Neo's Strength (Devil's Riot MC: Originals Book 8)

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Neo's Strength (Devil's Riot MC: Originals Book 8) Page 7

by E. C. Land

  Breaking the kiss, I lean my forehead against hers. “I don’t know what it is about you, baby, but I can’t get enough of you,” I rasp.

  “I’m not sure if I could get enough of you either,” she says seductively, and her words go straight to my cock.

  “Come on, Angel Eyes, we need food then we’ll ride out,” I declare as I run my hands along her back and give her ass a tap causing her to jump.

  I turn to my dresser and grab a pair of jeans as Harley rolls her suitcase to the center of the room and opens it, my eyes stay glued to her as I pull the denim over my legs. I inwardly groan as she squats in front of it and unzips the damn thing. Images fill my head of her squatting down on top of me with my cock slamming up into her pussy.

  Damn, having her once this morning is definitely not enough, fuck this. I need her once more.

  “Harley,” I growl, sliding my jeans back down my legs and stepping out of them as she looks over her shoulder at me with wide eyes.

  Stepping up behind her, I help her stand and guide her back to the bed. “On the bed for me, baby, and open your legs, I wanna see that gorgeous pussy. I’m gonna fuck you this time around and I want to hear you scream for me as you come on my cock.” I growl through a lust filled haze as she does what I tell her to.

  My eyes trail over her body loving the sight of her. Every fuckin’ inch. Zoning in on her pink pussy, my nostrils flare as I lean down to give it a good swipe with my tongue.

  “Neo,” she moans.

  Lifting my head, I pull myself up until her legs are resting on my shoulders and I have my cock directed at her pussy. “I want to hear you calling me by my real name, Angel Eyes,” I inform her.

  “What’s your real name?”

  “Nathan. Or you can use Nate.”

  “I like Nate, can I call you that rather than Neo?” she asks.

  “You can call me whatever the fuck you want long as you’re screaming my name when you come,” I groan, sliding all the way inside her. “Now brace, baby, cause I’m about to give you one hell of a ride.”

  Sure enough, I had her screaming my name several times over before I finally come deep inside her pussy. The fact I didn’t even glove up this time doesn’t affect the bliss I’m feeling right now. Being inside her is one of the best places I could ever want to be.

  In fact, I’m thinking I could easily die a happy man long as I did it with her pussy wrapped around my cock.

  Chapter Fourteen


  For the past two days, I haven’t left Neo’s room. He’d either gone out to get food or had one of the prospects bring us something. We’d stayed couped up lavishing each other in ways I’d only ever read about in books. I didn’t think it was even possible to do some of the positions he’d used with me.

  Or that I could even be so flexible.

  Life couldn’t get any better than it is right now.

  “Angel Eyes, I need to talk to you about something,” he murmurs, getting my attention as I lay with my head pressed against his chest while he traces circles along my back.

  “What is it?” I ask.

  “Couple of things. In about an hour two people are going to come in here.” My body stiffens at the thought of anyone I don’t know coming in here. “You don’t know them but they’re going to bring in some equipment. I’m getting a tattoo and I’d like for you to get something too. Ally and Burner are tattoo artists. Both fuckin’ awesome at what they do.”

  “You want me to get a tattoo?” I lift my head up to stare at him.

  “Yeah, Harley, I do. You can pick where you want it but I recommend you getting it here,” he says, placing his hand in the middle of my back. “I’ve already spoken to both of them and while Ally works on my hand, Burner’s going to do yours.”

  Um. I don’t know how I should feel right now about getting a tattoo.

  “Why?” I ask.

  “Because, baby, this is going to symbolize your new beginning. Just trust me when it’s done, you’ll understand what I mean. I promise you,” he says reassuringly, the hand he’s using to caress the middle of my back slides up until he palms my cheek and starts stroking my cheek. “It’s time to start moving forward.”

  Nodding, I close my eyes. He’s right, I’m just so scared of what I’ll have to face.

  “Another thing, I don’t have any fights for the next two weeks but when I have my next one, I want you there.”

