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TheOneandOnly Page 15

by Tori Carson

  Waiting for her to talk to him, his heart was in his throat, praying “scary” was a good thing.

  “I think you may be right, Sean. My body is still thrumming.” She chuckled. “The song. It’s playing again. How perfect is that?” She smiled up at him with a look of awe and wonder.

  He smiled at the confirmation that she’d flown for him. Wherever her journey had taken her, she’d been beyond hearing the music. But her body wasn’t done yet. If she was still thrumming then his work wasn’t finished. He drew his hand under the blanket and between her legs. She looked up at him with her brow slightly furrowed, no doubt questioning his intent.

  She was tired and probably a little tender, but she opened for him without hesitation. He brushed lightly over her rock-hard and throbbing clit once, twice, sending her into another orgasm. This one was softer, a rejuvenating release of the tension that remained in her body. She rocked her hips into his hand and threw back her head with a contented sigh.

  Chapter Seven

  This time when Michelle woke up, she knew where she was and it was exactly where she wanted to be—in Sean’s arms. Last night had been incredible. Sean had tried to talk to her about it on the ride back to his house, but she must have fallen asleep. He wanted open communication between them and she understood why. Yet it was so hard to actually discuss sex, especially fucking-hot sex.

  “I know you’re awake and thinking again. Your heart is racing and you’re tense. What are you thinking?” Sean’s breath moved along her neck, sending shivers down her back.

  “Oh lots of things,” she sighed, knowing he wouldn’t let her get away with being vague.

  “Do you want to talk about it or do you want to eat?”

  He was giving her a choice? “Eat. I’ll even cook.” Oh hell yeah. She didn’t know why he was giving her a reprieve but she’d take it.

  “You cooked yesterday. I can cook.”

  “You hate to cook and I enjoy it.”

  “Well in that case,” he swatted her butt playfully, “get on with it, girl. I’m hungry.”

  Michelle laughed and rolled out of bed. She went into the bathroom, took care of business and grabbed one of his shirts. When she came into the bedroom again, Sean had slid on a pair of Armani pajama bottoms. They hugged his hips and looked damn good.

  “What does your day look like, Sean?” She’d finished most of her homework yesterday and actually had a few hours of free time. It was a new and novel concept. Normally, if she finished her assignments early, she’d pick up a shift.

  “I have a meeting with a toy manufacturer at ten and I’m not looking forward to it. Steven set it up thinking it would save us money, but the manufacturer wants his advertising banners hanging in the club. It’s not going to happen.”

  Ahh, that explained why he’d let her off the hook. He had to leave soon. No doubt it was a delay, not a pass. Michelle walked into the kitchen and started pulling out the supplies she needed.

  “Have you considered countering his demand? Maybe set up display cases in the locker rooms? Showing off his merchandise would bring a lot more business than just a banner. If the receptionist isn’t overwhelmed, she could handle any purchases before they actually entered the play areas. You could tell them you’re gearing up to partner with other makers, but you wanted to offer him an exclusivity package first. Say for six months you would promote and sell only his brand of—pick two different product lines and offer him separate pricing for each, or for significantly more money you would sell only their products across the board. You could offer space in your newsletter and email blasts—for a separate fee—as well as promote their products on your website.”

  When she turned around to look at Sean his jaw was slightly dropped as if he wanted to say something but had decided against it. He had a contemplative look on his face, making her wonder if she’d overstepped her bounds. Those were all things he’d probably thought of already and rejected.

  “Are you busy this morning?” He sounded very businesslike and distant.

  Shit. He didn’t want to tell her she was stupid so he wasn’t going to say anything at all. She turned her back on him and started cracking eggs. “I have a little bit of work to do, but I thought I might chill out a little before working tonight.”

  “Would you consider giving up a couple of hours and coming with me? You sound better qualified to talk to this guy than I am. I can show you the original proposals while we eat.”

  “Seriously?” She couldn’t keep the hope from her voice.

