Heart Thief (Black Market Billionaire Book 1)

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Heart Thief (Black Market Billionaire Book 1) Page 19

by Skylar Sweeney

  I grimaced. “Maybe I don’t want to know.”

  “Probably not,” he said flatly. “There’s a reason my Brothers and I retired to a life of common crime, where the people you end up shooting usually deserve it, being criminals themselves. There’s also a reason none of us will ever sleep soundly again.”

  “Krishna… he was the one who trained you?” I asked, honestly shocked by the idea of that sweet man being the one to train Rex for a life of killing.

  “Yes. Gardener was his cover. I wasn’t exactly a choice recruit, with my heart problems and fear of blood, but Krishna felt sorry for me, and he took me under his wing. I started training at ten and doing minor ops at thirteen. I took contracts until I was twenty-three, which is when my six Brothers and I got together and decided to go a different way with our lives.”

  “So you did kill Joey Schumer,” I said, voice cracking, and he laughed—actually laughed!

  “Mr. Jones killed Schumer. I don’t chop men’s dicks off while they’re still breathing to make a point. He’s a sadist and one of the best interrogators—read torturers—in the world. I’m just a killer. I also have a weak stomach. The blood thing, you know? But I ordered the hit. The bastard fucked his eight year old neice. My father made me watch that happen to my brother when I was a child. That was the thing that destroyed us both. I don’t let it happen to other kids when I can stop it.”

  I shivered, the mere idea making me feel sick. “You lied to me this whole time. I kept asking you! Why didn’t you tell me?!”

  Rex looked over at me, a disbelieving look on his face. “For the same reason I didn’t tell you about what I did to my brother. Have you ever thought, Mason, that maybe I didn’t want the only woman in the world I care about to know that I’ve done the kind of things that can only be described as ‘evil’—and I did it for money?”

  I shook my head. “You were a kid. Lotus should never have taught you those things. It’s not your fault.”

  “Bullshit,” Rex said in a flat voice. “I knew the things I was doing were wicked even before my balls dropped. Lotus didn’t force me to do anything. He didn’t even encourage it. He just offered, and I chose to do it because it made me feel brave and strong. That’s why men do evil things like kill and torture. Because it makes them feel powerful. Really, though? It’s the ultimate weakness. You’re so weak that you have to hurt other people to try and convince yourself that you’re worthy of being alive.”

  I bit my lip, chewing on it as I tried to wrap my head around this. I’d always known that Rex was a criminal. I’d known he had a violent side. I’d known that he wasn’t above doing things that could lead to someone dying, like stealing my brother’s heart. But this was beyond anything I’d imagined him capable of. It just didn’t seem like Rex. The Rex I knew wasn’t the kind of person I’d ever be afraid of, and the things he was talking about were scary.

  “How did you end up in prison for breaking someone’s hands but not for any of this stuff?” I said, confused.

  Rex laughed. “I had a couple of contracts that I fucked up, so the government found dumb reasons to toss me in the pen. I’ve done plenty of other things and gotten off scott free, not because a jury decided, but because the government protected me since I was doing work for them.”

  “I don’t believe that,” I said, shaking my head rapidly. “Our government is not dirty like that!”

  Rex shrugged. “You’re right. Most of it isn’t. I don’t know a single agent at the FBI who isn’t dying to put me away forever. But there are a lot of dirty elements in the government with plenty of power, and a lot of times those people have way more influence than Agent Joe and Agent Sue, who are paid forty grand a year to sit in a van outside my apartment building hoping I’ll decide to sell some missile launchers in the lobby.”

  I gave a short laugh at the idea, shaking my head, then said, “This is all really scary, Rex.”

  He chuckled. “Oh, man, I should have made a bet.”

  I looked over at him, frowning. “What?”

  “My Brothers wanted me to try and get with you. They have this crazy idea that I’m in love with you, just because I paid off your student loans and had your plumbing fixed. I told them that women alway end up scared of me, even though I’m a total wimp, but they didn’t believe me.”

  “You were the one who paid off my student loans?” I said in disbelief, and he shrugged.

  “Guilt is a bitch.”

