Bearing Secrets

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Bearing Secrets Page 7

by Marissa Dobson

  “Enough about that.” Courtney handed each of them a glass of wine. “We came to welcome you to the family. It’s nice to see another human in the mix of shifters.”

  “I thought you might want some tricks on dealing with twins when it comes to mating. I know mine are a handful.” Kallie let out a light laugh and it was hard not to join in. “With that being said, I wouldn’t change Taber and Thorben for the world. They are my rock. Grumpy at times, but don’t we all have moments like that?”

  “I think bears are grumpier than most.” Courtney smirked over her wine glass. “I should know, I have a tiger and a bear. Some days I feel like I should be a punch line of some joke, a bear, a tiger, and a human walk into a bar…”

  “What’s going on here?” Trey stood in the hallway with only a towel wrapped around his waist.

  “Go put some clothes on,” Kallie ordered. “Your brothers would have your ass for being that naked around us women, especially after last night.”

  “I was only trying to lighten the mood and now I have the claw marks for my trouble.” He glared at Courtney.

  “My mate has always been a little quick to draw his claws.” Courtney gave a light chuckle as if she was thinking of something else he used those claws for. “We only stopped by to welcome her to the family. You know, and share all those hidden Brown secrets.”

  “Like how we keep you in line,” Kallie shouted after him as he turned to go back to the bedroom. “You’ve got to keep them in line or they’ll order you around day and night.”

  Courtney nodded in agreement. “They’re protective, which is something I had to get used to since I didn’t even know about shifters until they showed up in my life.”

  “I know how they can be. I can only image what my brother would have to say if he knew I was mated to bears.” Ivy laughed at the thought, before tears glistened in her eyes.

  “I’m sorry.” Courtney laid a hand on Ivy’s knee. “We don’t know anything yet. Don’t give up hope.”

  “It’s so unlike him…we’re close, he should have contacted me.” She wiped away the tears before they could fall.

  “He’d have to get the Alpha to safety.” Kallie reassured Ivy.

  “I’m sorry, but I’m tired of hearing that. He could have sent me a quick text message or called, just so I’d know he was okay. Our cell phones are untraceable. There’s no excuse why he couldn’t…” She trailed off unable to finish the thought.

  “Ivy…” Courtney squeezed her thigh. “He could have lost his phone in the attack. Ty has a team out searching for him. They’ll find him. I know it’s hard but right now all you can do it wait.”

  “Sorry.” Ivy wiped away her tears and took a deep breath. “You girls came over here and I’m such a downer.”

  “We’re family through thick and thin. Right how it’s hard, but never doubt we’re all behind you.” Kallie set her wine glass aside. “You’ll get through this, we’ll see to it.”

  “Thank you.” Ivy forced herself to smile. It was nice having them there, and to be part of a bigger family. She especially liked the idea of having sisters, having someone she could confide in. Though she and Chad were close, there were things she couldn’t discuss with him.

  “So tell me, how are you dealing with the idea of being mated to twins?” Kallie inquired.

  “It’s…I don’t know…surprising and amazing.” She took a sip of the wine and thought about Turi and Trey. “They’re identical in appearance but that’s it. In every other aspect, they’re completely different. Each of them with their own personality, wants, needs, and desires. It seems overwhelming.”

  “Oh, I understand that.” Kallie’s lips curled up into a smile. “Mine are a little more alike in personality, wants, and needs, but it can totally be overwhelming at times. Though I wouldn’t change it for a moment.”

  “Last night was amazing, but now that the mating has been complete and I can feel them within me, it’s almost too much.” Ivy couldn’t believe she just hinted at her sex life to two women who were practically strangers.

  “The mating connects your emotions allowing you to—” Kallie started to explain.

  “I know that, but I mean it’s more than that.” Ivy sipped her wine and took a moment to find the right words. “It’s not just their emotions, I can feel them. I know where they are, what they are doing. It’s like I can see them in my mind. Last night, Turi was down at his parents, when things…started. I could see him get up from the table and come to us.”

