A New World

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A New World Page 20

by Lina J. Potter

  If they had ridden to the sea, it meant that they had a ship.

  "Abduction." Leif finally managed to wake up the wounded man. He didn't last long, but he found the strength to say the word. "What do you have?"

  The Ativernans relayed their version of the events.

  Leif turned grim. Now that was a problem.

  A ship? Which one? Where did it go? How long was it waiting?

  Finding a ship in the sea with no information on it seemed like a long shot.

  He would have to leave for Laveri, inform the king, find the harbor roll...

  He would have to start a search and save the countess.

  Virmans were never known for being ungrateful. Lilian Earton had given a new life to them and an alliance, hope for the future, and recognition to their island. How could they not repay her?

  If they didn't, their ancestors would curse them, and their gods would turn their backs on them.

  To Laveri, at once.

  As for the rest...

  "You two and Gael! Take a group of ten and follow the trail to the shore. Be careful; don't get into an ambush!"

  "Got it."

  If there was a ship, the Virmans would hardly catch up to it, but at least they could take a look.

  Who said that all ships looked the same? For Virmans, that sounded quite silly. They could recognize a ship anywhere if they saw it even once.


  Leif looked at the dog.

  Normally, he could easily cross the distance to Castle Taral, but in a state like that...

  "Ivar, you're the lighter one!"

  "Yes, Captain?"

  "Put the dog in front of you, got it?"

  Nanook got it, at least.

  Ivar put his rolled down cloak between himself and the saddlebow and tapped his hand, then suddenly realized something.

  "Ren, help me!"

  Another Virman lifted the dog and helped him up. Nanook might have jumped up by himself, but his hind leg was bleeding again.

  Dogs might be quick healers, but they still hurt a lot and required care.

  Nanook sank down on the horse's back, dangling his paws, and relaxed.

  They were going to Laveri.

  Friends were there. His master was there... He would definitely find his mistress.


  His Majesty was having breakfast together with Her Majesty when they heard screams from the courtyard.

  “Count Earton! Count Earton!"

  The cries were loud enough to draw Richard's attention. Jess wasn't at the palace at that moment, but...

  Richard looked out the window.

  Ativerna didn't have an especially strict etiquette compared to, say, medieval Spain, and Richard himself had done a lot to avoid being bothered by seneschals.

  “What’s wrong?”

  “Countess Earton!"

  The Virman, whom Richard recognized as Leif, didn't say anything else.

  "Come to me immediately!"

  Maria looked at her husband, fear in her eyes.


  "Darling, you—"

  "I'll go with you!"

  Finally, Maria looked like a real daughter of the Lion of Wellster. Even if young, a lioness was staring at her husband.

  Lilian was a close friend. Something bad had happened to her, and Maria was supposed to stay in her chambers and embroider?

  Do you even understand what nonsense you're saying?

  Richard nodded.

  "Let's go."

  The ruling couple left the room, and to be completely honest, the only reason Richard wasn't running was that kings weren't supposed to. In times of peace, it would cause laughter, and in war, a panic.

  Aldonai, what could have happened to Lilian?

  Richard felt a cold hand around his insides. He still remembered what he had felt when Tira...

  He didn't want that for his brother. Aldonai, please, have mercy on Jerisson!


  The Virman was grim and covered with dirt.

  "Your Majesty, Countess Earton has been abducted."



  Richard breathed out in relief.

  She was alive. The rest could be dealt with.

  "How did it happen?"

  "Unknown attackers set up an ambush on the way to Taral. They shot the countess' guards with crossbows, the countess herself killed one of the attackers..."

  "Bless her!" Maria couldn't resist exclaiming.

  Richard nodded in agreement. Good job, really. Served them right.

  "She was taken to the sea, to be put on a ship, we assume. We sent some of the men to the coast and some to Laveri."

  "And to the Eartons?"

  "That, too."

  Richard nodded.

