Scars of My Guardian Angel

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Scars of My Guardian Angel Page 11

by Russell L Martin

  I hear the swooshing sound of wings; we all look to our right and out of the portal of Heaven, to my surprise, my Guardian Angel appears. He looks over at me and smiles, then immediately turns and regains his stern Marine Corps stare and heads in the direction of the portal to Hell.

  Not far behind him, six more Warriors walk through Heaven’s portal. Nipper and Allayer stand, one on each side, and place their hands on my shoulders. Nipper chuckles, “How’s that for backup? Let Lucifer try something now.”

  Allayer points at the rock bench, “Hey guys, I think we can all sit back down.”

  I look back about the same time Samson tosses the end of the last rope over the threshold. The arrogant priest, released from the little Angel’s spirit of persuasion, comes alive and starts yelling.

  Still thinking he’s back at his mosque, “We will have your heads, bow to Hurrian or die!”

  He reaches up and feels the iron collar attached around his neck, “What’s going on here? Release me immediately!”

  He looks over at the seven Warrior Angels then back at the gate to Hell. He sees the demons pulling the rope attached to his chain. “Oh no, have mercy, don’t take me, I am a priest of Hurrian, have mercy!”

  The demons standing at the threshold are laughing and jumping up and down as they look up at the fallen angels for gratification.

  Another demon much larger than the rest walks out of the portal and starts popping his fanged teeth together. The sound of this pop, pop, pop, was echoing across the opening, sounding like someone banging two hollow wooden boxes together.

  The priest now begging to his false god, “Help me Hurrian, rescue me from these infidels.” Now on his stomach clawing at the ground with one hand and pulling at the chain with the other, the demons pull him over the threshold .

  One of the fallen angels reaches down with one hand and grabs the priest by the hair of his head. He lifts him completely off the ground, holds him face to face and tells the priest, “Hurrian is not real, you hunk of flesh.”

  The fallen angel lowers him down a couple feet and the demon that’s still popping his teeth reaches up and bites the priest in the forehead leaving fang marks on his flesh.

  The dark angel lifts him back up, “I’ve marked you, now you’re mine forever!”

  At this point the priest is screaming, “Have mercy, please have mercy!”

  The fallen angel turns and throws his limp body through the portal snarling, “There will be no mercy this day.”

  The very same fallen angel looks over at the Warriors and starts laughing, and suddenly I hear the sounds of swords being unsheathed. Several more dark angels appear out of the portal; followed by two Nephilim Giants, both having to bend down, just to make it through.

  They looked to be twenty feet in height, their shoulders as wide as a truck hood. They were carrying battle axes and their shields looked like the skin of a dragon.

  I hear the little Angel with a loud voice, “If you giants cross the threshold, your existence will end!”

  One of the giants pushes his way through the fallen angels, with the other one close behind. As the first giant’s foot crosses the threshold, he swings his axe at the Angel standing on the left side of the portal. The Angel leans back like tall grass swaying in the wind, with the giant’s axe missing him only by inches.

  The two Angels wearing sackcloth positioned on each side of the portal swing their swords at the exact same time. With the sweeping sound of their blades moving so fast, the naked eye could only catch a glimpse as they cut both the right and left legs completely off of the first Nephilim Giant. We feel the vibration of this huge monster when his heavy body hits the ground.

  The seven Warrior Angels are already advancing and strike the second giant, causing him to land on top of the first one. A couple demons run out past the blades of the Angels as they turn to try to get behind the two Angels wearing sackcloth.

  Out of nowhere, Samson grabs the two demons by their feet. Twisting like he is playing shot-put, he throws both demons against the stone entrance, leaving them injured and staggering as they crawl back across the portal to their safety of Hell. As I look back at the battle between the Angels, I catch a glimpse of my Guardian Angel taking off the head of both giants.

  Several of the angels from Hell that had been attempting to cross the threshold, now retreat by jumping back through the portal.

  The fallen angel that was laughing when all this started barely escaped and had to dive through the portal with one of the Warrior Angels’ blades just missing him.