  “You were calling to him.” Kallie took a sip from her wine. “I’ve heard only Alphas and their mates can do that without having to focus. Everyone else has to hone that skill and really focus on their mate. Even then it’s just bits and pieces, unless you’re like Ty and Tabitha.”

  “Their thoughts…it’s like they’re my own.”

  Kallie turned on the sofa so she could face Ivy completely. “Now that’s unusual and, I’m sure, unnerving. Do they have yours?”

  “I asked them this morning, they said not always but it’s like only when I want them to.”

  “Now that could be fun, especially in the bedroom.” Courtney giggled. “Think…you’ll always get it how you want it.”

  “That’s how I realized it.” Ivy felt her cheeks heat, but she forced herself to continue. “You know how you think a little harder, or a little to the right, well they knew just that and, oh boy, was it amazing.”

  “Color me jealous,” Courtney announced, scooting to the edge of the chair. “Think of all the fun you could have with that.”

  “Right now I’m not sure the fun wins out. It’s maddening to have two additional trains of thoughts running through my head.”

  “I guess it would have some drawbacks.” Kallie laid her hand over Ivy’s. “When Robin was suffering with something similar, Ty was able to give her some helpful tips on how to separate them. Maybe they’d work for you.”

  “Robin? Isn’t that Adam’s mate? I think he said something about her during the helicopter ride here.”

  “Yeah, she’s human but when Harmony—who is mated to Felix the Captain of Tabitha’s guards—joined our clan she formed an Alpha-shifter connection with Robin. It was nearly overwhelming to Robin with all the pain.” Kallie explained. “They still have the connection, even though Harmony’s committed to the Alaskan Tigers. It’s unheard of to have it with a human, let alone still have the connection once committed to an Alpha and mated.”

  “Maybe I’ll see if Turi or Trey will contact him for me, then I can see if there’s any news on Chad.”

  “I know my Alpha. He’d call if there was any news.” Kallie squeezed her hand.

  That’s what Ivy was afraid of. She glanced at her cell phone again, begging it to ring.

  Chapter Fourteen

  Need and desire coursed through Turi’s veins, speeding his steps until he was jogging. This mating had him doing things he’d never done before, like leaving sleuth duties until later. Right now, all he could think about was getting his mate naked, it had his shaft rock hard and his bear on edge. It wouldn’t be denied any longer.

  With a twist of the handle he opened the door and instantly smelled his sister-in-laws. “My sweet mate, I’m back.”

  “In here.”

  Ivy’s tears permeated the air, making him want to go to her. What had Kallie and Courtney said to her? “What’s going on here?” Suspicious, he raised an eyebrow.

  “Kallie and Courtney came to let me in on all those Brown secrets you’ve been hiding.”

  “I thought family stuck together, hiding our dirt,” he joked, eyeing the women.

  “She’s family now, so it’s time to let all those skeletons out of the closet. Just think, she’s already mated to you and Trey so there’s no running now. We could have done it last night,” Courtney joked, as if that would have stopped the mating.

  “I tried to stop them, but they kicked me out.” Trey came down the hallway to where everyone was gathered.

sent you to get dressed.” Kallie tossed a throw pillow at him, which he caught midair.

  “Oh, Trey.” He shot a glance to his twin. “Tell me you didn’t stroll through my house naked with everyone out there.”

  “Give me some credit, I had a towel on.”

  “One that did nothing to hide his desire.” Courtney’s comment got the throw pillow tossed back at her, but unlike Trey, she wasn’t ready for it and it hit her on the top of her head. “You’ll pay for that, bear. I’ll get Milo on you again.”

  “Come on, Courtney. It’s obvious the mates would like to be alone.” Kallie rose from the sofa. “We’ll be here on the island for a little bit longer, if you want to chat more.”

  “Thanks,” Ivy said softly as they made their way to the door.

  “Umm…wonder what we can do now.” Trey came around the sofa and advanced on her.

