Taking the Pink Pill (Gender Transformation Erotica)

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Taking the Pink Pill (Gender Transformation Erotica) Page 1

by Nikki L. Falcon

  Taking the Pink Pill (Gender Transformation Erotica)

  Taking the Pink Pill (Gender Transformation Erotica)


  Taking the Pink Pill

  (TG Gender Transformation


  By Nikki L. Falcon

  December 27th, 2015

  Copyright © 2016 Nikki L. Falcon

  All Rights Reserved

  This book is dedicated to the many TG caption bloggers out there making captions and supporting the community.

  Final Notes from the Author

  Thank you very much for downloading my book. I really want to be an amazing writer and give my readers an unforgettable, exciting experience as they dive into my stories. Feel free to offer constructive feedback on my work by messaging me on Deviant Art. Link is below.

  All pictures are used with permission from the stock image creators and any characters in this book are over the age of 18.

  Themes in this book include: gender transformation / TG / Transgender changes / gender swap, sci-fi, and chemical changes.

  Check me out at…

  My Amazon Page: Nikki L. Falcon

  My Deviant Art Page: Nebula11

  The Pink Pill. A brand new invention by Depp Co. It’s available, but very expensive. I, however, now have one of them.

  It wasn’t easy to acquire. My friend and I don’t like to admit it, but we’re thieves. In this day and age, we have to do what we gotta do to survive and make money.

  It’s 2025. Not much has changed in the past 10 years since I was a teen in school. I grew up in the slums of New York. It’s by no means a poor city, but where I was it certainly was. With little money to live off of, I had to turn to alternative means.

  I became a thief. My best friend taught me the ropes. We started with a few shopliftings here and there. Occasionally, we’d break into a house. Now the real money is in pharmaceuticals.

  Stealing money and medicines from the drug stores is where you’d get good pay. The bottles are small and easy to store in our backpacks. While each pill varies in price, the best ones are still pain killers. However, my contact, Joe, he had a different job for me. Depp Co created a brand new pill called, The Pink Pill. It’s a special pill designed to change your gender. Apparently, there’s lots of people out there that want this. I have no idea on how it works, I just know that if I grab a few small bottles of it, I get paid around $25,000. That’s some serious cash. They’re in short supply, so I don’t blame those people.

  George (my friend) and I broke into a nearby Cost-Co. Cost-Co is a giant wholesale center where you can buy bulk goods for a good price. This particular Cost-Co had lots of sky windows that allowed natural sunlight in. Perfect place to start. According to Joe, in the whole city, this is the only store that has these and they’re not easy to acquire.

  Around 1am on a cool, summer night, George and I were on the roof of one of these stores. We were decked out in black. I wore black cargo pants and he had his jeans on. We both had our black backpacks on and a bunch of tools around on our belts. It wasn’t easy to get on top of the building, but we did it. I had my hook and rope, a flashlight, a crowbar strung around my back, and a set of keys. Got to thank Joe for those keys. No idea how he got the keys, but he did it. Hard part was done. We just had to get him the bottles.

  It was warm out. A full moon lit up the sky. No clouds. The city was quiet. Not even a car in sight. Everyone was sound asleep. I admit, I was getting quite sleepy myself, but we stayed up late to discuss plans. Even last night I barely got any sleep. I was feeling exhausted.

  In front of us was a metal and glass sky window. I put on my black gloves and then we picked it up and moved it to the side. It was heavy and rusty.

  “Ready?” I asked George.

  “Definitely.” He said.

  I hooked up onto the side of the roof and tested the rope to see how secure it was. I was good. I took a deep breath and then made my slow descent into the dark Cost-Co floor. George followed after me.

  We descended down and I got cover underneath a large wooden table for electronics. George was behind me.

  “Which way?” I asked, looking around.

  It was dark, I couldn’t see a thing. There was a little light shining in through the roof, but that was about it. I didn’t want to turn on my flashlight. The security cameras were rolling and the last thing I wanted was for them to get a good view of us and with perfect lighting.

  “It’s…” he looked around “That way! Over there! That big sign! Follow me, keep your head down, and stay quiet.”

  I kind of could see it. It was a large red and white PHARMACY sign not far from me.

  We got down and made our way through the clothes and tables and to the pharmacy. It was dark, so I doubt the cameras could see us very well. We were in luck.

  The pharmacy was a big, white and red counter and behind that, was a large white door. Lots of papers and advertisements were all over the counter. I checked behind me to make sure we were alone. Thankfully, we were good.

  “Let’s go. Here’s the keys.” He handed me the keys.

  I approached the big white door. What lied behind this door would lead us to a very large score. I put the key in and opened the door.