  "Then let's wait for Jerisson. And until then... Dear, could you arrange chambers for Miranda and maids for the children? And Alicia would probably want to stay closer to them, too."

  "Of course, Your Majesty," Maria said, sending her husband a grateful look and standing up from the throne.

  A good decision.

  At that moment, she couldn't be of any help, nobody would hide any news from her, as Richard had made it clear, and she needed to keep busy. Absolutely.

  Doing was always easier than thinking—thinking about what might happen to Lilian or why she had been abducted.

  Goodness, gracious...

  Aldonai, help her!


  But Aldonai was in no hurry to help anyone, least of all Lilian Earton.

  Lily was starting to feel seasick.

  Yep, that was her problem. She almost didn't want to live.

  By the time Lofrayne returned to the cabin, finally calm, Lilian was at her wit's end. She felt a lump in her throat as waves of nausea came over her. There was nothing at hand—no lemon, no ginger...

  Dammit! Argh!

  Lily glanced at Lofrayne like an unmilked cobra.

  "What the hell do you want?"

  "You are so rude, Your Grace. I thought you'd extend hospitality to me," Lofrayne retorted, trying to mock her.

  "Oh, I'd love to, in due form," Lilian drawled, dreamy, and imagined extending him on a rack. How long would he last? Not long enough, she wagered.

  "I brought you something."

  He showed her a blanket, a pillow, and a towel.

  Lily stared at Lofrayne like he was an idiot.

  "How long are you going to be at sea? Until Avester?"


  "Lofrayne," Countess Earton told him in an icy tone. "You are a halfwit."

  Tony opened his mouth. He did not expect that.

  A villain, a rascal, an abductor, a murderer, maybe even a rapist...but a halfwit? Why?

  "I have one dress. One set of underwear. Are you suggesting I spend a month wearing that?"

  His mouth closed.

  True, it hadn't occurred to him.

  "There are some clothes aboard..."

  "Worn by waterside whores?"

  Tony hesitated.

  He had a flaw in his plan.

  "I think the captain has some fabrics. I'll order them to bring them to you..."

  "Fabric, thread, needles, scissors," Lily said, her eyes still icy. "If there's any men's wear, I can alter it."

  It's not like Lily was a great seamstress. Making a fashionable dress or a suit was quite beyond her. But a plain skirt or one-size-fits-all pants? Those she could cut and stitch without any problems. They wouldn't be perfect, but they would do.

  Lofrayne gave her a nasty smile.

  "I could offer you my wardrobe."

  "I'd rather make do without fleas," Lily retorted. She felt worse with every minute.

  Anthony seemed offended.

  "Or I might not, unless you show me some latitude..."

  He probably shouldn't have stepped forward, and he definitely shouldn't have grabbed the hand of a woman in the throes of seasickness and pulled her closer.

  Everything th
at Lily had eaten for breakfast spilled out right on Lofrayne's chest. Tony flinched back, yelling in anger, but Lilian didn't care anymore. Nausea had already taken hold over her and wasn't going to let its prey go. She fell on her knees next to the waste bucket and continued pouring out her opinion about the baron.

  Tony looked at that, gave up, and left.

  He hadn't expected his captive to become seasick. Why didn't he, though? After all, Countess Earton was human...or was she?


  “Holy Aldonai!”

  Jess had never been so scared in his life. Well, maybe a few years ago in Wellster, but it was a real coup back then.

  What was going on at the moment, though? Everything seemed quite peaceful and nice...and then his wife was kidnapped! Aldonai!

  “Who? How?"

  "We don't know who, not yet. They stopped the carriage on the road..."

  Jess listened in silence. Finally, at home, Nanook lay down on the rug and whimpered.

  Miranda rushed into the room, followed by Lou-Lou and the children.

  As she heard the news, she clutched at her head.

  "Mama! Mommy!"

  Jess grabbed his daughter's shoulders and shook them.

  "Take care of Nanook! He's wounded!"

  "Help me, Lady Miranda," Tahir said, manifesting out of thin air. "Please."

