Loving Faith

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Loving Faith Page 4

by Hooper, Sara

  “Bite me,” Faith managed to get the words out. “It's okay, I like it.” The last word turned into a scream as he did just that, biting down hard enough to give Faith the little bit of pain she needed to explode. She could feel the world graying out around her, could feel Matthew still pounding away, but it was far away. She was floating above it all, carried on a cloud of ecstasy until everything went black.

  She wasn't out for long, brought back by the near frantic thrusts driving the air from her lungs. Her body was limp, muscles not wanting to obey her commands. Her eyelids fluttered open and her eyes found Matthew's face hovering over hers. He sat back, his eyes never leaving hers, and hooked his arms under her knees. Without missing a stroke, he raised her legs until her ankles rested on his shoulders and then began to lean forward.

  “Shit,” Faith whimpered as the shift of penetration sent him deeper inside her.

  “Are you okay?” The concern on Matthew's face was genuine and Faith knew, in that moment, she could trust him. If she said that she wasn't okay, he would stop, no matter the cost to him.

  “So deep, baby,” she murmured. “You're so deep inside me.”

  Matthew continued leaning forward until Faith's knees were almost at her chest and her body had begun to quiver. And then he began to move. His muscular legs flexed as he used them to drive himself into her, each stroke sending him to the end of her.

  “Almost there,” he ground out from between gritted teeth.

  “Cum inside me,” Faith begged. Pressure was building inside her once more and she knew that she needed the release.

  Matthew groaned at her words, his hips jerking as he slammed into her once, twice more and came. Faith could feel him emptying himself inside her womb. As he slumped down onto her, his pelvic bone rubbed against her clit, the extra sensation was all that she needed to fall over the edge once more. She cried out his name as she came, this climax coming from somewhere deep inside her, her pussy squeezing every last drop from his cock.

  After a minute, he carefully detangled them and rolled them onto their sides. Gently, he maneuvered Faith's limp body so that she was tucked up against his chest. He wrapped his arms around her, letting the air conditioning flow over their sweat-slicked skin, cooling them. As their breathing slowed and heart-rates returned to normal, Faith placed her hand over Matthew's, threading their fingers together. She wanted him to stay, wanted to fall asleep in his arms, but she didn't know how to ask.

  “Faith,” Matthew broke the silence. “I'd like to stay, if you'll let me.”

  Relief flooded through her. She nodded. “I'd like that.”

  “Okay, then,” Matthew pressed his lips against her temple. “I'll stay.”


  “Why don't you tell me the real reason you called me?”

  Faith sighed. Even over the phone, she couldn't fool her mother. “It's Matthew.”

  “Did he do something?” Ester's sweet voice instantly took on an edge.

  “No, Mama,” Faith hurried to assure her mother. And it was true. Matthew hadn't done anything to hurt her. Yet. And that was the problem. “I think I've fallen in love with him. Not like physical attraction or just how things feel when you first click with someone. I mean real love.”

  “And you're scared.” It was a statement, not a question. Ester really did know her daughter better than anyone else did.

  “You loved my father once,” Faith forced herself to say what was on her mind. She and her mother didn't talk much about the past, but there came a time when it was necessary to discuss the past to be able to move forward.

  “And you think Matthew is like your father?”

  “No,” Faith answered quickly, then paused. Was that it? Was there something she saw in Matthew that reminded her of the father she only vaguely remembered? “It's just,” she struggled to put her concerns into words. “You fell in love with Daddy enough to marry him and then things went really bad.”

  “Baby Girl,” Ester's voice was soft. “Do you really think that things were all fine and dandy with your daddy for years and then, suddenly, one day he snapped and beat me?”

  “Well,” Faith started to answer, then stopped. She'd never really thought about it before. She'd been five when her father had beaten Mama badly enough that she'd gone into the hospital and he'd gone away. She was much older when she'd found out that her father had broken her mother's cheekbone, jaw, collarbone and dislocated her right shoulder. But she'd never given thought to when it had started.

