Scars of My Guardian Angel

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by Russell L Martin

  scars of my guardian angel

  “This book is by far one of the best books that I have ever read. It is beautifully and graphically written, with imagery and visions of Heaven beyond anything that I could have ever imagined. It is a true testament to the wonder-working power of our Creator and exposes the treacherous events that unfold around us constantly without our knowledge. There is a constant battle between the light and the dark and this book certainly brings it back to the forefront of our minds. It has everything you could possibly want in a book, joy, sadness, action, suspense, and beauty beyond belief! Be ready to put things on hold, because you won’t be putting it down until the end!”

  Jennifer Michiels, Author

  Divine Instruction and Outcry

  “From the first page until the last; I could not put the book down. The author, Russell Martin, was able to capture my imagination drawing out multiple emotions of excitement, sadness, fear, peace and hopefulness. After reading this book, I absolutely want and desire to be a better Christian and hope that my actions on Earth will help lead others to have an opportunity to experience an eternity of bliss. What a wonderful and detailed description of what Heaven will be like. The book answers many questions and is a warning on demonic warfare. It is a true roadmap for believers and non-believers alike. I can only imagine what I will do or how I will react when the day comes that I go to Heaven. I just hope that everyone takes this opportunity to meet me there! This is a must read for sure.”

  James Schaefer

  Chief Operating Officer/ Co-Founder

  “This book has it all... excitement, sadness, happiness, wittiness, love -lots of love- and beauty. Oh my, the perfect portrait of Heaven; I stand amazed! I couldn’t turn the pages fast enough… brilliantly written and graphically perfect! The best book, second to the Bible, I’ve ever read! I loved it, and can’t wait for next one in the series! I remember Summer and can’t wait to see her again when I get to Heaven! Thank you for sharing this irreplaceable masterpiece!”

  Wanda Harlan

  Co-Owner, Office Supervisor & Accountant

  Harlan Insurance Agency

  “I have always wondered what Heaven might be like. We all have ideas and most are probably far from the truth. My mother, about a week before she left this earth, said, ‘I think I know why God doesn’t tell us more about Heaven. If we knew how good it was, too many Christians would be in a hurry to get there!’ This book opened my mind to possibilities I had never considered. Rusty is a wonderful story teller and I found myself caught up in his stories about his younger days, his family, and his work experiences. At times I was not able to stop reading as I laughed and cried. So many emotions are stirred by the different real and imagined happenings! I highly recommend Scars of My Guardian Angel to anyone who enjoys Christian fiction!”

  Roselyn Nicewarner

  Retired Computer Consultant and Teacher

  “From the first page to the last, I was captivated by Russell Marin’s marvelous writing, feeling like I was right there with Chado through thick and thin. ‘Scars’ drew raw emotion right out of my inner being – from hairs standing up on the back of my neck to tears welling in my eyes, from the rush of adrenaline to a calming sense of peace, and from gut-wrenching sorrow to pure elation. Every one of my senses, including my sixth, was tapped by such superb imagery in both the worldly and spiritual realms. And heaven – oh my – what a vivid portrayal of our Creator’s true masterpiece! For a fictional novel, ‘Scars’ possesses so much truth about the importance of our relationships with each other, our guardian angels, and our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ. What a blessing it was to read.”

  Chris K. Moody

  President , Osage Energy Group, LLC




  the portal series

  WEEP Not;

  They Are Just on the

  Other Side


  Lift Up Solutions, LLC

  Dry Prong, Louisiana

  Scars of My Guardian Angel

  Weep Not; They Are Just on the Other Side

  The Portal Series

  By Russell L. Martin

  Copyright © 2018 by Russell L. Martin

  All rights reserved.

  This book or parts thereof may not be reproduced in any form, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted in any form by any means; electronic, mechanical, photocopy, recording, or otherwise-without prior written permission of the publisher, except as provided by United States of America copyright law.

