Scars of My Guardian Angel

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Scars of My Guardian Angel Page 5

by Russell L Martin

  One of the little Angels lets me know I was now able to see into the Spiritual Realm.

  The Spiritual Realm; I remember Dr. Forester teaching a Friday night Bible study about that. He said if you could see it with the human eye, it would probably scare you so bad you couldn’t bear it. Well, he wasn’t far off.

  I could now see the people walking up and down the streets. I can hear the music and the laughter. Wow, it looks like Mardi Gras. Yes, I believe it’s Mardi Gras, they are partying hard.

  I’m thinking, “Are all these dark spirits trying to get those people?”

  The little Angels let me know, “The fallen angels are invading the hearts of the lost and controlling them with persuasion, some with oppression, and some with possession. Some have turned away from the light and some have never known the light.”

  I can see several people scattered in the crowds that stand out as being different; they have a sort of glow around them.

  And before I can ask, the little Angels let me know, “They were a certain kind of Angels that are chosen by God to infiltrate the darkness and are trying to help some of the people that are being prayed for by their family or maybe friends. If they don’t hear the still voice of God and run for His protection it will soon be too late.”

  As we make our way across the city, I see a small church nestled in between two very tall buildings, and I notice two large Angels standing at the door, both dressed like the Warrior Angel that we have with us .

  I ask the small Angels, “What are they doing there? Surely there’s no one there, this time of the morning.”

  They replied, “Yes there is someone there. It’s an old preacher and his wife that have been there for sixty-three years. They have ministered to the lost in this city and have led thousands to God. Those demonic forces you’ve seen hate them and Lucifer wants them gone. So God has placed these two Warrior Angels here until they have completed their work and are called home.”

  They also let me know, “This same scene here is taking place all over the world, with legions of Angels that are fighting the fallen angels and the hordes of their satanic demons. They continue in constant battle for the souls of man. God has allowed this battle to go on from the beginning of time. It will only end at the unknown hour of God’s return. The presence of darkness is now getting stronger than ever, and there’s only a small remnant of people who truly show love to God. All the Angels of Heaven know that the hour grows near for the final battle that will take place in the valley of Megiddo. We all stand ready for the second coming of Christ and the command for the seven seals to be opened.”

  When I heard how serious the two little Angels were when they explained this frightening scene, I was thinking “If everyone could just see a small part or maybe even catch a glimpse of this Spiritual Realm and know this evil darkness is swarming around them, they would run to this little church and fall on their faces and cry out to God.”

  I hear the two Angels’ thoughts, and they let me know “You’ve got a lot to learn about how and why God won’t allow the natural man to see this.”

  As we continue to head north, I’m thinking: Why in the world are they showing me all this and explaining details about the end time stuff? I’ve read about most of it in the book of Revelation, studied about Jesus and the prophets, read the Bible through several times, heard a lot of preachers bang on the pulpit through the years trying to get us to understand time is short. ‘Be ready, you could die at any minute or God might call us home at any time’; not to mention seeing into the Spiritual Realm. Why are they doing this? I figured we would be walking around in Heaven by now.

  So they burst out laughing again, and let me know. “We are in the dark on this one too. We were instructed to pick you up from the bottom of the Gulf of Mexico and transport you across the United States through Canada on up to our exit point in Alaska. We were to travel at a moderate speed, having to show you several key cities along the way. You are instructed by God to remember everything you see, and you will also remember every detail of your life, death and adventure in Heaven.”

  “What in the world are y’all talking about? It sounds like we are taking a vacation across North America, and by the way I’m no writer, I’m a diver, well I use to be a diver.”

  One of the little Angels smiled as he answered. “We feel like God is up to something, His ways are not our ways. We just do what He tells us. We usually are there to comfort Christians when they pass over, and then we immediately bring them to Heaven. That’s our job, well sometimes we get to bring messages, but our favorite is to comfort and transport.”

  * * *

  “Well, do you guys usually poke along? It seems it would take forever to get to Heaven at the speed we’ve been traveling.”

  With laughter; “ Speed, you want speed? Just wait, we will show you speed!”

  About the time we hit the Louisiana- Arkansas line, they caught another gear and with a couple blinks, we were hovering over the ghettos of Chicago.

  “ My God, that was awesome, was it light speed? I want to do it again.” And suddenly, the thrill was gone and my laughter ceased as I looked around, realizing we were witnessing almost the exact same dark forces as we had seen in New Orleans.

  From there, city to city to city, the darkness and the demonic forces were saturating the land like some kind of virus, “How could this be?”

  I’m thinking, “Do we have enough Angels to fight the final battle, or any battle? I’ve only seen a few Warrior Angels along the way, and legions of demons.”

  The smaller of the two Angels let me know with a bit of expression, “We’ve got this. Well God’s got this. The power of God is unmatched and the Warrior Angels have the power of God with them. You’ve read in the scripture about the Full Amor of God haven’t you?”

  “ Yes, I have, Ephesians 6.”

