The Demon Inside (Hell's Creatures Book 1)

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The Demon Inside (Hell's Creatures Book 1) Page 2

by Katerina Degratte

  “The last one he saw didn’t make it.” Alive, at least one could assume.

  “So, he has a bit of a kill record then?” I quiz, hating helping him more with every tad bit of information I found.

  “No.” Not as bad, or so I think until she explains. “He made Dr. Strange end up in a padded cell. The demon can be dreadfully playful.” Her voice is void of amusement. Great, so if I didn’t end up dead, insanity was an option. Things just keep getting better with each revelation.

  Was the name real, or did he change it for his profession? All right, off topic, I shake it off. Point being, I don’t want to become some boy’s play toy. Men-the worst; I shudder just thinking about it.

  “We should still warn the others of the possible outcomes.” That was the only reasonable thing; we couldn’t risk our people. I drew back from her arms. The more heads together, the better the chances? And when things go to shit, we didn’t want our population to be unprepared.

  “NO!” she argues. “They would kill him.” She’s terrified of that happening. “I’ll come up with some plan should the worst happen.” The worst was inevitable though, no matter how the cake was sliced. Someone would get that power and release havoc.

  “Was he the only reason you saved me from the depths of hell?” I stare at her flabbergasted, pieces falling into place. She was so dead set on me doing this. No one else knowing. Betrayal. It made perfect sense, though. Why else would she have wasted her time on me? She has always been the seer of time. No, that sounded paranoid. Maybe I don’t know.

  “No, of course not Aura. You were a lost soul, you needed help.” She tries to reason. “He’s had a bit of a rough time in life as well.” Two hurt souls comforting each other. I don’t think so. My life wasn’t meant to be some screwball romantic comedy.

  “I’m not that person anymore, that girl is gone.” Dead. Connections to her erased.

  “Aura I’m not saying you need to bring that back out again, but you have a better chance of sympathizing with him. Plus, I can trust you.” She gives me a weak smile. “There are a few others that I trust that know what to do when that should happen. For our security and the security of the humans.”

  “Shouldn’t we be focusing more on-” my sentence cut short.

  “Aura, how can you say that? We’re here to protect the human realm, we can’t leave them defenseless.” I feel my stomach drop at her disappointed frown as I push aside my suspicions. Did the humans really deserve protection?

  How can we protect them if we don’t take care of ourselves first? I drop the subject of the upcoming war and focus back on the task she’s asking me to do. It would be fretted over soon enough. Surely her plans had to be secure. “How am I supposed to help him?” I question.

  “Draw his light out.” She tells me, being cryptic. May as well have told me to...

  “Do you really think I can do it?” I question in desperation, not truly being able to grasp her words. I mean, I try to be the best person, or angel, that I can be, but it doesn’t always pan out as I’ve learned from the past. I’ve hardly had to leave the security and safety of these clouds since I arrived. When I had to leave, it was never for a task or city as dangerous as this one.

  “Yes, I do.” She places a chaste kiss on my head. “And not all the human world is bad if that’s what you’re worried about. After all, they’ve existed this long without obliterating themselves,” she jokes lightly, reading me like a book.

  Her words cause me to smile lightly, yet I can’t stop my previous thoughts from running through my mind. “Still what is the point of doing this?” I voice aloud. “What is the reasoning? Even though you’re close to highest in command, this could have serious reprimands. What if?” my voice chokes at the horror of the possible outcomes. Not so much my own hide I’m looking out for as hers, hers would be dire. I couldn’t lose the last person I have left.

  “Everybody should have the choice of evil and good. He’s also half angel, so if that could be brought out of him enough, it can cast out the evil,” she explains. “But to do that he needs a lending hand.”

  My mouth is agape at the news. My crystalline blue eyes widen. Though it was made note of in the scene, that still seemed so unlikely. “What about you though, mother, I don’t want you to get hurt? How do we even know he has angel blood in him for sure? It’s impossible.” I question, my mind going back to everything I’ve been taught. “I don’t want you to be locked away forever or be cast down to earth as a human because of a slight possibility.” Even if it were true, he was raised in a demonic household.