  “Don’t even think about it, brother.” Turi shut the door, and came to stand behind her. “I have plans for our mate and that involves a shower with me.”

  “I’ve already showered,” Trey complained.

  “Who invited you? I left you alone here with her, you could have done whatever you pleased.” He slipped his hand into hers. “Would you join me?”

  “In his defense, I was trying to work on the proposal.” She squeezed his hand.

  “He can have you next. Now I need a shower and I’d like you to join me if you can tear yourself away from your work for a bit.”

  “Go ahead, angel,” Trey encouraged. “I won’t be long behind, be sure of that.”

  Turi tugged her toward the master bedroom. He couldn’t stop; he needed to get her naked. Images of her in the shower with the water cascading onto her smooth skin had been haunting him all day. His bear clawed at him, demanding his mate.

  Closing the bedroom door behind them, he pulled her into his arms, tight against his chest. “Oh, my sweet mate, I’ve missed you.”

  “You were only gone an hour.” She slid her hands under his shirt, tugging it out of the waist of his jeans, her fingers raked up his back. “I thought you had more in mind than just a cuddle session.”

  “Oh, I do.” He nibbled along the curve of her neck, before finding the little hollow behind her earlobe. He sunk his teeth into it until he applied just enough pressure to feel her stiffen under his fingers. He eased back and let his tongue tease over the tender flesh, before he drew a deep breath, inhaling her sweet scent. “I love how you respond to the simplest of my touches,” he murmured against her neck.

  “Don’t get cocky, I only want your body.” She teased and unbuttoned his jeans. “Now get out of your clothes, I like you without them.”

  He pulled off his shirt and tossed it to the floor. “I’ll get the shower started. Join me once you done.” He strolled toward the bathroom, knowing she’d be unwilling to wait idly while he showered. There was no doubt she’d strip and follow him.

  In the bathroom, he stripped off the rest of his clothes, tossing them in the laundry basket, and turned toward the large shower. This was another one of his favorite aspects because the shower was large enough for an orgy of bears, and lined the whole back wall. The glass mosaic titles of blues and greens lined the walls, but the best part was the rain showerheads that covered almost every inch of the top, making sure that no matter where someone stood they’d be under the water.

  He pulled open the glass door and turned the handle. Steam instantly began billowing out, filling the bathroom. The heat of the water called to his tight muscles; he wanted it as much as he wanted her.

  * * *

  Ivy stripped off her clothes as quickly as she could, and tossed them on the cedar chest at the bottom of the huge bed. Cool air blew across her nipples as she padded toward the bathroom, following one of the men she couldn’t get off her mind.

  She slipped into the shower without waiting for an invitation. Turi stood with his back to her under the raining showerheads, soap running down his body. Even though he didn’t turn around, his back muscles tightened. For a moment, she stood there enjoying the way the soap bubbles slid over his body. Giving into her temptation, she ran her hands up his slippery back.

  “I knew you’d join me.” He leaned back letting the water run through his hair and forcing it away from his face.

  “Wow.” She glanced around the bathroom. “You guys had me so out of it last night I didn’t even notice the shower when I got ready for bed.”

  “I like that we have you so off your game that you miss things.” He advanced on her and pushed her against the cool title, grasping her wrists with one hand and holding them hostage above her head.

  “This need within me for you two keeps me off my game. All I can think about is you and Trey.” She leaned forward, wanting him to kiss her. “It’s more than the fact that you’ve invaded every thought I have. You keep my body on edge.”

  “Let me take the edge off you.” He crushed his mouth to hers, and slid his hand between her legs. Unerringly finding her core, his fingers found her nub, working his thumb and forefinger to drive the pleasure from her. His thumb slid over the nerve endings until heat erupted against his touch radiating in tingling waves outward, weakening her legs. If he hadn’t been bracing her against the wall, she’d have slid down onto the floor. Fierce desire rose within her like a tidal wave smashing through a dam.

  “Take me,” she murmured against his mouth, holding onto him as wild delight streamed through her.

