A New World

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A New World Page 11

by Lina J. Potter

  No, Lily didn't like that at all. She needed to find the sender and stop it before Jerisson started to be jealous.


  Baron Lofrayne looked stunning, and he knew that. A gold-embroidered doublet the color of unripe nuts that showed off his eyes, a cloak made of heavy emerald-green velvet with a bronze lining, a golden sash... Even the tops of his boots were woven with gold.

  Tony looked in the mirror, adjusted his curled lock, and smiled. Absolutely ravishing. He was drop-dead handsome and irresistible to women. Nobody could stand a chance against him.

  Finally, the Mariella Trading House. It looked truly spectacular, with its glass windows, dishware made of spatter glass, the mannequins... More than just pretty, it was both pretty and rich.

  Tony threw the reins to the stable hand and entered the building.

  "I'm here to see Countess Earton."

  One of the girls gave him a low bow, demonstrating nice breasts inside the cleavage.

  "Please wait a minute, sir. She will be informed of your arrival."

  Lofrayne nodded and graciously agreed to wait while examining the mannequins dressed in lacy underwear. It looked...well, impressive.

  Lilian wasn't long in coming. She was wearing a simple white dress with green stripes, her breasts hidden under a lacy inset. Emeralds sparkled on her hands, both in her rings and her count's bracelet.

  Lofrayne bowed, giving her a sultry look, then took her hand and marked it with a fervent kiss.

  He knew how to make a lady feel his passion with just a kiss, to embarrass her, and to let her know she was desirable.

  But this time, there was no reply. Even her fingers didn't twitch.

  Tony straightened up, looked Lilian in the eyes with a piercing gaze, and smiled.

  "Your Grace, I'm happy to see you..."

  Lily snickered under her breath. What a pathetic act! But then, how was he to know that in the Twenty-first Century, such hijinks would rather make a lady cringe instead of embarrassing her. She might appreciate the cuteness, but become flustered? Blush? Tremble?

  Yeah, right. If the baron pulled out and demonstrated something important or even tried to have his way with her on the closest table, it would have, at least, succeeded in getting her attention (although probably not of the type he wished for). But looks? Sighs?

  A medical student would never be impressed with those. They weren't even enough to make her laugh.

  Lily listened to the complements with a completely serious face and gave him a token smile.

  "So, Baron, have you decided which of our products interest you?"

  "Well, yes..."

  The next hour was very fruitful for Lilian and absolutely horrible for Anthony. Lily went through the entire list of articles, specifying the number of orders, the price, the color, the size... Any attempts to deviate from the topic came to nothing.

  "Yes, two diadems. You know, I think that you'd look amazing in a green amber diadem. It would favor your skin, your clear and deep eyes..."

  "Yes, I wash up every morning. So, two diadems. How many pendants, sixteen?"


  "Four of them with red amber, four with gold, four with green, and four with gems of all colors."

  "Exactly. Lady, may I?"

  A light touch, a pendant placed right on top of her chest...

  "How it scintillates on you! It's not the gem that adorns you—you eclipse any jewels..."

  "I'm not demonstrating them. Sixteen rings, right?"


  By the end of the hour, Tony was ready to howl. Lilian hadn't fallen for any of his tricks. No flirting, no fibs, nothing. Only her work and business. If Tony didn't know how ordinary women reacted to him, he would have started to doubt himself. There he was, all but jumping out of his own skin, but the countess hadn't battled an eyelash. Even heavy artillery produced no result.

  "Your Grace, I marvel at your intelligence. How did it all ever occur to you? You’re magnificent.”

  What was the favorite subject of any woman? Herself! Let her boast about her smarts or talent, and she wouldn't stop until the morning. But even in this, Lilian proved to be an exception.

  "Baron, we're discussing the goods rather than me. Let's stick to business..."

  And it was back to the catalog: the prices, the terms...

  Tony didn't know that Lilian couldn't simply talk about herself. What would she say?

  I haven't truly invented anything. All of that, I've learned in another world, at college...

  Instead, she didn't even try to explain herself, simply stating facts and keeping to the point. She had realized she was being "hit on" almost immediately and tried to avoid showing her reaction. Business came first, and feelings... Well, actually, what feelings could she have for that boy? None!

  What about him, then?

  Lilian didn't really believe in love at first sight—at least when it came to the Avesterian. With looks like that, women probably fell for him in droves. For him to get smitten with her...

  Lily had a healthy self-image. She knew that she was pretty, true. Was that enough for a man to become weak in his knees at the very sight of her? Not really. She could tell the truth from an act. Anthony was a spirited performer, but what was his true goal? A discount?

  Fat chance! All she was prepared to do was cut the price a little bit for buying in bulk, just a tiny rebate.

  Tony tried, exerting himself as he had never done before, but alas, it was pointless. He didn't achieve anything.

  At last, the negotiations were over, and it was time for him to leave.

  "Your Grace, will I see you again?"

  "Of course, Baron."


  "Soon. I'll be at court."

  "I’m looking forward to it.”

  Lily gave him a tantalizing smile. Thankfully, her next visit to the palace wasn’t scheduled for two weeks. Maybe she would get lucky and the baron would go home before then?