  “Darling I’ll be fine. It’s possible it’s just something that is kept in the angel’s books to keep our kind in check. It’s easier to scare everyone off with all the terror stories that ended in tragedy,” she shakes her head, seemingly trying to convince herself more than me. The books are one of the few things she doesn’t have power over in our world.

  “Listen to me child,” she scolds me lightly. “I will be fine. What you need to worry about is helping the lost soul. He needs more help than I will ever need, and his time is so short.” She shakes her head.

  “How long?” I question, pushing back further questions of her safety. If there was one thing to not do, it was angering an almighty powerful angel.

  “It’s uncertain.” She bites her lip. “You should still have enough time though.” Mother sighs, looking unsure. “Maybe I should have sent you sooner, but it didn’t seem like a good time or like you were ready for it.” Would I ever be ready for it?

  I dwindle over her words. I get the point; we weren’t made to destroy; we were made to help life sustain itself. He killed innocent lives, though. But who gave life to him? Why does she care so much about a demon dweller? A question enters my mind which I’m unsure of asking. “Who’s the mother, since he’s half angel?” While I’m praying, I’m wrong.

  She’s silent for a few moments as my eyes widen in realization. Theresa was the mother of a half demon; the mother that left him. I understand why she left, but why was she around to begin with?

  “Why did you do it?” The question comes off my lips in a surprisingly calm manner. If it were anyone else, the tone would be harsh and judgmental, but I knew she must have good reasoning. Please have good reasoning.

  “Damien was running that cruel city to the ground. Using people as if they were mainly puppets, meant for his own entertainment. It would have only gotten worse.” It only delayed the inevitable.

  She leads me back to the waters, connecting my hand to hers. Her face is utter concentration, as she looks down upon the waters, their calm clear waters now going in waves. A series of scenes appear in a rush, seeming to surround us, and soon we’re enveloped by one of them.


  The past, present and future is Theresa's specialty. Her art. With one glance down at the waters she could have us in a whole different time and place. Her past self is in a simple white dress, in her arms there's a bundle of blankets which has a small child in it.

  Tears fall from her eyes as she looks down at the little baby. "I'm sorry about this Gabriel, but I promise to find you again one day. Now's just not the right time, I'm so sorry baby." She kisses his head, tears pouring from her eyes.

  The baby's eyes open as he looks up at his mother. His eyes were the same color as his mother's blue oceans. Seeing her cry out openly, he tries to grasp a hold of her finger with his own chubby ones, a sad look in his eyes.

  She kisses his head lightly. "I'm going to leave you for now sweetie, try not to let that asshole get to you too much. I love you." She sets his form on the porch with a small note as he cries out, wanting his mother.

  Not wanting to be caught she runs off to a close distance.

  The man from the earlier scene opens the door in a huff, "What the hell is all this racket?" He looks around for the source of the crying before looking down to see the weeping baby. Immediately hissing he looks at the form in disgust. "I should just crush you like the bug you are
." He puts his foot just above the baby’s face causing him to cry out even more.

  A piece of paper catches his eye though, causing him to stop in mild curiosity.


  Remember the girl that stole your power? Well that was me.

  His name is Gabriel, meaning messenger of God. He's where all your power went. When he turns of the age twenty-one, you'll have the chance to reign again as much as I hate to say that. It all depends on the young one’s choices though.

  He crumbles the paper hissing, "So I have to wait twenty-one goddamn years because of you piece of shit?" He kneels in front of the crying baby Gabriel. "Should I even bother?" He runs his hands through his dark locks. "Or should I just kill you here and now?"

  Theresa softly gasps, holding her chest, hiding in the shadows. Trying to remain hidden.

  He considers it deeply, while looking around trying to spot the one that took away his power. "I know you're out there somewhere blasted angel! So, this is what you did with my goddamn power! I will get my power back and destroy your kind forever!" he yells out into the night sky, summoning harsh looks from his neighbors. They probably thought he was crazy for saying such things. "Just wait you little bitch! I'll raise this kid to see him thrive with the dark!"