  “You what?” I blink confounded by his words.


  “I fight on certain days. I’ve taken my name off the list for two weeks so my tattoo will have a chance to heal without me fuckin’ it up. Now will you come show your ol’ man some support in his next fight?”

  Oh my.

  I’m surprised. I can’t remember if he told me about this or not. Then again when he first picked me up, I’d been angry with him.

  How it seems time flies as it feels longer than it has been since I came here. Probably because we’ve been incased in our own bubble without distractions. Now that’s being popped and slowly deflating. But for him I’ll give it a shot.

  “I’ll come support you, Nate,” I murmur, giving him a slight smile.

  “That’s my girl.” He grins as he leans up and presses his mouth against mine, taking the kiss to another level. One that always seems to end up with me filled with his cock.

  I moan in protest as he pulls away from me breaking the kiss. “Let’s get showered before they get here,” he says, hopping out of the bed. He then turns and pulls me up out of the bed. A small squeak escapes my lips as he lifts me up and wraps my legs around his waist. “I’m thinking I have enough time to fuck you in the shower as we get cleaned up. Kill two birds with one stone.”

  Hm, I could get used to this.

  Giggling, I lean into him and press a kiss where his neck meets his shoulder. I’d found out he loves it when I press my lips there.

  Little did I know exactly how much he loved it until I find myself pressed against the shower wall as Neo slams his cock inside me. The water still cool as he thrusts in and out because we didn’t wait for it to heat up.

  Screaming his name, I rake my fingers across his shoulders as I come.

  This is what bliss looks like. Being in this strong man’s arms as he takes me over the edge and keeps me there.

  “Angel Eyes, it’s okay trust me,” Neo murmurs as someone knocks on his door. Nodding I give him a tight smile. “Good girl.” He presses a kiss to my forehead and calls out for them to come on in.

  At Neo’s orders I’d put on one of his shirts with a pair of sleep shorts.

  “Hey, Neo. Y’all ready for us to come in?” Ally asks, glancing from me to Neo.

  “Yeah, come on in,” he says, inviting them in.

  As the couple steps into the room, I feel myself shift closer to Neo. Both of them were holding chairs in one hand while the guy carries a bag on his shoulder.

  “Hi, I’m Ally,” Ally murmurs, giving me a small wave.

  “Burner,” the guy behind her grunts, putting a bag on the floor as he eyes me and looks to Neo with a nod. “I know what to do for her tattoo.”

  “Awesome,” Neo mutters in response.

  “Harley, I get you don’t like a lot of people around you and it’s one of the reasons none of the other ol’ ladies know you’re here yet but will you trust me to freehand a tattoo for you?” Burner asks.

  “Um,” I squeak and Neo gives me a squeeze reminding me he was with me. “Yes.”

  “Alright Neo, you and Ally can work at the desk, Harley, I’m gonna turn my head as you remove your top and then I want you to stretch out on the bed. Let me know when you’re done.”

  I nod to him and look to Ally.

  She gives me a small smile. “I’ll also be turning my head so you can do it with privacy,” she says before doing exactly what she said she’d do.

  Feeling slightly more comfortable, I glance to Neo who didn’t take his eyes off me and take the shirt off as he gives me a
n adoring smile. Shirtless, I lay across the bed with my head at the foot of it so that I can easily reach Neo if at any point I need his strength.

  “Okay, I’m ready,” I say, letting Burner know I’m done.

  “Good, now I’m going to tell you step by step what I’m gonna do as I do it,” Burner says and starts with prepping my back.

  Soon his voice drifts away as he begins to work. Neo’s free hand slides up and he brushes his fingers through my hair. If this is what it means to trust someone then I’ll do it without hesitation. With Neo I know I can be around others and not be scared, because I have his strength to lean on.

  Chapter Fifteen


  As Burner works his magic something seems to change within Harley. I keep my free hand as close to her as possible, wanting to reassure her she’s okay. My hand brushes through her hair touching her in a way to let her know I’m right here for her always.