  I snorted. “We never should have patented it.” I shook my head. “I didn’t mean that I’m scared of you, Rex. I meant the idea that there are so many professional soldiers out there... I never imagined people walking around who trained in torture.”

  "Ah, but if you call it 'interrogation,' then all is good," Rex said as he turned the Pinto's wheel and it manage to putter off the road with a moan of the engine and a whine of the wheels.

  I raised my eyebrows as we pulled into the Four Seasons and a valet gave us a doubtful look. Apparently our surveillance vehicle did not impress. “This is your safe-house?”

  Rex laughed. “It is tonight. Unless you want to sleep in a warehouse with nothing but a pull out couch and a carton of Spam in it?”

  “I think I’ll pass,” I said dryly, and he nodded, pulling out his wallet and holding a hundred dollar bill out the window. It was amazing how quickly the valet fell in love with our car. Apparently Pintos were just dandy as long as Benjamin Franklin was driving them.

  We climbed out, and I followed a few steps behind Rex to the check in counter, looking around with interest. Despite living in New York my entire life, I’d only ever seen this place on TV.

  “Mr. Bennett, how are you this evening?” the concierge said, flashing a bright smile, and my eyes widened.

  “He knows your name?” I murmured, and Rex chuckled as he pulled out a black credit card and tossed it down on the counter.

  “My usual room, please.”

  “Of course, Mr. Bennett,” the man crooned, like he was flirting or something as he fondled the card. I sure wished someone would touch me like that. Like maybe Rex. He typed something into the computer then handed Rex a pair of keys. “Here you are, sir.”

  “Thank you. If you see Sonny Wentworth tonight, please provide him with a key as well.”

  “Absolutely, Mr. Bennett. Let us know if you need anything else.”

  “He knows Sonny, too?” I said in amusement as we walked off toward the elevators.

  Rex gave me a look. “Sonny’s the richest man in the world. I’m pretty sure that places like this provide their employees with mugshots of guys like us to memorize. They like our credit cards. No limit, you know.”

  The elevator opened, revealing an operator, because punching buttons is so difficult, you know?

  “Your usual floor, Mr. Bennett?” he said, and I let out a short laugh, shaking my head. Apparently Rex wasn’t joking when he said the hotel made their employees memorize his face.

  The hallway was luxurious enough that I would have been perfectly happy to sleep out there, and when we made it into the room, my mouth dropped open.

  “It’s beautiful,” I said, looking around. “How much does it cost to stay here?”

  Rex shrugged. “I think this room is something like two thousand a night? I like it because it’s too high for window entrance, there’s no connecting rooms, it’s near the stairs for quick exit, and there’s no room next door on the right since it’s next to the maintenance closet.”

  I blinked. “That’s why you like it? It has nothing to do with the built in jacuzzi in the bathroom?”

  “I have one of those at my place,” he replied with a shrug. “Rich people spend a lot of time living in hotels. It’s not actually as fun as it sounds.”

  I sat down on the couch in the sitting area while Rex picked up a room service menu, flipping though it idly.

  “You want something to eat? Those appetizers weren’t exactly a full meal, and I sure could use another glass of wine or five.”

  “Didn’t you promise Krishna you’d only have one glass,” I said, and Rex laughed.

  “I lied.” He picked up the phone, dialing. “Hey, this is Rex Bennett. Could you send up two of tonight’s special, along with a bottle of chardonnay? Also, I’ll take cheesecake. You want dessert, Mase?”

  “No, I’m good, thanks,” I said, and he nodded.

  “That should be it. Yeah. How long? Seriously? Okay. Bring up the booze right away, would you? Thanks.” He sighed as he hung up, shaking his head. “Apparently the kitchen’s backed up, so it’s going to be an hour before it’s ready. They’re bringing the wine up, at least.”

  “That sucks,” I said with a sigh as he dropped down next to me on the couch. “But hey, I could live on wine, so…”

  Rex smirked. “I do live on wine.”

  I laughed, shaking my head. “So… since we’re sharing a hotel room tonight...”

  “Super kinky, right?” Rex said, eyes wide. “We are one nasty pair. Even Mr. Jones would be shocked.”

  I giggled. “You are ridiculous.”