  He looks back toward the once crying baby who stares at him strangely.

  He picks up the child with an awkward stiffness. "You're my only chance for getting out of the mess," he murmurs as the child laughs at being held in the air. " One day you and I will destroy the city of angels and rule the humans."


  We’re pulled out of the scene, standing once again by the waters. Her face is grim. “Maybe I made the wrong choice by leaving him. Not a day goes by that I don’t regret it seeing all the shit he went through.” Her voice struggles, seeming to be on the verge of a breakdown. “Every time I reevaluated the potential outcomes though, somehow it had the best outcome overall. I’m sorry.”

  Chapter 4

  The city’s tall buildings tower over me, seeming to trap me in its metal claws. Not a single star shines in the night sky, blotted out by the dingy brown haze of the city that is set below it. The air carries the shit-stained smells of the sewers in the still humid air. Disgusting moans of two people fucking behind a dumpster in the distance assault my ears. I keep my distance and continue walking, passing bars with burnt out signs and windows of broken dreams, nearly falling over as a stray cat runs under me, bellowing an unearthly screech like nails on a chalkboard.

  The world of the mortals is a dreadful place. The thick haze opens into a hot wet downpour that soaks me to the bone in an instant. I left the clouds in a simple white dress, forgetting such precautions as rain. Now I’m shivering, as my dress leaves little to nothing to the imagination. My flesh showing through, much to my distaste. I wrap my arms around my chest for warmth, while warding off unwanted attention.

  I’m looking for somebody. I had to find him, but this city is so full of humans and demons alike it would be nearly impossible. Some are indistinguishable, with how cruel people of this world can be, especially in this dingy shit town.

  It’s been twenty years since I resided here, since Theresa saved me... I would always be grateful to her for that. Since I passed through those heavenly gates, I haven’t aged a single day; one of the many benefits this place didn’t have. It was much nicer there. with all the things I hate about earthlings dissipated within those walls.

  I’m forcibly thrust against a wall, face against brick. Hot, wet, breathing meets my neck before a hot slimy tongue slides down from my ear to my shoulder.

  “Geesh, you could at least buy a girl a drink first asshole. Get the fuck off me.” I say to him as I defy his advances, snapping out my wings. He crumples from the impact, as he slowly falls to his knees after slamming into the dumpster behind us. As trash meets trash. “Fucking creep.” More of the same of what could be expected from this city. I’m about to retract my wings when I realize the scuffle attracted more attention than I had anticipated. A demon eclipses me, massive and greedy for blood. My blood.

  He slams me into the wall, broken bricks falling around my body. Hot, stinky breath puffs against my neck “If you even think about trying that same trick with me as you did to him, I’ll pluck those filthy things off your corpse, angel.” He threatens, saying the word angel with an indescribable amount of disgust.

  Men, filthy greedy pigs.

  A powerful force vibrates through my body, sending him flying. “What? I didn’t quite hear you,” comes my snarky remark, blood spraying from my face from being shoved into the wall. Easy enough fix.

  He’s back up quicker than expected. A powerful one. “You’ll regret that, angel.”

  “Not anymore then I regret having to see your ugly face.” I childishly stick my tongue out, as I start to fly off, to dodge further confrontation, the inevitable alert of more demons. All too soon a claw grabs my ankle, smashing me into the cement. Ouch.

  The demon towers over me, my wings writhing in pain from the harsh contact. That would take longer to heal, if and when I found a way out of this mess. He held my arms pinned above my head. “Not so powerful now, are you, angel?” He laughs, showing a fanged smile. He runs a hard, calloused hand over my thinly covered breasts. “Well, you sure are to be a delicious little thing, angel. I think I’ll have some fun with you before I kill you. It would be a shame to let a perfect little body like yours go to waste.” He scans my body, undressing me with his eyes, as I writhe, struggling against his stone hard grip. Disgusted.

