Bearing Secrets

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Bearing Secrets Page 11

by Marissa Dobson

  Turi’s fingers slipped between her legs and teased her pussy, dragging pleasure from her in hard, hot waves. His fingers thrust into her as his thumb continued to wring more pleasure from her core. He quickly eased down her body, replacing his fingers with his mouth. His tongue did all the work, flicking gently across her mound until she was wiggling beneath him, her climax nearing.

  Trey moved up her body, claiming her mouth; her moans died on her lips as he thrust his tongue deep inside. Their tongues danced, mixing the spiciness of his coffee with the sweetness of her tea. He pulled back enough to graze his teeth over her lower lip and let her cries of frustration escape.

  “I need one of you inside me. Please…”

  Without hesitation, Turi gave one last kiss to her most sensitive area and pulled back. He angled himself between her legs, his fingers digging into her thighs as he shoved his shaft into her. There was no teasing, no easing in slowly. Instead, he slammed his length into her in one hard pump. Her body took him in, throbbing against his erection as darts of pleasure spiraled outward from their connection. Breathing became difficult as he retreated only to thrust into her again, harder this time. As he picked up the rhythm, he drove into her again and again, rigid and powerful, sending the outside world far away from her thoughts. This wasn’t the loving of a man; it was the claiming by a mate.

  Trey scooted up until he could kneel before her, his hard length jutting toward her. Without invitation, she took him into her mouth, working her way to the base. She used her hand to work the end of the hard shaft, moving her mouth up and down the length, slowly at the tip.

  With a deep groan he cupped the back of her head and sped her pace. Forcing her to take him harder and faster, until she was trapped in the tempo of their motions. Working together, they drove intense pleasure from her body. Rocking together in perfect harmony, ecstasy began to overwhelm her. Her moans echoed around Trey’s shaft as he pumped faster, his own climax near detonation. Digging her nails into the back of Trey’s thighs, she held on to him as every pump sent pulses exploding through her. She came apart at the seams, her inner muscles clenching around Turi as he continued to drive his shaft into her.

  Turi slammed home one last time before his orgasm filled her and he tipped his head back and roared. Trey hadn’t finished yet. He slammed into her mouth, forcing her to take all of him. Soft grunts escaped him as he worked to find his own release. He pushed deep within her mouth one final time, forcing her to swallow his juices, as another wild climax spiraled through her.

  Trey slipped from her lips and leaned against the sofa, his eyes closed. Still reeling, she tugged his hand until he scooted down to lay next to her.

  Eventually, her breathing returned to normal, and she cuddled against both of her mates, contented. She let the thoughts of having them by her sides always play through her mind. It was different from what she had expected, but it was just what she needed and never knew she wanted.

  Chapter Twenty-Two

  The last few weeks had gone by without a hitch, and Ivy was settling into the Brown family with her mates. Their work on the proposal and forum was making huge strides. Soon it would be complete and they could launch the forum. The proposal would land on Ty and Tabitha’s laps, and they’d be able to look it over and make a decision on how to proceed.

  For the first time in her life, everything was falling into place. The only thing missing was the contact from Chad. There was no call or even a text from him. The only difference from when she arrived was she no longer had to worry what happened to him. He was alive, living his life; he just didn’t want anything to do with her.

  “Anyone home?” Ava called as she opened the sliding glass door and entered.

  “In here,” Ivy answered, glancing up from the book that hadn’t really been holding her interest.

  Ava appeared through the archway wearing a warm smile.

  “The boys are out fishing,” Ivy told her. “They’ve demanded freshly caught salmon for dinner tonight.”

  “Sounds like my sons.” Ava raised the cake platter in her hands. “I come bearing gifts, chocolate mousse cake with a chocolate chip coating around the sides, and shredded pieces of white chocolate on the top.”

  “Sounds delicious.”

  “It’s so delicious it melts on your tongue. Make sure you get some before the boys tear into it, or it will be gone before you can bat an eyelash.”

  “Why don’t you join me and we’ll do that now?” Ivy set her book aside and stood.

  “I’d be honored. You grab drinks and I’ll cut.” Ava took the cake to the counter, while Ivy grabbed two mugs and poured the coffee she knew her mother-in-law favored. “It’s nice to have another woman on the island.”

  “You have Bev too.”

  “Bev and I can only stand each other for short bouts. Put us in a room together for more than an hour and we’re at each other’s throats.” She brought the plates to the table and sat. “You, on the other hand…I couldn’t have asked for a better woman for my boys. Turi and Trey have changed since you’ve come into their life.”

  “What do you mean?” Ivy took a bite of the cake, letting the smoothness glide over her tongue. “Oh, this is heavenly.”

  “Told you.” Ava smirked, her tone a little cocky, and deservedly so. If there was one thing she could do beyond anyone else, it was bake. “Trey’s been taking more of an interest in the sleuth responsibilities, working alongside Turi, not against him. Even taking over some of the duties himself, handling problems that might arise without finding someone else. The forum is finally being started and they’re working together on it. There’s a closeness to the twins I haven’t seen since they were cubs.” She captured Ivy’s gaze and smiled, her eyes a little misty. “It’s all because of you.”

