The Last Narkoy_OSLO

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The Last Narkoy_OSLO Page 11

by Elizabeth Price

  Danstu took Qilo to the side, having noticed his injuries looked to be inflicted and not from the ship crash. “Are you alright?” he asked. Qilo grunted uneasy, yet it was obvious that the last few weeks hadn’t been pleasant for him. “I hate to postpone your medical treatment, but I need you to meet me in my office in an hour,” he ordered low.

  Qilo nodded slowly, understanding what Danstu was requesting. “The others?” he whispered.

  Danstu pointed to Zion, who was standing behind him. “I’ll let Zion fill you in. Tremble didn’t make it,” he said. He turned his attention back to his two guests, motioning for the men to walk with him. “This way, if you will? We can discuss our situation in my office.”

  Rokaa hurried beside Danstu. “Did I hear you correctly? Tremble was killed?” he asked low. Danstu nodded. “Does Sedom know?”

  “The Chadon doesn’t even know who she is right now,” Danstu explained as they entered the main building.

  He guided the group towards his office. Several Mandicien working inside the building all gasped when they saw their prince walking by them. Rokaa paused to shake a few of their hands and thank them for the service, regardless if they were technically working for his enemy.

  The group settled inside Danstu’s office, Rokaa and Norton taking the seats directly in front of Danstu’s desk. Hasapoi, the resident Windrit psychiatrist, was already waiting along with Zion, Ryn and Bagaaris.

  “Refreshments, gentlemen?” Danstu offered.

  “No, no,” Norton began with urgency, “let’s get right to it. If we want to be successful, then time is of the essence. We’re proposing to take the Marnet’s ship to Clovucutte under the guise of diplomatic relations. The Untella is a large ship which could carry two of your Marisheio ships.”

  “Who says we have—” Zion began in protest.

  Norton raised his hand to silence the overbearing Zalmin. “The Tasgool winning the battle against the Elnek is well known. I’m certain it had a few short range fighter ships on board. We’ll launch them in route with your men and make it look like they’re following us in as guards. Once we’re situated on Clovucutte, the Marnet will serve as a diplomatic decoy while we locate your Chadon.”

  “After we’ve located and secured her, we’ll smuggle her off of Clovucutte on the Untella and back into safe space,” Rokaa added.

  Danstu turned to Rokaa, his left eyebrow raised with his amusement. “What if the Marisheio find out we’re using you as a decoy?” he asked Rokaa.

  Rokaa turned to Norton, nervously running his tongue over his front teeth beneath his closed lips. “They’ll either kill me or my government will have to negotiate my rescue. Either would be good for you because it would start a war between my people and the Marisheio. The citizens of Juvin-que will believe it’s an act of love and force the Emperor to side with the Tasgool.”

  “Love?” Zion chuckled at the audacity.

  Rokaa turned to Zion with glaring eyes. “Do you have a problem with that, Zalmin? If I recall correctly, it was your responsibility to keep her safe!”

  Zion started to rise only to be motioned back into his seat by Danstu. “Let’s not start a war while trying to prevent one,” Danstu said as if to scold Zion.

  “Yes, of course you’re right. Regardless, whatever the outcome, I’ll take my chances. I promised Sedom’s grandmother I would protect her. This is my chance to prove my worth,” Rokaa returned. “Besides, the Cassaus is expecting me. My uncle arranged a meeting with her months ago. This situation was just…” he waved his hands back and forth, “…coincidence.”

  “Handy coincidence,” Zion grumbled under his breath from the corner of the room as he paced.

  Danstu ignored Zion and stood. “If we agree to your plan, you do understand you will be taking orders from the Tasgool? In essence, you will be working for your enemy,” he pointed out.

  Rokaa shook his head with shallow, yet sharp, horizontal thrusts. “Sortec, and I pray the Tasgool, will never be my enemy. I’m well aware of the consequences if I fail to do my part. I’ll have the Marisheio Empire after me… and my own. I understand and I’m willing to take that risk.”

  “Fine, you and you alone will leave with my team aboard the Untella in the morning. Mr. Helli will remain here to guarantee the Tasgool’s team’s safe return,” Danstu began. He motioned to Ryn. “See that the two Marisheio fighter ships are loaded onto the Untella.”