  "I'll go to the palace. We'll raise the royal guard and the navy," Jess said, nodding.


  "I'll send a messenger," he promised as he took off. "I swear."

  Leif followed the count.

  The Virman felt guilty. He should have kept watch, and it didn't matter that it wasn't his task.

  It was his fault, and that was it.


  Three hours later, six men were sitting in the royal study: Richard himself, Jerisson, Eric, Leif, Bran, and Hans. They had already dispatched messengers to the harbor and issued orders to the forts. The only thing left was to figure out what had happened. However, all men shared the same suspicions.

  Richard had no idea how Gardren had learned about everything, but when he arrived, he couldn't turn him back. That would be the same as stopping a wave: you could try, but it would still do what it wished while you kept standing there with a fish under your armpit and weed in your ears, dripping wet.

  "Avester," Jess concluded.

  "I examined the body left by Her Grace." Bran spoke quietly, but somehow loud enough even for the guards in the dungeons to hear him—that's how compelling was his voice. "It's a mercenary from the Black Cats gang, going by the tattoo on his shoulder. Recently, a score of men had seceded from the main group..."

  "And of course, they haven't mentioned their possible employer, have they?" Richard harbored no illusions.

  "Not quite," Hans said, quiet and delicate. "Your Majesty, it's customary for mercenaries to celebrate being given an advance..."

  "Cut to the chase!" Jerisson snapped.

  "Jess!" Richard rebuffed him.

  "Excuse me..."

  "We're all on edge. So, Baron Tremain?"

  "One of the mercenaries let it slip that they're going on a voyage to Avester."

  "Oh, really?"


  A voyage to Avester...

  "It's Lofrayne," Jerisson said, flaring up. "That creep..."

  "Too bad we can't prove it," Richard growled.

  "Give us time," Bran replied. "We'll prove it."

  "We have time, but does Lilian Earton?" Richard narrowed his eyes.

  "Not much," Bran agreed. "But she's smart, and he needs her alive. She can make use of that. I know Countess Earton, and her mind is our salvation—and hers as well."

  The rest of the men silently agreed with his words.

  "I'll ship out," Eric declared, slamming his fist on the table. "And I'm not going to miss any ship bound for Avester!"

  "You won't go alone," Leif gave a sharp nod. "The whole of Virma will go."

  "Six ships left the harbor over the last five days," Bran informed them. "The Dancer, The Prancing Mermaid, The Pearl Shell, Clarissa, Rosebay, and Aldonai's Grace. Most likely, Lilian Earton is on one of them."

  The Virmans nodded. Those six ships wouldn't last long at sea. They would find them, and they would search them. A person could be hidden aboard a ship, but not from a Virman. They could find a needle in a haystack, as long as it was at sea.

  "Sounds like a plan," Richard said, nodding curtly. "You'll sail. Jess, you'll go home. What if they send you a list of demands or make an attempt on Miranda or the younger children?"

  Jess nodded.

  "Should I take them to the palace?"

  "Preferably today. Do it."

  "Thank you, Your—"


  Jerisson bowed and left.

  "Hans. We have agents in Avester. Bran, I know you have people there as well...do you understand?"

  "Yes, Your Majesty," both men said in unison.

  "I suggest you move your families into the palace as well. The sooner, the better."

  “Yes, Your Majesty."

  "Today," Richard stressed.

  The men bowed.

  Really, why waste their breath? It was obvious that the palace was safer. It was especially important for Bran, who valued his family more than his own life, and he truly appreciated Richard's concern. His Majesty was worried about his sister, it made sense, but Bran's children and Bran himself would stay safe, too.

  His family.

  "If everything's clear, proceed," Richard said, releasing everyone. "Gardren, the Avesterian ambassador will arrive soon. Would you like to attend?"

  "By Your Majesty's permission."

  "You have it. Actually, I insist."

  "Thank you for your trust, Your Majesty."

