“Oh, hell naw! Get your hands off me!” She was strong not shedding one single solitary tear even though she felt like her inner soul was ripped out her body. Her fatigued frame trembled as she remained firm. “Don’t touch me!”
Storm dropped to his knees pleading with her for forgiveness. Not to proud to beg or cry he started back on the blame game. “Listen babe!” He wrapped his arms around her waist while trying to press his head against her stomach. “I’d never do anything intentionally to hurt you. You my world! Your sister is making all these allegations about me and I don’t even really remember shit! Matter of fact, how you know it’s even true? She probably was lying just to get back at you for having my back.”
Kenya’s arms dropped down at her side and she released the statue letting it hit the carpet. As she let her fingertips rub the sides of her blue jeans feeling every fiber, she closed her eyes praying that he was right. “What am I supposed to believe?”
“Well think about it.” Storm looked up toward Kenya’s eyes. “If London really is knocked up, you know nine outta ten it’s my brothers’ baby. You already know how they do what they do!”
“I guess.” Kenya started to move her hands and slowly wiped the tears from his face. “I just don’t know why she would do something like that. My sister ain’t even cut like that.”
Storm, relieved he’d temporarily dodged the bullet persuading Kenya to calm down, got onto his feet kicking the statue, and would be weapon, to the side on the sly. Holding her face close to his he kissed her on the forehead. “Listen up. I know this ain’t over and I swear we gonna get to the bottom of her lies, but for real, for real, we need to go down to the club and see what’s what, ya feel me?”
“But . . .” Kenya hesitated not yet ready to let the heart wrenching subject go so easily.
“But nothing,” Storm reached over grabbing Kenya’s car keys off the floor and headed to the door. “Your sister done lied on me and started all this madness. It’s because of her, my leg is fucked up and my ear is deformed! She ain’t doing shit but trying to drive a wedge between us. Now we’ve been through too much to let anybody do that shit! So come on baby, let’s get down to Alley Cats before it’s too late! I’ll drive!”
“Yeah, okay,” Kenya finally agreed knowing Storm would make the Chocolate Bunny situation go away. After all she’d committed murder. Even if it was to save Paris’s life, nevertheless it’d be considered cold blooded murder of that skank and her baby.
Urban Books, LLC
97 N18th Street
Wyandanch, NY 11798
Ruthless and Rotten: Say U Promise 2 Copyright © 2014 Ms. Michel Moore
All rights reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced in any form or by any means without prior consent of the Publisher, except brief quotes used in reviews.
ISBN: 978-1-6016-2632-5
First Trade Paperback Printing November 2014
This is a work of fiction. Any references or similarities to actual events, real people, living or dead, or to real locales are intended to give the novel a sense of reality. Any similarity in other names, characters, places, and incidents is entirely coincidental.
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