  After the dust settles, Samson takes one of the giants’ axes and goes out and cuts down a couple trees. While he is doing that the other Angels roll the two giants’ bodies over to the edge of Hell’s portal. Samson brings the two trees over and everyone together uses the trees to shove the dead giants through the portal.

  With his feet, Samson rolls the heads of both giants just inside the threshold. Then he backs off a couple of feet, turns like he’s playing football, and kicks each head through the fiery portal. The two big Angels dressed in sackcloth both throw their hands in the air, with their swords dripping with blood and shout, “Touchdown!”

  Samson had not said a word the whole time he’d been here, but then looked over at us and smiled. “You know, they weren’t the Philistines, but it was still a good fight. ”

  He walks back over to his cart, and as he’s climbing aboard, the seven Warrior Angels, who are still standing in front of the portal to Hell, give Samson a wave of appreciation. Samson smiles and bows his head while popping the reigns against the mules’ backsides. As he turns this ancient wagon, we have to take a couple steps back to give him room. I suddenly remember his wine pouch still lying on the ground where I had slept.

  “Hey Nipper, I’ll be right back.” I trot over, grab the wine pouch, then hustle back to catch his slow moving cart.

  “Hey Samson, you forgot your wine pouch.” He reaches down grabbing the lamb skin container, holds it up over his mouth while squeezing out a mouth full of wine. With his huge hand, he wipes off a bit of dribble from his thick black beard while handing the pouch back to me. He smiles and with a deep gentle voice, “Keep it, there’s plenty of wine where I’m going.”

  “Thanks Samson. Hey just so you know, you were one of my favorite heroes of the Bible.”

  He humbly grins, pops the reigns and starts heading back down the mountain. I stand and watch as he goes out of sight, twisting and turning through the evergreen trees, thinking: How cool is this? I just had a conversation with the mighty Samson, and he gave me his lamb skin wine pouch!


  The Bad Guy

  I hurry back to Nipper and Allayer as they are still standing, watching the Warrior Angels that seem to be guarding the portal.

  “Hey guys, what’s going on? Isn’t all the excitement over?”

  “Not quite, they have to guard the portal until God closes it.”

  “Oh. Why didn’t He close it as soon as the battle was over?”

  “We don’t know; this is a bit peculiar. He usually closes it as soon as the last condemned soul passes through. Let’s sit and watch for a while.”

  As I look up at the blanket of heavy dark clouds continuing to cover the sun, a chill passes over me and as I shrug my shoulders to shake it off, Allayer looks over at me. “Chado Cole, we feel it too.”

  “What’s going on? Is something bad about to happen?”

  Nipper mumbles, “The last time I felt that, I got to see Lucifer”.

  “Lucifer, what the heck? Are you kidding me? Is he about to come through that portal?”

  Nipper asked Allayer, “Do you think he’s coming?”

  Allayer starts shaking his head, “Yes, I believe so.”

  Fear grips me, “Guys should we get out of here?”

  “No, don’t worry. He has power on Earth to go and come as he pleases, but here he has limitations and only is allowed access by the Almighty.”

  Nipper reminds us of
scripture. “Remember the book of Job, it’s the oldest book of the Bible written back in two thousand BC, and it says:

  ‘Now there was a day when the sons of God came to present themselves before the Lord, and Satan also came among them. And the Lord said to Satan, ‘From where do you come?’ So Satan answered the Lord and said, ‘From going to and fro on the Earth, and from walking back and forth on it.’ Then the Lord said to Satan, ‘Have you considered My servant Job, that there is none like him on the Earth, a blameless and upright man, one who fears God and shuns evil?’”

  “Okay Nipper, what’s this got to do with Satan coming here?”

  “Well the story of Job is a good example of Satan having free rein on Earth and God having trust in his servant Job to do the right thing. I guess you could say we are giving you a heads up. We both believe Satan has heard about you and realizes God is up to something. Just beware, Satan will try to sift you for every bit of information he can. Not to mention temptation of no telling what. Remember, he still thinks he’ll win the final battle.”

