Secret Keepers: The Complete Series

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Secret Keepers: The Complete Series Page 61

by Jaymin Eve

  “You need to relax your mind.” Chase’s voice interrupted my thoughts, and with real effort, I managed to focus on the feel of the roughness under my hand. “Let nature take away the human stresses and allow you a sense of peace.”

  It should have been an impossible task. My mind had never been this full and confused in my life, but somehow, with his last instruction, I felt the tension drain from me. Tingles ran under my hand, tickling the palm, sending all the hairs on my arms up to attention. A part of me wanted to immediately wrench my hand away, because this was bordering on the weird again, but the stronger part was determined to learn everything I could. I needed to be prepared. Laous could have shown up on my doorstep a week ago and I would’ve had no idea what I was up against. That was not okay.

  “Can you feel the energy?” Chase’s smooth voice sent more goosebumps across my skin. “To me it feels familiar, but also ancient and beyond my understanding.”

  He nailed the description perfectly. I sensed, in a small sliver, the true enormity of nature. It had been here long before humans and would be here long after we’d all but destroyed this world. It had seen the rise and fall of every civilization, and it was still standing.

  I felt completely insignificant. Like a speck of nothing.

  “It’s incredible,” I breathed, unable to stop the tears from springing to my eyes. I’d never seen this beauty, and it had always been around me. How had I been so blind? I’d missed so much.

  A warm weight pressed against my cheek, but I didn’t open my eyes. I just let Chase rub his thumb across the planes of my face, dispelling the tears there, while I continued to feel everything.

  “The trees on Earth are not like the Galinta,” he said, voice low. “They long ago lost the ability to move and speak with words, but they can still communicate. They send messages to each other all day long. It’s Earth’s very own version of a network. And it’s essential to the survival of your world.”

  “The same way your network is essential to your world?” I breathed.


  While I continued to explore this new connection with the world, he told me as much as he could about our two worlds. The reason for the treaty, how Overworld needed a permanent transporter, and how Earth had been having a lot of very serious weather activities, which calmed down once the stone was buried somewhere near the equator.

  “Will I see this transporter?” I asked, finally opening my eyes.

  The tears were long gone, and I felt at peace. “Yes,” he confirmed. “It’s how we’ll all get back to Overworld when we move on from here.”

  We walked back to the cabin. I personally wanted to stay with the trees, feel that epic vastness a little longer, but people were going to notice us missing soon and start to worry. Each step away from the forest tugged at my heart, and I imagined not having to leave, being able to sleep amongst the gentle giants of the forest.

  I never thought I’d want that … but it was the truth. I was starting to see the trees in an entirely new light, and I definitely had Chase to thank for that.

  Chapter 9

  My father was pacing near the doorway, and the moment I stepped inside he wrapped his arms around me. “What part of stay near the house did you misunderstand?” he said as he pulled away. He didn’t sound angry, more like a combination of joking and upset.

  “Sorry.” I screwed my nose up as I shrugged. “Chase was trying to explain his tree thing to me, and we sort of needed to be among the trees for that to happen.”

  He didn’t get a chance to reply, because I had a bone to pick with him. “When were you planning on telling me that I’m going to live for like a million years?” I was going to guess this was what that exchange of looks between my father and Chase had been in the car, after the overlord told us of Daelighters’ longevity.

  The conversation that had been going on in the background stopped, and then Brad was at my side in half a second, his long legs eating up the space between us.

  “What did you just say?” he asked, somewhat breathlessly. His brown hair was even messier than usual, like he’d been running his hands through it a lot. I wondered if he’d been worried when I was outside.

  “I - I…” I trailed off, not sure how to tell him that the plans we made as five year olds of being best friends for a thousand years might become an actual reality.

  “The secret keepers receive energy from the houses they’re born in,” Emma piped up. She was on the single-seater couch, Callie squished in beside her. “Which means we’ll live much longer than humans. Maybe even as long as the aliens in this room.”