  Richard nodded, summoned a servant, and ordered him to put Bran Gardren in the small reception hall so he couldn't be seen. Then he went to see Maria.


  Her Majesty had her arms around Richard's neck.

  “My darling?"

  He stroked her shining dark locks.

  "Yes, Maria...it's an abduction. We're going to search for her."

  "I believe you! You'll succeed, won’t you?"

  Richard sighed.

  "I swear, my dear, I'll get her back..."

  "Oh, Richard..."

  But Maria didn't even get the chance to cry. A servant came in, announcing the arrival of the Avesterian ambassador. Richard let out a vicious smile.

  "I'll give him a thorough rinsing."

  "Can I watch?" Maria asked, finally calm.

  Richard shook his head.

  "I don't think you should."

  "Richard, please!"

  He sighed and gave up.

  "Maria, let's strike a deal."

  "What deal?"

  "You can watch, but from a secret passage. You'll be able to see and hear everything, but nobody will know you're there."

  "Oh, Richard! Thank you!"

  Richard sighed.

  Let it be so. Later, Maria would tell everything to Miranda to allay the girl's fears...but honestly, it would be simpler for him than telling his wife everything.

  She'd be grateful, too. It meant she wasn't dismissed from the affairs of the state, helping her husband as much as she could. It mattered a lot to Maria.

  After all, she was a king's daughter.

  "Come on, darling. I'll show you the secret passage."

  Maria smiled at her husband.

  It was an unbecoming thought, but Lilian Earton's abduction made them closer. Well, it was time to look at the ambassador. Let's hear him making excuses!


  His Majesty Richard was furious.

  Horatio Alden was almost scared. Well, a little.

  He knew that there was no proof, and he couldn't be linked to Lilian Earton's abduction, but still—kings didn't always need evidence. Sometimes, suspicion was enough, and proving his innocence was going to be far from trivial.

“Your Majesty...”

  "Count Alden," Richard said, wary. "Well, I'm listening."

  “Your Majesty?"

  Alden was acting and knew that Richard didn't believe it. It was clear as day.

  "Where's Baron Lofrayne?"

  "Your Majesty, he returned to our homeland."

  “Oh, really? On which ship?"

  "The Prancing Mermaid."

  What was there to hide? They were bound to learn the truth eventually.

  "Great. This ship isn't Avesterian, is it?"

  "You’re right, Your Majesty."

  "Why didn't the baron take Flying Dolphin or Dancing Lady?"

  Richard had recently looked through the papers and remembered the names of Avesterian vessels. The Prancing Mermaid, you say?

  He would check all six ships anyway; what if Alden was lying?

  "I cannot say, Your Majesty."

  "But I can. Your baron is guilty of abducting Countess Earton, Alden."

  Horatio didn't say anything.

  He didn't turn pale or bite his lip—that would be so vulgar! He was a diplomat, and diplomats were evidently descended from reptiles. Have you ever seen an emotional lizard?

  Well, emotional diplomats didn't exist, either.

  “Your Majesty...”

  "I'm waiting for an answer, Count Alden."

  Richard didn't raise his voice or show his anger. Outwardly, he was completely calm, and only his knuckles, white with rage, betrayed his mood. That's what frightened Alden the most.

  No hysterics, no screams, no scandals—only an icy rage spilling out from the inside, taking a man over...

  The scariest thing about all of that was the unpredictability.

  In a second, Horatio could find himself on a rack or even a chopping block.

  Honestly, he didn't want to guess. Richard's wrath turned out to be chilling, and the diplomat knew that he would be lucky to leave the room unharmed.

  "Your Majesty, I don't know what to say. I know that Baron Lofrayne is in love with Her Grace, and it's hard for me to condemn him..."

  "Did you condemn him?"

  "Her Grace in a beautiful woman. I could understand those who fell victim to her charms. But as far as I know, the baron's feelings weren't one-sided."

  "You don't say!"

  Richard's voice stank of irony. The count pretended not to notice it and shrugged.


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