  “Well, stop worrying about how many demons and fallen angels there are. We are telling you, God has everything under control. Have you noticed we haven’t had any more attacks since that demon grabbed your leg when we were leaving the bottom of the Gulf? Satan has a way of communicating with his crew. As soon as your Warrior Angel unsheathed his sword, the whole satanic army knew you were off limits.”

  “Wow. That is amazing.”

  “Now, He just wants you to keep making a mental note of what you see, and try to understand as much as you can. He has a plan, and His plans always work out, you’ll see.”


  Angels’ Names

  I ’m really getting used to hearing these little Angels’ thoughts; it already feels natural to communicate like this. But, I noticed the few times I was near the Warrior Angel; I couldn’t make out what he was thinking. “Is he private with his thoughts? Or does he even like me?”

  “Hey, Chado, you’ve got to quit thinking like a mortal. Of course he likes you, he’s your Guardian, and he’s been with you since birth.”

  “What, since birth?”

  “Yes he was assigned to watch over you, your entire life.”

  “Well, why didn’t he save me from dying on the bottom of the ocean?”

  “All I can tell you is God needed you for something. So don’t blame your Angel. I guarantee he loves you. Communicating with your Warrior Angel is a bit different than with us. We comfort, they protect. Understand?”

  “Well, no, maybe, I guess.”

  “Trust us. You will catch on.” They start grinning again.

  I ask, “What is so funny?”

  “You only have eternity to understand it all.”

  “Hey that’s right, eternity, what a nice thought… eternity. ”

  “Hey guys, I had a thought when you called me by my name. Wait, is that the first time you used my name? Well anyway, what the heck are your names? We’ve been together all the way across the US and part of Canada and I don’t know your names, and what’s my Warrior Angel’s name?”

  The smaller of the two, said with a loud voice, “My name is Nipper and his name is Al

  I grinned and said, “ Well hello there and pleased to meet you, Nipper, and what a pleasure it is to make your acquaintance, Allayer.”

  They both giggled and lowered their heads with a short nod as we were continuing over a mountain range somewhere in northern Canada. As I thought more about their names, I had to ask, “ Guys, I’ve never heard of anyone with the names Nipper or Allayer, can you tell me what they mean?”

  “ Yes, God gave us our names.”

  “Really, do you know what they mean?”

  “Sure we do Chado. Do you know anything about a battle between Israel and the Philistines, when God allowed the Philistines to capture the Ark of Covenant?”

  “I think so; I remember reading something in 1st Samuel about Israel getting the Ark taken away. I believe God was angry with his people or something like that.”

  “Yes, back in those days, some of the kings would allow their people to worship idols and they would build small statues of what they thought was a god and even place them in their homes. Some would go as far as building statues on top of the high places around the city. You could imagine, after God blessed His people repeatedly and showed them so many miracles, that He would certainly be angry about them building some stupid idol. Chado, He would give them multiple chances by sending prophets like Elijah, Jeremiah, and Samuel to warn them. But if they didn’t heed God’s warning, He would take away their protection. They had to face droughts, being killed or captured, and living in slavery for years… some even died as slaves.

  Back to your question about our names, Nipper and I were living as mortals in the time when the Ark was taken away from Israel. We witnessed 34,000 soldiers die during the battle of Aphek. Shortly after the battle we lost our lives when the Philistines raided our village. The two idiot sons of Eli brought this whole catastrophe upon Israel, well anyway, that was a long time ago.”

  Nipper laughed as he stated, “As a matter of fact it was 1120 BC and Allayer; you need to let that go about Eli’s two evil sons.”

  “I did let it go, they were just bad.”

  “Wow, you guys are old as dirt, well I mean y’all are pretty old. Ah - So, what do your names mean?”

  Allayer looked over at me and said, “ God told me my name means to comfort.”

  Nipper with a chuckle, “My name means abandoned child, you know like a street urchin.”

  “Why did he call you that?”

  “Oh, I was an orphan back in my mortal years, so Nipper kind of fit. You know God has got a sense of humor, you’ll see.

  Ok Chado, we’ve told you how we got our names. Would you mind telling us how you got yours? It is a rather unusual name.”

  “Sure. My full name is Chad Cole. But, I have been called Chado all my life. My dad told me, my three year old brother gave me that nickname. They were standing in front of the newborn nursery when I was only a couple hours old. Dad was attempting to show big brother how to pronounce it and he kept repeating shadow over and over, so Dad compromised and I guess they met in the middle and settled on the name Chado. It wasn’t long everyone in the community was using it, so I guess it kind of stuck with me all these years. ”

  As we continue on our journey, Nipper and Allayer start to explain about how time is different in this realm than it is on Earth. Nipper asks me, “Can you remember any Bible verses where God talks about time?”

  “As a matter of fact, I do, I remember something in James 4:14 that says. ‘For what is your life? It is even a vapor that appears for a little time and then vanishes away’.”

