No bother, you’re only a slip of a thing.’ Shay pulled her gently into his arms and patted her bump. ‘How’s my little grandchild doing then?’

  ‘Kicking like hell. How are you?’ She studied her father’s tanned face and bright eyes. He certainly didn’t look very sick.

  ‘I’d be fine if your mother fed me occasionally.’

  ‘Just ignore him.’ Bridie released Anna and turned to hug Jill. ‘Hello, love. You look a bit tired.’

  ‘Oh, I’m grand, Aunty.’

  ‘A bit of sun and sleep will do you the world of good.’ Bridie winked at her. ‘And I might even have a Señor for you.’

  Anna rolled her eyes. ‘The last thing Jill needs is one of your lame dogs.’

  ‘What’s that supposed to mean?’

  ‘It means you attract every loser for miles around,’ her husband said, taking Rachel’s case. ‘And then you swan off leaving me wondering how to get rid of them.’

  Bridie laughed. ‘Ah, will you stop! Sure I’m just doing my Christian duty. Love thy neighbour, and so on.’

  ‘Charity begins at home,’ Shay told her. ‘And you’re supposed to be looking after me at the moment.’

  ‘Ah, will you
go away out of that! I’m fed up trying to look after you.’

  ‘How’s the diet going, Dad?’ Anna asked, falling into step beside her father.

  ‘Bloody rabbit food, fish and chicken, that’s all she’s feeding me. And one flamin’ glass of wine a night! I ask you!’

  ‘I’m sure you can have more than that once the ulcer is under control.’ As they emerged into brilliant sunshine, Anna looked around for the camper van. ‘Where’s the passion wagon?’

  ‘Matt lent me his car,’ her father explained, leading the way to the car park. ‘Him and Trish are spending the day at the beach.’

  ‘So where are we sleeping, Mam?’ Rachel asked, praying she wouldn’t have to share with her sister.

  ‘Your father and I are going to sleep in the van and you three can have the apartment all to yourselves.’

  ‘Oh no, Bridie,’ Jill protested. ‘That’s not fair at all.’

  ‘You haven’t been in our van, have you, Jill?’ Shay remarked.

  ‘No, but—’

  Bridie waved away her protests. ‘Trust me, love, it’s more than comfortable. We only took the apartment so we could entertain while we were here and that’s off now that Shay has to behave himself.’

  ‘She’ll be making me go to bed at eight, next,’ Shay complained.

  ‘Are you sure about this, Mam?’ Anna asked.

  ‘Of course, love. You three will be able to roll in at whatever time you like without fear of disturbing us.’

  Rachel looked down at her bump. ‘I may well come rolling in, but probably before teatime.’

  ‘Poor Rache.’ Jill hugged her cousin. ‘You could always have a siesta and that way you might last a bit longer.’

  ‘That’s not a bad idea.’ Rachel brightened as they climbed into the car and set off for the resort. With Alex around she rarely got to take a nap in the afternoon. ‘I don’t know what’s going on. I can’t sleep at night and I can’t stay awake during the day.’

  ‘Your body goes through changes when you’re pregnant,’ her mother said wisely.

  ‘And so does your mind,’ Shay added. ‘And if you’re anything like your mother, it won’t change back.’


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