Rescuing Dawn: Lovers Unmasked: Book 2

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Rescuing Dawn: Lovers Unmasked: Book 2 Page 13

by Flockton, Nicole

  Dawn nodded and walked to the small garden by the side of the building. There was a bench under a tree and she headed over to it. She sat down and, through the branches, looked at the sky. The clouds were wispy and white and free. A light breeze blew and she closed her eyes imagining it was the gentle touch of Brody’s hands on her face. Like the way he’d occasionally brush his against her face as she was feeding him.

  “I’m not saying goodbye to you, Brody, but I’m letting go of the blame. I thank you for choosing me to be your mummy, even if it was only for a few short months. You will always own a piece of my heart and I will talk to you. Just maybe not as much as I used to. I love you, my little handsome prince.”

  After she’d finished whispering the words, she felt the tears trickle down her face. She knew they weren’t tears of sadness, but tears of gratefulness that she’d had Brody in her life.

  She didn’t know how long she sat there, with her head back and eyes closed. Her tears had dried in the breeze. When she was ready, she opened her eyes and saw Andrew standing by the tree, watching her, a small smile played across his lips.

  “You okay?” he asked as he pushed away from the tree and came up to her.

  “Yes, I’m good.”

  “Ready?” he asked and held out his hand towards her.

  There was no hesitation, no second thoughts. Only excitement of what was to come. She put her hand in his and stood. “Absolutely.”

  “Then let the fun begin.”

  Dawn laughed and excitement built inside of her. She was ready for whatever the weekend held and whatever Andrew had planned for her. She knew that by the end of the day they would be in each other’s arms.

  Andrew led her through a small grove of olive trees towards a row of double story villas. The architecture of the buildings was beautiful. Their design simple, yet not overpowering to the lush bush behind them. Each one had a balcony and she could imagine herself sitting there, drinking a cocktail while the sun set.

  “Do you think some kangaroos will venture into the grounds at dusk?” she asked.

  “Don’t know but it will be fun if they do.”

  “Wonder if you can feed them?” As they followed the winding path to the villas she thought the conversation a little surreal—they were talking about kangaroos.

  “Are you nervous, Andrew?”

  He stopped suddenly and because their hands were entwined she found herself coming to an abrupt halt. She asked the question because she was nervous. She and Tom had never spent a weekend away before they’d been married, and even after. Their lives had been very normal and simple. The guilt she had lived with for so long reared its head again. She thought she’d dealt with that earlier, but she’d only said goodbye to Brody not Tom. To release herself of the guilt, she had to say goodbye to him too. And really, Tom had known when he’d gone into the marriage that he had more vested in the relationship than she did. He had been happy.

  “Goodbye,” she whispered.

  “Are you saying goodbye to me or to someone else?” Andrew asked quietly as he steered them to the side of the path so another couple could go past them. “I thought you’d said all your goodbyes earlier?”

  As Dawn gazed up into Andrew’s eyes, she saw, hiding in their depths, exasperation. She was constantly sending the man mixed signals and he had been so patient and understanding with her. More than she’d deserved.

  “I’m sorry, Drew, you deserve so much better than all the crap I’m giving you. But,” she reached out and touched his face. “My focus is now solely on you. I had one more reason to say goodbye and I’ve done it now. I’m ready to move forward, with you.”

  She could see the indecision in his eyes, and it was warranted. She’d sent him on a roller coaster ride in such a short time. It wouldn’t surprise her if he turned tail and walked away from her.

  “I want to believe you, but you tell me you’re ready to move forward and then you take three steps back.” The frustration at her actions was evident in his tone. “I mean, you tell me you’re ready to start our weekend and then two minutes later you’re about to fall apart and you’re whispering goodbye.”

  “I know, but can you give me one more chance?” she asked, knowing that she couldn’t ask again. She had to make a full commitment this time. She had to take the chance. Take the risk.