  Harley’s breathing evens out and I realize she’s fallen asleep, which is unusual since she’s nervous to be around others.

  “You know, your woman’s demons are nearly as bad as mine,” Ally murmurs quietly as she focuses on my hand. I don’t know what she’s doing but I’d asked her to tie it into whatever Burner does with Harley’s tattoo. I only asked her to make sure Harley’s name was entwined in somehow.

  Ally stood near him for a few moments after he started to get the gist of what he is working on and then sat in front of me as she started. From what I can see so far, it’s a flower of some sort.

  I might be out of my mind letting Ally mimic what Burner’s doing but I don’t care it’s for Harley I’m doing this.

  “Why do you say that?” I ask.

  “Her eyes. When she looks to Burner, she seems nervous and doesn’t know if she should even speak to him. As if she sees herself as a lesser being but she at least spoke to him minimally. But when she glanced in my direction, she seemed petrified. I don’t know what all she’s been through; however, you should feel lucky she trusts you,” Ally says, swiping my hand with the towel.

  “I know I’m lucky. I’m trying to get her to slowly work on being around other people. It’s why I asked you guys to come in here rather than me bringing her out there. She’s scared of women because of all the things that have happened to her.” I don’t blame her either. I can sense she didn’t have it easy growing up and after what we heard Jezebel say, I realize she had it even harder.

  I’m starting to understand what my uncle mentioned so long ago. “Son, you’re too young to understand, but one day you’ll understand your mom never had it easy and the demons finally won a war that she’d been battling for a very long time. Your dad, he was the love of her life, the one who pieced her back together again when she was broken beyond repair.”

  Shit. My dad was my mom’s strength and when he died, she started to spiral downhill. When she couldn’t handle it anymore, she gave up.

  Fuckin’ fuck me. I need to talk to my uncle to see if I can find out what my mom went through so I can finally understand her demons and fully face my woman’s, as my dad did for my mom. Only I won’t be leaving her to face life without me.

  Ally doesn’t say anything else and the only sound being the buzzing of the tattoo guns.

  Staring down at my hand I glance to my woman’s back as she begins to stir. Burner and Ally left the room not even five minutes ago giving us the privacy I need to wake Harley and show her her tattoo.

  I’m in complete awe of the tattoos. Fuck those two are good. I don’t know how they do it but when they’re drawing out a design the two of them seem to connect and get it almost exactly the same as the others.

  Harley’s back now sported a beautiful heart with flowers encasing it. In the center of the heart is a keyhole. Above the heart was a crown and within it it held my name.

  My hand held the key that goes to the keyhole, Harley’s name was scrolled on the side of the key and words were written within the shading ‘Inner Strength’.

  Fuckin’ love it.

  Sitting next to my woman, I brush her hair that had fallen in her face.

  I don’t know how she was able to fall asleep while getting a tattoo, but here she is sleeping peacefully in a way I don’t think she’s ever slept in her life.

  Leaning down I cage her in with my body on one side of her and my arm on the other side of her. “Wake up, Angel Eyes,” I whisper into her ear.

  Harley’s eyes flutter open and she tilts her head to me slightly. “What’s going on?” she asks somewhat disoriented.

  “Burner finished your tattoo, they left so I could wake you up and show you this beautiful piece on your back,” I murmur, pressing my lips to hers wanting to taste her.

  The past two days I got to taste a lot of her and I still can’t get enough of her.

  “Can I see yours?” she asks as I pull away to help her to her feet.

  “I’ll show you after you see yours,” I inform her as I walk backwards into the bathroom holding her hands in mine.

  “Oh, okay,” she murmurs, her eyes filled with uncertainty.

  I hate seeing the look in her eyes and in a moment I’m about to make that shit vanish. Harley will know exactly what this means to me.

  Pulling us into the bathroom, I flip the light on and position the two of us until Harley’s back is directly in the middle of the mirror. “Alright, baby, take a look at your back,” I say, placing my hands on either side of her arms wanting her to feel me as she sees what I see.

