Of Blood and Sacrifice (Royal Fae Guardians Book 2)

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Of Blood and Sacrifice (Royal Fae Guardians Book 2) Page 8

by Heather Renee

  Interesting and hopefully, for her sake, more effective.

  Finally, both doors opened without noise and we entered into the queen’s chambers, which were more like a whole house.

  There was a formal living room to the right that was inset into the ground. To the left was a small kitchen, which was still fancier than any other I’d ever used, and cleaner, as if it’d never been touched. On the far wall was a door and a hallway that veered to the left, and I couldn’t see beyond the first few feet.

  What caught my attention the most were the windows overlooking the lands the queen so obviously cherished. Without being invited, I moved further into her space and stared out the glass.

  Stryx tried to get through my wall, but I had a feeling he was going to reprimand me for being rude and I didn’t want to hear it. My heart was hurting at the signs of carnage. Charred lands, barren fields, toppled trees. All of it was devastating, and all of it was my fault.

  “He works quickly, doesn’t he?” Queen Navi said from my side.

  “Unfortunately so. I’m sorry.”

  Her head cocked to the side. “What for?”

  “He’s doing this because I won’t do as he wants.”

  “And if you did? If you joined him in the darkness, what do you think would happen to these lands or the people who live here?” Her hand gestured toward the window.

  I didn’t have an answer to her question.

  She continued, “This is nothing compared to the destruction he could cause with you by his side. You are the reason it’s not worse, so don’t apologize for his actions.” Her voice was stern, pushing through the blame and making me almost believe her.

  The others had moved further into the room, and I felt bad at seeing Ryland tense. He worried for me too often, and I needed to be more aware of his feelings, like he was of mine.

  Nobody sat. There was no time for that based on what we’d seen so far, and the queen addressed Stryx while I took a moment to take in her regal gown that hung loosely from her hips and trailed behind as she walked. Her golden hair was combed perfectly into a bun so tight that I wondered if she lived with a constant headache.

  Her crown was twice the size of mine, gold in color and without gems, while her eyes were a deep forest color, bordering on hazel with the flashes of brown in them.

  “Are your people in place?” she asked Stryx.

  “Yes. They met with your guardians, and the groups have already set out. Were you able to acquire any of the pieces we need ahead of time?”

  She shook her head slightly. “The gnomes don’t keep the metal you need here, and the vampires have gone underground, it seems.”

  “And the succubi?”

  Queen Navi grimaced. “A lot of them have perished. Seems one of them tried to woo Alaryk and he punished the lot. Brooke has been searching for information on those who are left and hiding. The last known locations were in the wind sector and possibly some in the water lands, but I haven’t had the extra help to confirm that.”

  “That’s a lot of pissed off women,” Jordan said what I was already thinking.

  If they’d already suffered so many losses, it wasn’t likely they were going to help us unless we could find a way it proved to benefit them as well. Hopefully promising to destroy Alaryk would be enough. I wasn’t sure we had any other options.

  “Brooke will be your liaison to the other warrior groups. All of my people are fitted with communication devices and can give you updates on your guardians if needed, as long as they stay together,” the queen added.

  We hadn’t been around Brooke for very long the last time we were in the Otherworld, but she was a vampire, and I was hoping she would make one of our tasks easy. We needed vampire blood and hopefully she had some to spare.

  “Anything else before we go?” Stryx asked.

  “As you collect the items needed to forge the dagger, you’ll need a safe place to store them as you make your way back to me.” She snapped her fingers and a box appeared. “This should be more than sufficient.”

  Ryland reached for it since Stryx obviously couldn’t take the heavy object. The wood was carved just like the doors with bronze hinges and a lock, but I didn’t see a key.

  Queen Navi turned to me when Ryland was putting it away. “You have two days’ time before my wards will weaken and my land will die out completely. Use your time wisely, and may the Fates bless your journey.”