  Scripture used from the Spirit Filled Life Bible,

  New King James Version ®. Copyright © 1991,

  by Thomas Nelson

  Novel written following the Gratis Use Guidelines

  International Standard Book Number: 978-0-9998366-0-6

  Library of Congress Control Number: 2018900741

  Lift Up Solutions, LLC, Dry Prong, LA

  Published by Lift Up Solutions, LLC

  Printed in the United States of America

  Cover design by 100Covers

  Dedicated to the memory of my beloved daughter,

  Summer Allyce Martin


  “Therefore you now have sorrow; but I will see you again and your heart will rejoice, and your joy no one will take from you.”

  John 16:22

  From the author:

  Some people label strange events in life as coincidence. I agree that some are; but then there are the ones I truly believe are divinely appointed. My daughter was born on the 16th and she was 22 years old when she made her heavenly journey. I was asked by her mother to find a scripture for her headstone. I sought the Lord in prayer to find the perfect verse. When I opened my Bible, there was no searching; He brought me directly to John 16:22.


  “Are Angels not all ministering spirits, sent out to serve for the sake of those who are to inherit eternal salvation? Therefore, we must pay closer attention to what we have heard…” (Hebrews 1:14 -2:1).

  G od’s Word is replete with the mention of angels. We find them intervening in the affairs of nations, often executing judgment upon them. Angels are found to offer comfort, herald the Gospel, and guide the people of God. They are also shown to afford relief and protection for the people of God regardless of crisis. The latter are known as Guardian Angels.

  Russell L. Martin is a multi-gifted brother in Christ. He is an exceptionally gifted storyteller. He is excited about sharing the Gospel and fleshing it out. Whether it be in his beloved song lyrics and music he composes for the body of Christ or in his writing of this book, Rusty loves glorifying God.

  I first discovered Rusty Martin when I became his Worship Pastor at New Prospect Baptist Church in 2010. I could tell as I led worship that Rusty loved the Lord. His whole manner of worship was so reverent and respectful of God’s presence among us. Not much time had passed when my wife, Sandy and I were invited to his home. He and his wife, Laura welcomed us with open arms. We quickly realized we were all kindred spirits. I soon appreciated that what you see is what you get with my friend Rusty. He is what you call the genuine article. He is a man of God. He loves his wife, family, and his horses. The deep southern “country” life suits him to a tee. Let me warn you now, don’t let that “southern gentleman” nature fool you. Rusty has been around, he’s had ups and downs in his life. He’s seen a thing or two, because he’s been involved with a thing or two. All of this is Rusty Martin and so much more. It forces him to create. It drives him to communicate. It moti
vates him to produce and fashion incredible stories about that which matters to him most, that which has saved his life, and gripped his heart…His God.

  As much as I am astounded by the songwriter who is Rusty Martin. I am even more excited about the storyteller, Russell L Martin. When he first told me about writing this book, I had no doubt that he could. However, I marveled at the short period of time that it took him to write this book. The only explanation is the fullness of God in his life and therefore the prompting of the Spirit. I am convinced this book was written from a place of overflow; a place where the words flow like the water over the rocks of a southern creek.

  I am an educated man; it has been my delight to read many books. There are a rare few novels that caused my soul to tremble and my mind’s eye to see so vividly that which the author writes about. “Scars of my Guardian Angel” is such a rare book indeed.

  I want to be in that throne room when God scolds Satan: “Silence son of darkness. Have you wisdom so great that you now see into the mind of The Alpha and Omega? Were you there when I formed the springs of the deep, or when I breathed life into the nostrils of man?”

  I am transported to Heaven when one finds out about the athletic prowess of one John the Baptist and that we might find a baseball league there, when we read “…when I first got to Tabula Rosa, he hinted around about playing baseball, Allayer and Nipper said he was a strikeout king.”

  I rejoice at the visual imagery and heart capturing script that is the “Valley of the Children” “God calls this the Valley of the Children because this is where we receive the aborted babies…Tears of joy fill my eyes as the ancestor pulls the aborted baby back through the portal…” Wow, glory to God!!