  “I can’t take all of the credit.”

  “Child, it’s your doing.” Ava took another bite of the cake before setting her fork aside. “Those boys are finally working together as a team instead of fighting each other at every move.”

  Ivy sat there silently, unsure what to say to that. She had noticed changes in her men since she’d arrived. Each having their own personalities but still finding a way to mesh together allowing them to be the ultimate trio.

  They had nearly finished the slices of cake when Ava looked up at her. “Do you mind if I’m honest with you?”

  “No.” She shook her head, her heart beating a little faster, wondering what Ava thought she needed the extra caution for.

  “Growing up with two fathers, I saw how they loved and cherished my mother, and when I came of age to find a mate I sought out that same thing. I didn’t want one mate, I wanted two to treasure me.”

  “I was always told shifters don’t have a choice in their mates.”

  Ava shook her head. “They don’t, but that didn’t stop me from trying to fight it. When Devon touched me, his bear roared to life and the mating connection began, I fought it like someone fights an untimely death. I didn’t want it. Devon was a great guy, but he wasn’t the one I wanted. Somewhere out there I believed there were mates searching for me as I searched for them. I had to be destined to have the same relationship as my mother; after all, I witnessed firsthand the beauty of it.”

  “I see the love you and Devon share,” Ivy reasoned, because what she witnessed couldn’t be a facade.

  “After I learned to accept I wouldn’t get what I wanted…actually that wasn’t until after the torture of denying a mate set in…then I was able to learn to love him. Devon is a wonderful man, an amazing mate, and a great father. Now I wouldn’t change who I ended up with, but back then there was some anger and hostility because I felt like he denied me the same happiness my mother had.” She stared off into space, sadness etched into her features as if she was remembering the pain of those days.

  “Why are you telling me this?” Ivy cupped her coffee mug and watched the older woman over the rim.

  “I want you to understand how lucky you are. That there are going
to be trials and tribulations, but in the end you have two wonderful mates by your side. I’m not just saying that because they’re my sons and I raised them, but because I know they will protect and love you.” Ava reached across the table and laid her hand over Ivy’s. “The boys can see you’re hurting now because of Chad, and they want to make it right.”

  “There’s nothing they can do. My brother is a stubborn pain in the ass. He won’t come around until he’s ready…if he’s ever ready.” Her gaze drifted away and out the window to the creek where her men were frolicking in bear form.

  “It doesn’t stop them from trying. If I know my boys, they’ll be overbearing, I just want you to remember they’re trying to take your pain away, not add to it. They might go about it the wrong way and I’m sure there will be times they’ll drive you crazy, but they love you.”

  Ivy watched the twins splashing around just off the beach. “I was just the opposite. I searched for a mate, never sure I would find one since I wasn’t a shifter, but I wanted what I saw others had. I never realized some shifters mated with more than one, or that I’d even want that.”

  “Now?” Ava prodded.

  Her lips curled up in a smile, and a freedom paused through her. “Now I couldn’t picture my life without those two. Sure the snoring and growling in their sleep gets a bit much, especially when it’s in surround sound.” She laughed at her own joke, as she thought about how safe it felt snuggled between them in bed, even if she had to listen to all their noise.

  “Image that with a house full of male bears,” Ava joked.

  “Thanks, now I have something to look forward to when children come along.” Ivy laughed, sending a rush of infectious giggles through both of them.

  “Children?” Ava tried to gain control of her giggles, but was failing miserably. “Will you be making me a grandmother soon?”

  “I don’t know about soon, but I’ve always wanted children.”

  Ava shot up from her chair and rushed around the table. “I’m so happy.” She pulled her out of the chair and wrapped her arms tight around Ivy. “Taber and Thorben tell me Kallie needs more time to adjust before children are brought into it. After years of captivity, there are things she’s making up for. I started applying pressure to Tad while they were here, but he told me he and Milo agreed it would happen when it happened. What kind of logic is that?”

  “I take it you want lots of little grandbabies,” Ivy joked as if Ava’s excitement wasn’t enough of a clue.

  “Oh yes, lots of little cubs—babies. Oh, hell I don’t care what they are. Bears, tigers, humans, they could be monkeys for all I care. I just want lots of them, so I can spoil them rotten.”

  “I think your sons would have an issue if I birthed monkeys,” she teased.

  Talking about children sent an exciting warmth through her. She was blissfully happy with her life, her mates, and the idea of starting a family. The future for shifters had already proven it was going to be a dangerous one, so she see could see no reason to wait. The excitement of having children bloomed through her, and she smiled. She’d be sure to speak with her men about the possibilities.

  Chapter Twenty-Three

  After an afternoon of frolicking in the water, Trey felt better than he had in months. There was ease between him and Turi they’d never had before, one that allowed them to spend a day screwing around and fishing together. Now with a basket of freshly caught salmon, they made their way back inside.

  “You two better dry off before you step one foot into this house.” Ivy threw towels at them as he opened the door.

  “Damn, she sounds just like Mom,” Turi bitched before setting the basket aside and grabbing one of the towels from Trey.