  “The first time your father hit me, he immediately apologized,” Ester's voice was matter-of-fact but Faith knew how much her mother hated talking about Tyrone Williams. “I should have known then to get out, but I convinced myself that it was a fluke, an accident that would never happen again. That was our third date.”

  “Your third date?” Faith was flabbergasted.

  “Of course, it happened again,” Ester continued as if Faith hadn't spoken. “Because that's what abusers do. They hit and apologize and manipulate and promise to never do it again. And they very rarely have the self-control to wait long.”

  “Since we've been together, Matthew's never hurt me,” Faith felt hope bubbling up inside her.

  “Baby Girl,” Ester's tone took on her 'mother-knows-best' tone. “I've watched that young man with you and I've seen how he looks at you.”

  “How does he look at me?” Faith felt her cheeks heat up.

  “Like you're the most important thing in the world,” Ester said. “Matthew Callaway is a good man. He is not your father.”

  Relief flooded through her and she sank down onto the couch. She'd been carrying her fears for the past few weeks, waiting for the other shoe to drop, for Matthew to snap and become everything she'd always hated. It just didn't seem possible that she could love someone this much and he wouldn't hurt her. But what Mama said made sense, and that meant that Matthew wasn't going to turn on her.

  “Now, I have to get going,” Ester continued. “Josie and I are going out for manicures. You know that means I'm going to spend the next two hours listening to her talking about those grandkids of hers. It'll be nice when I can repay the favor. When you get married, Josie is going to get an earful.”

  “Mama,” Faith chuckled. “That's a ways off, you know.”

  “I know,” Ester agreed. “But it's the only thought that keeps me from wanting to strangle that woman.”

  “I'll talk to you later,” Faith laughed as she hung up. Josie and Ester had been friends since high school and were constantly bickering, but they'd die for each other. Faith had always envied that about their relationship.

  She glanced at her watch and headed for the bathroom. She was meeting Matthew at his place in an hour for dinner. Apparently, he'd decided that he wanted to try his hand at cooking. In his mind, there was nothing he couldn't accomplish once he'd set his sights on it.

  Less than ninety minutes later, that theory was disproven. Faith choked down a second bite of spaghetti. She wasn't sure which was worse, the way the nearly raw noodles crunched in her mouth or the sauce Matthew had attempted to make from scratch. She was no connoisseur, but she suspected it had begun life as tomato soup and a few oregano leaves. She took another gulp of red wine.


  Matthew's exclamation made Faith look up. He was staring down at his plate with a look of disgust on his face. “How are you eating this? It's awful,” Matthew grabbed his glass and swallowed half of it at once.

  “Oh, thank goodness,” Faith put down her fork. “I was afraid I was going to have to eat the whole thing.”

  “Why didn't you say something?” Matthew asked as he stood. He took their plates and headed into the kitchen.

  Faith followed. “Because you'd worked so hard and were so proud of what you'd done. And that's what people do when they love someone.”

  Matthew stilled instantly and Faith clapped her hand over her mouth. She hadn't meant to say it, not like this. He hadn't said it yet and she didn't want to p
ush things, didn't want him to feel obligated. The moment he turned, however, she saw his face and knew that it hadn't been too much. His eyes were wide and something akin to awe was written there. “You love me?”

  She nodded, her heart in her throat. Their dinner date had taken a sudden, serious turn.

  Matthew took two steps and took her face between his hands. “I love you, too.” He took her mouth then, tasting of wine and sauce.

  Faith closed her eyes as her lips moved with his. As often as they'd practiced this particular dance, it never grew old. She didn't think she'd ever tire of kissing him, of the way it made her wet when his tongue caressed hers, of the ache that formed between her legs imagining that thick, strong muscle delving between other lips. His cock was swelling against her belly and she knew that he felt the same way. She was about to suggest that they move into the bedroom when Matthew's hands fell from her face and seized her waist.

  She let out a surprised squeak as he lifted her onto the counter. They were the same height now and she wrapped her arms around his neck, pulling him to her for another kiss. His hands slid up her legs, under her skirt, his palms warm against her flesh. He cupped her ass and pulled her to the edge. As she dug her fingers into his hair, his hands shifted position, one moving around to dip between her legs, the other going to his own waist.

