The Demon Inside (Hell's Creatures Book 1)

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The Demon Inside (Hell's Creatures Book 1) Page 8

by Katerina Degratte

  I give him a pointed look, biting my lower lip to stifle the moans that beg to slip out from my mouth at the pleasure of his skilled hands. “You better not be using your vamp tricks on me to calm me down.”

  “I can calm you down much more efficiently than that.” I feel air blown in my ear, and giggle at the tease. “Just my skills. You’re bound to learn a thing or two, when you’ve been around as long as I have.”

  Hm. Bound to have seen many of life’s exploratory paths as well.

  “Shut up.” I push him away slightly, my back feeling as good as new. I was still annoyed, but far less angsty about it. Having your back cracked like a glow stick helped.

  “Finally, she smiles.” He pinches my cheek, like I’m 5 before going back to the other side of the table.

  I stick my tongue out.

  “Who are you waiting for?” A bubbly, noisy redhead comes over, sliding in next to me, linking arms. Riley. She’s a bit short in height, and on the chubbier side, but cute. And has been trying to crack me open like the nutcracker she is, with little to no success due to my lack of social skills.

  “Hi!” A bubbly redhead greets me, catching me by surprise. It was nearing the end of my shift for my first day, the dishes I’m carrying seconds away from crashing on the floor. “I heard you had to deal with Tiffany earlier, she can be a bit of a bitch.” I stop myself from laughing at how cute and childlike the b-word sounded coming out of her lips.

  “She was a piece of work.” A shitty start to the day. “Who would you be?”

  “Sorry, that was rude of me.” She awkwardly shuffles, before perking up. “I’m Riley, one of the waitresses here.” She offers her hand to shake, I politely decline due to the dishes, but that doesn’t put a chip in her attitude. “I heard you were new to town.” Her energy is vibrant and outgoing---almost like a puppy, without the trail of mess that follows. “If you ever need someone to hang out with or show you around, I’d be more than happy to. I’ve lived here my entire life.”

  “Thanks.” I give her a tight smile, ready to complete my day. My shirt was caked in food, from some child who decided to throw a tantrum. I was the lucky victim. Luke offered to let me change, he’s not heartless, but it was already so close to the end of my day that it didn’t seem worthwhile.

  “Why did you move here? It doesn’t really look like much to see.” Excuse me? “This place is drab and boring and you’re not. You look like you belong on a beach.” Holding back a huff of annoyance. I wasn’t just some blonde valley girl.

  I wasn’t a fucking airhead. “Those places aren’t really my style. I needed a place to go, and Luke’s my mom's friend. They go way back.” Judging by the lighting of her eyes, that brings up a million other questions that she was dying to ask.

  “Was she a single mom?” Quickly going too far. “Or was Luke her mister? Is that what we would call a male version of a mistress?” And my mother wouldn’t do that, she had my father…

  “If this town is so drab, why do you stay here?” I feel a ping of guilt asking, as her smile drops and she goes from a butterfly to a caterpillar in its cocoon, isolated. Did anyone want to be here? Other than the demons?

  “My grandmother is sick and I’m taking care of her.” Her voice is soft, a sad smile on her face. She wasn’t going to get better, judging by her frown. Maybe I should...No, I shouldn’t alter fate.

  Shit. Now I feel like an asshole.

  That did not deter her from befriending me. She’s a bit of a chatterbox, and annoying but sweet.

  “Gabriel.” The name causes her face to sour.

  “Him?” Judging by the look on her face, he has a reputation. “He is the definition of man-whore. If you looked it up on wiki, it would pop up with a picture of that asshole’s face. You could pick something up from just standing too close to him.” She throws an apologetic look to Luke, as it was his nephew, she was trash talking. He just seems amused.

  What did he do to her?

  “Not for that.” It took more than a pretty face, sharp tongue for that to happen.

  “Besides, I wouldn’t hold your breath waiting for him. Tony was talking about meeting up with him at the club.” Tony, another cook here, joined the conversation. Muscular, tan, and tatted—he looked like one of those guys on the cover of a romance novel. Or like he belonged in some surf club.

  What club?

