The Perfect Plan [The Men of Treasure Cove 4] (Siren Publishing Ménage Amour)

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The Perfect Plan [The Men of Treasure Cove 4] (Siren Publishing Ménage Amour) Page 3

by Rebecca Joyce

  “I do,” a soft, wispy voice said from behind them.

  All eyes turned to see the young woman standing behind them. No taller than their chests, the petite blonde smiled. Her rosy cheeks reddened as the McDaniel Brothers gaped openmouthed. Her sparkling blue eyes looked like crystal prisms. Her full red lips looked like cherries, but it was her demure stance and the bashful way she stood that had their cocks hardening and ready for action.

  “Lilly,” Jacks whispered in reverence, as the night before came crashing forward.

  * * * *

  The party was in full swing, and Jacks wanted no more of it. Already, he was busy cleaning up the bags of trash that seemed to forever be filling. The music was too loud, thumping Justin Timberlake’s “Sexy Back” through the speakers. The boisterous laughter around him was grating his nerves. He wanted silence, not drunken perverts, sex-craved addicts, and booze-induced degenerates.

  He hated this.

  Why can’t we just have a quiet weekend at home?

  Jacks watched as Orin mingled with the partygoers as if he was the king of all he surveyed. Orin’s arm was draped across some god-awful blonde-dye job with the fake boobs and a plastic face. The sight of her made Jacks’s skin crawl. Her claws claiming his brother didn’t seem to bother Orin one bit, nor did the fact that she kept blowing kisses to the man across the room dressed in a toga, drinking straight from a Jim Beam bottle.

  Davis was worse. That chump was sprawled out on the bear rug in the living room, playing some nasty version of naked Twister.

  I hope you fall on your dick, asshole.

  This whole farce was humiliating, degrading, and stupid, and his brothers were having the time of their lives.

  Jacks grabbed another bag of trash and headed out back. That was when he spotted her.

  Quietly sitting on the back porch, huddled in a little blue jacket, sat the prettiest woman Jacks had ever seen. At first he thought she was just a young teenager, but when she looked up at him, Jacks knew she was all woman. Beautiful and shy, she smiled gently. “Hi.”

  A silver halo surrounded her as she smiled a vision of purity, innocence, and serenity. His heart picked up and skipped a beat. In that instant his whole world vanished, and all that was left was the small woman smiling before him. He never believed the stories of love at first sight, always thinking that it wasn’t real, but just some made-up fanciful notion to express love and get the girl, but in this moment, this one second in time, he understood. Heart beating fast, colors of promises, and every doubt he ever had was gone.

  Time stood still as he fell deep into the well of love.

  He couldn’t move, rooted in time. Everything he ever thought was wrong, but so much more. She was made for him, his to love and cherish. A gift.

  Taking a deep breath, Jacks smiled. “Hi.”

  God he hoped he didn’t sound like an idiot. He watched as she shivered. “It’s warmer inside, you know,” he offered, concerned.

  “I know. But it’s a little loud for my tastes. I’m Lilly Campbell.” She smiled, extending her hand. Jacks took the delicate hand, and the moment their fingers touched, sparks flew through his system. His heart picked up, his breathing increased, and his face warmed. He knew he was blushing, but damn it, she was one pretty little woman.

  “Jacks McDaniel,” he whispered.

  A beautiful name for a beautiful woman, Lilly. His beautiful flower, Lilly.

  “Jacks? Is that short for something?” she asked, looking at her hand still in his.

  “Oh, sorry,” he replied and regrettably let her hand go. “Jackson. It’s short for Jackson. Actually, my full name is Kenneth Jackson McDaniel, but I’ve always gone by Jacks. My brothers, Orin and Davis, also go by their middle names. Orin’s full name is Noah Orin McDaniel, and Davis’s is John Davis McDaniel. According to our mom, when we were little, Orin had a hard time with his speech, some kind of lisp or stutter thing. Well, as the story goes, one day he just started calling us by our middle names, ’cause they were easier for him to say. So from then on, that’s what everyone called us.”

  She smiled.

  “I don’t know why I just told you that.” Jacks grinned, trying to breathe normally. He was so nervous. There was something about her. Something intriguing about her that drew him in like bees to honey.