  “Michelle, in the fifteen minutes you’ve known about this, you’ve come up with a list of ideas that have eluded me for two weeks. I was looking to save us a little money and you’ve come up with ways to see a profit. Of course I’m serious. If you can push this through, the profits from the first contract are yours.”

  “No way, Sean. I’ll be happy to go with you and talk to this guy, but I don’t want any money from it.”

  “As far as I was concerned, it was a lost opportunity and I was pissed I was going to have to waste an hour talking to him. If you can make a profit for us, it’s all yours.”

  She shook her head. She was definitely not taking his money. It was reward enough that he valued her input.

  While she put their meal on the table, Sean brought out the past proposals. As she ate, she looked them over. “You were right to refuse these. He’s offering below standard compensatory rates and I’ve never bought sex toys, but I suspect he’s price-gouging as well.”

  “You obviously have experience with this. Where is that from?” He was still using his business voice, but maybe that wasn’t a bad thing.

  “Over the summers. I interned at two ad agencies. I’m trying to pad my resumé so I can get a job after I graduate.” She laughed. “We need to swing by my place so I can find something a little better than jeans. Professional armor always helps.”

  “Or I could take you shopping.”

  Michelle watched a smile touch his lips for the first time all morning. “That’s sweet, but—” She touched his hand and waited until he was really looking at her. “I don’t want your money and,” she put a finger up to stop him from cutting her off, “we don’t have time.”

  “My money spends as well as anyone else’s and I don’t appreciate you being stubborn on this. However, you are right about the time. We need to get moving.”

  * * * * *

  Sean came back into the office after escorting Mr. Farnsworth, the owner of the toy company, out of the club. He spun the desk chair that she currently occupied around and kissed her hard.

  “Holy shit, Michelle. You kicked ass! Damn girl, I was rock-hard just watching you in action. You have such a knack for this. It looks like the only outlay for us will be the two cases and then someone to manage our portion of the social media. Do you know what this means for the club? All of his venues will now be promoting Cat Tails. Girl, you rock!”

  She nodded, beaming from his enthusiasm. He’d stayed out of the negotiations completely, leaving it all up to her. It felt unbelievably good to be given carte blanche and not have to get everything approved by multiple supervisors. And playing hardball when Farnsworth tried to screw them on values had been a rush. “I can handle the social media without any problem, but if you want to go with a professional I understand that too.”

  “Hell no. If you want to tackle it, it’s all yours. I’m a true convert to your business prowess. When you told him his second offer was unacceptable and outlined, in detail, exactly how he was trying to screw us, I almost came in my pants. I would have taken that offer and been pretty pleased with it. You had him groveling to do business with us.” Sean gave her a high-five. “Let’s go celebrate.”

  Michelle reveled in the way he continued use of the word “us”, as if they were partners. That meant more to her than closing the deal. It felt so damn good to find a subject she could discuss with him as an equal. Of course, as the owner, he was still the boss, but this deal was hers. He’d trusted her
with all the negotiations. She stood from her place at the head of Sean’s desk and noticed how wobbly her legs were. She might have appeared calm on the outside, but inside was a different story.

  As they got out to his car, he paused before opening her door. “Michelle, you never cease to amaze me. You’re smart,” he brushed a lock of her hair behind her ear, “and beautiful and the sexiest woman alive. Thank you for giving us a shot.” He ran his hand over his collar around her neck. “I’m honored that you’re wearing my collar.” He lifted her left hand and kissed the center of her palm. “One day, in the not-too-far-off future, I hope you’ll wear my ring.” Sean brought her hand over his heart and leaned in to brush his lips across hers. Gentle at first, coaxing even, until the passion between them refused to stay leashed.

  Her body was on fire again. It was becoming a familiar feeling and she relaxed into it. Dealing with it was easier than trying to understand what he meant by “wear my ring”. She wrapped her arms around his waist and leaned into him. His cock, hard and impressive, was pushed against her belly. He was hard all the time. She found it much less intimidating since he’d called her the “sexiest woman alive”. She wished she’d had a recorder so she could play it back and make sure she’d heard him correctly.

