A New World

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A New World Page 7

by Lina J. Potter

  He got really lucky this time. What a woman!


  "A break, dammit..."

  "D-darling! H-honey..."

  "Ugh, why do I feel like the wife of a miner instead of a countess?" Lilian asked, addressing the air.

  Jerisson didn't notice her sarcasm and reached out to kiss his wife, missing the target and almost collapsing on the floor before Lily caught him.

  "Let's go, dear."

  “Y-yes! M-maybe we c-could d-dance some more?"

  "Absolutely," Lily promised as she dragged her husband to their chambers.

  The noble count was so drunk that his consciousness had gone fishing, leaving only the scraps.

  His legs, praise Aldonai, still obeyed him. Otherwise, Lily would have been forced to summon servants—a real faux pas.

  Fine. He would have to fetch some cucumber brine at the kitchen later. The cooks would pour him some no questions asked; they knew how efficient it was at curing a hangover.

  She couldn't really blame Jerisson. Edward had been like a second father to him—officially, a loving and beloved uncle, but adjectives were what mattered here. That's why he kept drinking. He needed to forget.

  Lily pondered naming one of their children Edward unless Richard and Maria beat them to the punch—although she had a good reason to believe that they might not.

  Finally, the chambers. Lily unloaded her husband on the bed, pulled off his boots, and freed him from some of his clothes. He didn't really need a doublet or pants... Here we go. It looked all right.

  Having medical education also meant knowing the basics of nursing—caring for sick people. A full-fledged doctor or not, Lily had learned them well. She could move heavy bodies, change the patients' clothes without throwing her back out... There were tricks for everything.

  And so, she did what she had been taught. Still, she didn't come for the brine by herself, sending a lackey instead. She was tired enough as it was. The boy turned out to be as quick on his feet as he was quick-witted and got a coin as a reward. He vanished, but he would come back if called.

  Lily put the pitcher on the bed stand next to Jess, lay down by his side, and fell asleep.


  Maria was sitting on the bed in her room.

  She wasn't quite sure what to do. On the one hand, the thing that had just happened was even more important than the wedding: the coronation. A king had no obligation to crown his wife. Indeed, few of her father's wives had been crowned.

  On the other hand, her and Richard's wedding had happened back when she turned sixteen. Maria remembered herself sitting at the head of the festive table, people escorting them into their bedroom, singing and dancing as they walked, being undressed and laid down on the bed, Richard being pushed into the room after her...

  Yet they had spent that night playing backgammon! Richard refused to lie with her. Maria still remembered his words, "I don't want to risk you. You've become a dear friend. I know that early pregnancy and labor is dangerous for a woman. We might be already married, but we can only lie together when you are eighteen. Don't get me wrong, you're a beautiful girl, and I...I wouldn't mind doing it right now, but I don't want to lose you. I've lost too much already."

  He had said a lot that night. Maria understood it and embraced it.

  And then, Richard cut his hand to leave blood on the sheets, and they played dice until the morning. They also snuck honeyed fruit from the big platter, drank wine, laughed, and joked...it was a very intimate night, very personal. Maria still blushed at the memory of it.

  For some reason, she considered lying in the same bed to be very shameful, and the way Richard looked at her... It couldn't be faked; his look made her feel wanted and attractive, but nothing ever came of it.

  They had shared chambers with adjacent bedrooms and trusted servants who kept their mouths shut about everything that happened in those bedrooms.

  Maria was certain that Richard didn't have a mistress in the palace. Something like that couldn't be hidden. She knew that, and it made her happy. He respected her.

  Since that night, Richard visited her bedroom on a regular basis. He always brought something: pastry, a piece of cake, fruit... They shared them and laughed, playing a game or another and talking. Still, Richard never went beyond kissing.

  Maria wanted him to. She did know about what happened in bed, thanks to Lilian Earton, and she wasn't afraid. Well, maybe a little. Just a tiny bit.