  “I can’t say no to you, so yes, Dawn. I’m saying yes.” She smiled as he took her hand again and then he continued. “Now let’s try again, and no more going back. Only forward.”

  “Yes, forward.”

  They started walking again. She couldn’t wait to see what their villa looked like. “Where are our bags?” she asked.

  “Already in the villa. I went with the porter while you were sitting in the garden.”

  “Oh, I hadn’t realized I was sitting there for so long.”

  “I had a few things to organize,” Andrew said with a small wink. “It worked out well that you wanted some quiet time.”

  Finally they reached the door of their villa. It seemed they had been walking forever, but they hadn’t gone that far. They’d just been caught up in their own little world.

  Excitement started to flood through her veins. Andrew had been so mysterious about all that he’d planned for her that she didn’t know what to expect. But she had complete faith that he would make it a weekend to remember.

  He swiped the card and upon hearing the click of the lock disengaging she took a deep breath.

  “After you,” he said as he opened the door wide for her to enter.

  “Thank you,” she said demurely and walked through to the place that was going to be her home for the next few days.

  The room was large and furnished with comfortable looking couches and lounge chairs. As she made her way further into the room, she noticed to her right there was a little kitchenette and dining area. In the left corner, there were stairs leading up to the upstairs part of the villa. Flowers of all types decorated the coffee table and dining table. The colors bright and cheerful and they gave the whole room a welcoming atmosphere. Sitting next to the vase of flowers was a silver bucket holding a bottle of champagne chilling on ice and beside it were two glasses.

  Dawn walked over to the table and pointed to the bottle. “I think it’s time we started the celebration.”

  “I couldn’t agree more.”

  She took a step back and watched as with deft movements Andrew had the foil wrapping off the bottle and in the next minute a loud pop filled the room. She reached for the champagne glasses and held them out so Andrew could fill them before the champagne bubbled up and out of the bottle. She handed him a glass as he put the bottle back in its resting place amongst the ice.

  As Andrew looked at her, she shivered at the burning desire firing the blue irises of his eyes. She couldn’t move and she couldn’t bring the glass to her lips to moisten them. She was trapped by his gaze, and it was a trap she was very happy to be caught in.

  “Here’s to us and here’s to wonderful days of new possibilities, new adventures, and new beginnings.” Andrew said as he clinked his glass with hers. They both took a sip and like that time at the yacht club when a similar toast was made, their eyes never left each other.

  Desire shot through her like an arrow flying through the air to reach its target. She wanted nothing better than to put the glass down and take Andrew by the hand and lead him upstairs. She wanted him so badly. She went to place her glass down, when he took it from her, completing the action. He pulled her towards him and she didn’t hesitate for a moment. She groaned in relief when his arms wrapped around her. Dawn lifted her head, ready for the moment when his lips would touch hers. She was ready, oh so ready to be swept away on a tide of passion that she hoped wouldn’t end.

  Instead, what she got was a kiss on her cheek. She took a step back, confusion replacing the desire.

  “Don’t look at me like that, honey. You don’t know how much I want to take you upstairs, but I’ve arranged a special treat for yo
u.” He glanced at his watch. “You have to be at the front desk in five minutes.”

  She wanted to tell him that he could cancel whatever he had planned and take her upstairs, but there was something in his eyes that told her he really wanted to do this for her. She picked up her champagne again and took a swallow before placing it back on the table. She then took a small step to bring her closer to him again.

  “Are you sure I can’t tempt you to reconsider?”

  Andrew laughed and this time he placed a kiss on her lips. “No. This weekend is all about you and it starts now. But trust me, you can tempt me later.”

  Dawn laughed and together they walked out the door and headed towards the front desk where her surprise awaited her.

  * * *

  Andrew paced around the villa, anxious for Dawn to return. She should be walking through the door any minute now and when she did… well, what he wanted to do would have to wait until he saw how she was feeling. He’d organized for her to get the full spa treatment—facial, massage, and then a visit with the onsite hairdresser. He knew that this was something she would never consider doing for herself. He hoped she came back relaxed and rejuvenated. Not tired and wanting to go to sleep.