  “What the heck guys, I don’t want to talk with the devil, nope, not going to talk to him.”

  “Chado Cole, don’t worry, you are well protected, and remember what we told you; Lucifer’s power is limited here on Tabula Rasa.”

  “Okay, okay, what do I say?”

  “Chado, remember your scripture.”

  “What scripture would that be?”

  “Try Mathew 10:19.”

  “Yes, I remember that one, ‘But when they deliver you up, do not worry about how or what you should speak. For it will be given to you in that hour what you should speak; for it is not you who speak, but the Spirit of your Father who speaks in you’.”

  “So, let the Spirit of the Lord guide you, we promise you’ll do just fine.”

  I find myself staring at the portal and trying to imagine what I’m about to witness coming out of this pit of Hell, when I feel Nipper punch me on the shoulder, chuckling, “It’s going to be okay.”

  I see my Guardian Angel wave his hand in a gesture for me to come over to where the seven Warriors are standing. When I get up from the rock bench, I feel weakness in my knees and fear coming over me. On my short walk across the opening, I want to be anywhere but here. The dark clouds hovering over this mountain range and the grey background of the rocks and forest make me feel dread and defeat.

  Suddenly I feel a warm breeze with the smell of cedars and as I look up a small ray of sunlight had broken through the heavy canopy of dark clouds. The small ray of light is hitting the ground right beside my Guardian Angel. I can tell my fear was leaving and is being replaced by a spirit of bravery, I can tell the Holy Spirit of God is with me. The weakness in my legs has been replaced with strength, my slow lazy walk turned into a sprint.

  We are standing about thirty feet away from the portal. No one is speaking, and all eyes are fixed on the portal.

  We hear the sound of wings roaring coming from the other side of the portal and finally dead silence.

  Just like before, two small demon scouts poke their heads out and then vanish back to the other side. We hear the sound of more wings and then quiet.

  We hear the sounds of thunder with lightning striking the ground just outside the portal. This opening to Hell belches out black smoke with six fallen angels appearing. They all line up three on each side like an honor guard or military unit. These fallen all stand at attention with their hands on their swords, ready for battle.

  As we are waiting for the dark lord of Hell to walk through, I am having thoughts of him appearing as a huge, scaly dragon spitting out fire. To my surprise, I see a tall, thin figured man step through the portal. He is wearing a black suit with a matching flat brim hat, a white shirt with a small black bowtie. The way he is dressed reminds me of what you would see a preacher wear back in the late 1800’s.

  I feel there was something familiar about him, and I can’t seem to put my finger on it.

  He looks over at my Guardian Angel, “So, you’re the ones that killed my Nephilim Giants and threw their bodies back over.”

  Not replying to Lucifer’s comment, my Angel moves his fingers as to slightly reposition his grip around the handle of his sword.

  The author of darkness takes a few steps over the golden threshold and now we are eye to eye with the most evil entity in God’s creation.

  I suddenly can hear Allayer and Nipper in my thoughts, “Chado Cole, protect your mind. When he’s that close, he can tell what you’re thinking. Don’t think about your mission. Concentrate on scripture.”

  Satan looks over at me with an odd looking stare. It’s like he’s wondering… How can I get in this guy’s mind?

  I can’t stand him looking at me. I turn away to look over at the Guardians and he takes another step closer.

  He reaches out to touch my face when I hear the Guardian’s start to unsheathe their swords.

  Satan pulls his hand back, looks over at the Guardians and with a commanding voice, “Put your weapons away! I mean the boy no harm. I believe I know this young man. ”

  I couldn’t hold my tongue, “You don’t know me, Lucifer!”

  “Oh yes, I remember you. Do you recollect a dream or should I say a vision of the Christ when you were eight years old?”

