Alexa the Fashion Reporter Fairy

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Alexa the Fashion Reporter Fairy Page 2

by Daisy Meadows

  “He’s a goblin!” Kirsty realized. And clutched in the goblin’s big green hand was Alexa’s magic pen!

  Quickly, Kirsty pointed out the goblin with the pen to Rachel and Alexa.

  “We have to get it back!” Rachel insisted as the three fairies landed on the bandstand roof.

  Alexa put a finger to her lips. “Let’s listen to what the goblin’s saying,” she whispered. “We need to think of a plan to grab my pen, but we’ll have to wait until he’s done interviewing Ella.”

  “Your fashion designs are OK,” the goblin was telling Ella, “but they look ridiculous with all those colors! The clothes would be much better if they were all in shades of blue.”

  “I like blue, but I prefer to use lots of different colors,” Ella replied politely.

  “Huh!” the goblin snorted with disgust. “That’s nonsense! Blue is the best color in the whole world! Why don’t you join the Ice Blue team and work for us? After all, we’re creating the fashion of the future!”

  Rachel and Kirsty shook their heads as they looked at each other.

  “Isn’t he rude?” Rachel said in a low voice. “Ella’s designs are beautiful and comfortable — not like Ice Blue!”

  “Poor Ella,” Kirsty sighed. “She’s very polite, but she must be a little annoyed.” Then her face lit up. “Oh — I have an idea!” Kirsty exclaimed. “But I need to be my human size again.”

  Quickly, the three friends flew down from the bandstand and fluttered behind a tree. A stream of glittery sparkles from Alexa’s wand made Kirsty shoot up to her usual size. Then she headed toward the bandstand.

  “Sorry to interrupt,” Kirsty called as she went up the steps. “But the mall reporter, Nicki, is waiting for Ella at the press booth.”

  The goblin glared at Kirsty, but Ella jumped to her feet immediately. Kirsty could see that she looked very relieved.

  “Thank you, Kirsty,” Ella said. She smiled at the goblin. “And thank you for interviewing me.”

  The goblin didn’t smile back. “You can’t go yet!” he protested. But Ella had already hurried down the steps.

  Instantly, Rachel and Alexa swooped onto the bandstand. When the goblin saw them, he shrieked with rage.

  “Pesky fairies!” he hollered. He raced for the steps to escape, but Kirsty blocked his way.

  “We’d like Alexa’s magic pen back, please,” Kirsty said firmly.

  “Never!” the goblin yelled. Rachel and Alexa fluttered around his head, trying to distract him, and the goblin frantically swatted at them.

  Meanwhile, Kirsty tried to grab the pen, but the goblin kept spinning out of her reach.

  “HEY!” An angry shout made them all stop and look around. To Kirsty’s horror, she saw Jack Frost striding across the garden toward them. He was wearing an Ice Blue suit. Like Ella, he carried a portfolio and a book of fabric samples.

  “It’s Jack Frost!” Kirsty gasped, turning to Rachel and Alexa. “Quick — hide!”

  Rachel and Alexa zoomed back to the top of the bandstand and out of sight. The goblin burst out laughing.

  “Not very brave now, are you?” he jeered, still tightly clutching Alexa’s pen.

  Jack Frost stomped up the bandstand steps. He looked very angry! But Kirsty was surprised to see that Jack Frost wasn’t staring at her — instead he was glaring furiously at the goblin.

  “What are you doing?” he roared.

  The goblin jumped with fright. “Um — er — I was just interviewing —” he began.

  “Why are you using the magic pen to interview this silly designer?” Jack Frost demanded, pointing at Kirsty. “You’re supposed to be interviewing me about Ice Blue!” He turned to Kirsty. “Time for you to go!” he snapped.

  Kirsty hurried down the steps and hid behind a nearby tree, where she could see and hear everything that was going on. Rachel and Alexa rushed to join her.

  “If you can’t do the job right, I’ll do it myself !” Jack Frost told the goblin. He pointed his wand and unleashed a bolt of icy magic. Alexa’s pen flew out of the goblin’s hand and into Jack Frost’s jacket pocket!

  Kirsty, Rachel, and Alexa glanced at one another in silent fear. How were they going to get the pen back now?

  Jack Frost impatiently waved the goblin away. The goblin trudged off, kicking gloomily at piles of autumn leaves. Meanwhile, Jack Frost sat down on the bandstand steps. He took out the pen and an ice-blue notebook, and cleared his throat.

