The Smuggler's Gambit (Moonglow Guardians Book 1)

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The Smuggler's Gambit (Moonglow Guardians Book 1) Page 12

by DK Cassidy

  “Hey, I’m trying to score some maxxolonium. Is this my lucky night?”

  He looks me up and down like I’m nuts. “What are you talking about? I got no drugs.”

  “Someone told me this was the place to go. That this is the place to score.”

  The dealer looks me over with suspicion, then grabs my arm. “First I gotta frisk you, make sure you’re not carrying a gun.”

  I shake myself out of his grasp. “Don’t touch me. I promise, no gun.”

  He laughs at me. “Yeah, right. Like I’m going to take your word. I don’t know you. My business depends on me not being trusting. Your call. Either I pat you down or you don’t get any maxx.”

  I glance at the limo. Grant and Lucien are watching me, which gives me a sense of protection. So far, none of the other dealers have noticed me.

  “Okay, fine. Frisk me.”

  The dealer takes his time feeling my back, legs, and front. He’s enjoying his power.

  “All right, you’re clean. So how much stuff you want to buy?”

  Damn it. I don’t know how to answer him. I have no idea how much people usually buy. Time to fake it.

  “The usual amount. It’s just for me. I’m not having a party.”

  He starts laughing at me. “The usual amount? What the hell are you talking about? There is no usual amount. You know what? I don’t think you’ve ever bought maxx, or any other drug, before.” He glances at the limo. “What are you, some rich girl trying something new?”

  This would be a good time to think of an exit plan. He’s onto me. He doesn’t know my real story, but he can tell I have no idea what I’m doing. Trying to look casual, I begin to back away from him.

  “Where you going, girlie?”

  “I changed my mind, I don’t want any drugs. Think I’ll get going.”

  He’s stopped laughing. The look on his face is menacing as he steps closer to me. “Why are you really here? You a cop?”

  “Do I look like a cop? I think I’m insulted. All I wanted to do was score some drugs. I heard maxx was the way to go. But if you don’t want to sell to me, I’ll find someone who does. It looks like there’s a lot of sellers here.”

  He changes the expression on his face from menacing to being more relaxed. Then he waves over another man. This is getting intense.

  “Hey, you got any maxx on you?” he asks his friend.

  The friend shakes his head and walks away. Time to try to leave again. I turn my back to him and head to the limo. But before I can take two steps, I feel an ironlike grip on my shoulder.

  “Where you going? I’m gonna get you some maxx. Give me a minute. Gotta go to my car to grab my stash. Come with me.”

  “No, I’m fine right here. You go. I’ll be waiting for you.”

  “It’s easier if you come with me. There’s less chance of getting nailed by the cops. Come on, I don’t bite, girlie.”

  Out of the corner of my eye, I can see we are drawing the attention of the others in the area. The prostitutes straighten, no longer trying to get some business. They are much more interested in me. Drug dealers stop talking to each other, drawing a little closer. We are the entertainment for the evening.

  I raise my voice, trying to sound tough. “Like I said, I’ll wait here. Now get me some maxx!”

  The dealer looks at me with his mouth open. My change of demeanor works. He shakes his head and walks away. I didn’t get any information from him, but I’m still alive. I’ll call that a win.

  Three steps and I’m stopped again, this time by a hooker. She’s a human with long stringy blonde hair. Her arms are full of needle marks. When she smiles, I see a gap in the front of her teeth. I cringe inwardly. She’s no doubt led a hard life. Not sure what she wants, I wait until she speaks.

  “Got any cigs?” she asks. “I could really use a smoke.”

  “I don’t smoke, I’m sorry.”

  Her blank stare doesn’t tell me if she’s disappointed or what. I’m not sure she heard my answer. She’s tripping on something.

  “Heard you asking about maxxolonium. I can get you some if you want. My boyfriend sells it.”

  This is promising, but I wonder if it’s a scam. Will she get me alone and rob me? I can’t pass up an opportunity to talk to another drug dealer. Maybe I can complete this transaction before the other guy returns with my maxx.

  “So where’s your boyfriend? I’m in a hurry and can’t wait all day.”

  “You stay right here, I’ll be back.”

  She disappears into one of the motel rooms. I take this opportunity to go back to the limo and tell the guys what’s going on.

  “This has to be quick, that woman is getting her boyfriend to come out. Keep an eye on me, but I should be fine.”

  I don’t give them the opportunity to answer. Instead, I hurry back. She’s taking a long time. Maybe she isn’t returning. Or she found something better to do. More lucrative. I’m about to give up when her motel door opens and she heads over to me.

  “I called my man; he’ll be here soon. How much money you got? This shit is expensive. I never use it, can’t afford it. I stick to the cheap stuff.”

  I’m curious what cheap stuff she’s referring to but am not willing to ask. The look on her face spooks me. I decide I don’t want to go through with this transaction.

  “You know what? I changed my mind. I don’t want any maxx. I have people waiting for me.”

  She puts her hand on my shoulder and leans in. Her dull eyes sharpen with a mean glint. “Already called him, girlie. You have to wait now. If you leave, he’ll get really angry. You don’t want to see my man angry, and I don’t feel like getting beat up today.” Her mood changes again, and she switches back to her dull-eyed, strung-out persona. “It’s party time, girlie. Be patient. It won’t be long now.”