  A girl could dream.


  Tony was extremely displeased.

  No, not with himself—he had given it his all, brought his A game, so to speak, almost turning himself inside out. But Lilian Earton just didn't seem to react.

  Well then. At least, it broke the monotony. Usually, ladies gave up quickly and easily. This one would make him work for it. That was interesting.

  Tony smelled prey. That woman would be his. She would writhe and moan underneath him. She would ask and beg, chase after him. Her, not him.

  Tony felt like a hunter, for once, anticipating a thrilling duel with Lilian Earton. Was she truly so shy or cold, or did she just love her husband?

  He would have to find out at their next meeting.


  After the second bouquet came the third, then the fourth and the fifth. Jess could only shake his head as he looked at Miranda's happiness.

  Lily, however, was sullen. No, she still smiled in public, but the notes were never far from her thoughts. Thank Aldonai, the first one had been so confusing: the rest were far from that.

  They had everything, speaking of her golden locks that would look so fetching while strewn on a pillow—clearly, not her husbands, who had seen enough of them already—as well as her swanlike neck, her elevated breasts (exact words!), her hips, the swinging of which could drive a man insane...

  That was the last straw. Lily thought that upon meeting the mysterious stranger, she would enjoy performing on him a craniotomy using improvised tools such as a log, a pan, or a poker, and wrote a note to Hans Tremain. She didn't want to bother her friend, but the problem didn't seem to be going away anytime soon.

  Hans came to visit her that same day and took Lilian's request quite seriously.

  "Your Grace, did you ask for this in any way?"


  "Forgive me," the king's envoy smiled. "But still..."

  Lily shook her head.

  "How can your wife love you, with you being such a pest?"

"I suppose it's a miracle of Aldonai," Hans retorted. "But..."

  "I never asked for this," Lily grumbled. "I swear it."

  "I believe you. Whom did you cross, then?"

  "That's a long list," Lily said with a sigh.

  That was correct. A few years before, when Princess Maria had started forming her entourage, there was only one person who got included right away: Her Grace Lilian Earton. The princess's judgment was strict, too. She would remove any lady who ran afoul of the countess, but Her Grace would stay. Nobody really knew about Lilian's adventures in Wellster.

  That incident didn't win her any points, no matter how the Roivels and the Elonts strove to smooth things over. Back then, Lily didn't care. She thought it didn't matter. Was it still true?

  With the princess turning into the queen, someone might have decided to start their revenge.

  Someone...or anyone, as Lily told Hans. Tremain shook his head and, for starters, arranged for a gang of urchins to follow the messenger.


  Of all the residents of a city, who knew the most of its goings-on?

  Beggars, thieves, and street urchins: the first two categories by virtue of their jobs, and the third, out of simple curiosity.

  Just give them a few coins, ask a few questions, and they would tell you so much you'd get tired of sorting out that information.

  In less than three days, Hans returned to Lilian with a report.

  "My people followed the messenger."

  "There are several of them."

  "But all of the flowers are of top quality. Only several florists in the city can arrange anything like that."

  "I didn’t know that."

  "You, Countess, have no need of giving flowers to anyone. They're given to you."


  "Indeed. But the florists aren't to blame."

  "Who is, then?"

  "The flowers aren't grown in the city but rather on the farms in the countryside."


  "That's where a certain charming fellow with fair hair and green eyes made an order for delivery..."

  As Lily listened to the description, she was reminded of someone she knew.

  "A ring with a baron's sapphire, the coat of arms..."




  "That's the one."

  "Why would he need that?" Lilian wondered aloud. "He got the wares; I even promised a discount. What else could he want?"

  "I can't answer that," Hans said, shaking his head. "I suggest we keep looking. For the answer, that is, not the baron."

  "We could simply ask him," Lily retorted.

  "What if he doesn't reply?"

  "What choice does he have?"

  "Lilian, I can't grab him and drag into the interrogation room. He's from Avester. We must be more careful."

  Lily chuckled.

  "I wasn't asking you for such measures, although I absolutely will. Why would he want to sneak his poison into someone else's soup?"

  "I don't know, either."

  "Let's find out. Together."

  "What if he's simply courting you? What if he likes you, Lilian?"

  Lily shook her head.

  "I don't believe that, Hans."


  "I've seen him. I looked him in the eye when he came for the wares. Maybe that's what his love is like; I can't be sure. Maybe he can love someone else besides himself. Still, I don't believe that."

  "You are a beautiful, smart, and charming woman. Isn't that enough?"

  "For those like Lofrayne, it is. Still, Hans, I don't think this is love or even infatuation. There is something behind this...something bad."

  "If you think so, Lilian, then we must investigate."

  "Let's do it. Together."

  Hans smiled and nodded.

  A woman defending her nest...

  One could only feel for the baron. Well, not for long. Just for the short time he had left to live.


  Lilian hadn't changed her opinion about balls since the last one she visited, but work was work. She wasn't just Lilian Earton but also the face of Mariella Trading House, and she, of all people, had to demonstrate her wares.

