Something About Eve (An Eve Sumptor Book 1)

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Something About Eve (An Eve Sumptor Book 1) Page 2

by Jourdyn Kelly

  “You come here often?” Lainey asked, a little confused by the abrupt change in subject.

  “Actually, I own it,” Eve responded.

  “Oh!” Lainey exclaimed. She couldn’t have been more surprised if Eve had told her she owned the moon. The building that Sumptor Inc. was housed in certainly didn’t look as though it were owned by someone who owned the busiest, most expensive restaurant in town. “I had no idea. My husband and I came here once for our anniversary. It’s wonderful.”

  Eve chuckled, “Thank you. I’m glad you enjoyed your time here.” She paused as the waiter came to take their order. “You were wondering why you’re working in a closet if I own this restaurant, right?”

  Lainey almost choked on her water at Eve’s directness.

  “Sorry,” Eve said reaching across the table to pat Lainey’s hand, deliberately ignoring the electricity she felt from the contact. She wasn’t ready to analyze those feelings yet. “Are you okay?”

  “Yes,” Lainey said, after clearing her throat. She, too, had felt the electricity, and to say that it had confused her was an understatement. “To both questions. I didn’t realize I was so transparent.”

  “You’re not,” Eve told her. “It was a logical guess. There was a fire, and I lost everything. Sumptor Inc., Sumptor Gallery, all of that beautiful art - all gone. I put all of the insurance money and much of my own into rebuilding, so when I found a place to work out of while the rebuild was being done, I didn’t want to waste money on high rent. I know it’s been hard on my employees to have to work in such conditions, and I apologize for that. But, the new place will hopefully make up for it. It’s going to be beautiful. And the gallery...oh, Lainey, it’s exquisite.”

  “I can’t wait to see it,” Lainey said with honest anticipation. “I’m so sorry about the fire. How did it start?”

  She saw some emotion flicker in Eve’s eye, but it was gone so fast that she didn’t recognize what it was. Anger?

  “I don’t know,” Eve said quietly. “No one seems to have that answer for me. ‘Perhaps it was faulty wiring, Ms. Sumptor.’ Perhaps.”

  “Were you an art major as well?” Lainey asked tactfully after the waiter brought their salads out.

  “Yes,” Eve told her, lifting a careless shoulder. “I studied in Europe mostly. Paris, Italy, Spain. You know, all the predictable places a young, art major should study.”

  Lainey frowned. “Your parents sent you to Europe to study? I would have loved that, but mine didn’t have the money. You sound as though you didn’t enjoy the experience.”

  “My parents didn’t send me. I ran away. I ran all the way to Europe.” Eve paused. “Does that shock you, Lainey? That I ran away? Eve Sumptor, the troubled teen?”

  “How did you live?” Lainey asked her. In truth, it did shock her, but she wasn’t about to pry into Eve’s private life.

  “I worked. I also sold my paintings and photographs. It’s easy to get people to sit for you, to come up to your room, even take their clothes off for you if you’re an attractive young woman.”

  It wasn’t a lie, exactly, Eve thought, unaccustomed to the feeling of guilt for telling the edited version of the story. She had never had a problem with telling partial truths before, but then, she’d never met someone like Lainey. Maybe it was Lainey’s sincere, soulful eyes that made Eve want to tell her everything. Because she believed it was Eve looked away.

  “Did you...” Lainey began, and then caught herself. What had possessed her to want to ask such a personal question?

  “Did I what, Lainey? Have sex with them?” Eve should have known the question would be there, but it still hurt. “No.”

  There was no hesitation, no uncertainty.

  “I’m sorry, Eve.”

  “Don’t be. I’m used to it. People look at me and see a beautiful woman. I suppose that means I should be a slut as well, but I’m not, contrary to popular belief. Not that it matters. It amuses me”

  “It hurts you,” Lainey corrected her. She watched, as Eve put down her fork.

  “You see too much,” she said quietly. “Tell me, why the accounting job.”

  Another abrupt change in subject had Lainey searching for an answer. “Why not?”

  “Because, it’s bound to be too boring for you,” Eve told her.