  She must have noticed my confusion. “Sorry Aura, I forgot you’re still a newbie. The Wicked Angel’s club, a few miles away from here. One of the few tolerable places in this town. It’s fun, check it out sometime.”

  I inwardly cringe. It’s been days since I’ve been here, and Gabriel’s been avoiding me like the plague. I’m just wasting my time with these fucking earth urchins while he parties his life away, ungrateful twat.

  “We could go to his area.” Luke offers, seeming hesitant about saying so.

  “I would go with you guys, but I have some meds to drop off to grandmother. And I told her I’d spend time with her tonight.” That’s sweet, but it’s not like she could go anyway with what’s going on. That would have thrown a wrench of complications into things.

  I shrug it off. “I can handle it.” What’s the worst that could happen? I wasn’t afraid of a few partying humans. It’s not like I had shit to do, anyway. “Good luck.”

  Riley runs up and smashes me into a hug. A suffocating, bone breaking hug. Her heavy cheap perfume burns at my nostrils. “Thanks! Later.” She turns to Luke. “Make sure nobody messes with my girl.”


  After spending far too long getting ready, we are on our way to Bourbon street. First, we’d try the club, then work our way down if he wasn’t there. I’m wearing a tight little black dress that barely covers my ass and heeled boots-to fit in. My hair fell across my shoulders in waves, and dark make-up completed the sultry look. I look like a barbie party girl. Fantastic.

  Luke resembles the supernatural badass hottie with his leather jacket, dark clothing, and tousled hair. A gleam of danger lurks beneath the surface.

  “I would have been fine going on my own Luke.” I give him a deadpan look. I didn’t need a bodyguard with me. I didn’t need another distraction. Point A, point B, then leave- I didn’t want to add all these extra steps.

  “I don’t doubt your ability to take care of yourself. I just don’t want you to get hurt.” He’s careful with how he words it. Smart man. “This is Damien’s area of town.”

  That info causes my ears to perk up. How? “I thought Damien didn’t have powers.”

  “Doesn’t mean that he doesn’t have followers who are waiting for the day he gets the powers back. He’s a powerful man.” Seeing my expression, he bows. “Sorry, if the worst happens. I shouldn’t have made it sound like you would fail.” At least I wasn’t crazy for thinking it was inevitable, but this was seeming to have less reason.

  We near The Wicked Angels club, the music boisterous from a mile away. Great.

  “What are you going to do if that happens?” Damien is his brother… whose side would he take? If Gabriel and Damien have powers, would he really turn his back on them for the greater good?

  “We’re here.” He deflects the question, probably unsure of what answer to give me. Why did no one have some game plan for this, instead of just expecting me to handle it?

  The bouncer gives me a look over, shaking his head before letting us in, his spiky tail whipping behind him. Was I hallucinating? Demon.

  I feel my heart pounding in my chest as my eyes scan the area; I’m too much like a sardine in a can. The music vibrates the room, bodies dance, and at least one vampire is feeding in the corner.

  Luke grabs my arm. “Aura don’t. You need not cause more attention.”

  “He’s biting her.” I look at Luke indigenously. How could this shit be okay? Shouldn’t I help her? I have to stop myself from running over there. Strangely, she seems to enjoy it, from the moans that could be heard from across the room.

  “You were the one who agreed
to go to this club. Feeding is allowed here, as long as he doesn’t kill her, we can’t intervene. And what happens outside of club property isn’t their concern.” Cold. With all the bodies on the floor, would one lost life cause any attention? “Humans are aware of it. For the most part, it’s consensual.”

  Why would humans...? Why bother putting themselves in such a risky situation, for a few minutes of pain, pleasure? Both?

  “Damien owns the club, his rules. They encourage demons to show their authentic forms here.” Even as he says that, his mask is still in place.

  Incredible. “These humans accept it?” The words are seemingly impossible. Humans are vain, judgy creatures. My eyes scan the room, seeing many creatures with tails, horns, wings of every variety imaginable. A curvy woman with shimmery gorgeous rainbow kaleidoscope wings and violet skin gives me the come-hither look. Her dark oculus’s daring to drag me in. Beauty.