  She was special, and he knew it.

  “It’s all right. I don’t mind. I actually like hearing about different families. So, you’re the youngest then, right?” she asked sweetly.

  “Yes, ma’am,” Jacks said, sitting down next to her on the bench. “There’s only the three of us boys. Mom wanted more, but the dads said they already had their hands full with Orin and Davis. When mom had me, they were done. She hoped for a girl, but got me instead.”

  “I’m sure she was still happy.”

  “What about you? Do you have any brothers or sisters?” Jacks asked, curious to learn more about her.

  “Oh, you can say that. I am the youngest of seven. I have six overprotective Neanderthals for brothers.”

  Laughing, Jacks sympathized. “Orin and Davis can be a handful, too. What are your brothers like? Do they live around here?”

  Jacks stayed outside on the back porch with Lilly for close to an hour listening to her talk about her brothers, her family, and what she did for a living. He wasn’t shocked when she told him she was a recent graduate from the University of Montana—he knew she was smart along with being incredibly beautiful—but he worried when she informed him that she hadn’t been home to see her family. Wondering if something happened, he waited to ask until he knew her better.

  “It’s a little chilly out here. Would you like to go inside?” he asked, hoping.

  “It’s a little rowdy in there. I should be getting home. I just need to find my ride,” she said quietly, getting to her feet.

  Jacks couldn’t stop himself. He reached for her hand and whispered, “Please stay.”

  Looking up into her soft blue eyes, he watched as they widened in shock and then softened instantly. Her slow smile was mesmerizing. “Okay.”

  For the next hour Jacks talked and entertained Lilly. He had never had so much fun in his entire life. She was smart, witty, and funny. As they walked the grounds of the ranch, Jacks showed her the barn and horses. After asking if she would like to go for a ride, he saddled up his horse. He helped her up, and when she was settled, he climbed up, sitting behind her. Together, Jacks took her for a late-night ride over the range. The crystal-clear night gave way to the brightest stars as they took their time talking and getting to know each other.

  Jacks was in eternal heaven.

  His whole life he had played third fiddle to his brothers. Oh, he loved Orin and Davis, but being the youngest, sometimes his thoughts, feelings, and wishes were set aside.

  As the youngest, Jacks was used to getting hand-me-downs and secondhand toys, and being the last to kiss, hug, and love a woman. But this time, he was the first.

  The first to see her.

  The first to talk to her.

  The first to fall hopelessly in love, and he was in love.

  Life as the youngest McDaniel wasn’t as easy as everyone assumed. His brothers were older, stronger, and just more. They both played high school football, while Jacks preferred reading and art club. While his brothers were exploring their sexual appetites, Jacks was centered on school and learning. He never got the whole fuck ‘em-and-leave ‘em theory his brothers adhered to. So when he finally had his first girlfriend, it ended horribly when Jacks walked in on Orin and Davis having their way with her. Oh, she and his brothers asked for him to join in, but Jacks wasn’t ready for all of that. He remembered talking with his mother after that night, and she told him “Sweetheart, a time will come when it you will know when it’s right. When it does, it will be magical. The connection that you feel at the moment will make all of the past hurt fade away to nothing. Be patient, my darling. She is out there waiting for you, just as you are waiting for her.” His mothe
r was right.

  The instant his eyes found hers, Jacks knew.

  She was the one, his Lilly.

  * * * *

  “Jacks! Are you coming?” Orin shouted at him, bringing him out of his reverie.

  Looking up, he saw that Orin, Davis, and Lilly were waiting by the truck, waiting on him. He saw sadness in Lilly’s eyes that had him worried. Grabbing his gear, he headed over to the truck.

  “Hello, Jackson,” Lilly whispered as he set his gear in the bed of the truck. Jacks didn’t know what was going to happen between them, nor did he care, because all he wanted and ever needed was the woman standing before him. Not thinking, not caring what any of them said, Jacks walked up to his wife, pulled her into his arms, and kissed her in front of God and everyone.

  Chapter 3

  The instant he grabbed her and she was once again ensconced in his strong arms, the familiar feelings of belonging surrounded her. But that paled when his warm, moist lips touched her. The gentleness of his kiss sent butterflies flittering throughout her body. Moaning in pleasure, she melted into him, wrapping her arms around his waist.