  “I’m a boring person,” Lainey countered, staring down at the pristine, white table cloth.

  “No. You’re not.” Eve was suddenly angry for reasons she couldn’t explain. “Who told you that you were boring, Lainey?”

  “No one has to tell me, Eve. I’ve always been boring. I was the good daughter. Now I’m the good wife and good mother. Nothing exciting happens in my life. Don’t get me wrong,” she continued quickly as she thought about what she had just said, “I love my children. They mean the world to me. And, I love my husband, though things could be a little better. They are who I am. I’m not like you.”

  “Like me? Hmm - And what exactly does that mean, Lainey?”

  “I just meant - I don’t know, Eve. You’re beautiful, confident, successful, daring. Shall I go on?”

  “What do you have on underneath that gray suit, Lainey?” Eve asked unabashedly.

  “What?” Blushing, Lainey lowered her head again. Eve brought her hand to Lainey’s chin and lifted her head.

  “I didn’t mean to embarrass you. I just want you to tell me what you have on. Humor me,” Eve finished before Lainey could protest.

  “A bra and panties,” Lainey said in a low voice.

  “What color?”



  Confused and uneasy about these unexpected questions, Lainey just nodded her head.

  “See?” Eve declared triumphantly. “That’s very sexy. The gray suit is your shield against the outside world. It portrays how you think everyone sees you. But underneath it all, there’s a passionate, exciting woman just waiting to be set free. Actually, there’s nothing boring about you at all.”

  Lainey thought about what Eve had said as she watched Eve turn her attention back to her salad. Even the way she ate was sensual.

  “What are you wearing under your suit?” Lainey asked, surprising herself.

  “Absolutely nothing,” Eve answered boldly, lifting her glass to Lainey. “But we’re talking about you. Children and a husband do not make you boring. They’re the ones who should make you feel exciting. Especially your husband.”

  “Try telling Jack that,” Lainey muttered. “Do you have someone in your life, Eve? Someone who makes you feel exciting?”

  Eve remained silent for a long moment. “Yes,” she said finally. “I’m seeing someone.”

  “How long have you been in the relationship?”

  “I didn’t say I was in a relationship, Lainey. I’m fucking him.”

  Lainey looked up sharply at Eve. “But...”

  “Look, not all ‘relationships’ are fairy tales. I enjoy sex.”

  She paused as the waiter who was filling Eve’s glass spilled the water. Apologizing profusely, the young man began mopping with a napkin. “It’s fine, leave it,” Eve said kindly, smiling devastatingly at him.

  “I think you just gave that young boy his first orgasm.” Lainey laughed.

  “I hardly doubt it’s his first unless he’s twelve,” Eve countered. “I’ll leave him a nice tip. It’s the least I can do to make up for embarrassing him like that. May I see your watch? I never wear one,” she reached across the table and took Lainey’s hand.

  Her fingers were cool on Lainey’s skin. “We should get going; you don’t want to be late coming back from lunch on your first day.”

  As they left the restaurant together, Lainey was aware that every eye seemed to follow Eve. In the parking garage, they discovered that they had parked next to each other, Lainey’s old, tan station wagon in dramatic contrast to Eve’s sleek, black Jaguar.

  Looking first at the cars and then at each other, they busted out laughing.

  “See? Borin
g,” Lainey managed between gasps of air.

  “It’s too much?” Eve laughed, disengaging the alarm.

  “It’s a beautiful car,” Lainey commented.

  “I’ll give you a ride sometime,” Eve slipped into the driver’s seat and flashed Lainey a grin.

  “I’m going to offer you something, Lainey, and I want you to think about it carefully.” Eve paused for a moment, and then continued. “I want you to be my assistant at the gallery. Before you answer, I want to warn you. Being my assistant means you will have to be at my beck and call at all times, it means long hours with me and most of all it means putting up with my mood swings.”

  She reached over to the glove compartment and took out a pen and a card. After writing on the back of the card, she handed it to Lainey.

  “Here is my home number. Talk to your husband, think about it and call me with your answer. As much as I would love to take you for a drive now, you should get back.”