  Lexen snorted but didn’t comment. He just leveled a wolfish – dragonish? – sort of smile on Emma.

  Brad’s face went very solemn. “But … Maya can’t live forever if I don’t. We made a pact when we were five.” I wanted to laugh because we’d read each other’s minds. Again.

  Swallowing hard, I reached out and took his hands. “Chase says there are some special foods you can eat that will also extend your life.”

  “None of us know for sure how long the humans will live,” Chase added, “but the previous secret keepers look no older than you all. And they’re well over a hundred years.”

  Callie made a face from her spot on the couch. “I just can’t believe my dad was sooo old. In the photos he looks twenty, at the most. It’s hard to wrap my head around it. I wonder if he had kids and a life before he met Mom. I have so many unanswered questions.”

  Emma’s eyes widened as she turned to her friend. “Oh my God, I never even thought of that. It’s like Wonder Woman. Having to keep creating new identities to cover up the fact they don’t age.”

  “That’s what our government does,” my dad said. “We facilitate Daelighters integrating into our community. We help with identifying documents and the like.”

  After eighteen years of secrets, I finally understood their jobs. And they were so much cooler than I could have ever imagined. The theme song to Men in Black ran through my mind, and despite the fact that I had a target on my head, I still – mostly – loved this new reality.

  “So … this food?” Brad was single-minded when he wanted to be.

  “We’ll get you all started when we travel across to Overworld,” Lexen told him. “Emma’s guardians have been taking it with no issue, and they’re already seeing some cell repair and rejuvenation.”

  Emma laughed. “You should see how excited Sara and Michael are. The grays are disappearing from their hair.”

  “Hard to believe that only forty-eight hours ago I believed humans were the top of the food chain.” Brad shook his head. “Should have known … those Roswell shows were very convincing.”

  Star, who had been quiet up until now, rose gracefully, crossing to us. She moved in close enough to nudge Brad, and he winked at her. Okay, then. Those two must have gotten to know each other while I was outside. Typical, he never could resist a pretty – stunningly pretty – face.

  “Roswell and Area 51 is all smoke and mirrors,” Star added. “We like to throw out some distractions so that you’re all looking for little green men. That way, no one looks right under their nose.”

  “No one questions the weird and wonderful that exists right around them,” my father confirmed.

  I certainly never had. So, whatever they were doing worked.

  Conversation died off then; everyone dispersed, back to what they’d been doing before we arrived. I was shown to a room with two twin beds. I would share with Brad because there weren’t enough rooms to go around.

  “Are you comfortable with this?” Chase asked, filling the doorway.

  Brad raised an eyebrow at me but didn’t comment. He wasn’t one of those men who had to throw their dominance around all the time.

  I smiled. Chase hadn’t asked in a rude way. “Yep, it’s no worries. Brad and I have been best friends since we were little.”

  My mom, who had just stepped out of the room next door, was now visible under Chase’s a
rm. “They’ve had hundreds of sleepovers through the years,” she confirmed. “We trust Brad.”

  I pouted. “You don’t trust me?”

  My mom just shook her head at me, that gentle smile tilting up her lips. “You, my little one, definitely need to be watched.”

  She had a point.

  Chase still didn’t look particularly happy, but he didn’t say anything except, “There are some clothing and bathroom essentials in there.” He pointed at the chesterfield closet. “We didn’t know what you would have or need, but if you’re missing anything, just let someone know and we’ll get it for you.”

  Before I could even say thank you, he was gone. My mom took his place in the doorway, looking even tinier after Chase’s large frame had taken up so much space. “It’s only temporary.” She wrung her hands, as she did when she was stressed. “I really am sorry you had to be thrown in like this.” She shook her head with a rueful smile. “Would you believe I never knew a thing until I married Sam. They’re forbidden from telling anyone, bar immediate family.”

  “Bet that came as a nice wedding surprise,” I guessed, chuckling.