  His teeth grazed her lower lip and he pulled his hand away. She cried out in frustration, but he ignored her demands. Gripping her hips, he lifted her and spread her thighs before he drove into her with one powerful thrust. Ivy moaned and twined her arms around his shoulders as he withdrew and thrust into her again, deeper, harder, his pumping almost savage as he revealed some of the beast within. The water pummeled from the outside while his pounding sparked sensations inside of her she’d never experienced.

  She had no control, no say, as he left her mouth, and kissed a path to her neck. Digging her nails into his shoulders, she held on as every pump of his hips sent pulses of pleasure exploding through her. Her legs tightened around him as he groaned and shoved himself deeper into her. The pressure built within her until her body trembled and another orgasm rushed upon her. She held onto him as he slammed home in a frenzy. Her nails digging into his shoulders as a climax tour through her with such force her world came apart at the seams, her inner muscles clenched around him as he continued to drive into her.

  This man utterly devastated her. If it wasn’t for her legs around his body, she would have collapsed into a heap.

  Chapter Fifteen

  Timing it perfectly, Trey opened the shower door just as they finished. Hard and ready, he stepped into the shower. Ivy lifted her head from Turi’s shoulder, and her gaze traveled over his body. Desire returned to her forest green eyes as Turi slipped out of her.

  Trey sat down on the cool stone bench. “Come here.”

  “What?” she questioned, not moving from her spot against the wall.

  “I want you to ride me.” He held out a hand to her and raised an eyebrow when she still didn’t move. “Don’t make me come get you.”

  “Cat and mouse games shouldn’t be played in the shower.” She strolled toward him, swaying her hips in a rhythm that almost had him lose his load right there.

  “Damn, you’re beautiful,” he whispered, pulling her into his lap until she was straddling his hard-on. The hot water had turned her skin a rose red, and her nipples hardened with excitement. He lowered his head and placed his lips over one of her nipples. Gently pulling it into his mouth, he let it roll over his tongue, while his hand slid between her legs. He slid his thumb over her nub, and drove his fingers into her.

  “Trey…” She dug her nails into his arms. “I need you inside of me.”

  “I want to make sure you’re ready for me.” He whispered, watching the passion ignite within her until she was burning like a bonfire.

  “Now, Trey�
�now!” She begged, her body reacting to each pump of his fingers.

  He slipped his hand away, moving them to her hips, and gently eased her down onto his shaft. As he slid his full length into her, she arched her back, and let her head fall back against Turi’s waiting chest.

  “What…” Surprise to find him there filled her voice.

  “Just relax, enjoy what Trey’s offering, I’m only going to add to the experience.” Turi leaned down and began kissing the nape of her neck.

  “My angel, look at me.” Trey waited until she did. “Your eyes are like the window to your soul, I want them open. I want to see what you’re feeling, not just feel it within me.”

  With her eyes open and watching him, he slid his hands over her hips, gliding her down on his shaft, filling her slowly, inch by inch. Halfway in, he forced her body up until he was nearly out of her, before thrusting back in, filling her completely with his manhood.

  “Trey!” She cried out when he was completely inside of her. She pressed her body tighter against Turi, who had his arm wrapped around her just under her breast, teasing one of her nipples with his fingers.

  With his hands on her hips, Trey increased their pace until she was slamming onto him, driving the force with each pump. The thrusts became deeper and faster, falling into a perfect tempo, moving with such precision. She rode him while the tension stretched within him.

  Clawing her nails over his chest, she climaxed around his manhood. His hands quickly grabbed hold of her hips, keeping the pace as she began to flounder, keeping the rhythm strong until his own orgasm followed and he roared her name.

  Turi stepped away, turning off the water that had begun to turn cold, while Trey pressed her against his body. “You’re amazing.”

  “I know.” She teased.

  “A woman who knows her value.” Turi wrapped a towel around her shoulders, and helped her stand. “I love it.”

  “I think we should continue this in the bedroom because I’m not done with you two yet.” She ran her hands over their chests.


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