  “Thank you, Eve. I don’t know what else to say.” Lainey’s mind was racing. She couldn’t believe what was happening to her.

  “Don’t say anything,” Eve told her. “Just think about it and call me later.” With that, she flashed Lainey that devastating smile, winked that charming wink and took off waving.

  Lainey, having thought about nothing but Eve’s offer throughout the day, could barely concentrate on anything else.

  Now, as she sat at the dinner table with her husband and sons, she wondered how she would tell them and when. It had been so long since she had been this happy, and she wanted them to be happy for her.

  “I was offered a promotion today,” she announced and waited for a reaction.

  Jack looked up, annoyed that she had brought up her job.

  “A promotion? What moron offers you a promotion on your first day?”

  “She’s not a moron, Jack,” Lainey answered. She knew how he felt about her working, but hadn’t realized how much it would hurt not to have his support of something that she wanted to do so desperately. “I’ll be working as her assistant at Sumptor Gallery. Art, Jack. You know how much I’ve wanted to do this.”

  “That’s great, Mom!” Kevin exclaimed. He wasn’t interested in art himself, but he knew how much she enjoyed it.

  “Yeah, Mommy! That’s great!” Darren chimed in.

  Lainey placed a hand on each of her son’s faces. “Thank you,” she said. “It’s going to mean longer hours for me. Do you think you can handle not having me around all the time?”

  “Sure. I’m old enough to take care of myself, Ma, and I’ll look out for squirt here, too,” Kevin said with a grin ignoring Darren’s argument that he was old enough to take care of himself, too.

  “I know you are. Both of you. You’ll be able to get in touch with me at all times, just in case.” She glanced at Jack and saw his look of disapproval and anger. “Why don’t you boys go up and get ready for bed. Leave the plates. I’ll get them. I love you, both.”

  They each kissed her on the cheek, told their dad goodnight and bounded up the stairs, while Lainey waited for the argument she knew was coming.

  “You’re not taking it,” Jack said with a finality that made it clear that, as far as he was concerned, that was the end of the conversation.

  “Yes, I am.” She rose and started to clear the dishes off the table. “You know I want this, and I’m going to do it.”

  “And what about us? Have you thought of that, Lainey? What about Kevin and Darren?” he said accusingly.

  “Don’t, Jack. Don’t make me feel guilty about this. You heard the boys. They’re happy for me. Why can’t you be?”

  “Why do you have to change things, Lainey? We were fine the way we were.”

  “No! No, we aren’t fine, Jack.” Her eyes pleaded for him to understand. “Things have to change. I’m your wife and yet you never touch me anymore. All I do is cook and clean for you. You see me as a mother, but goddamn it, Jack, I’m not your mother! I’m taking the job. And things will change, because I don’t know what will happen if they don’t.”

  Eve sat on top of Adam, and he fisted his hands in her hair as she rode him. Sounds of lovemaking and the murmurs of unintelligible words filled the room. Eve enjoyed making love to Adam. He was not only amazingly skillful, but was also as uninhibited about sex as she was. If she wasn’t careful, she could find herself having feelings for this man. Moaning, she reached down to take his face in her hands and kiss him. When her phone rang, she clung to him, letting the machine pick up.

  “Eve?” The voice was uncertain. “It’s Lainey. I just wanted to tell you that I’d take the job.”

  Riding Adam harder and faster, she cried out as she came. Breathing hard, holding Adam tightly to her, Eve closed her eyes and smiled slowly with satisfaction.

  She couldn’t explain why Lainey’s decision had made her so happy, but Eve was determined to find answers for all of the feelings she was experiencing.

  “Do you know why Sumptor called this meeting, Meredith?” Katherine asked under her breath.

  Each of them had found a memo on their desk this morning, requesting them to be in the conference room promptly at eight thirty.

  “No. I have no idea,” Meredith said, annoyed. She should have known, she thought. Eve should have told her what to be expecting, but instead she sat here just as much in the dark as everyone else.

  Just then, Eve walked in the room dressed in fitted charcoal slacks and a pale, lavender cotton shirt that showed off her perfect figure. Every woman in the room felt a sense of envy as she sauntered in, sat down and crossed her legs, each movement filled with an underlying sexuality.