  “So, Mr. Frost, you’re clearly a very talented fellow!” Jack Frost said in a deep, admiring tone. “May we see your wonderful portfolio and fabric samples?” Then he slid across to the opposite side of the step. “Of course you can,” Jack Frost said in his normal voice. Smiling boastfully, he opened his portfolio. “As you can see, all my designs have the Jack Frost silhouette logo.”

  “Jack Frost is interviewing himself !” Kirsty whispered. She, Rachel, and Alexa tried not to laugh.

  “These are truly remarkable designs, Mr. Frost,” Jack Frost went on, swapping seats again. “What is your inspiration for Ice Blue?”

  He slid back across the step.

  “Well, me, really,” Jack Frost replied with a smug grin. “I’m so handsome, I inspire myself !”

  “Jack Frost just gave me an idea,” Rachel murmured. “I think I know how we can get the pen back! Alexa, will you make me human-size again?”

  “Of course,” Alexa agreed.

  “But I have to be dressed in Ice Blue clothes!” Rachel told her.

  Kirsty watched as a burst of Alexa’s fairy magic turned Rachel back to her normal size. But now she was wearing a crazy Ice Blue outfit — pants covered with diamond-shaped blue patches and an enormous baggy T-shirt with the Jack Frost logo on it. Kirsty couldn’t help laughing.

  Rachel grinned at her. “It’s your turn, Kirsty!” she declared.

  Alexa waved her wand. Now Kirsty was also dressed from head to toe in a weird blue outfit — a backward jacket, clown pants, and a baseball cap with an enormous bill. This time, it was Rachel’s turn to burst out laughing. Then she quickly whispered her plan to Alexa and Kirsty. They nodded, and Alexa flew to hide under the bill of Kirsty’s hat.

  Quickly, the girls hurried out from behind the tree.

  “Look!” Rachel yelled, sounding breathless with excitement. “There’s the famous designer who makes all of these amazing Ice Blue clothes!”

  Jack Frost heard her and peered at them.

  “Oh, yes!” said Kirsty. “Let’s go tell him how much we love his fabulous outfits!”

  The girls rushed over to the bandstand. Jack Frost jumped to his feet and greeted them with a gracious smile. “I can see you’re fans of my designer label,” he said, looking thrilled.

  “You’ve got great taste and style!” Kirsty gushed.

  “We threw all our other clothes away,” Rachel told him.

  “We’re only going to wear Ice Blue from now on!” added Kirsty.

  Jack Frost nodded. “Soon everyone in the whole world will be wearing Ice Blue,” he replied proudly. “I’m doing an interview to spread the word about my designs.”

  Rachel and Kirsty glanced around the bandstand.

  “But where’s the reporter?” Kirsty asked.

  “I’m interviewing myself, ” Jack Frost explained. He sighed. “But it’s not easy.”

  “Maybe we could interview you?” Rachel suggested. “It would be such an honor!”

  “We can tell everyone how great Ice Blue is,” said Kirsty.

  “That’s a good idea,” Jack Frost replied with a smug smile. “But I’ll only do the interview if I can tell you what questions to ask.”

  “OK,” Rachel agreed. She turned to Kirsty. “Do you have a pen?” Rachel asked her.

  Kirsty shook her head. “Sorry.”
  “I don’t have one, either.” Rachel frowned. She looked at Jack Frost. “Could we borrow your pen?”

  Jack Frost hesitated. Rachel waited for his answer, hoping she didn’t look too nervous. Would her plan work?

  Jack Frost scowled.

  “Well,” he muttered reluctantly, “I guess so. But I want it back as soon as you’re finished with the interview.”

  He handed the pen over to Rachel, who sighed with relief. At that moment, Alexa swooped out from under Kirsty’s baseball cap and zoomed over to Rachel. Jack Frost gave a shout of rage, but it all happened too fast for him to do anything. The instant Alexa touched the pen, it shrank to its Fairyland size, and she tucked it safely away inside her bag.

  “You think you’re so smart!” Jack Frost sneered, stomping his foot. “But you won’t stop me! I still have three of the Fashion Fairies’ magical objects left, and soon my Ice Blue clothes will take over the world!” He stormed off in a rage.

  “Girls, I can’t thank you enough.” Alexa smiled at Rachel and Kirsty. “To show you just how grateful I am, let me change your terrible clothes!” She pointed her wand at Rachel and Kirsty. In an instant, the two girls were back in the clothes they’d been wearing earlier.