  I wasn’t sure how I was supposed to respond to her statement, so I simply nodded and began moving toward the exit since it seemed like we were done. The others followed, and the doors opened once again. The queen watched us go, and I worried we were putting too much faith in her.

  All the sorceress had done was give us a box and put my nerves on edge. Neither seemed helpful, but I trusted Stryx and hoped like hell his plan was staying on course, because we couldn’t afford any mistakes.

  Chapter Eleven

  After overcoming the uncomfortableness I felt leaving the queen’s chambers, I realized we had no real plan. At least, not one I was aware of. We knew what we were supposed to do, but I had no idea how we were going to do it. I had assumed we were meeting with Queen Navi so she would give us guidance, but that didn’t happen.

  Frustratingly so, I was feeling completely lost and we’d only just begun.

  “So, what now?” Jordan asked, running her hands through Dom’s mane as we stood on the castle steps.

  Everyone looked to Stryx, but it wasn’t him that answered.

  “Now, your circus show follows me into the lair of your worst enemies.” Brooke appeared from nowhere, her stealth unprecedented by anyone else I’d met so far. It was no wonder she worked so closely for the queen.

  “Circus show? Okay, bloodsucker.” Jordan rolled her eyes, clearly not as impressed with the vampire as I was.

  “Is she always this surly?” Brooke asked me.

  “No, but snarky, yes. She likes to keep things interesting, but something tells me you do as well.”

  Brooke and Jordan had been on guard around each other before, which I contributed to Jordan being wary of the newcomer, but hopefully that wouldn’t last long. We didn’t need any added tension as we searched for the vampires, gnomes, and succubi.

  Jordan and Dom were in conversation, and I went to Ryland, the bond between us reminding me it had been a while since we’d been near enough. Casually, I brushed my arm against his and turned back to the others.

  “So, is that what we’re doing? Going to find the vampires first?” I asked.

  Stryx flew to me and I held my hand to him, then put him on my shoulder. “Given we have Brooke’s help now and can’t guarantee it later, I think that’s the best course of action.”

  “Why don’t we just use the blood from Brooke? She is a vampire,” Oliver suggested.

  “Because she is not the vampire we need,” Stryx answered.

  Sigh. Of course, there was going to be a specific one.

  “I know some people who can help us. Queen Navi told me what you need, and I already have some connections doing leg work for us. We’ll be done in the wind sector in record time. Then, I’d recommend searching for the succubi. Small pockets of them still exist, and you’ll either find them hidden amongst the vampires or in the water lands.”

  “What about the gnomes?” I asked.

  “They’re in this section, but further out where there aren’t as many people. We have to come back here for the queen to cast the final spell for the dagger. So, we won’t be wasting time by bypassing them now,” Stryx answered.

  I turned to ask Brooke a question about the vampires, but she was in a heated discussion with Oliver, so I left her alone. Whatever was going on between them, I hoped they worked it out or I got the chance to figure out what the problem really was, and maybe help.

  “Well, let’s get moving then. Brooke?” Ryland said her name loud enough to interrupt whatever argument she was focused on.

  She shook her head, snarling at Oliver and push
ing him away as he reached for her. “Let’s head to the southernmost point of the sections. That’s where the easiest entry to each land is.”

  Jordan shuddered. “I remember going through the fire lands when Yelah needed our help. As long as we avoid that place, I don’t care how we get where we need to be.”

  “The fire sector is the worst,” Brooke droned and then launched into her story about a time she’d had to hunt down a newborn vampire.

  Jordan listened intently, and I had hope they’d get along just fine. Then again, maybe that wouldn’t bode well for me. Jordan was already a lot to handle. I didn’t really need two of her.

  Ryland grabbed my hand, and I squeezed tightly. “Sorry if I worried you back there.”

  “I won’t ever stop you from doing what you want to do. I just need to remind my heart that you’re capable of doing things on your own even if it isn’t always safe.” He grinned.

  “Were you really worried the queen would hurt me?” I asked.