  “I try,” he replied, grinning. There was a knock at the door, and he stood, grabbing his wallet and pulling out another hundred. I shook my head in disbelief. Obviously I needed to get a part time job at the Four Seasons. I’d be living good if all the customers tipped like Rex.

  A man in a suit wheeled a silver cart in, complete with bottle of wine and glasses. Rex traded him a tiny, green portrait of Benjamin Franklin for his hard work, shutting the door behind him.

  “You give away money like it’s tissue paper,” I said, and he smirked.

  “I’m rich. Money is tissue paper to me.” He raised an eyebrow. "Hey, maybe next time, I can use some of my bills to wipe my butt so Mrs. Cho won't catch me using to too much paper."

  I laughed, shaking my head, and he winked at me.

  Apparently the chardonnay had been pre-opened, because he began pouring, handing me a glass. I sighed with pleasure as I took a sip.

  “Damn this is good.”

  “It better be for what they charge for it here,” Rex replied. “Personally, I think it tastes exactly like the cheap stuff I buy at Wine N More for a hundred bucks a bottle, but they swear it’s worth the price.”

  I gave him a look. “I love the fact that you consider the hundred dollar bottle ‘the cheap stuff.’”

  He shrugged, setting his glass on the bedside table then falling back onto the California king size bed with a happy sigh as he kicked off his shoes. “I guess it depends on what you’re used to.”

  “Maybe,” I said, standing up and making my own way over to the bed, climbing onto it as well. “I can’t believe you only got us one bed.”

  “I wanted my usual room,” he said. “I have weapons hidden in here.”

  My eyes widened. “Please tell me you’re joking.”

  “Nope,” Rex said with a grin. “Knives, garrotes, Mace, a taser…”

  “What if someone found them?!”

  He laughed out loud. “Trust me, they never will. They’re not hidden anywhere you’d find them without ripping the room to pieces, walls included.”

  I shook my head, taking another sip of my wine as I stared at the ceiling. “Okay,” I said slowly, “since we’re sharing a bed tonight, how about answering a question for me—honestly this time?”

  Rex glanced over at me, tossing back the last of his chardonnay. “More honesty? It’s kind of getting old, don’t you think?”

  I gave him a look, and he laughed.

  “Yeah, okay, whatever. Ask away.”

  I smirked. “What kind of scary shit do you like in the bedroom that requires you to sleep only with hookers?”

  Rex burst out laughing. “Contrary to popular belief, I am not into dressing up in a gorilla suit and having sex with a banana shoved up my ass, or whatever weird fantasies you have going on about me every night,” he replied, and I slapped him lightly on the arm.

  “I do not imagine that!” I paused, a wicked smile coming over my face. “I was thinking more along the lines of you attaching a pool noodle to your dick and running around the room screaming ‘Big daddy’s coming!’”

  Rex dropped his head, still laughing loudly. “Oh, the image. No, I swear, it’s exactly what I said. I only have a few years left, and I don’t want someone I love to have to suffer when they lose me.”

  I shook my head, exasperated at this line. “You’re one of the richest men in the country. You will get a new transplant. Plus you have that crazy awesome new bio-heart of yours.” Especially since I was pretty sure my plans to steal it were over and done with. “You have the best doctors. You have a good chance of living even beyond an average lifespan.”

  He looked at me oddly, brow furrowing up. “Mason… I’m not getting a transplant.”

  I stared at him, certain I’d misheard. “Excuse me?”

  Rex smiled tightly. “I killed a strong, talented young man with a bright future by taking a heart that wasn’t mine. And as you’ve probably guessed by now, that wasn’t the last person I’ve killed. There are a lot of men and women dead by my hand. Any transplant I accept is one that could have saved the life of someone more deserving. I can’t take a heart from that list, or even buy one off the black market. They belong to better people.”

  “Have you lost your mind?” I whispered, pushing away from him.

  Rex bit his lip. “I’m sorry you didn’t realize that, Mason. I assumed you knew.”

  I shook my head slowly, stunned by the news. He didn’t plan to get a transplant? “But… you don’t have that many years left.”