  “That’s acceptable,” Norton returned.

  Danstu leaned closer across his desk. “Do what you can to find Sortec. After you’ve located her, tell my men and leave the extraction to them. Don’t do anything foolish that would jeopardize this mission.” He held up a small pill, handing it to Rokaa. “If you have an opportunity, have her swallow this. It’s a long-range tracker that will help pin-point her location, from space if necessary.”

  Rokaa moved aside his long white braid as he reached for the pill. “Is there any chance she’ll recognize me?”

  “You’re Narkoy. She’ll sense you before she’ll recognize you,” Hasapoi mentioned from his seat on the sofa. Everyone turned to the short, fluffy white-haired Windrit psychiatrist for an explanation. “You’re body gives off pheromones that only another Narkoy would notice. If you walk into a room a hundred meters away, she’ll sense you, guaranteed, especially since she hasn’t seen another Narkoy in a while,” he explained.

  “That could be a problem,” Ryn stated from Danstu’s left, near the window. “If she is under a Master’s control, she may jeopardize the mission and the Marnet’s life.”

  Rokaa shook his head. “I know Sedom. She will fight anyone’s control over her. She won’t betray me,” he exclaimed, fire pulsating in his golden eyes.

  “Let’s hope you’re correct. You’re team leaves first thing in the morning. I will make arrangements with the Novaac and tell them you’re coming. I wish you well,” Danstu said, mainly as an order. He pointed over to Zion, “You’re in command of this mission.”

  “Sir, yes, sir,” Zion said with a nod.

  “Chisarel, incoming message from the Novaac. They say it’s urgent,” Lerrina called out from his desk.

  “Gentlemen,” Danstu bowed slightly to Rokaa as the group filed out of his office. He turned his attention to his com. “Ready.”

  An image of Aris appeared on the screen. “Chisarel, good. We have news regarding your Chadon.”

  He moved aside allowing Tausi to take his place. Danstu immediately could tell Sedom had healed his cheek. A scar on his shoulder looked the same from when she healed him from a pistol wound.

  Tausi bowed. “Chisarel, I am Tausi. I am a… a friend of your Chadon. We met in the arena’s holding cages.” He paused to look over his shoulder. “Do you speak Celibec?”

  Danstu nodded, taking a deep breath. “How is she? Is she doing alright?” he continued in Celibec.

  Tausi’s eyes turned to his hands. “She is alone and, although she would never admit it, very afraid. I… short-circuited her collar and helped her through the memory flood. She knows who she is now. She… requested I tell you Dawn of space travel. I’m not certain what she meant.”

  Danstu’s face brightened with his words. “I do. Thank you… Tausi. You’ve done the Tasgool a great service.” He paused as he thought. “You joined her?” he asked seriously. Tausi nodded. “Can she keep her secret hidden?”

  “Sir, her only concern was her people. She’ll do what it takes to keep you safe.” He paused, glancing over his shoulder. “She mentioned she saw a man in the stands whispering her real name. She recognized him.”

  Danstu had to stop and think for a moment. “His name is Rosanheer and he’s currently with the Novaac. He’d find it amusing, if you have an opportunity to tell him.”

  Tausi nodded, grinning. “I’ll speak with him.”

  “Good. Thank you. Please let me speak with Aris.”


  As the Marnet’s group left the building, Cidele rushed over to Rokaa. With concern for their Marn
et’s safety, Rokaa’s guards forced her aside.

  “I need to speak with the Marnet,” she exclaimed.

  Rokaa turned to her, stunned to see her. “Cidele? Let her pass,” he called out.

  Cidele pushed her way to Rokaa. He took her by the shoulders, hugging her. “We’ll bring her home, I promise.”

  “Take me with you,” she whispered into his ear.

  “Dine with me tonight and we’ll talk,” he offered.

  That evening, Cidele arrived at Rokaa’s quarters, finding them surrounded by guards. Rokaa opened the door before she could tell the guards why she was there.

  “I’m expecting her,” Rokaa explained as he guided Cidele inside the unit.