  But Richard was in no hurry, and how was she to seduce him? Maria had no idea, and Lily refused to teach her, saying that it was her husband's prerogative.

  Would he do it, however? Maria was unsure.

  A clatter came from Richard's bedroom, startling Maria and making her rush there, forgetting everything.


  His Majesty was sitting on the floor, surrounded by the shards of a vase.

  Maria loved that vase, but whatever.

  "Are you hurt?"


  Richard was drunk just enough for his feet to still work while his head refused to. Maria realized that and decided that it was time to act.

  "Let me help you up."

  "I c-can d-do it!" the king of Ativerna flared up and tried to stand on all fours like a proud lion.

  Maria almost giggled but realized that laughter would be inappropriate and offered Richard her hand.

  "Get up."

  Somehow, she got Richard to his bed and knelt in front of him.

  "Let me get your boots off."

  Richard leaned back on his elbows and watched Maria pull off one boot, then the other... Her nightgown flew open, revealing a thin shirt underneath. Lily launched the production of such items as the first thing, knowing that both men and women would buy those products, and one of her pieces was currently gracing Maria's body.

  Crimson silk with black lace perfectly matched her dark hair and matte skin. The low cut demonstrated her breasts, her skin shining through the thin fabric, while her eyes looked dark and full of mystery. What man could resist her?

  Maybe if Richard had drunk a little less... Maybe if Maria decided differently...

  But seeing the way her husband looked at her, she squeaked, embarrassed, and blushed, sealing her fate.

  Richard deftly caught her hand.

  "My wife, will you abandon me?"


  "Alone, sick and grieving!"

  Maria doubted the sickness bit but decided to touch his forehead...with her lips. Somehow, her lips made their way to his nose, then his cheek, then...

  And then, everything worked by itself.


  Late that night, an hour before dawn, Maria lay sleepless.

  Richard was right next to her, not truly sleeping but not quite awake, somewhere in between. The young woman, however, was trying to listen to herself.

  She hadn't really felt pain, maybe just a little bit. It wasn't scary, either. It felt nice, and Richard promised that it would only get better.

  Richard, her husband, loving and beloved. And to think that Milia had told her that drunk men were so much worse than sober! That they never listened to women or thought about their desires...

  Maria didn't have such an impression. Richard took care of her, and it meant that later, she would feel even better.

  She touched the strand of hair that had fallen on his forehead.

  Richard turned over on his side and put his hands around her. His eyes were closed.

  "Sleep, Tira. Sleep, my love..."

  Maria didn't start a scandal; she had no strength left to do it. She felt numb as if surrounded by a cloud of mist that she couldn't scatter. Tira? His love? Who could it be?

  Fine. There wasn't much time until dawn, and then...she knew who could answer her questions. Several people must be in the know.

  Who was Tira?


  In the morning, the servants who clean up after Their Majesties smiled at each other, their smiles calm and knowing.

  Finally, it had happened.

  If Aldonai willed it, soon, they might get to nurse the royal children. Everyone knew that power was secured by heirs. Hopefully, it would happen sooner than later.


  In the morning, when Lilian woke up, Jess was nowhere in sight, and neither was the brine in the pitcher. Instead, she had a huge dog sleeping by her side.

  "Nanook, you furry swine!"

  "Rrr," he said without waking up and licked clean Her Grace's face from the chin up to her forehead.

  Then he turned around and snored, just like any man would.

  Lily laughed, ruffled up his thick fur, and went to wash up.

  A new day was beginning.


  Jess turned up an hour later at breakfast.

  "Lily, Richard asked us to stick around. Do you mind?"

  "No," Lilian replied. "I'll just send the children home and fetch a few things."

  "Get me something to wear, too. There's another reception today..."

  Lily nodded.

  Officially, His Majesty was to introduce himself to the ambassadors of neighboring nations.