  He heard the telltale click of the door unlocking and stopped his pacing. He turned and looked towards the door. A completely different woman walked through it. The woman that walked through had a huge smile on her face. Her hair was cut into a style that framed her face and then flicked out cheekily on her shoulders. She vibrated pure energy and that energy was directed straight at him. He accepted the full force of it.

  “Well, I see someone had a nice time.”

  Andrew laughed as she practically twirled into the room. “I don’t know how to thank you, Drew. I’ve never felt so alive. I’ve never done anything like that in my life.”

  “I’m glad you enjoyed it. I thought you would.”

  “I have so much energy it’s unbelievable. It’s like all the negative energy that was inside of me has been massaged out. Poor therapist had to deal with buckets of tears, but she was so fantastic. Her fingers worked a magic I never knew existed.”

  Just by looking at her, Andrew could tell that she spoke the truth. She appeared lighter and freer. He was glad he had done this for her.

  “I can see that. You look the way you should always look, Dawn. Happy.”

  Her smile softened and it hit him low in his belly. He stood his ground as she sauntered towards him. Her eyes sparkled, and it wasn’t with mischief, it was with desire.

  “If I look happy, it’s because of you.” She ran her hands up his chest and then looped them loosely around his neck. His skin burned from her touch. “How can I possibly say thank you?”

  “You don’t have to say thank you. I wanted to do this for you.” He then bent and placed a soft kiss on her lips. “Seeing you as you walked through the door is all the thanks I need. I’ll never forget the smile on your face or the way you looked.”

  “Where are you going?” she asked as he then stepped away from her.

  “I’m about to take a shower to get ready for dinner.”


  Andrew laughed at her incredulous expression. He was drawing out the moment until he took possession of her. His body was aching and yelling at him to just take her right now. On the floor or the couch or against the wall. But he wanted to do it right. He wanted to make their first time together, again, special. So special that she’d never forget it.

  “I’ll make it a short dinner,” he promised.

  “Do you need some company in the shower?”

  “Don’t tempt me.” He reached out and touched her hair, feeling the silky strands under his palm. The aroma of citrus wafted up to him. He didn’t know if it was her shampoo or maybe the massage oil that had been used on her. “But I’ve run a bath for you in the master bathroom. I’ll use the shower in the second bathroom.”

  “A bath? You ran me a bath?”

  “You don’t need to sound so surprised. I knew you were getting your hair done and that you probably wouldn’t want to have a shower, but you’d need to wash yourself after the massage.”

  “You certainly think of everything, don’t you?”

  “I try. Now go and enjoy a soak before the water gets cold.”

  “I’d ask you to join me, but I think I’d get the same answer as before.”

  Andrew tried not to let the temptation to join her overpower him. He’d like nothing better than to run his hands over her wet, slick, naked body, but that would have to wait for another day.

  “Go,” he said, giving her a playful swat on the bottom. “Before I’m tempted to throw all my plans away and ravish you here and now.”

  Before she could answer, he turned and walked towards the downstairs bathroom. Not for a relaxing, warm shower but a cold one.


  Dawn sat back at the table on their balcony and placed her napkin beside her dessert dish. She was completely full from the most decadent dinner she’d ever had. She reached over and picked up her water glass, taking a sip while gazing out at the view of the lake. It was so peaceful and tranquil. The air buzzed with the sound of crickets and every now and then the call of a bird looking for its mate. She looked at Andrew sitting across from her and the nerves she’d kept at bay all evening fired to life. For the first time since they’d arrived, she was apprehensive about what was to come. She’d been flirty earlier on, but now, after sharing a very romantic, intimate dinner on their balcony, her flirty side had taken a hike. She almost wished that instead having dinner in their villa, they’d gone to the resort restaurant. Being surrounded by others wouldn’t make her feel so exposed.