  This book is full of real life stories mixed with the possible spiritual activities of God we will find on the other side of death. When I first picked this book up to read, I could not put it down. It is full of hope and mystery. One can find tears of sadness and joy in these pages. I can easily see Heaven and walk down her golden avenues and admire the various mansions. I am reminded of the wiles of the devil and to know my enemy. You can quickly realize an Angel’s role in your life as a child of God. There is so much here to digest, and such an easy read.

  Find yourself a quiet place and a couple hours. Be prepared to feel the brush of angel wings, the wrinkle of a gentle smile as it appears on your face, and then hear the gentle breeze through the trees and the laughter of aborted children as they run across your front lawn. You will struggle to walk away from the journey of Chado Cole. Do not be afraid to embrace the nearness of God.

  Russell L. Martin knows he has a Guardian Angel. That knowledge has caused him to share this incredible tale of what it could be like to be in a personal relationship with your protecting Angel. Furthermore, and more importantly, to be in a relationship with a Savior that provides that Angel for you! It is my prayer that God will use this book to bring you great encouragement and joy in your journey.

  Rev. Ronnie J. LaLande

  CEO, GospelMaxx


  Little Soul

  A silence falls over the throne room as the Angels of Heaven watch closely when Lucifer came to present himself before the Lord.

  The Lord God speaks to Satan, “Lucifer son of perdition; why are you walking with the Host of Heaven? What business do you have here? Where is it you have come from?”

  Satan answers the Lord, “I have need of your mighty patience and that you would bend your ear to listen to my request as I humbly stand before you and the Host of Heaven. I have been walking upon the earth, roaming throughout, passing back and forth.”

  “Deceiver of man, you have my ear, I will hear your request.”

  “Oh God of Heaven and Earth, Designer of the stars, I seek the soul of a child. His bloodline has no purpose to you.”

  “What child do you seek, Prince of the air?”

  “My servants informed me that the Christ has visited this Little Soul and allowed him to see into the Spiritual Realm. This child’s bloodline has been cursed for six generations. His fathers before him have rejected the Holy Trinity. Allow me this request; he is of no value to you. God of Abraham, take away his hedge of protection, surely you have no need of this Little Soul. ”

  “Silence son of darkness. Have you wisdom so great that you now see into the mind of the Alpha and Omega? Were you there when I formed the springs of the deep, or when I breathed life into the nostrils of man? Have you knowledge of how to create the birth of a galaxy? Son of perdition, I hear the reverent prayers of this Little Soul’s mother, and her groaning from fasting cries out to me in the night. As she humbles herself before this throne, I shall break this generational curse with the father of this child you call, Little Soul.”

  * * *

  Eight years earlier; it was August 25th, 1960, when a proud father of his second son leans over, resting his head against the thick glass of a newborn nursery. Staring at this little 7lb, 8oz., bundle of joy, Mr. Travis breaks into a subtle smile, relieved that mom’s ok and we seem to have all ten toes and fingers. He’s got a bit of a cone head, but that’s normal considering just making a journey through the birth canal.

  Travis feels a slight tug on his pant leg; it’s the three-year-old big brother, Gerald. “Hey there big man, you want to see your baby brother?” The dark eyed toddler stretches his arms out for a lift up. He settles in on the hip of his tall slender father as they both continue to stare at the only baby in the nursery of this small family clinic.

  “Daddy, what his name is?”

  Travis points to the name tag on the front of the clear plastic crib. “See right there, it says Chad Cole.”

  The toddler giggles, “Shadow, Shadow, Shadow.”

  “No big man, it’s Chad Cole.”

  Gerald shakes his head, “Shadow, his name Shadow.”

  “Well big man, he will probably be your little shadow, so what if we give him a nickname and call him Chado? How’s that? ”

  “Okay Daddy, Chado my brother’s name.”