  She heard the sound of a zipper, the whisper of material, and nipped at Matthew's mouth. He growled, the primal sound twisting something deep inside Faith. He pulled back from their kiss, his eyes on her face as if watching for something. A moment later, she understood.

  “Fuck,” the word ripped from deep inside her as Matthew snapped his hips forward and buried himself in her pussy with one swift movement. Her head fell back and Matthew's mouth attacked the soft skin of her throat, lips and teeth and tongue, sucking and scraping and biting until Faith was sure that she couldn't take any more. “Please, baby, please,” she wasn't even entirely sure what she was begging for, only that she needed him.

  “You're so perfect,” his breath was hot against her skin, each word punctuated by a thrust. “Like I was made to be inside you, made to be with you.”

  “I love you. I love you.” She couldn't think of anything to say but the only truth that her brain could still grasp at the moment, so she said it over and over again. Everything else had fled, reason, logic, everything but the man inside her. His scent. His skin. His voice.

  Matthew cried out, her words pushing him over the edge and he emptied himself inside her, his hips jerking against her. Faith held him close, her body still strung tight, hovering on the precipice as her release waited, just out of reach.

  “Faith,” his voice was muffled. Matthew pulled back and looked down at her, concern in his eyes. “You didn't...?”

  She shook her head, not needing him to complete the question. “It's okay,” she started to say, not wanting to ruin the moment when they'd first confessed their love.

  “No,” he shook his head. He took a step back, letting his softening cock slip from between her legs.

  Her pussy throbbed with the loss and she made as if to climb down. Matthew put a hand on her leg, his expression serious. “I've got you.”

  Faith blinked, unsure of his meaning. Was he going to finger her until she came? But even as she thought it, he lowered himself to his knees and her eyes widened. He'd kissed her after she'd gone down on him, sure, but this was something completely different. She'd never had a man do what she thought he was about to do.

  Matthew didn't hesitate, didn't even make a face of distaste. He grabbed Faith's hips and pulled her towards the edge as he leaned forward, bringing her pussy to his face even as he moved to meet it. The instant his tongue touched her clit, Faith came, her fingers curling around the edge of the counter.

  She figured he would stop there.

  She should have known better. Matthew never did anything halfway. It was definitely the plus side of dating a Type-A personality. While pleasure was still coursing through her body, Matthew dropped his mouth down to her pussy and thrust his tongue inside. Faith wailed, her body convulsing as Matthew lapped at her core. His tongue danced inside her, reaching deeper than she'd ever dreamed possible. Another wave of pleasure washed over her and she struggled to stay upright. She wanted to watch him, watch the contrast of his pale flesh against hers, watch him work that pink tongue between her dark folds. His lips wrapped around her clit and she came again, her hips bucking up against his face. He chuckled, the vibration moving across every nerve. And then, just when it was about to be too much, when her body was walking the border between pleasure and pain, he stopped.

  Matthew stood, licking his glistening lips as they curved upwards into a smile. “Do I even need to ask this time?”

  “I hope not,” Faith's words were breathless. “I think the answer was pretty obvious.”

  Matthew put his hands on the edge of the counter, one on either side of hers. “You are an amazing woman, Faith Williams.” He leaned forward and pressed an almost-chaste kiss on her lips. His tongue darted forward into her mouth, for the briefest of moments, taking with it the taste of their mingled juices.

  “How did I get so lucky?” Faith murmured as Matthew straightened.

  “I don't think it was luck,” Matthew reached for his phone. “I'm pretty sure it was your willingness to overlook me being a total ass-hat on our first date.”

  Faith laughed as she hopped off of the counter. “What are you doing?”

  “Calling for pizza,” Matthew answered. “It might not be romantic or homemade, but at least it'll be edible.”

  As Matthew put in their order – extra cheese, half pepperoni – Faith moved towards the sink to clean up. She grimaced as she walked. She hated wet panties. She paused and shimmied out of the pale pink cotton.