  “I need you, baby.”

  Michelle chuckled and rubbed her tummy over his cock.

  “I’m being serious, you bad girl. I need you in my life…and in my bed.” His smile lit up his eyes and warmed her heart.

  “I’m not going anywhere, Sean.”

  After one last hug, he opened her door then walked around to the driver’s side. “How does a champagne brunch sound?”

  “I don’t drink, but food sounds lovely.” She cringed a little bit, waiting for the inevitable trash talk about being a grownup and living a little. Since coming of age, she’d heard it from every man she’d ever dated.

  Sean just nodded. “I bet tending bar you’ve seen the ugly side of alcohol on a nightly basis.”

  That was it? He wasn’t going to belittle her or get angry for putting a crimp in his plans? Damn, that was a nice change. “Most of my mom’s husbands were found in bars. I wish she’d left them there.”

  “We’ve hosted a few weddings at the club for members who met and fell in love while playing there. I’ve tried to create a safe environment for our subs. We have several monitors on duty at all times and have the house safeword. One of the girls I was friends with in college met a guy online. She thought she could trust him, so after meeting him for dinner she went home with him.”

  He paused and Michelle noticed his tightened grip on the steering wheel. “Suffice it to say, she never made that mistake again. I gave her a membership to a club I’d found near campus. She eventually found her soul mate. About five years ago, she was married and collared. Now she has three loud and active kids biting at her ankles. Last time they visited, I was envious for about an hour and then I went in search of earplugs.”

  Michelle laughed. “I know. Kids need to be well-behaved.”

  They rode in silence to the gates of the best resort on the island. “Let’s celebrate.”

  Michelle had never been to the restaurant here, but she’d heard everyone rave about it. She was grateful she was dressed well. As they walked into the lobby, it was all she could do not to stare. Sean had obviously been here before, and led her to the restaurant as if they were taking a Sunday stroll.

  “Are you hungry? I thought we’d have a heavy lunch and since we’ll be at the club we’d do a light dinner.”

  “Perfect.” As soon as the waiter came to their table he ordered for them. Apparently, he came here enough to know their menu. Yikes, they lived in two different worlds.

  “Michelle, I meant what I said. I think we are soul mates. There’s no other explanation for how well we mesh. I know you need more time and believe me, I understand. That being said, I don’t want there to be any doubt how I feel about you.”

  “You’re so sweet, Sean. Thank you.” She had to give him something. It wasn’t fair for him to lay his feelings on the line and for her stay mum. “I’m falling for you too. I often catch myself thinking the phrase ‘when we get home’. It’s a little unnerving how comfortable I am with you.” Her face was flushed with embarrassment at sharing her feelings with him.

  “I do that too.” He chuckled. He ran his hand over her cheek. “I don’t like this. I want you comfortable talking to me. You know that will only come with practice.” He smiled.

  She dropped her head as if resigned to a fate worse than death. “So demanding.”

  “Oh baby, I’ve just begun,” he purred, starting a fire burning in her pussy.

  How did he know exactly which tones to use to get her hot?

  “So last night you let me use a blindfold. Did it bother you?”

  It begins. She knew he wouldn’t let her escape the inevitable recap. Would it ever get easy? “No. I think my eyes were shut much of the time anyway. I did spend a few minutes worrying what you had planned that you wanted to use one, though.”

  Sean gave her a knowing smile. “Gotta love the thrill of anticipation. What you conjure in your mind is usually more daunting than the actual experience. How’d you like the wax?”

  “Oh my goodness, I had no idea what you were doing. Just all of a sudden, I felt a liquid heat covering me. And the warmth lingered for far longer than I expected. It was crazy.” She’d enjoyed it very much. “It added to the whole experience.” She felt heat rising over her face again. “Very naughty, like I was completely at your mercy.”