  As the door closed, Rokaa wrapped his arms around Cidele, pulling her close. Tears welled in her eyes as she melted with his embrace. “I know, I know. We’ll get her home,” he whispered into her ear. “It’s killing me to see her like this too,” he admitted.

  Cidele stepped away, wiping her tears with the sleeve of her dark blue blouse. “I need to go with you. Somehow, you need to convince—”

  Rokaa shook his head. “Cidele…” he paused, motioning to the sofa for her to sit.

  She did, sighing deeply to calm her nerves. Suddenly, she began to giggle. “Listen to me, sitting here, crying my eyes out while sitting next to a Prince,” she mentioned.

  Rokaa took a seat beside her. “Marnet,” he corrected with a wink. “Cidele, thank you so much for sending us the images of Sedom. Keriney would have never involved us if you hadn’t.”

  She nodded as she wiped away her tears. “You needed to know. I figured if I sent them to Norton he would get them to you,” she explained.

  “And he did. Now, I would love to take you, I would, but you’re almost as famous as Sedom. Nearly all the images released of Sedom to the media since opening Gathow have you standing beside her. You’re already famous from before. If someone sees you now it will not go unnoticed. Everyone already wonders why you’re by her side. By you coming, you might jeopardize her life and those on this mission.”

  “I didn’t realize,” Cidele said, shocked by the news.

  Rokaa rose, taking a computer pad from the table behind him. He handed the computer to Cidele. “This is currently being shown on Juvin-que, Carmintor, who knows where else,” he mentioned as he sat again.

  Cidele flipped through the images of Sedom. Sure enough, she was standing in the background of nearly every one of the photos along side Tremble. “I never realized.”

  “My government is offering a reward for any information about you and this other woman. The Rook branded you a traitor. It isn’t safe for you to leave Gathow,” he explained.

  A knock came to the door was followed by Norton entering. He paused, noticing Rokaa and Cidele sitting together. Rokaa held up the computer to show Norton. “How much is our government offering for Cidele’s capture?” he asked.

  “Something like two million in raw stones,” Norton returned. “I take it you didn’t know?” he asked Cidele. She shook her head, her mind distant in thought. “You’re an intergalactic celebrity and you disappeared. Everyone wants to know why you’re with Sortec,” he chuckled.

  Her index finger tapped on the computer Rokaa gave her. “I was enjoying the peace and quiet. How are these images being leaked to the media?” she asked in shock.

  Rokaa shrugged as he stood. “We’re not sure. I believe your Chisarel does know of the leak though.”

  Cidele stood abruptly, hurrying to the door. “Thanks for your honesty and good luck tomorrow,” she said then quickly hurried out into the hall with one destination in mind-- to find Danstu.

  She didn’t pause for one moment until she was standing in front of Danstu’s door. She knocked. He didn’t answer. She knocked again, this time using her fist. The door opened revealing a haggard, unshaven Danstu.

  “Cidele, I managed to schedule five hours of personal time a day when I attempt to sleep. Whatever you need, it can wait until morning.”

  She pushed him aside, entering his unit. “You knew?”

  “Come on in,” he huffed as he closed the door. He dropped his tired arms in defeat. “Knew what?”

  “About the spy taking photos of Sedom and me. You knew!” she accused. Danstu shrugged as he collapsed back onto his sofa. “And this doesn’t bother you?”

  “I ordered it,” he admitted.

  “What?” she screeched.

  He sat forward, pressing his tired eyes into his hands. “Our allies needed to know that Sortec was in control of the Tasgool. I had the images leaked to insure our safety, not to endanger her. You happened to be an added bonus, taking some of the attention off me so I can do my job,” he explained. He leaned back again to look at Cidele. “I didn’t believe it would cause you any harm. You’re the head of housing. You’re not leaving Gathow anytime soon.”

  “And Sedom knew about this?” Cidele questioned.

  He shook his head. “I only bother her with information she needs to know about. She didn’t need to know, so no.”

  Cidele rolled her eyes. “So, okay, I get it. But, why did you think it was okay to make me one of the most wanted people in the galaxy?” she accused. “I was attempting to stay out of the media,” she explained.

  “You were the day you rescued Sortec in the forest. Besides, when were you ever in the media?” he pointed out.