  The day before was the time to meet his own subjects, and the coming night, with the others. Everyone already knew him, of course, but protocol wasn't to be refused, only followed.

  "I will."

  "You're a treasure."

  "It's nice, being duly appreciated."

  Jess smiled, kissed his wife, and left, most likely, to visit Richard. The king had probably an even worse time during night and needed a friend. Lily decided to stay for as long as the friends needed and turned her attention to munching. After finishing the meal, they would go home.

  Miranda didn't mind, and the toddlers were all too little to care. It would be better for them to stay home, anyway. There, they would have the entire garden to themselves, not to mention the huge house, and what could they get in the palace?

  Only a few rooms.

  No, home was the only way. But even there, work found Lilian.


  Post-mortem report. Composed by Hans Tremain.

  A girl (a woman?)

  Fifteen to twenty years old.

  Blond hair, gray eyes, medium build.

  Body found in an alley lying on the back spread-eagled, left leg tucked, right leg stretched out.

  Dressed in a brown dress, white apron, bonnet, shoes, and stockings.

  Wrist cuts, rope marks, cut marks on the body, dress ripped. Suggested murder weapon: long dagger.

  Belly cut open.

  Pinky finger taken.

  Kiss on the cheek.

  Merge with cases 1-5.

  H. Tremain

  Records 1-5 had been lost, but this particular document had been kept in the Ativerna police museum for a long time.

  Chapter 3

  Her Majesty Maria stared at Lilian Earton, calm but resolute. She expected a serious conversation and had a good reason to. Lily returned the look.

  Her Majesty visiting a day after the funeral was odd. She hadn't ordered Lily to come or summoned her to the palace—she came by herself after waiting for the countess to leave, following her while ignoring all the balls and receptions. The palace clearly had far too many ears for her liking.

  The Eartons, however, had only four: two of Lily's and two of Nanook's, and anyone who dared to eavesdrop on the latter might find themselves in possession of extra legs. That dog was much more than a cute smile, adorable eyes, and thick fur—he also had a lot of sharp teeth.


  "Your Majesty," Lily said and tried to curtsey, but Maria stopped her with a sharp gesture.

  "Stop it!"

  Lily obediently nodded.

  Yes, Maria had changed a lot since leaving Wellster. She was no longer a scrawny teenager but a pretty girl in her prime, tall and statuesque, with dark hair, smooth white skin, and huge eyes.

  Her Majesty Albitta had been a stunner in her youth, and her daughter was on par with her, maybe even exceeding the late queen in some ways—after all, there was a reason why her father Gardwig had been once called the Lion of Wellster.

  Maria took the best from her parents, and Lily thought she and Richard were destined to have gorgeous children. Not yet, of course—a little later. Richard had decided to wait with intimacy until Maria came of age, and with children, until she turned nineteen.

  The monarch's sexual education wasn't Lily's handiwork. It was all much simpler: after Tira's death, Richard didn't want anyone or anything, as if he had been frozen.

  Sex with another woman after losing her, his one and only? Richard was incapable of that, and thus, he seized the excuse granted to him by Lilian. Nobody was sure what would happen. Early pregnancy was known to be harmful to women, as well as having sex too early. Some things shouldn't be rushed.

  Edward hadn't insisted, either. As far as Lily knew, Angelina shared certain details with him, and His Majesty opted not to push, imagining himself in his son's place and retreating without saying a word.

  "Something's wrong?" Lily asked, not bothering with formalities.

  "Yes," Maria said, nodding. "Lilian, who is Tira?"

  Lily bit her lip, hoping that it didn't make her look stupid. How had Maria learned that name? Who dared?

  Apparently, that question was all but written on her face, as Maria paced the room, threw her fan on the couch, and turned back to the countess.

  "Richard mentioned her last night, in his sleep."

  "He did?"

  Maria cast her eyes downward.

  "Lilian, we..."

  Lily threw her hands up.

  “I get it. No need to continue."