  “ That’s a great scripture verse and you’re on the right track, but the one we were talking about comes from 2nd Peter 3:8, It says: ‘Beloved, do not forget this one thing, that with the Lord one day is as a thousand years, and a thousand years as one day’. ”

  “Yeah, yeah, I remember that! So what about time, can you explain it?”

  Nipper turned and looked at me with a bold look on his face and said, “We hope you can comprehend the depth of time in the realm. You’re understanding won’t fully develop until you enter into Heaven.”

  “What? What do you mean?”

  Allayer tells Nipper, “You shouldn’t have told him that, at least not yet.”

  “Okay guys; tell me what’s going on. Allayer, will you please explain, what the heck are y’all talking about?”

  “Chado, here it is in short story. As you know, we usually transport someone that’s just passed over, straight to Heaven. They don’t have time to ask any questions, it’s sort of like what you were thinking earlier about the flash of light and boom, you’re in Heaven. After arriving in Heaven their minds are opened and their understanding of how things work is revealed. So, with God’s special orders and having to give you a tour of the Realm, I guess we can try and answer a few questions you might have.”

  Allayer starts to explain about the extra mind capacity. “Fully developed humans on Earth can only use around ten percent of their brain. God has allowed a selected few through the years with a bit higher capacity when He would bless the human race with inventions, art, music and things that would give comfort and happiness to His people. Some misused the blessing and led people down paths of destruction, and some gave God the Glory, and blessed the nations with their knowledge and wisdom.”

  Nipper jumps in, “Hey Chado, once you pass over into the Spiritual Realm your brain capacity increases fifteen to twenty percent. This allows you to easily tap into a section of the brain that opens your mind and heart so you can see into the Spiritual Realm, and your understanding of what’s going on around you is a bit clearer.”

  Allayer states, “The additional percentage allows you to talk to us with your mind, and when you get to Heaven and receive the rest, you will be able to block someone from knowing all your thoughts. As your mission continues, this will come in handy if you ever go into battle or have to deal with anyone that stands against the Holy Trinity. You don’t want demons to know your thoughts. That only makes them stronger, you’ll see.”

  Allayer continues, “So when you enter into the Kingdom of Heaven, God allows you to have around seventy five to eighty percent, and you will love that. We’ve watched thousands of souls when they receive this gift and it’s more fun each time. All the Angels get a kick out of it, watching someone go from a chatterbox asking so many questions about the silliest things, to complete silence… Then a super funny look on their faces and finally, and always a huge smile.”

  Nipper says, “ and this process of receiving more understanding takes on average around an hour after entering into the Kingdom.”

  “Wow. That sounds so exciting. I’ve always wanted to be smarter. ”

  “Just wait, that’s only a small portion of the mysteries that will be revealed.”

  “Okay, what about the time thing?”

  “We wish you would wait on the answer to that. But we will tell you this, there is no such thing as time in Heaven, or at least not like it is on Earth. Do you remember the word eternity and the true meaning?

  Take a calendar for example or a clock, one after the other, days pass, tick after tick the seconds, the minutes, the hours, the days, the years. The sun rises and sets, the shadow of the seasons is ever present. In Heaven, freed from this measurement of time, you will be able to see the rapid decay of everything on Earth. Plants and animals will wither away in what seems like seconds. Rocks and even mountains will erode and crumble in a surprisingly brief amount of time. In God’s Word He says time is but of a vapor. One day is to a thousand years and a thousand years is to a day.

  Remember eternity is without measure, God’s creation is without measure. Can you say it is this day or that year? Or the sun came up from the east and it set in the west? Where is the west? How then can you measure time?”

  Nipper jumps in with a giggle. “If God wants you to know what time it is He’ll tell you.”

  “I guess so Nipper, and thanks guys for brain capacity 101. I kind of understand most of that
but the time lesson might need a little more tutoring.”

  They both laugh and Allayer tells me, “Just wait, your understanding of how it all works will clear up when you get to Heaven. Savvy?”

  “Sure, I’m savvy”.

  * * *

  As we arrive in Alaska, Nipper squeezes my hand and lets me know. “We have one final place God wants to show you before we leave Earth.”

  “Okay, that sounds great, is it more demonic forces, battles in the Spiritual Realm? I’m ready for anything, kind of getting use to the scary stuff.”

  Both Nipper and Allayer start their giggling again, “Okay guys, what are y’all up to?”

  About that time, we slow down over what looks like the prettiest place on Earth. It is a gorgeous valley with a huge lake surrounded by mountains that has snow covered peaks glistening in the bright sunlight. I can see a small village near the lake, and a pretty good size clay and straw building in the middle of town. “Hey, I don’t see any demons or any kind of darkness lurking.”

  Laughing, “You will never see any dark presence here. This is Holy Ground.”

  “Holy ground?”

  Nipper, chuckling, “Is there an echo around here? Yes Holy Ground. This place is off limits to any dark presence, they don’t even know it’s here.”

  “So what’s so special about it?”

  “We think it might be God’s favorite place on Earth.”

  “God has a favorite place on Earth?”

  “We’re not for sure, but we believe so. He has special protection around this whole valley.”


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