  The pharmacy was closed up and dark. When we closed the door, we turned on the lights.

  “No cameras in here, but let’s make it quick.” He said.

  We split up going up and down the shelves of medicines. Only the pink pills mattered. Everything else was chump change.

  I scanned up and down the aisles for what I wanted. There were tons of medications of all types all over the place. It was organized neatly. We wanted to do our best to not mess with anything. If we were lucky, when the guys came back the next morning for work, maybe they’d assume the pills were just missing. That’d be a lot easier of a getaway than them thinking it was clearly and obviously stolen.

  I checked all around. Trying to find them.

  “It should be a large bottle. Pink with white lettering. It says, ‘Depp Co. Pink Pills’ on it. The top of the bottle should be a bright red. Do you see ‘em anywhere” I asked.

  “No, not yet.”

  “Well, hurry. We’ve got to get them to him in time. If not, he’ll assume we’ve been caught and will drive away.”

  “Alright, alright.” He said back to me.

  We were both getting a little frustrated. We needed those pills. We needed that money. However, I spotted a white, locked footlocker over in the back of the room. It had a small key lock on it.

  “George. Over here! I found something. This might be it.”

  He walked over and hovered over my shoulder.

  “That could be it. Might be inside.” He said as he pulled out a hammer.

  “Shall I smash it? Knock the lock off?” He asked.

  “OK. Go ahead. But don’t make too much noise.”

  I stepped back a bit. He brought the hammer high into the air and came down with force, knocking the weak lock right off. The medicines inside shook and were knocked around. There were lots of pill bottles in here for medicines that would fetch a fair price, but we weren’t after them. We were after the pink pills. And there they were. But lucky us, there were five bottles of the stuff inside. I held them in my hands. 1 bottle had 30 pills. I held one in each hand and looked at George with glee.

  “Dude! We did it! Oh my god! This is perfect!” I told him. I was so happy, I couldn’t contain myself.

  “Hell yeah! We’re going to make so much! But no time to celebrate. Hush, and let’s get the fuck out of here.”

  “Right.” I said an
d I put the bottles into my backpack. We quickly ran out of the pharmacy, turning off the lights, and closing the door behind us. I thought that’d be the hard part. Easy part was getting out and getting paid. Well… I was wrong.

  As soon as I closed the door, instantly all the lights in the building were flicked on. I looked around. There were police by the entrance. Their guns at the ready.

  “Don’t move! You’re under arrest!” One officer shouted.

  ‘Oh shit! Dude, what do we do?” I put my arms up as did George.

  “I saved this for a rainy day.” He said.

  I noticed what he was pointing to. It was a large smoke bomb hooked to his back.

  “On the count of three, we make a break for it. Split up. I’ll meet you back at the safe-house. Ready? 3… 2… 1…” and then he unhooked the smoke bomb from his back and tossed it in front of us. There was a flash of light, then the gray smoke shot out really fast, covering the whole room. I couldn’t see what way George went, but I went left down towards the appliances aisle.

  There was no way back the way we came. That way was right in the middle of the police. It would be impossible to climb back up and out. I needed to find another way out of here and quickly.

  I looked around. I couldn’t see much with all the smoke. However, in the corner, I saw an emergency exit. Two double gray doors. There wasn’t much smoke in this part of the room. I can towards it. Before I reached it, a police officer was running right towards me.

  “Stop! Don’t move!” He shouted as he ran at me.

  I kept running. Trying to evade him. I was faster though and got to the door. I quickly opened the doors, setting off the fire alarm. I shut the doors behind me. Outside was warm. The lights were on outside by the building. There was no place to hide. I saw nothing but brick buildings and chain link fences. My best bet was to head south. That’s where the rendezvous was. I ran that way and ducked into a nearby alley. I heard the emergency exit door open up. I hid behind a large truck trailer, looking out at the cop.

  He looked about, trying to find me, but he couldn’t. Angrily, he stomped his foot and walked back inside the building. I was in the clear… for now.

  I kept walking hurriedly down an alley. It was dark and wet. The moon shined above me. Nothing but dirty, brick walls all around with graffiti. I saw a homeless man sleeping next to a trash dumpster with a beer bottle by his foot.

  I kept walking round the alley until I got to the street. I should be safe there. Not too many people around and the store is bit ways back. When I came by the street, quickly, three police cars sped up and stopped right in front of my alley. Cops got out of their vehicles.

  “Don’t move!” They said as they raised their weapons.

  I quickly ran back the way I came. There must be another way, but I was mistaken. Coming the way I came was two other officers, guns drawn.

  “Hands behind your head!” They shouted.

  With police on both sides of me. No way out. I had no choice. There was no payday for me today. Only jail.

  “Fuck.” I said.