  Lilly remembered his first kiss. The soft, gentle way he took her in his arms that night. Patient and careful, he lifted her chin and slowly brought his lips to hers. It was a magical moment, out on his horse on the open range under the stars.

  Her head was fuzzy, and she was having a hard time breathing, but when his lips left hers, she felt him smile. “Hi, wife.”

  Reality came crashing back quickly.

  She was married.

  Stepping back and trying to gain her composure, she righted her jacket and looked up at Jacks. Oh, she wanted so much to tell him that what happened last night was a big mistake, but the happiness she saw in his eyes stopped her. Sighing, she just replied, “Hi.”

  “If you’re done, I would like to fix this problem, today,” Orin said angrily, getting into the truck.

  “Just ignore him, gorgeous. He didn’t have breakfast,” Davis said, holding the front door of the truck open for her.

  “Can we go!” Orin shouted.

  Smiling, Lilly turned and got in. When she clicked her seat belt, Davis shut the door and followed Jacks as they sat in back.

  Lilly’s nerves were killing her. She wanted so much to ask what happened last night. Only little bits and pieces were coming back, but the whole night was still a big blur. From the way Jacks responded to her, she would bet he remembered something. Just what, she didn’t know. But the fact that he remembered they were married didn’t bode well for this situation, or the fact that he was happy about it.

  She didn’t like hurting people, and for some reason, she just knew Jacks was going to get hurt.

  Her whole life she had done exactly what was expected of her. She stayed out of trouble and didn’t cause her parents heartache. She got good grades, went on to college, and received a degree in what her father thought would best suit the ranch. From birth she was groomed to be the perfect wife, mother, and support for a rancher husband. But when she met Derrick Wadsworth in her senior year, she went against her father and brothers’ wishes. For the first time in her life, she did what she wanted, and because of that choice, she suffered the consequences.

  Glancing to her left, she eyed Orin, the oldest McDaniel brother. Looking at him, she wondered if she had made another bad choice. Orin was handsome, she would admit that. His rugged looks blended well with his blond hair and gray eyes. He had a strong, firm gaze and a prominent nose that gave a regal air about him. But other than looks, what did she really know of him? She couldn’t remember anything about him from last night’s folly, only Jacks.

  So how was it she was married to all three?

  If she could only remember, she would feel better. It was driving her crazy not to know what happened. Did she do something? Did they? Did they wear condoms?

  Oh God!

  “Tell me ya’ll wore condoms last night!” she blurted out without thinking.

  Thanks to good lord she was wearing her seat belt, because when Orin slammed on the brakes, she was jerked forward and then slammed back into the seat.

  “Holy fuck, Orin! You could have hurt her,” Jacks shouted, punching the back of Orin’s seat.

  “Seriously, Orin, that was uncalled for,” Davis agreed, leaning forward and touching her shoulder. “Are you all right, Lilly?”

  “I’m sorry. I shouldn’t have blurted that out like that,” she whispered.

  “What do you mean, did we wear condoms?” Orin asked furiously.

  Lilly slowly inched toward the passenger door and his harsh tone. She had never seen someone so angry before. If looks could kill, she would be dead. Orin’s sea-gray eyes actually glowed with anger, like ferocious waves of a hurricane. His posture left no room for disobedience. “I only remember bits of last night. But one thing I do remember is a lot of sex,” she replied cautiously.

  “Fuck!” he shouted, slamming his fist into the dash. Lilly jumped and immediately unbuckled her seat belt and fled from the truck. Scared and unsure of what he was capable of, she started running back toward the town. She only made it a couple of feet before arms surrounded her and picked her up.

  Screaming and kicking, she tried to fight him off, but when she heard his voice, she stilled. “Lilly, breathe, baby. Take a deep breath. I won’t hurt you,” Davis said. His soothing words filled her mind as she relaxed into his embrace.

  His strong arms and the smell of him brought more memories forward—heavy panting, sensual touches, and a wicked tongue. Her heart picked up, and her face warmed as she remembered what he did to her that night. Nothing could have prepared her for that feeling, that exquisite memory of being loved and cherished by Davis. His gentle coaxing, his eager need to please her, was overwhelming. But it was his never-ending enjoyment of bringing her to pleasure over and over that had her panting.