  “Fuck,” Matthew breathed the word.

  “What?” Faith turned towards him.

  “How am I supposed to eat knowing you're not wearing anything under that skirt?” Matthew's expression was one of such frustration that Faith had to laugh.

  “It could be worse,” Faith teased.

  “How?” Matthew sounded intrigued.

  Faith couldn't help herself. She was feeling particularly mischievous today. She leaned back against the sink. “You could be thinking about how easy it would be for me to sit on your lap, reach beneath me and unzip your pants. I could take you in hand, line you up and sink down on that thick shaft. Fuck you until you explode, filling me with your cum. I could have you lay down and straddle your head, ride your face until I cum, screaming your name.”

  “Fuck,” Matthew swallowed hard.

  He took a step forward, the hunger on his face clearly for something other than food. If there was one thing Faith had learned about Matthew's sexual appetite, it was that he was insatiable. They spent at least one weeknight together and weekends rarely saw them out of one apartment or the other for more than one excursion. They would go somewhere, then spend the remainder of their time together in various forms of physical contact. For once in her life, Faith was sexually satisfied by something other than her own hands or toys.

  “How much time until the pizza gets here?” Faith's pussy gave a throb.

  “Enough,” Matthew's voice was rough with desire.

  Before she could entirely process what was happening, Faith found herself on her hands and knees, the tile cool against her skin. Matthew flipped up the back of her skirt and shoved two fingers into her wet pussy. Faith cried out. It was too much, too soon. Her body hadn't yet recovered from her previous fucking. Every cell in her body was over-sensitized and, as Matthew's fingers filled her, they overloaded. She couldn't think, could barely breathe. All she could do was try not to fall and hope that she didn't pass out.

  Matthew bent his body over hers, his hand moving rapidly. He shoved a hand down the front of her dress, pinching her hard nipple between his finger and thumb. Inarticulate cries fell from her lips and, suddenly, Matthew's voice was in her ear.

>   “I hope you're prepared for when I'm ready again. There are so many ways I want to fuck you. In the shower. Bent over the couch. On the table. I want to tie you up, take you to the edge again and again until you're begging to cum. Fuck your ass until you can't sit for days.”

  At some point during his monologue, Faith became aware that her cries had turned into a single word. “Yes, yes, yes.”

  A knock at the door echoed through the apartment and Matthew straightened instantly. In a shockingly even voice, he called out, “coming!” The hand on her breast moved beneath her. “Which means you need to be cumming.” As his hand began to furiously rub at her swollen clit, he pushed a third finger into her cunt and twisted the digits. Her release exploded over her and Faith sunk her teeth into her bottom lip to stifle her scream.

  An instant later, Matthew pulled out and Faith slumped to the ground. He was out of the kitchen before her body had stopped twitching. As she pulled herself into a sitting position, she heard low voices coming from the living room, a low male chuckle, and then the door shutting again. After a moment, Matthew appeared, a very roguish grin on his face.

  “Pizza's here.” He held out a hand.

  Faith took it and allowed him to pull her to her feet. “What's with the smile?”

  “I hadn't exactly gotten my pants completely done up,” Matthew retrieved some paper plates and napkins. “So, to assure the guy that I wasn't hitting on him, I made a joke about bad porn involving a pizza delivery man, but that he was too late to fuck my girl.”

  “I'm sure that's in some way vaguely insulting,” Faith rolled her eyes as she followed Matthew into the dining room. “But I'm too hungry to complain.” As she settled back into her seat, she winked at him. “Just be forewarned, I will make you pay for that later.”

  “I look forward to it.”


  Faith groaned as she leaned over the toilet, her stomach churning. She'd been a little nauseous yesterday and had chalked it up to the head-cold she was getting due to the recent drop in temperature. The last of September's warmth had given way to October's chill. Too much congestion often made her a bit nauseated, so she hadn't thought anything of it. Now it looked like she was coming down with the stomach bug that had been going around at work.


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