  Cidele shot him a wayward glance. “Seriously?”

  He stood, motioning to the door. “I’m now down to four hours. Could we please discuss this in the morning when I can think straight?”

  Cidele continued to glare at him as she walked from his unit. As the door closed, Danstu sunk back into his sofa. He glanced at the computer pad in front of him, sighing.

  “Damn,” he huffed. He picked it up, flipping through a fresh batch of images taken before Sedom left. He tapped his wrist com.

  “Sharuun,” a man called over the com with a yawn.

  “This is Keriney. Sorry to bother you so late. I need you to release as many images of Sortec as you can tomorrow. Lighten her skin so she looks like she’s been in doors and age her a few years. Also, remove any images of Cidele before releasing them,” he ordered.

  “Certainly, Chisarel,” the man returned.

  “Also… do you happen to know if Cidele was ever in the media?” he asked.

  “Sir? Yes, she’s quite famous. That’s why I thought we’ve been using her,” Sharuun mentioned.

  Danstu flinched. “Famous? For what?”

  “I don’t remember exactly. I believe she was an athlete of some kind. Can I get back to you?” Sharuun asked.

  “That’s fine. Keriney, out.” He let his head sink back against the sofa’s back cushion, shaking his head as he tapped his com to end the conversation. “Who is she?”

  He picked up another book from the coffee table, smirking at the title, “Dawn of Space Travel.” It was one of Sedom’s books he recalled seeing on her shelves. He asked Garric to deliver it to him, yet he couldn’t remember when it arrived. He opened the front cover of the book, realizing the inside of the book was hallowed. Inside was a computer pad.

  He removed the computer pad, his eyes widening. “Son of a—” he flipped through several pages. It was every command code for Gathow, including an override that would allow him alone access to change the command. “You’re a little late, Chadon,” he chuckled.

  A few hours later Danstu woke to the sound of Tucarris‘s voice. “Sir, the Untella is ready to depart along with the Assan and the Esirra.”

  He nodded several times as he attempted to clear the fuzz from his mind. “Tell them to proceed and good luck.”


  On board the Untella, Zion took a seat next to Rokaa as they lifted off. He glanced over at Rokaa, noticing him wringing his hands together.

  “Nervous?” he asked.

  Rokaa took a deep, gasping breath as he nodded. “I’ve been in exile for the past three years. This is my first dip
lomatic mission in a while. I have no idea what my uncle has arranged for me. I could be walking into an assassination and, well…” he paused, taking in a deep breath to calm himself. “Not to mention my love’s life is hanging in the balance. One wrong move and--” Rokaa admitted.

  “Your love? Sortec? You weren’t joking?” Zion questioned. Rokaa shook his head. “Look, I…”

  A tight smile came to Rokaa’s pale, thin lips. “Her grandmother granted me her Ardath before… well, before. In a few years, when she’s ready, I plan on honoring our Ardath. Hopefully this damn cold war between our people will be over by then,” he mentioned.

  “Sortec?” Zion raised his hand to Sedom’s height. “Thirteen year old girl, bad temper, who can kill just about anyone or anything?” he questioned.

  Rokaa grinned solemnly. “Yes, well, when we first met, she was a spoiled brat who barely knew how to play kickball,” he said with a chuckle. His expression turned downtrodden. “God, I miss her,” he sniveled. He turned away to hide his tears. “This will be the first time we’ve physically seen each other since the Marisheio destroyed the Narkoy. We’ve got to get her home.”

  Zion patted Rokaa’s shoulder. “She has that affect on people. We’ll get her home. After, we’ll worry about that Ardath of yours.”

  The ship’s engines rumbled to life. Before he knew it, Zion was staring out a window looking at the Nogoana moon up close.

  “When we arrive, you will need to look for our contact. She’ll be wearing a silver necklace with a crescent moon charm,” Zion explained as he glanced over his orders on his computer. “My guess, this will be Jeina. She’s our inside person.”

  “Inside person? We have an inside person?” Rokaa questioned, finding it interesting that any Marisheio would side with the Tasgool willingly.

  “We’re working with a group who is trying to overthrow the current ruling party and abolish the Marisheio. They need our help and we need theirs,” Zion explained.


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