  Luke pulls my attention away. “If a human were to attack a demon, they would die in the best-case scenario.” I guess there’s that. “Not everyone who shows up here is all that bad. Several other species are known to show their faces as well. Few bars like this exist.” He gestures around himself. “Not every species can hide as well as vampires can.” He gives a fanged smile for giggles. Several clues would give way to what they are if you knew what to look for. Or if the vampire was a complete asshole.

  “Maybe we should split up to cover more ground.” I wander off, not taking no for an answer. Ready to have this ordeal dealt with.

  “Are you sure you don’t-,” He starts to ask, the rest falling on deaf ears as I distance myself from him.

  People are nearly sandwiched together in the two-floor building, dancing, grinding to the stereotypical dance songs playing. Cages are hanging from the ceiling with scantily clad women, angel wings strapped to their backs.

  Making my way through the crowd, I try to see if I see anyone resembling Gabriel. Hell, he may not even be here. I can feel the music vibrating through my body, with how loud the beat is.

  “Hey pretty lady, wanna dance?” Some asshole wraps his arm around my waist as I’m passing by.

  “No, thanks.” I remove his filthy hand, as if I were picking off trash. But the stupid, drunk guy doesn’t seem to get the message.

  “Come on, babe.” He tries to run his hand up my dress. “Let’s have a little fun.” Pig. I resist the urge to hurl with the drunken breath on my neck.

  A crooked smile crawls up my lips instead. “Maybe we can dance a little.” I coo, teasing. My hand inches up to his crotch before giving it a nice zap. His hand immediately drops from its compromising position, as he holds his crotch in pain. His buddy wouldn’t be in use for a long while. “What the fuck bitch?” Fiery anger blazes in his eyes.

  I shrug it off. “Just having a little fun.” He should have listened when I said no, at least it should prevent him from bothering other women for a while. I walk off, leaving him cursing about some crazy ass slut. Ironically enough, it’s usually when I won’t get in a guy’s pants, that they use those particular descriptors. If he would have accepted the no, that wouldn’t have happened---clothing, or lack of it isn’t an invitation.

  Still no sign of him. Fuck you Gabriel. If he wasn’t here, I was going to ring him out later.

  I feel a rough hand grab at my wrist. “You really think you can pull that stunt on me, bitch? Fix it, or I’ll have the demon’s in here tear your ass apart.” Cute. A new demon with toxic masculinity issues.

  I raise an eyebrow, unfazed by his anger. Just another boy throwing a tantrum because he can’t get what he wants. Women aren’t just toys to play with. “As I see things, I fixed you. Made it more difficult for you to force yourself on some poor unsuspecting woman.”

  He scowls, anger blazing in his black eyes, tan skin as flushed as it can get. His knuckles strain. He’d be cute if he weren’t such a prick. “I don’t need help to beat up a weakling like you.” Guess I’d have to prove a former reputation wrong.

  Speak of the devil. Glancing behind Sir Douche a lot, I see Gabriel. His face away from me, as he presses Tony against a wall. Pinning him. Tony gives me the come-hither look after seeing my stares.

  “Poor me. How will I survive?” I taunt him, twirling a finger through my hair, toying with him, so tempting that I can feel the need crawling in.

  He grabs at my wrists; a wicked smile plays on my face. As I plan to unleash holy angel fury, he’s torn away from me by my mystery knight. Nobody let me have my fun.

  “Hey dude, why don’t you pick on someone your own size?” My knight in black armor, Gabriel, steps in. His face looked like he was too distracted by the hottie in the corner to notice me. He’s breathing heavily, probably has drank way too much with the possibility of other activities. judging by the dilation of his eyes.

  “Stay out of fights that aren’t your own, little demon,” the creep snarls at Gabriel. Gabriel doesn’t take too well to that comment as his eyes flash red.

  “So much for tonight’s plan.” Tony seems more than disappointed, seeming unimpressed by the unfolding scene. Yet there wasn’t much surprise there either.

  “Watch what the hell you say. I have no qualms with tearing your heart out.” Gabriel’s voice is bleak, eyes so red that I’m not sure it’s him anymore. Maybe an in-between. His claws go for the dude’s throat.

  “Gabriel no!” I try to remove his hands from the guy’s throat. Everyone else in the club is for the most part oblivious to what’s going on. Luke rushes over, having heard what is progressing.