  “Do you want to go for a walk?” Andrew’s question broke through her thoughts. He had a small smile on his face, as if he knew exactly what she was thinking and feeling.

  “Sounds good.” She pushed her chair back and stood. “Let me get a jacket.”

  Dawn entered the main living area and went upstairs. She tried not to look at the bed, not imagine her and Andrew locked in a passionate embrace, but the image wouldn’t be stopped. It filled her conscious mind. Suddenly all her nerves were gone and a rush of desire had taken their place. She didn’t want to go for a walk. She wanted Andrew.


  She turned to go back downstairs, as she did she saw him standing at the doorway. A wantonness she hadn’t known she possessed took hold of her. She sashayed towards him, unbuttoning the buttons on the top she was wearing.

  The closer she got, the darker his eyes became. He took a step towards her. “I take it you’ve changed your mind about a walk?”

  “Yes. I decided this is a much better idea.” With all the buttons undone on her blouse, she gave her shoulders a little shake and the fabric slid down her arms to the land in a whisper on the floor, leaving her exposed in her new lingerie. From the way Andrew’s nostrils flared, he liked what he saw. Under his gaze her nipples puckered and rubbed against the lace of her bra.

  She didn’t have time to think or do anything else because she found herself in his arms and his lips fused with hers. She moaned her surrender, glad to finally be able to complete the dance they’d been doing around each other all day. As much as it had frustrated her, the delay had heightened her awareness of him. Her hands roamed his back, bunching up his shirt until she’d pulled it out of the waistband of his jeans. She pulled until she had his shirt off and she could run her hands over his back and chest. His skin was so warm, his muscles jumping under her touch as she traced her fingers over him.

  Her head fell back as his lips left hers and he kissed along her jaw line before trailing down her neck to a sensitive spot beneath her ear.

  She couldn’t help the moan that erupted from her. “Oh, that feels so good.”

  “Trust me; I’m going to make you feel more than good.”

  She husked out a laugh. “I’m counting on it.” Her hands found his belt buckle and started to undo it. “Now, I think yo
u have too many clothes on.”

  His hands met hers and helped her to remove his belt, then his jeans. Her fingers brushed the back of his erection as she slid his zipper down. This time, it was Andrew that groaned, the vibrations of the sound causing gooseflesh to break out over her skin. As he went to step out of his jeans, her hands moved to the zipper of her skirt, but Andrew’s hands halted her progress.

  “Let me,” he whispered against her ear. Dawn let her arms fall softly to her side. The sound of the zipper being released filled her room. Her soft skirt fell to the ground and she stood before him in her black and gold matching bra and thong panties set. She had thought the first time he saw her almost naked would be embarrassing, but she found it emboldening.

  “You are so beautiful. Even more beautiful than I remember.”

  He scooped her up and walked towards the bed. The trip was short and she felt the softness of the mattress against her bare back before she had time to blink. Andrew lay down beside her and let his fingers dance across her belly. She sucked in a breath at the touch, wishing his fingers would trail lower to the place that was throbbing for his touch. She lifted her hips slightly in invitation. His answer was to kiss her again. She pushed herself against his warm flesh as her fingers dug into his hair to hold him close to her. His fingers moved from between them and up her back, to her bra. With a quick flick of his fingers the catch dislodged. He pulled the straps off her shoulders and had to break the kiss to move away to remove the garment from her. She shivered as the cool air from the air conditioner hit her heated skin.

  “I want to take this slow,” Andrew murmured as his hands found her breasts and massaged them. “But I want you so badly.”

  “I don’t care,” she moaned out as sensations from his touch arrowed down to her moist center.

  In a matter of seconds, Andrew had dispensed with his boxers and her underwear. Her hand moved down his belly toward his manhood that was jutting against her thigh. She circled his length and stroked up and down a couple of times. His flesh jumped at her touch.


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