  Nothing strange about that, really. His father's death had probably become a trigger for Richard, and he wanted comfort. Why not from Maria?

  He wouldn't run away from the palace, and he had no official mistress, either.

  "In his sleep, Richard tossed and turned, begging his father not to leave. Then he remembered Tira and started calling for her... I tried to wake him up and succeeded, but..."

  "But? Your Ma—"


  "Fine, Maria." Lily gave up, knowing that it wasn't the queen who asked her that question but a girl who had no idea what to expect—girl who was scared.

  Who wouldn't be, in a situation like that, when any decision you made would last a lifetime with no chance of fixing your mistake?

  Her Majesty lowered herself into a chair and stared at Lilian.

  The countess capitulated and headed to a small bar.

  "Pick a liquor. Raspberry, cherry, plum, lingonberry?"

  "Cherry," Maria replied. "Will we need it?"

  Everyone knew Lilian's aversion to alcohol. She would only drink in a moment of turmoil, no other way.

  The only exception was a severe bout of cold that could be prevented by a dose of spirits and a good deal of warmth, allowing one to wake up hale and healthy in the morning. That clearly wasn't the case, however.

  "It's for you. I'll just...keep you company."

  "It's so bad?" Maria asked, trying to feign a smile.

  "Oh, yes." Lilian nodded and poured the drink into shot glasses, her hand unflinching. That, by the way, was also a source of revenue for Mariella Trading House: liquors, special bottles, glasses of various shapes...

  It wasn't a question of taste but prestige. That bottle cost so much that sometimes it scared Lily, but if you had exclusive products based on recipes from another world and prepared using top-quality materials...

  The drink was delicious and barely tasted of alcohol, but Lily knew that even two shots would be enough to knock her brain into a cherry haze.

  She poured herself only a few drops but filled Maria's glass to the top, then laid out the refreshments: nuts, dried fruit, and sweets, nodding at the shots.

  "Let's go."

  Maria obediently made a few sips, and Lily started telling the story.

  "Tira's dead. She was already dead when you met Ric

  Her Majesty breathed out with clear relief.


  "Yes. The problem is, Richard loved her."

  Maria made a few more sips.

  "He did?"

  Lily shrugged.

  "I didn't want to speak of that, but that's the truth, and I can't change it."

  "And he still loves her?"

  It was Lily's turn to take a sip.

  "I don’t think so. It's more like...a treat you haven't gotten to eat, you know?"


  "Imagine going to dinner and seeing a pretty and tasty cake. You want to eat it, but someone does it before you, or you get distracted before you can taste it. Even after ten or twenty years, you'll still remember that cake and regret never getting to eat it."

  Maria slowly nodded.

  "You think that's what it's like for Richard?"


  Lily mentally apologized to Richard for that lie. She would talk to him later, or better yet, to Jerisson. Fine, she would think about that some more. For the time being, the only thing that mattered was the girl sitting across from her with Bambi's eyes and asking for help or at least comfort. Even a few soothing words would go a long way!

  Maria breathed out and finished the glass.

  "But what should I do?"

  "Ignore it," Lily replied firmly. "Put on a brave face and never mention it. Trust me; it will pass."

  "But, Richard remembers her."

  “So? She died, and the rest is history."

  Maria slowly lowered her gaze.

  "Thank you, Lilian."

  Almost like a mother, Lily patted the dark hair done in an elaborate hairdo. That was improper, of course, unacceptable. Still, the moment called for it. For Maria, Lilian Earton had become close enough to feel like family, which wasn't all that surprising, really. Her saving Milia and the children, the journey from Wellster when Lilian and Mirrie were the only ones to help the princess adapt while the other ladies were busy recuperating from everything that had happened, and then her assistance in Ativerna...

  Lily hadn't done any of that to benefit herself, and Maria knew that. In the end, Countess Earton became an older sister or an honorary aunt to her, someone she could always confide in.


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