  I was so pissed. How could I have gotten caught like that? I was better than this. This couldn’t have happened. We were good. I just hope George made it out alright.

  “On your knees! Hands behind your head!” One shouted at me.

  I got down as I was told. One officer came by and cuffed me.

  “You’re going to be put away for a LONG time, buddy.” He said to me. They told me my Miranda Rights as they escorted me back to their squad car. I was in for a world of pain now.

  I didn’t tell them anything. Nothing about Joe. Nothing about George. Not now and certainly not when they brought me back to the police station.

  I sat in their crappy, wooden chair. I was in their offices. Other police officers were working busily on various works, going all around. I saw a few other people sitting in seats not far from me. One looked drunk. Probably arrested too.

  Behind me, one cop stood watching over my shoulder. The man in the desk was a Caucasian man, clean shaven, wearing a long white shirt and a black tie. Looked to be about in his 30’s. He asked me a bunch of questions.

  “Who were you with?” He asked.

  “…” I didn’t say a word.

  “Why were you there?”

  “…” Nothing. I was going to tell him nothing.

  “Why do you have Pink Pills in your backpack?”

  “…” Still told that man nothing.

  “So… you want to be wise with me, huh? I’ve dealt with people like you before. You’re no exception. You want those Pink Pills so bad? I’ll let you have them.” He said to me.

  Don’t know what trick he wanted to try, but it wasn’t going to work on me. I wasn’t going to talk. There’s a code I have. You don’t rat others out. George knows that. We agreed on it. Plus, if Joe was ratted out… I don’t even want to say what would happen to me.

  “Paul, take him down the room 105.” He told the officer.

  “Right away.” He replied. He took me by the arm and led me to the elevator. We went down to basement level 2. It was cold and dark. The whole place was just cement. Cement walls. Cement ceiling. It wasn’t a very inviting place. He opened the door to room 105. There was a chair and a light hanging over it. 1 steel table in the corner of the room. A mirror, probably a 1-way window honestly, faced the chair.

  “Sit.” He said. I did. He left the room.

  I sat in that cold room for what seemed like eternity. I couldn’t help but wonder what they were going to do to me. Or maybe, what they would do to George. They didn’t find George yet, I don’t think.

  I wouldn’t talk. I knew that. I wouldn’t talk at all.

  I waited there. Staring up at the ceiling. Looking around. Not much for me to really look at. Doubt they hired an interior decorator to do up the place. I wondered how many years in prison would I get for this.

  Then, the door opened up and in walked the man from earlier and another police officer. Except this police officer was really attractive. She had long, blonde hair cascading down her back. She wasn’t wearing a police hat like the others were. Her police officer uniform was tight and hugged her body really well. She had big breasts that jutted out of her uniform. I could see a bit of her pink bra through the buttons in her uniform. She had a nice, thin body with beautiful long legs. She wore short shorts and had a combat belt on with handcuffs and a nightstick. She definitely didn’t look like the usual police officer to me.

  The other man came over and pulled up a chair. He stared at me.

  “So… we have the pills. We know what you were after. We know the price these things go for on the open market. We know everything. We know about you. We know about George. And we know about Joe.” He said to me.

  I gasped. This was exactly what I didn’t want to happen. Joe was going to kill me. Fuck.

  “In fact. Let’s look at George right now, shall we?” He said.

  “Paul, bring it in”. He shouted.

  In walked Paul, the officer from the offices earlier. He was wheeling in a TV on a wooden stand. He plugged it in, turned on the TV, and hit a few buttons. It lit up and showed George in what looked like another room just like mine. Maybe the same. I couldn’t tell.

  I stared at the TV. I couldn’t believe they got him. I was in real trouble now.

  “Y’see that! That’s your good friend, George. He told us everything. That’s right. HE ratted you out. We know everything now. And we also know about… this”.

  He pulled out a bottle of the pink pills we stole earlier. Those damned pills. I started regretting the whole heist.

  “Now… we’re going to go easy on you. We don’t actually want you to go to jail. That would be bad. Bad for you. Bad for us too. You have lots of information in your head. We need your help.” He said to me.

  I wasn’t going to play any game he had. This was a trick. I knew it. He was going to try something on me. I won’t play it.

  “Joe is a bad man. He’s destro
ying this city from the inside. He’s got people everywhere. He controls everything. We have information on him, just not enough. That’s where you come in. You’re going to help us.”

  “Help you?” I asked.

  “Yes, that’s right. You’re going to help us. You’ve got two options on your hands. First option, you help us. We pay you for your time. Give you support. Get you out of this life of crime you have. Second option? You go to jail. You’ll be locked up until you have more gray hairs than I do. What do you say?” He asked.


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