  He held her gaze steady. “You were.”

  Again, his tone and demeanor set butterflies fluttering in her stomach. Michelle looked away, uncomfortable at getting aroused in public. She was relieved to see the waiter bringing their salads.

  Once the food had been set on the table and the waiter had given them some privacy, Sean leaned in. “How does that make you feel, subbie?”

  She looked him in the eye again then back down to her salad as she debated being coy. “Hot and bothered,” she answered without looking at him.

  He kissed her on the cheek. “Good. Me too.” He tore off a piece of bread, buttered it and handed it to her.

  “Thank you, Sean.” He was always doing the sweetest things. The word bothered him but it fit so well.

  “You mentioned a flogger a couple of times when describing scenes. I thought you might be curious about it. What did you think?”

  They were sitting in the swankiest restaurant on the island discussing floggers, blindfolds and wax. Why in God’s name did it seem like the most natural thing in the world? She looked at Sean, then back down to her mostly empty salad plate.

  Michelle took a deep breath and met his gaze again. “I enjoyed it. The ‘thuds’ were like a strong massage. Some of them were painful-ish, but I wouldn’t change any of it.”

  “Floggers feel different based on the width of the strands, how many, what they’re made of and the length plays a part as well. The way the blows are delivered and how well-prepared your skin is are all factors that affect the feel. No two flogger sessions will necessarily feel the same.”

  “I imagine what area of the body the strikes fall on would produce different effects as well.” He was always so matter-of-fact. As if discussing sex were as commonplace as discussing the style of furniture you prefer. It made it so much easier for her to forget they were talking about something taboo.

  “Absolutely. I gotta tell ya, when you asked me to make them harder—” He shook his head. “Damn girl. It was such a turn-on.”

  Her eyes got wide. “Did I? I don’t remember saying that. I vaguely remember thinking it, but I didn’t realize I’d spoken it out loud.”

  “Do you have any desire to work up to a whip or cane?”

  She noticed his voice was strictly neutral. Well it didn’t matter, on this issue she planned to be completely honest. He’d said before that he let Steven handle Saturday’s demo because he enjoyed whips
more than Sean. But that didn’t necessarily mean Sean didn’t enjoy them. “No, I don’t. I hope that doesn’t disappoint you.”

  “Not in the least. Truthfully, Michelle, we seem to complement each other perfectly.”

  Before she could think of a response, the waiter brought their main course. He’d ordered her a filet mignon with scalloped potatoes and asparagus. She was suddenly very pleased he’d insisted on ordering for her. She would never have felt comfortable ordering such an expensive dish.

  “I’ve been thinking. Maybe we should get Ethan to take over bartending so you can focus on the social media and public relations.”

  “It’s up to you, Sean. I don’t see it being a problem to do both. Why don’t you let me give them both a shot and if I get overwhelmed then we can adjust?”

  “I don’t want you working on this shit all the time and getting stressed out. I’m finally beginning to feel like I’ve etched out a life away from the club. I don’t want you getting bogged down by it. I’d rather spend our time in much more enjoyable ways.”

  “When I would spend my evenings reading my books and picturing you as the leading character, I never dreamed it would be as intense as…what we’ve shared.” She needed a padlock for her mouth. Sometimes words just flew out that she never intended to actually verbalize. What was wrong with her? Once she started talking she just couldn’t stop.

  “You’re going to have to give me the titles of these books. If I’ve been the leading man, I should at least be able to read them. It only seems fair.”

  Oh playful Sean was such a treat. He was always so serious. It was nice to see him having some fun. “I don’t think so. You have enough ideas to last us years and years. We don’t need to add to the list.”

  “Every moment I spend with you gives me new ideas. You know, subbie, you shouldn’t keep secrets from your Dom. Some would say it’s a punishable offense.”

  “Luckily, it only matters what you and I say. Thank you for a wonderful meal. This is truly delicious.”


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