  “Thanks, Alexa,” Kirsty said with a grin. “I could hardly see where I was going in that huge baseball cap!”

  “I have to rush back to Fairyland and share the good news with everyone,” Alexa said happily. “Now fashion reporters everywhere will be able to tell people about all the wonderful clothes they can buy, not just Ice Blue. Good-bye, girls. I’d love to see your fashion magazine when it’s finished!” Then Alexa vanished in a mist of sparkling fairy dust.

  “That was close!” Kirsty sighed as she and Rachel hurried back into the mall. “I didn’t think Jack Frost was going to let us borrow Alexa’s pen!”

  “Me, neither,” Rachel agreed. “We better go straight to the press booth. It’s time to meet my dad.”

  “I wonder if Nicki got her interview with Ella after all.” Kirsty said.

  When the girls reached the press booth, they saw that Nicki was in the middle of interviewing Ella. They were surrounded by a crowd of people. Mr. Walker was up in front, so Rachel and Kirsty went to join him.

  “What do you think about this new Ice Blue label?” Nicki was asking Ella.

  “Well, the designer has some very unusual ideas,” Ella replied carefully, “but the color blue doesn’t suit everyone. I always think it’s best to let people choose what they want to wear depending on what looks best on them.”

  Nicki nodded. “And can you tell us about the design competition you were involved in yesterday?” she said.

  “We were looking for wonderful outfits for the charity fashion show at the end of this week,” Ella explained. “We wanted original designs with imagination and flair.” Just then, she spotted Rachel and Kirsty at the front of the crowd. “Would you like to interview two of the winners, Nicki?” Ella motioned for the girls to come forward.

  The audience applauded as Rachel and Kirsty joined Nicki and Ella. Mr. Walker looked on proudly.

  “So, girls, how does it feel to be competition winners?” Nicki asked with a smile.

  “Great!” said Kirsty, feeling a little shy.

  “Fantastic!” Rachel added.

  “Tell us about your designs,” Nicki went on.

  Rachel briefly described her rainbow jeans, and Kirsty talked about her scarf dress. Nicki and the audience all looked very interested.

  “Thank you, girls,” Nicki told them. “We look forward to seeing you model your outfits at the charity fashion show later this week!”

  As the audience applauded, Rachel and Kirsty smiled at each other. They were both thrilled that they’d already found four of the Fashion Fairies’ magical objects! But the girls knew that the charity fashion show would be a disaster unless they found the last three objects and returned them safely to the Fashion Fairies. Everything to do with fashion in the human and fairy worlds would be ruined! They still had some exciting adventures to come!

  Kirsty and Rachel tracked down Alexa’s magic pen. Now it’s time for them to help


  the Hairstylist Fairy!

  Read on for a sneak peek. . . .

  Kirsty Tate and her best friend, Rachel Walker, gazed into the salon mirrors with excitement. They were sitting side by side, waiting to have their hair cut in the coolest salon in town — Snip & Clip.

  “What’s it going to be, girls?” asked Blair, the head hairstylist.

  “I just want a trim,” said Kirsty.

  “What about you, Rachel?” asked Claire, the other stylist. “Are you going to try something more daring?”

  Rachel’s eyes sparkled as she looked at Claire in the mirror.

  “I’d really love to have lots of tiny braids all over my head,” she said. “Could you do that?”

  “There’s nothing that Claire can’t do with hair!” said Blair with a laugh. “Let’s get started.”

  The girls looked down at the cart that stood between them. It was full of special hairdressing scissors, combs, and brushes, pretty barrettes, headbands, and jewels. They looked up and smiled at each other.

  “I love getting my hair done,” said Rachel. “It’s even more fun when you’re here with me!”

  Kirsty was spending the fall break in Tippington with Rachel. As a special treat, Mrs. Walker had brought them to the new salon in the Tippington Fountains Shopping Center. Mrs. Walker was reading a magazine in the waiting area. She was planning to have her hair styled for a party that she and Mr. Walker were going to that night.

  “Tippington Fountains is the best shopping mall ever,” said Kirsty. “We’re so lucky — we’ve visited every single day since it opened!”

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  e-ISBN 978-0-545-53930-2

  Copyright © 2012 by Rainbow Magic Limited.

  Previously published as Fashion Fairies #4: Alexa the Fashion Editor Fairy by Orchard U.K. in 2012.

  All rights reserved. Published by Scholastic Inc., 557 Broadway, New York, NY 10012, by arrangement with Rainbow Magic Limited.

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  First Scholastic printing, July 2013




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