  She let out a low laugh as well. “Yes, it was very difficult for me to understand. At first. But then I grew to love the Daelighters, their unique energy. The way they bring another element to our world. They truly add to it, rather than taking away.”

  “You’ve always had such a beautiful way of looking at the world, Konami,” Brad said. He’d always called my parents by their first names. I did the same with his. “I’m really, definitely, a hundred percent this time going to try meditation one of these days.”

  She just smiled, knowing that Brad and I could not seem to stop long enough to even breathe deeply, no matter how many times she told us we needed to center ourselves.

  Crossing to one of the beds, I sank down, completely exhausted. “Shower and then sleep,” my mom told me. “I’ll wake you if anything happens.”

  Her suggestion sounded like absolute bliss. I dragged my butt back up and walked to the closet. It was an antique, two-door monstrosity. Heavy wood frame, intricate filigree detailing, and so much excessive stuff going on. I was not a fan of antiques. Give me modern, sleek, and Hamptons any day.

  There were two piles of clothes on a shelf inside, plus half a dozen shirts hanging up. One side was clearly for Brad – it was close to his pretty boy, Abercrombie style. The other was definitely more me. There was some brand-new underwear. Short denim skirts, high-waisted black shorts, a few cropped shirts, and some tanks.


  I grabbed some underwear, what looked like a set of sleep shorts, and a matching tank. A bag of toiletries, which actually contained some makeup and everything, was on another shelf. Brad had one too, with a shaving kit and deodorant.

  “They are thorough,” I said as I emerged with my hands full. “Remind me to thank them.”

  Brad stepped in after me, going through his haul.

  Moving out of the room, I leaned down and kissed my mom’s cheek, and then entered the large bathroom across the hall. This was the one we would share with my parents, which was a pain, but at least everyone else had their own bathrooms. It could be worse.

  It was older but very well maintained. A clawfoot tub dominated half the room, but I didn’t have time or energy for a bath, so shower it was. Placing my new clothes on the bench next to the sink, I shucked off what I was wearing and padded across to the glass stall.

  The water was hot, the pressure was good, and I spent at least fifteen minutes in there trying to clean the last twenty-four hours off me, finally emerging with clean hair, teeth, and skin – old makeup is so gross. I got dressed in the comfortable sleep clothes and was barely able to keep my eyes open as I stumbled into the bedroom. I’m not sure what happened after that, but I think I managed to dump my stuff in the corner before face-planting on the bed. Brad ruffled my hair – the ass – once or twice, as he left to shower.

  Everything after that was blank.

  I was pretty sure I didn’t move a single muscle for the entire night. When I woke the next morning, there was dried drool on my face and my right fingers were numb from me lying on them. With a groan, I wiped my face and pulled myself up to sit. As more of my brain came online, yesterday’s events hit me in a screaming rush. Aliens. Secret Keepers. Starslight stones.

  And Chase.

  Sweet alien babies, Chase was absolutely everything I both feared and craved.

  For some reason, I hadn’t expected the craving I felt for him to be as strong today, like maybe a full night of sleep would dull those hyped-up emotions. But, if anything, they felt stronger. Just knowing he was under the same roof as me … in bed somewhere...

  Give me strength. Resisting him was going to take a lot more effort than I was used to with guys.

  “Dude, did yesterday actually happen?”

  I swung toward the husky voice; Brad was half sitting as well, the sheets draped across his toned chest.

  As our eyes locked, I shook my head, my face scrunched up. “I don’t even know what to think about it all. I mean … aliens. There are freaking aliens walking around Earth like they own the place.”

  Really, really hot aliens.

  “I told you that dude in our science class wasn’t human,” Brad joked, swinging his legs off the side of the bed. “I’d like my apology now for the way you called me an asshole.”