  “What the hell did he do this time?” Somehow, by his question, it doesn’t seem like it’s Gabriel’s first rodeo. He has a spicy temper, though.

  I put the back of my hand on Gabriel’s neck, and push, tapping into energy to make him sleep. Angels were peaceful and sleep typically helped with that. At least with humans it did.

  The one guy scurries up after the incident with Gabriel, but Luke catches his shirt in time. He wasn’t expecting my unneeded backup.

  Luke stares right through his soul. “So, are you going to continue standing there? Or run off before you die this time?” He gives him a cheeky smile, as the guy runs off while he has the chance. So much for not intervening at Damien’s club.

  “When we were planning on getting Gabriel, I didn’t think that included napping him.” I watch as Luke throws him over his shoulder. Gabriel probably wouldn’t be going here again, if not to avoid the memory of pure embarrassment. He didn’t seem like the type who liked to get carried off princess style.

  Chapter 15


  A few days ago, …

  “Do you guys have the Moxe’s?” Some magic player comes in searching for the higher end, harder to find cards. They were five of the pieces of the power nine, seeing restricted play in vintage.

  These cards weren’t something that we would keep in the store if we had them, because they could become a liability and cause some idjit to make the mistake of breaking in. If you wave a steak in front of a dog...

  “I’m sorry sir we don’t have that at the moment.” My customer service voice sounds fake to my own ears.

  You sound like a fucking bitch. And apparently, I’m not the only one who thinks so.

  “That was quick, you’re not going to even bother checking?” The chubby hubby faced customer stood, awestruck. Jackass.

  “It’s a frequently asked about card and has high-value so it would be in our case,” I try to explain, but the concept seems foreign to the dull-minded player.

  “Why can’t you check?” The voice drones, as if he hasn’t listened to a single word I’ve been spewing.

  Sooo annoying. The demon taunts me. If he was in charge, idjit would have been dead a few times over.

  “We don’t have any.” I try to keep the aggravation clear from my voice. My temper starts rising. He’s not nearly as bad as some customers I’ve had to deal with, but it’s been one of those days. A day of dealing with a shit customer and a b
ored demon.

  Why can’t you be more assertive? Weak. He’d be easy to take on.

  “Check, instead of just standing there doing nothing!” His words push me over the edge, an explosive thrown in the scatteredly put together pile of low mental patience.

  Show him what we can do already!

  “If you would get your head out of your ass, you would have heard that we don’t have any!” I emphasize towards the case. “If we had it, it would be down in the fucking case!” He takes a step back.

  “Would it be in your stuff to process?” I let out a scream. Some people don’t fucking listen. It was like talking to a wall.

  “Read my fucking lips, we don’t have it!” I’m shaking with rage.

  Give in, he whispers, his clawed grasp wanting.

  “I’m going to leave a complaint,” the pudgy player whines, before no doubt going to other stores to search for the unattainable. “The customer service here is terrible.” He waddles towards the door, typing on his phone, no doubt complaining about his lack of magical Christmas land experience.

  Weak. Just letting him walk away after treating you like that?

  My boss calls me over. “Gabriel, it seems like you’re going through a lot right now. Why don’t you take the next few days off?” Oops, I fucked up. Keeping a customer friendly vibe can be impossible. I should have stuck to the sorting table, avoiding other human beings. If that thing can be called human.

  I nod, and trudge out the store, not trusting myself to speak. My bills could not afford to take the next few days off. There were always other means of income though when push came to shove.

  Giving me a few days off was likely basically a friendly way of saying ‘You’re fired’. Or at least an excuse to get me out of there until they could type it out the right way. Such a shame, I thought things were going better there, but me and my enormous mouth ruined everything. Again. I couldn’t hold down a job worth shit.


  I decide to go to The Wicked Angels night club. It is still a few hours before opening, but the owner and I are tight. And he was always willing to pay someone to push his stuff, so he could never get caught red-handed with it. The closest he’s ever came to being caught was when this one dumb rich entitled girl was throwing it in his face, trying to prove she could be cool enough to be more than a mere one-night stand. He doesn’t do more than flings.


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