  And so, she tried. Her visits to the balls weren't frequent, but she regularly showed off the new models that immediately came in vogue.

  The latest time was no different. The countess looked as usual, in her comparatively plain emerald silk dress only decorated by embroidered maple leaves, but her shoes... The almost scandalously short skirt ended at the ankles, allowing everyone to see the exotic footwear that made her feet look amazingly elegant.

  The shoemaker hadn't quite yet mastered stiletto heels, but he was already close, the idea of an arch support already resonating with him. One would think that it was a simple concept, yet nobody had thought of that before. Cothurni and platform shoes were one thing, but stiletto heels, so graceful and so modern-looking, were something quite different.

  Remembering Earth, Lily ordered him to paint the soles green. Let it be her signature mark! Really, was Mariella any worse than Louboutin? Nope! Even better!

  I wonder, does plagiarizing ideas from another world deserve a punishment?

  Lily effortlessly handled the heels, and ladies watched her, green with envy. Soon, very soon, Mariella would get a full crowd of visitors.

  Jerisson, as usual, danced only with his wife, never letting anyone else step in. The court was already used to that. After six dances, Lily asked for mercy, and her loving husband escorted her away from the dance floor, gave her a glass of water (no wine in public—she drank only when she was sure of the company), and left, summoned by Her Majesty Maria.

  Lily smiled with the corners of her mouth.

  Her Majesty had a good reason for distracting Jerisson. Lily needed room to for maneuver, and how was she to have it with her husband always hanging around her? That was just impossible.

  Maria, incidentally, had already appreciated the look of the new shoes. Lily had promised her the first batch. The queen was supposed to come first, after all. Lilian was just a model.

  And yes, she would give Maria certain pointers about heels. Using them was no easy task. The right manner of walking—a straight back, slight swaying of the hips—made the stilettos look very alluring. Overdoing that might make a woman into a wannabe streetwalker. That clearly wouldn't do. Heels were a complicated kind of footwear and required special skills.

  Lilian didn't have to wait long. She had planned to finish her glass of water and find her quarry, but she didn't have to search long. Lofrayne came to her himself.

  “Your Grace...”

  His bow was more than respectful. Too bad that his eyes were glued to her cleavage, making Lilian want to cover it up with a shawl. On the other hand, why should she? Yes, she had a nice pair of breasts, but it was no excuse to leer at her. She dressed like that for her husband so that everyone would envy him. And the cut wasn't especially deep and covered with lace, anyway.

  Or was the man trying to embarrass her? Oh no, Baron, you shouldn't. A medical student couldn't be embarrassed even by a nudist parade or an orgy. In the latter case, they might even make a remark about STDs, ruining the mood.

  "Baron," Lily said without trying to stand up. She had no desire to.

  "You're the true queen of this ball, Your Grace. You've eclipsed all women..."

  "Sir Lofrayne, due to my forgiving mood, I'll give you advice," Lily purred.

  “I’m listening, Your Grace.”

  "I don't recommend that you call any more women queens. It's not a thing at our court."

  "Is Her Majesty so jealous?"

  "No. His Majesty doesn't understand stupid jokes."

  Lofrayne bowed.

  "As you wish, Milady."

  "Oh, it's just a piece of advice," Lily said, smiling blissfully. "Decide for yourself what to do with it."

  "I will take it into consideration, same as any words coming out of y
our lips..."

  He wasn't supposed to look at her lips that way, either.

  Lily sincerely hoped that Maria would deal with her task and went on the offensive.

  After all, the baron wasn't the only one allowed to do that.

  "Thank you for the flowers, Baron. They are charming. Writing, however, isn't your strong suit. Your letters are a real shame..."

  Lofrayne was the picture of shock. Well, he asked for it. He might be a baron but also a moron! However, his confusion didn't last long.

  "Your Grace, I..."

  "Yes, Baron, you. Please don't waste my time on silly excuses!"

  The baron realized that excuses weren't going to cut it and decided to take the horse but its horns. The results were the same. After all, horses had no horns. No matter how much you try, you'll never find what to grab onto.

  The attempt had no success, but watching it from the sidelines would be quite entertaining.

  Lily didn't even notice being led away from the hall. A second ago, she was in control, but the baron was helped by assertion and a great deal of experience. Instead of standing in a quiet nook, they moved to the doors of the hall and then, to the sound of endless compliments, teleported to the corridor. Fine. Let's consider this a show for one person only, not for the public.

  It all looked so romantic, though, so poetic!

  A stunning man, desired by half the women in the ballroom, fell on one knee, grabbed Lilian's hand, and put it next to his lips. Got you.

  Gloves were everything. Fingerless, lacy but thick—Lily had woven them in her free time to avoid losing the skill.

  Did you think that needlework was easy?

  No. Any medic had to have nimble fingers, and that's why Aliya had been studying lacework and macrame and having piano lessons (she might have a tin ear, but it did wonders for developing manual dexterity). All of that enhanced her fine motor skills, too, not to mention her general development. Aliya's fingers were amazingly flexible, and somehow, it had passed on to Lilian Earton.

  Although, in this world, girls did needlework from childhood...


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