  “Yes I remember one night being awakened and drawn to the window of my bedroom. As I looked up over the top of the tree line into the night sky, I saw the heavens open up. Jesus was standing in the center, and was surrounded by a great cloud of witnesses along with the Host of Heaven. I felt a sense of peace and comfort, and I know it was real because I can remember it like it happened yesterday.”

  “Oh yes, Little Soul, it was real.”

  “Lucifer, how do you know it was real, were you there?”

  “I don’t like to tell the truth, but no, I wasn’t there. Let’s just say I had a representative honoring my absence.”

  “What do you mean? You had someone at my house?!”

  “Let me explain to you, Little Soul. Your father’s family had a curse against them for several generations, and each generation continued to regenerate the curse from their continued sin. I guess you could say it’s a curse that would never end unless someone like you broke the curse by worshiping God and having a relationship with the Christ. I’ve had several demons oppressing your father and his two sons for years. My demons were there the night of your vision.”

  “So that’s why my dad would get so angry when mom brought us to church! You had demons hovering around our home, causing him to act like that!”

  “Yes, I got your grandfather and if it hadn’t been for your mother’s prayers, I would have got your dad, your brother, you, and all your kids and their children’s children.”

  “So why were you so interested in my vision of Jesus?”

  “Well, we thought you were going to turn out to be some great man of God, rescuing thousands of souls, but you were a disappointment to Heaven for the way you fell into a life of sin and rebellion. I played you like a new fiddle; you were so easy to steer away from God’s original plans.”

  “Lucifer, I know I didn’t always live according to God’s will and I regret my mistakes. During my last years on Earth, I tried my best to be pleasing to God. I know my best days were as filthy rags, but you can’t hold that against me because my Savior paid the price on the cross.”

  “Little Soul, spare me the scripture, I know it all. Let me allow you to revisit a time when you had a dream, a vision, or was I truly standing before you? One warm summer night exactly one year after your vision into the Realm of Heaven, I stood at the foot of your bed. Can you remember?”

  “Yes, I remember. It was at the old house in Fairfield.”

  “Yes that’s right, the very same house my demons spent years promising to me the souls of your entire bloodline. So tell me Little Soul, what do you remember about my calling?”

  “I remember my brother not being there. It was just Mom, Dad and I. We had no air conditioni
ng in the house and Dad had installed an old attic fan we would use to pull cool air from the outside. I remember Dad turning the fan on and the summer air being pulled through the open windows, causing the curtains to move around like they were dancing. The rumbling sound of the attic fan was so comforting it would put you to sleep within minutes.

  On the night you came to my room, I was in my bed but just a few minutes when I attempted to readjust my pillow, I happened to look up and saw you standing at the foot of my bed looking down at me. You were dressed exactly the same as you are now. Your dark presence startled me. I immediately started kicking at you, asking, who are you? I started hollering at you over and over. ‘Get out, get out of my room. ’

  My dad yelled out, ‘Who are you talking to?’ You then walked right beside my bed. I scooted as far over as I could to the opposite edge, hollering back at my dad, ‘There is someone in our house!’ I leaned over after you walked out of my room and watched as you slowly walked down the hall.

  My dad got up and checked for an intruder, made sure all the doors were locked, then walked by my room and with a harsh tone, said ‘Go to sleep!’ Apparently my dad didn’t believe anyone had been in the house.”

  “Yes, you do remember, that’s right, I was there looking down at what I thought would someday be a great man of God. I ordered some of my best demons to try to steal whatever plans the Creator had for you. Apparently it worked, you spent most of your life driving fast cars, chasing women and having a great ole time.

  So tell me, Little Soul, why has the Creator not allowed you to enter Heaven? Why has He brought you here to Tabula Rasa? What have the Angels of comfort told you? You weren’t much good for Him on Earth as His servant. What makes you think you can be of service to Him now?”

  “There you go again bringing up my failures. I served God while I was on Earth. I had several good years of service. God allowed me to write music, sing His praises and I bet it impacted someone’s life. It might not have been thousands as you had feared, but by confessing Christ to as many people as I did, maybe, just maybe, there might be at least one who would lead thousands to know Him.


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