  Looking at him, she watched him smile. “That good, huh?” He grinned.

  Davis knew exactly what she was thinking, because he was seeing the same thing, too. Lilly lying on her back in the big master bed, writhing in pleasure as he devoured her pussy. Licking every drop, he nibbled and sucked her clit until she was begging him to send her over.

  She exploded in a rush as he drank from her body, enjoying every pulse and pleasure she released. She was so responsive to his touch, so animated, so alluring.

  She enthralled him.

  Kissing his way up her little body, he touched and licked every morsel, every curve, every inch. Her soft, full breast, so young and perky, awaited him. Taking a nipple into his mouth, he held her as she arched into him, moaning in pleasure. He was hungry for her and wanted to eat her alive just to have her with him always. When he finally took her mouth, she was so hungry for him, she panted, begging him, “Take me, Davis. Make me yours.”

  “Is she all right?” Jacks said, coming up behind him, interrupting his best day dream ever. Davis just nodded, looking at Lilly, who was sporting the prettiest pink blush ever.

  “She’s fine. Aren’t ya, baby?” Davis asked, grinning.

  “I’m fine,” she whispered.

  “Orin is waiting. We better get back. You can sit with me in the back,” Jacks offered, holding his hand out.

  “Okay,” she said as Davis set her on her feet. “I am sorry about my outburst. I didn’t mean to scare you.”

  “Don’t worry about Orin. Jacks and I can handle him. He’s just having a hard time with all of this. When we get back to the house, we can all discuss what happened and what we’re gonna do next. Till then, I think it’s best we keep any new revelations quiet until we are all safely at the house.”

  “I think that’s best, too.”

  Once back in the truck, nobody said another word until they arrived at the Big D. Even then, Davis watched as Orin slammed the truck door and stomped into the house, slamming the screen door furiously. He didn’t know what was bugging his big brother, but Orin sure did have his mad on good.

  Opening the bac
k door, he helped Lilly down, and together, he and Jacks escorted Lilly into the house.

  * * * *

  Orin McDaniel couldn’t get a grip on his anger. He was furious. He wanted to beat the shit out of something, hard. Mainly he wanted to beat the crap out of himself. This was all his fault. He fucked up. He knew it. Just like he knew it was his entire fault they were all in this mess because he insisted they have that damn party.

  If he had just stopped and listened to Davis and Jacks, neither of them would be in this mess. To make matters worse, a beautiful young woman who was too damn sweet and kind for the likes of him was now involved. He brought this on them all, and he knew it was time to fess up and tell them what he remembered.

  Unlike his brothers and Lilly, it didn’t take Orin near as long to remember what happened that night. The moment he heard her voice, every little bit of information, every smell, every touch, and every drop of alcohol came crashing back with a vengeance. But the main part, the important part, was he asked Lilly to marry him. Then he dragged her before the Celestial town judge, and then proceeded to beg Miss Raven White, Celestial’s matriarch, to perform the binding ceremony. It was all his idea, just because he wanted into her pants.


  The only problem he foresaw was the fact that while it was his fault, he would give anything to get back into her pants again. Just having her sit next to him in the truck caused his dick to stiffen to the point of pain. Add in the fact that her scent was wreaking havoc with his abilities to think clearly, and, well, he was totally fucked.

  Last night was unlike anything he had ever experienced and when his brothers joined in, well, it was as it should be, working together, loving the same woman. For the first time ever, last night they accomplished the inevitable. They worked together instead of against each other. It was a novel feeling, something he could admit to himself that he liked.

  Growing up as the oldest wasn’t an easy feat. Add in the fact that they were raised to share a wife, and well, heads were bound to butt against each other. Orin knew from an early age that he was possessive, self-centered, and greedy. The thought of sharing anything never set well with him. So when their dads handed over the ranch, well, he expected to be in charge. But that was not what happened. Oh, he was the head, the leader, but in full control he was not. Davis was given the job of managing the funds, while Jacks took care of the animals and their health and welfare. As for Orin, the day-to-day runnings of the ranch were his. Neither could do their jobs without consulting the other. They had to work together to make the ranch successful, and so far, minus a couple hiccups, they were muddling through.


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