  He shook his head. “Not really, but we’re in unique times. Never a bad idea to be overly cautious while we’re here.”

  “I’ll remember that, and thank you for giving me space to be me.” I gave him a quick kiss and then went back to paying attention to where we were going. The lands only got more devastating the further we moved along, including not only dead plant life, but animals as well, further breaking my heart.

  It didn’t take long to get to the border. Apparently, the market was the most central location in all of the Otherworld, and everything else wouldn’t be as easy to find. Since we didn’t know exactly where we were going, there would be no porting, either.

  The lands were separated by titanium fences, identifying each sector, with designated paths leading into different terrains. A part of me longed to enter the water lands. I could see a glistening lake with water so still, I imagined I’d be able to see the bottom of even the deepest parts.

  Though, as soon as we entered into the gloomy lands of the wind section, my skin pricked as magic swirled within me and a storm ahead called to me.

  “Easy, Chuck. We’re not here for play,” Jordan teased.

  “Fine, but we’ll be back here at some point, right?” I asked, because it seemed like the only truly safe place in any world that I could fully let myself go without fear.

  Brooke grinned. “Hell yeah, as long as you let me tag along.”

  “Deal,” I replied as I watched Cynder catch her attention.

  Oliver didn’t seem too thrilled with the panther’s action, so it further encouraged Brooke to move closer to the animal. She really was just like Jordan.

  Turning toward my best friend, I went to tell her that, but she was on Dom’s back and running ahead of us.

  “Is that smart of her to do?” I asked Ryland.

  “Normally, I’d say no, but Dom seems to have enough sense to keep her out of trouble.”

  That was so very true.

  Stryx’s feathers ruffled, and I tensed. “What’s wrong?”

  “Someone is coming.”

  I searched for Jordan, but she and Dom were too far ahead to call back. Brooke was suddenly at my side and Oliver right behind us with Cynder.

  “It’s them,” Brooke hissed.

  “Who is them?” I whispered, but nobody answered me.

  Instead, a group of three men appeared before us, one standing just a step ahead of the others. Each of them stared at us with crimson eyes and a hunger that had me stepping closer to Ryland.

  “Brooke, I heard you were looking for something,” the one in front said.

  “I am, but we don’t need your help, and we’re not here to cause trouble, Cole,” she replied stiffly.

  He sniffed the air. “But there’s so much magic in the blood of your company. You shouldn’t be so selfish to your kind, or have you forgotten where you come from now that you’re the queen’s pet?”

  Brooke sneered, and I latched on to her arm before she could retaliate, something I would have known Jordan to do, so I assumed she was thinking it.

  The vampire flinched at my touch, but she stayed at my side. “Unless you’re on Alaryk’s side, I’d recommend letting us pass,” she said.

  Cole stepped even closer. “That fae has been through here, but he’s yet to follow through on his word. Lucky for you, it gives you the opportunity to one-up him.”

  “What do you want?” I asked when Brooke didn’t say anything.

  His gaze traveled up and down my body. “Well, I could think of a few things.”

  “Not a chance in hell, bloodsucker,” Ryland snarled, holding me tighter.

  What kind of vampire blood do we need? I asked Stryx since he’d yet to say anything.

  Blood from an original line vampire. His will work, but it’ll cost us. Brooke was supposed to have connections with other pure vampires, but given they haven’t found us by now, we may want to consider this option and avoid being here any longer than necessary.

  So, you won’t be mad if I…

  Without finishing, I put the wall back up.

  “What about Arelia blood?” I said, and Stryx’s talon’s dug into my shoulder through my jacket.

  Cole leaned forward, taking another whiff of air. “Ahh, I haven’t tasted one of you in much too long.” The vampire grinned, showcasing fangs I could have lived the rest of my life without seeing.

  “Not like that,” Stryx’s voice boomed.

  “And who’s going to stop me?” Cole smirked.