  He shrugged. “Let’s not talk about that.” His lips fell to my neck, and I sucked in a deep breath as I felt his tongue massaging down it and along my collarbone. “I have better ideas of what we can do tonight.”

  I jerked away, staring at him incredulously. “Did you just lick my neck?”

  Rex made a face. “Well, there are more poetic ways of putting it, but…”

  I shook my head, blushing. “Uh-uh. We’re not doing this.”

  “Why not?” he asked, sounding a little desperate—which wasn’t surprising when I took a quick glance at what was between his legs. “You can’t say you don’t want me, Mason. I can tell.”

  I winced. “Maybe I do. But I’m a grown woman. We’re not sixteen years old, sneaking under the bleachers after the football game to French kiss.”

  “You did that, too?” he said, sounding intrigued, and I giggled.

  “I’m pretty sure everyone did that.” I paused. “Well, everyone popular, anyway.” I smirked. “I was good, too.”

  A wicked smiled crossed his face. “Please. You don’t know what good is compared to me. I was king of the under-bleacher double feature.”

  My eyes narrowed. “I was a cheerleader. Making out was my main extracurricular activity. I could have put it on my college applications.”

  He set his wine glass on the bedside table and leaned toward me, eyes shining. “Bet you dinner that I’m a better kisser than you.”

  I blew a raspberry. “In your dreams are you better than me.”

  “Oh, baby, you are in plenty of my dreams.” The husky tone of his voice made my breath come faster, and I shifted on the bed, heart speeding up as I looked up and down his perfectly sculpted body. “And in every single one of those dreams—I am way better than you.”

  My mouth fell open, and my eyes narrowed. “Like hell you are.” With those words I leaned forward, pressing my mouth to his. I moaned as our lips fought, tongues pressing deep into one another’s mouths, the warmth of his body making me tingle all over as his hands pulled me against his hard body.

  I moaned as my breasts pressed against him, nipples tingling as they rubbed against the soft fabric of my silk top, and one of his hands wrapped around my neck, drawing me tighter against him.

  Dammit, he was a better kisser than me.

  After what seemed like forever and an instant, we pulled apart, breath coming fast and eyes shining
with lust.

  “Dammit,” he said in a growling tone that made me ache between my legs. “You are a better kisser than me.”

  “Like hell I am,” I muttered, fingers grabbing at the fabric of his t-shirt, yanking at it in an attempt to pull it over his head. When I failed at my efforts, Rex grabbed it himself, ripping it off and tossing it away from the bed.

  My eyes widened as they trailed over the beautiful sculpture that was his chest, with his cut pecs, his perfect abs, and the bright white scar tracing a long line down the middle of it all.

  “Felicia,” I murmured as I leaned forward and dropped my head, licking up the thick line of scar tissue.

  “Yes,” he whispered, eyes squeezing shut as I went from licking his scar to tracing his nipples, my tongue circling around the pink puckers. “Your turn.”

  Rex tugged at my dress, lifting it over my head and sending it to join his t-shirt in the sitting area. His eyes latched on my breasts, rising up proudly out of the black lace of my bra. “So beautiful,” he said softly as he reached a hand in and lifted one out of the cup, squeezing it with his enormous palms before leaning his head forward and caressing the nipple with the tip of his tongue.

  I whined, and he smiled at me, eyes turned up to meet mine, before wrapping his lips around my teet and suckling like a baby, only about a thousand times more sexy. I moaned and ran my hands through his messy hair, the silky texture increasing the tingling throughout my body as the sensations came together in a fascinating tangle of pleasure.

  Raising his head, Rex wrapped his arms around my body, fingertips releasing me from the confinement of my bra, slipping me out of it so my heavy breasts could hang freely for him to massage and caress.

  I couldn’t stop myself from reaching down between my legs, fingers slipping into my panties to rub at the aching wetness there. Rex chuckled, leaning forward and kissing me deeply, one of his hands pushing me backward, so I was pressed against the bed, the hand still fondling my breast holding me firmly against the mattress.

  I licked my lips nervously as he began to fumble with the button on his jeans, eyes locked on his crotch as I waited for the reveal of what I’d wondered about since the day of the interview. As his cock was freed, popping out of the tight jeans, I let out a gasp, shocked at the size of it.


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