  “Good morning,” Eve began. “I know you’re all wondering why I asked you here this morning. I thought you’d like to know that the new building is finished.”

  The room erupted with cheers and applause.

  Eve chuckled. “I knew that would make you happy. You should pack all of your personal belongings and take them with you tonight. Everything else - will be thrown away. Seriously, all of the files that will be needed will be transferred from these computers to your new computers, which will be on your new desks with your new chairs.”

  The room buzzed with excitement.

  “On another business matter,” Eve began over the noise, “Lainey Stanton will no longer be supervising accountant.”

  A hush fell over the room, and Eve continued without skipping a beat.

  “Katherine, that means you will take her place on a trial basis.”

  Surprised, Katherine could do nothing but stare. It was Meredith who broke the silence. “I don’t understand, Ms. Sumptor.”

  Eve raised a brow. “Katherine is now supervising accountant. I trust that you will show her the ropes.”

  “Yes, of course. But, where will Lainey go?” Even though she was happy about Katherine’s appointment, Meredith still found herself wary about Lainey. What was it about her?

  “Lainey will be my new assistant at the gallery,” Eve answered shortly. She rose. “Thank you. Don’t forget anything when you leave for the night.”

  When they all started filing out of the conference room, each stopping to congratulate Katherine and Lainey, Meredith stayed behind.

  “May I speak with you, Ms. Sumptor?”

  “Yes, Meredith?”

  “I appreciate you giving Katherine this opportunity,” Meredith began.

  “This is a trial basis,” Eve interrupted her. “For Katherine and you, Meredith. I expect both of you to give each employee here equal treatment. If there are any problems, or complaints, I will personally look into it myself. Is that clear?”

  “Yes ma’am. You won’t be disappointed,” Meredith said staunchly. She lowered her voice. “But do you think that Lainey is qualified for the position you’ve given her?”

  “Yes. I do,” Eve answered, annoyed. Meredith had always questioned Eve’s decisions, but with Lainey there was more to it.

  Was it jealousy, Eve wondered? She knew women could
be catty, had seen it first hand before, but constantly being second-guessed on her decisions about Lainey was wearing on her nerves.

  “You got my message,” Lainey said as she replaced Meredith at Eve’s side.

  “Yes,” Eve said, giving Lainey a wicked grin. “I’m sorry I didn’t come to the phone. I was, shall we say, detained.”

  From the way Lainey flushed slightly, Eve knew she had understood.

  “Come on,” Eve said, taking Lainey’s arm. “I want to show you the gallery.”

  “Something is going on here,” Meredith said as Katherine followed her into her office. “I don’t know what it is, but I don’t like it.”

  “What are you talking about?” Katherine sat on the edge of the chair in front of Meredith’s desk. “We got what we wanted.”

  “Yes, I know. But there is something going on with Lainey.”

  “Meredith, stop! Who cares about Lainey? She’s not in our way anymore.” Katherine leaned forward and lowered her voice, “Don’t screw this up, Meredith. We’ve waited a long time for this opportunity.”

  “I’m not going to screw this up!” Meredith hissed. “But you need to understand, Katherine that we are going to be watched closely. Eve warned me. If we are not very careful, this could all blow up in our faces.”

  “All the more reason for you to not worry about Lainey.”

  “Don’t you think it’s odd that she’s suddenly become Eve’s assistant after working here just one day?” Meredith demanded. “Never mind. Let’s just focus on what we have to do. And don’t take chances. Whatever we do, let’s not take any chances.”

  The alarm on Eve’s car beeped as she pressed the button to disengage it. She opened the door for Lainey, walked around to the driver’s side and slid in beside her. “Mind if I put the top down?” she asked.

  “No, not at all.” Lainey tried to relax. But now that she was alone with Eve, she found she was nervous. She thought of the explicit fantasy she had had the night before. Normally a dream wouldn’t have given her such anxiety, but this one had been of Eve, and it had shocked Lainey to her core. With effort, she focused on here and now, and not the restless night before. She watched as Eve gracefully slid the car into gear, each movement fluid.


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