  I shrugged, before rolling toward the side of the bed. When my feet hit the floor, I expected an icy chill, but the wood was warm. “You were an asshole. Hating on him because all the girls fell over themselves to talk to him. The alien thing was just an excuse for the frailty of your male ego.”

  Jesse Jameson had been really gorgeous and charismatic. Maybe he was an alien after all.

  Brad snorted. “My ego is robust. A champion among champions.”

  I managed not to roll my eyes at him, and he laughed loudly.

  “You want first shower?” He changed the subject.

  I already knew he was starving, breakfast was the meal he carbo loaded at. And protein loaded. Not to mention grain, fat, and dairy. Basically, he could eat the ass end of a cow at breakfast and it barely even touched the sides. “You go first, I’m sure you’re dying for food, and I always take longer than you.”

  He bounced out of bed, not denying the “dying for food” part. As he passed me, he dropped a kiss on my head, before grabbing his clothes and toiletries. When he was out of the room, I stretched out all of my limbs, and then headed to check out the clothing situation.

  For some stupid reason, I wanted to look my best today.

  By the time Brad was back in the room, his hair damp and spiked up in attractive disarray, I had decided on a denim skirt, black fitted long-sleeved shirt, and knee-high black socks. It was warm in the house, so unless we had to go outside, I wouldn’t need a coat.

  “See you downstairs,” Brad said as he left for the second time. I gave him a wave, before making my way into the bathroom.

  My shower was fast, and I was relieved to find a hair dryer in one of the vanity drawers. Once my long hair was dry and shining, I applied light makeup, focusing mainly on covering the dark circles under my eyes. Apparently not even eighteen hours or so of sleep was enough to recover from an almost kidnapping.

  When I was done, I dropped my sleep clothes and makeup bag back in the room and made my way downstairs. My stomach was doing somersaults as I walked; when I reached the stairs, I actually paused at the top to try and get my shit together. Seriously. Why was I so nervous?

  After a few calming breaths, I continued; I really did want to see everyone again. The team thing was starting to grow on me. When I made it to the main floor, I found everyone seated around a large, round dining table. It was just off the kitchen, in a nook I hadn’t noticed yesterday. There were four banks of windows, surrounding it on all sides, and the sun streamed in giving the entire scene a very “picture perfect” look.

  “You’re awake!” Emma
exclaimed, jumping to her feet. “How are you feeling today?”

  “Much better, thank you,” I said. “The sleep did wonders.”

  Her smile grew, and my nerves lessened as I hurried forward; the warmth of her greeting was exactly what I needed. What we all needed apparently, because conversations broke out, and everyone started reaching for the food that was piled in the center of the table.

  As I took a seat next to Emma –Lexen was on her other side – I scanned the table. Star and Brad were sitting close to one set of windows, arguing about who could eat the most – Star seemed pretty sure she could eat him under the table. Callie and Daniel were filling their plates, their arms and hands grazing across each other as they moved. My parents were sipping coffee, smiling as they watched all of us, and Chase … Chase was leaning back in his chair, broad shoulders spilling over either side of the backrest, his eyes firmly locked on me.

  “Good morning,” he said when our eyes met.

  I swallowed roughly, because … his voice was still the most seductive thing I’d ever heard.

  “Morning,” I mumbled, before clearing my throat. “How did you sleep?”

  We were talking across the table, surrounded by people, but it almost felt like we were in our own little bubble. Whenever I looked at Chase, the rest of the world faded away.

  “Chase insisted on taking guard duty last night,” Lexen cut in. “Even though he didn’t get any sleep the night before.”

  Concern for him pushed through all other emotions. He hadn’t slept the night before because he’d been rescuing me. He must be exhausted.

  “You should go and rest now,” I insisted, half rising in my chair.

  Chase leaned forward, moving in my direction. “I’m okay, I don’t need a lot of sleep, and protecting … the secret keepers is something I’m taking very seriously.”

  He’d hesitated over the words “secret keepers” and for a second I wondered if he’d been about to say something else.


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