  The impatient toddler decides it’s time to inform Mom of his new baby brother’s nickname, so with a bit of squirming, Travis gets the message and lowers Gerald to the floor. The happy tot bounces all the way back down the hall to Mom’s room. “Chado, Chado, Chado; Momma, my brother’s name is Chado!”

  Mrs. Mildred, very tired from just giving birth, looks over at Travis, “What’s he saying, Shadow or Chado?”

  “Well Sweetheart, usually folks wait a while before they give their kid a nickname, baby brother has only been here a couple hours and Gerald just gave him one. He’s saying Chado.”

  Mrs. Mildred smiles while reaching over, patting Gerald on his head, “Chado Cole… You know, it kind of has a ring to it. Gerald, you’re such a smart little man!”

  The toddler notices his exhausted mom has faded back into a deep sleep, so he gently takes her hand, placing it over on the bed.

  The following morning, Nurse Louise walks into the room holding a newborn baby and a clinic invoice for 75 dollars. This was the going rate back in 1960 for delivering a child.

  Mr. Travis pulls out his wallet and hands over three crisp twenties to the nurse, “Louise, this is all the cash I’ve got on me. Tell Doc I’ll bring him the other fifteen in a week or so and tell him I’ll throw in a few pounds of filet catfish for making him wait.”

  “That will be fine, Mr. Travis. Now…, Mrs. Mildred, are you ready to make that trip back home to Black Creek?”

  “Yes ma’am, I am ready!”

  Nurse Louise rolls Mildred out to the parking lot and kindly helps a slow-moving mom climb into an old 1951 Chevy. After a few friendly waves, they drive out of the small town of Montgomery, Louisiana, making their way through the back roads, leading home.

  * * *

  Before we go any further with this tale, I have to introduce myself. I’m the newborn kid, Chado Cole. I know this must seem to be an odd way of telling my story; nevertheless, it
has to be done this way. You see, I’m not only standing a few years into the future, I’m sharing this from the afterlife. A strange supernatural adventure is about to unfold, but first allow me to share a small glimpse of my past life. Maybe this will shine a bit of light on why the God of all creation would choose a little boy from the backwoods of Louisiana for his heavenly mission.

  * * *

  We lived in a humble little wood frame house nestled in heavy timber country with a crystal-clear creek within a rock throw from our house. We actually were blessed with an old pump that furnished my Granny’s house and ours with water from that spring-fed creek.

  Our local church also used the swimming hole for baptisms. I missed out on getting dunked in our creek because I was saved in the wintertime. We used a sister church that had an indoor baptistery, because Black Creek was ice cold. Our community was named after that creek; it was our little piece of Heaven on Earth.

  I guess I had a normal childhood, other than hovering at, or around, the poverty level; but we never seemed to want for anything. We lived almost entirely off the land; blessed with an abundance of fresh vegetables, milk, butter and eggs, that were all homegrown. I remember Granny having peach trees scattered all over the home place along with huge fig trees that shaded each side of the barn. Man, my granny had a green thumb; everything she planted seemed to be touched by God. It wasn’t unusual for me, or my older brother, to have peach juice running down our chins and elbows, as we would bite into the largest peaches you have ever seen.

  There were several times when we had little or no money and my dad would work at a local gravel pit running a dragline. This was a seasonal job and he was often laid off during the winter. My dad would set what we called drop hooks in a nearby lake to catch “mud cat”, a type of catfish we had in our local waterways. They were a little less desirable than what you get in a restaurant, but in those days, folks would give Dad a few bucks for a few pounds.

  Getting paid to fish might sound like easy work, but it was not. I remember Dad getting back from the lake after running his lines and hovering over the wood stove to warm up. He would often complain about having to break the ice to get to his lines. He had a big cage in the creek he would store his fish in to keep them alive. I don’t think the fish sales were a big money maker, but it did keep the lights on. You know, whenever I’ve found myself complaining about how rough my dad was on us, I think back on how he really did all he could to provide for our family during those lean times.


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