  I try to will my power to activate, to push this scum away, but it’s unobtainable. Continuing to squirm what little I can under his deadly gaze, my eyes dart around trying to seek help. The street is empty, let alone a few closed shops and a rundown bar. “Help!” I yell out of desperation, though it’s an unanswered effort.

  The effort results in a hard hand being placed over my mouth causing me to squeal a yelp of pain. “You certainly are a squirmy one angel. I always love my meals to have a little spunk.” He has a look of sick satisfaction on his lips as he holds me down. One of his hands is inching up the bottom of my dress. “So pure and full of light you creatures are. Your blood will taste absolutely divine,” he growls, nipping slightly at my ear as he takes in my scent.

  I want to scream out, to do something other than being this sicko’s play toy, but no words come, as my body quivers from the pain of his force.

  He ties his tie around my mouth, but not before I bite his hand, causing blood to drip. He grips his hand in my hair, nearly tearing it out. “Just for that, I won’t blindfold you. You’ll see everything.” As he starts making word on my dress. I see the cat from earlier out of the corner of my eye launch itself on his monstrous face, scratching, and clawing. He falls back, giving me enough room to escape. I start to take off my wings, limping, until I hear a crack. The cat’s been thrown to the wall, its body laying crumpled on the ground, barely breathing. No! I ran back towards the cat, not wanting to let it die there. I take its white and black limp body in my arms, healing it as fast as I can. I can’t do much with my weakened power, but I feel the weakened heartbeat return to a normal rate. This would have to do for now.

  “Stupid angel, taking your only chance at escape to help an easily replaceable street vermin.” He makes a move towards me, but another voice stops him.

  Careless demon for giving me the few seconds I needed to do that.

  “Lex, didn’t I tell you to stop attacking people on my turf?” A well-built tall man with long brown hair walks over. His amber eyes livid, not glancing once towards me as he stares at the man named ‘Lex’. Luke? It couldn’t possibly be him; I haven’t seen him in decades, and he hasn’t looked to have aged a day. Doppelganger? I watch the scene unfold as I cradle the cat against my chest.

  “Luke so nice to see you again buddy?” he says in what sounds like a mask of a cheerful tone. “What brings you around here?” His panic thinly veiled.

ou know the usual, just out for drinks when I happened to come across this.” He gestures towards me, and Lex, along with the lack of other scenery around. “I’ve given you many warnings in the past, yet you refuse to comply. I thought you would be smart enough to not try this shit again,” his chipper voice holding underlying threats.

  Lex lets out a laugh, seeming nervous since the first time I saw him. “Dude this is different, she’s clearly an angel. I was just doing you a favor; you know what they do to our kind,” he almost begs, defending himself.

  He glances back towards me. “I see a lost hurt young girl, cradling her cat.” He gives me a sympathetic smile before turning back towards Lex. “A cat you probably nearly killed.”

  “That scraggy thing attacked me out of nowhere!”

  “It’s not like it could have killed you. You could have just let it run off on its way, instead of slamming it against the wall. You know I have a soft spot for felines,” he drawled, like prey playing with its food.

  He gets to his knees. “Luke please I’m sorry, give me another chance,” he begs, looking pleadingly up at him.

  In the blink of an eye, Luke rips his head off. “No.”

  Chapter 5

  My racing heart rings through my ears. What was once the vamps decapitated body, now a pile of ash, adding to the filth of this forsaken city. Luke’s amber eyes stare right through mine, these few seconds seeming to strain on forever.

  “Are we going to stand out here all night, or am I going to get you and your feline companion to safety?” He’s the first to break the silence, his fangs gleaming in the moonlight, porcelain daggers ready to tear through my flesh. He definitely wasn’t the Luke I remembered. Appearance wise he hasn’t aged a day, not that I have either since becoming an angel; but he is no creature of light, even if he is good. Maybe I never put two and two together, despite the unexplained circumstances as a kid. I was never the brightest of the bunch.


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