  Harley tilts her head in order to see herself in the mirror. Her gaze zeros in on her back and then she lifts her eyes to stare at me.

  I slide my hand with the tattoo down and hold it to rest near hers. I keep my gaze locked on Harley’s eyes as hers follow my movement. “I now have the key to the box holding the demons at bay, Angel Eyes.”

  Harley lifts her gaze back up to meet mine with tears welling in them.

  Shit. I hate seeing her cry.

  “You . . . I mean . . . I love you,” she says, her eyes filled with worry. “I know it’s so soon . . . but I . . . I’ve never had anyone in my life like you and I’m scared it’s only a dream.”

  “No, Harley, it’s not a dream. I’m here and always will be. Told you I’ll be your strength always. I’m not going anywhere. And just so you know you got my heart, Angel Eyes. I don’t do shit like getting a tattoo like this without thinking it through,” I murmur as I lift my tattooed hand to cup her cheek in my palm. “Now it’s time to feed you and this time I want you to come out to the main room of the clubhouse.”

  Harley’s body immediately stiffens then relaxes. She’s finally understanding what I mean about being her strength and I won’t allow anyone else to harm her.

  “Okay, I suppose I need to see my brothers who’ve claimed me,” she says giving me a small smile.

  “Yeah, baby, and just to warn you the ol’ ladies are probably out there as well. They’ll want to know what you’re doing here. Only one of them knows you were in rehab for that month and why. She’s not going to let anyone else in on it, we need her to know as she’s the Prez’s ol’ lady but also so she could understand the severity of what she had to do.”

  “Okay, but there is one other ol’ lady that knows I’m here,” she whispers her uncertainty attempting to come back.

  “Raven?” I ask to which she nods in response. “Angel Eyes, Raven is unique in many ways and one thing about her is, she doesn’t spill secrets. That woman can see through all of us and refuses to say anything to anyone about them unless she deems necessary. Even when she does that she’ll speak in riddles. It’s what her mom taught her.”

  Harley seems to absorb this tidbit of information and understands, she can trust Raven.

  “Promise you, baby, I’ll be right by your side the entire time,” I murmur, leaning my head down to press my forehead to hers.

  Nodding she agrees. Though I’m sure she’s scared out of her mind about being around the others, I’m filled with a sense of prid
e my woman is trusting me enough to do this. I’m hoping that having my brothers around she’ll feel completely safe.

  Chapter Sixteen


  Breathe. Just breathe.

  Neo’s holding your hand. He’s right next to you. He promised no one will hurt you.

  I keep repeating these words over and over in my head as Neo guides me down the hall to the main room of the clubhouse.

  After Neo showed me my beautiful back piece and our conversation, he helped me into one of his hoodies since I couldn’t put a bra on. I matched it with a pair of leggings. I hated shoes so I kept my feet bare. I knew the club stayed clean except for when they have club parties, which thankfully isn’t tonight.

  My mind is still reeling over how beautiful my tattoo is. I’ll have to thank both Burner and Ally for the masterpiece. I must have slept for hours for Burner to be able to put that much detail into the art.

  At the mouth of the hallway, I take a deep breath as Neo releases my hand and wraps an arm around me. “It’s gonna be okay, Angel Eyes,” he whispers, leaning to speak into my ear.

  “I believe you.” I nod, and I did believe in him. But it doesn’t mean my nerves aren’t jumpy and my hands itch to do something at the same time my thighs ache for that initial pain. I know I should tell him about this but then I think of his words. He now holds the key to keep the demons at bay and those words help ease the longing to cut myself.

  With Neo’s maneuvering the two of us enter the main room and I’m immediately pulled from his arms as Venom brings me in for a hug. “And here I thought you were trying to hide from your big brothers,” he grumbles.

  Silence descends among the room as I feel all eyes coming to rest on me.

  “Harley?” Luna calls my name out in surprise.

  Sucking in a deep breath, I look up to Venom to see him nod his support. He releases me and Neo immediately takes me back into his arms as I face Luna.


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