  “Don’t give me that tone or I’ll make sure you end up with blue balls until you’re so horny you’re humping trees.” She stood there with her hands on her hips watching them as they dried off.

  “Are you enjoying the show, my sweet angel? Does the water dripping off our naked bodies get you wet?” Trey shook his hips, sending his erection bouncing.

  “Oh, yes…but first of all, Turi got a call from Taber.” As Turi leaned in giving her a quick kiss on the cheek before moving past her to return the call, she looked at Trey. “You need to clean those fish if you think I’m cooking them.”

  “What about having it raw?” Now dry, he tossed the towel over his shoulder and picked up the basket.

  “I’m not a bear and unless we’re doing sushi, it isn’t happening. I’ll make some for dinner and since you caught enough for an army, once it’s clean you can put it in the smoker. Smoked salmon is delicious with cream cheese, red onions, and capers or even a bagel.”

  “Okay, angel. Let me grab my jeans and I’ll clean these.” He set the basket back down, leaving it outside since he figured she’d prefer he clean the fish at the outside station instead of in the kitchen. “Then tonight I’ll show you just what this naked body can do.”

  “I’ll hold you to that.” She wiggled her eyebrows and let her hand slide along the curve of his hip until she could tease the hairs at the base of his groin.

  “I saw Mom here a bit ago.” He hoped she’d get that he was asking about the visit.

  “She brought a cake, of which you may have a slice after dinner. We were talking about you two, children, mating, and life. I love your mother.”

  “As she does, but I hope she isn’t pressuring you into giving her grandchildren.”

  “Why? Is it so wrong to want children? Don’t you want any?”

  The questions flew at him one after another. “Yes, I want a few little ones of my own, but there’s no rush.”

  “Why not? This world we live in isn’t getting any better. Why not live life to the fullest and do everything we’ve wanted, including having children?”

  He wrapped his arms around her. “There’s no reason I can think of. If you’re ready for children, then we can work on that tonight.”

  “Soon. Tonight I have other plans.”

  “That sounds naughty, and I like it.” He lowered his head and claimed her lips; the lingering chocolate had him slipping his tongue into her mouth. When he pulled away, she was breathless. “You taste delicious.”

  “You only want me for the sweets your mother keeps using as an excuse to visit,” she teased, her hands reaching around him to cup his butt cheeks. “Now get those fish cleaned, I want some smoked salmon, and then you and Turi naked.”

  “I’m already naked.”

  “Tonight.” She shook her head.

  “So demanding, mate.” With one last kiss, he let her go and went in search of a pair of jeans.

  He padded through to what used to be Turi’s master bedroom, but had now become theirs. It was amazing how quickly things had changed. In a matter of weeks, he had fallen in love with Ivy, and couldn’t picture his life without her by his side. How had he managed before?

  * * *

  It was funny how one little call could change everything in someone’s life. Knowing the news he had to deliver wouldn’t make his mate happy, Turi slipped out the back door and headed for Trey where he was cleaning fish. When he broke the news, Ivy was going to need them both at her side.

  “If you’ve come to help, your timing is shitty. I’m just cleaning up. The fish for dinner is there and the rest is in the smoker.” Trey nodded to the bowl.

  “No, I’ve come to get you. We need to tell Ivy about her brother.” Turi leaned against the counter, his gaze on the house.

  “What do you mean?”

  “Chad left a letter for her, and took off. Ty sent a team in search of him but there’s no trace. He’s vanished.”

  “You don’t think he’ll come back here, do you?” Trey dried his hands on a towel and then tossed it on the table.

  “I don’t think he’s that stupid, but we need to be on guard. Chad’s angry enough that he could believe what he said about thinking it better if she was dead rather than with us. He could come after her if he lets his tiger control

  “We won’t let harm come to her.” Trey’s fists clenched. “I should have taught him a lesson when he was here for how he treated her.”

  “There’s nothing we can do about that now. We need to focus on Ivy. After all she’s been through, this is another blow, and that might be too much for her to handle now.”

  “Naw.” Trey shook his head. “Our mate is too tough to let this defeat her. She’s a strong woman and with us by her side she can’t lose. Which reminds me, did she mention to you that she wants to try for a family?”

  “What?” Turi tore his gaze away from the house and looked at his twin.

  “Mom got to her while we were fishing and somehow that led to her wanting to have a family. Not tonight, though.” He grinned. “She said she has naughty plans in mind for tonight. But soon.”

  “Well, that should please Mom.” The idea of having children both excited and terrified Turi, but he didn’t let it show. “She’s wanted grandchildren since before any of us mated.”

  “I’m sure Mom will be thrilled when one of our mates is pregnant.” Trey grabbed the cleaned fish. “Tonight we’ve got let her know about Chad. Let’s go get this over with.”

  With a deep sense of dread, Turi followed his brother, who was already heading back to the house. Nothing was going to make this easier, especially not delaying. It was best to get it over with and then be there to comfort her, a shoulder to cry on, someone to vent to. Whatever way she needed them, they’d be there, holding her hand and making sure she got through it intact. Mating was about more than just sex and continuing their species, it was also about being there for each other, loving each other even through the hardest times. That was what he planned to do for Ivy.


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