  “We don’t want a fight. What if you can have the blood and something else you won’t ever have the chance of getting again?” Stryx flapped his wings, power rippling from him that had even my skin crawling.

  Cole backed up a pace. “Okay, Owl. I’ll bite. What do you have?”

  “One of my feathers.”

  A roar sounded from the shadows and my worry for Jordan and Dom far exceeded any fear of the vampires before us. As I inched forward, Stryx pushed against my wall and I let it back down.

  She’s fine. You can’t make any sudden movements right now, he said, and it was hard as hell to trust his word, but I managed to stay put.

  Brooke pulled two needles from her bag, handing one to me and holding the other out in front of her. “Do we have a deal, Cole?”

  He snatched the needle. “Feather first.”

  Stryx nodded to me and lifted his wing. Without wasting any time, mostly because I was still worried about Jordan, I yanked the feather out, and Ryland took it from me without asking. Apparently, he wasn’t going to let me get any closer to the vamps than necessary.

  Cole took it and then stuck the needle in his arm himself. “Same time, Arelia.”

  “Fine.” I moved to do the same, but Ryland was already back at my side and gently took over, which was good, because my hands were already shaking from so many warring emotions. Blood would only make it worse.

  Each needle had a vial attached to it, and I stared off into the shadows hoping to spot Jordan while Ryland and Cole drew blood. Still, there was no sign of Jordan, and there hadn’t been any more shouts, so I was counting on that being a good thing.

  I wouldn’t lie to you, young one. They are both fine.

  If you’re wrong, there will be no stopping the storm I unleash.

  His wing spread out around my shoulder, but it did nothing to quell the fear.

  Brooke stepped between Cole and Ryland, holding both of her arms out, palm up. Ryland dropped my blood into her hand, but Cole hadn’t.

  “If that fae shows up here and threatens us for helping you, we won’t hesitate to join him,” the vampire stated.

  Brooke snarled. “I’d expect nothing else. Now, hand it over and disappear.”

  “And if I don’t?”

  “Then you’ll find out just how nice this group is being. You have no idea what they’re capable of.”

  I stiffened. Brooke was going to get us into a fight I wasn’t sure we could win. I knew nothing about vampires, and I was sure she didn’t know any
thing about my powers.

  Cole handed the blood over. “Alright, Brookie. Have it your way today, but if we catch you out here again, we won’t be so lenient.”

  He snatched my blood, then blurred out of existence along with his cronies.

  “Thank you, Brooke,” Stryx said, and I was confused as to what the hell for.

  She shrugged. “He wasn’t going to just hand it over. He needed to know we were willing to fight him. Cole has always been known for going back on his word, and most vampires don’t associate with him anymore because of it.”

  “Kali!” Jordan’s voice screamed in the distance.

  Pushing Stryx off of me, I began to run for her with Ryland right at my heels.

  If there was a single scratch on her, heads were going to roll.

  Chapter Twelve

  My legs moved faster than ever before, and when I entered the dark depths of the forest where I’d heard Jordan’s screams, all I could think about was who I would kill if anything had happened to her. I focused on the rage as I powered through the dense area, staying as quiet as I could to listen for her again.

  No longer did I find any comfort in the wind section. There was no sun, which made it much harder to find my best friend. Branches bit at my arms as I ran through the trees, and a rage began to build within me as darkness slithered its way to my core.

  Just as I was about to let a scream of frustration rip from my lungs, I heard Jordan’s voice. “Kali? Where are you?”

  “She’s back to the left,” Ryland said, but I was already circling around.

  When I thought we should be close, a massive form slammed into the side of me and we crashed into a tree, snapping it in half.

  “Kali, wait.” Ryland’s voice was full of panic, but I didn’t care as power slithered along my skin, changing my every emotion and want within seconds.

  Suddenly, I didn’t even care about finding Jordan. My speed picked up, and my only goal was to get away from them. The people who reminded me of all that was wrong with my life. The people who made me feel and do things I’d rather not.


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