  She still has her hand on my shoulder. It bothers me that she’s calling me the same name the other guy did. Girlie. Is that a common thing with this crowd, or do they know each other? My gut says to run, but I ignore it. She keeps turning to look at the motel. Knowing that Grant and Lucien are nearby gives me a sense of false courage.

  “So I’m curious. Do you know where your man gets his maxxolonium? I’ve always wondered where it comes from.”

  I admit, that wasn’t very subtle, but she’s so high I doubt she’ll notice. I hope her current state loosens her lips.

  “What are you talking about, girlie? How would I know that? It’s none of my business.” She squinted at me. “Why are you really here? You a cop?”

  Do I really look like a cop? The drug dealer earlier said the same thing.

  “You know what?” I say. “Instead of waiting, why don’t we go to your boyfriend? Save him some time.”

  “Nah, I told you, he’ll be here soon. You need to chill. He’s gonna bring you a nice hit of maxx. What’s your hurry?”

  I’m tired and want to crawl into bed. This could have waited until morning. What was I thinking? These people are gathered here for a reason. It’s a safe police-free zone for doing all manner of illegal activities. This woman isn’t strong enough to keep me from leaving, and that’s what I’m about to do. That is, until I hear a shout.

  “Hey, it’s you again. My lady told me about you, and I said to her you sound like the crazy girlie I just talked to. You ready to go to my car now? My stash of maxx is in my trunk, waiting for a buyer.”

  It’s the first guy I dealt with. He turns to his girlfriend and tells her to shove off. Before she leaves, she reaches into his pocket for a baggie of something. It must be the cheap stuff she told me about. After she’s gone, I figure I’ll try questioning him. What do I have to lose? Well, my life, I suppose, but I’m getting too tired to be careful.

  “Hey, before we go to your car, I want to ask you something. Where did you get the maxx? I mean, I just want to know if it’s good quality.”

  Instead of answering, he waves another man over. It’s the same guy who came over earlier. The one who claimed he didn’t have
any maxxolonium.

  “This girlie has a question. You want to answer her?”

  His friend looks at me, and after a bit says one word: “Cop.”

  “That’s what I’ve been thinking all along.” He turns to me. “We don’t like cops, girlie.”

  Each guy grabs an arm, dragging me past the motel. They manage to get me around to the back of the building. Time for action. I’ve taken a lot of martial arts classes, so it’s time to put that skill to use. I kick the back of the knee of the first dealer, causing him to lose his balance and fall over. His friend starts to swear but doesn’t let go. With my free hand, I punch him in the throat. He gags but still hangs on. I pull my arm down and away sharply. At last, I’m free.

  By this time, the first guy is back on his feet and chasing me. Then his buddy joins him. In a matter of moments, they’ll catch up with me. I kick off my high heels and run away from them. I don’t bother to scream for help; no one here cares. The limo is too far away for Lucien or Grant to hear me. I’m on my own now. I make it to the front of the motel. Now what?

  I shake my head. I got myself into this situation. It’s time to figure out how to save myself.

  Chapter Seventeen

  I look around for anything I can use as a weapon. Backing up, I’m aware that another one of his buddies is watching us. Three? There’s no way I can fight all of them. Now is the time to try to outsmart these thugs.

  “Hey, I think you misunderstood me. All I wanted was some maxx. Nothing else.”

  The dealer stops and smiles. “Yeah, right. You’re not fooling me. You look like an undercover cop. I’m not going to jail. When we’re finished with you, no one is going to find your body.”

  I bump into the outer wall of one of the motel units. The rough texture of the bubblegum-pink exterior stops my progress. I’m stuck. Taking my eyes off the dealer, I look at Lucien’s hoverlimo, hoping the guys are paying attention. There is no one in the car other than James, and he’s not looking my way. Where are they?

  My stockings are torn and my feet are bleeding. Why did I think high heels and a skirt were a good idea? When I get out of this situation, I’m getting myself a nice, comfortable set of shoes. Enough of the sexy look; it’s time to start looking like a badass.

  I grab a rock and hurl it in the direction of the drug dealer. It hits him in the head, stunning him. A gush of blood flows from his forehead into his eyes, blinding him. One down, two to go.

  “Over here, you idiot.” Grant is waving his gun to get my assailant’s attention. It’s enough of a distraction to give me a chance to run.

  I find a piece of pipe in the dumpster. Grant scares away one of the guys. My sights are set on the last one. Swinging the pipe, I yell at him, “Hey, asshole, come and get me!”

  He looks surprised. I must look like a crazy woman, and at this moment, I am one. My fury at the drug dealers gives me the strength to defend myself. I keep yelling and swinging the pipe. He hesitates, then runs in my direction.

  “You’re gonna regret hurting my buddy, bitch!”

  Bitch? I didn’t think I could get any madder, but he proves me wrong. When he’s within reach of the pipe, I swing for his knees. A loud crack lets me know I’ve broken his kneecap. He screams in pain and lunges again. This time I aim for his arm. If I hit his head with the pipe, I might kill him, and I’m not a killer. But maiming? I’m fine with that. The pipe connects with his bicep with a satisfying thud. It stops him cold. He flips me off and hobbles away.

  Grant comes over to me, carrying my high heels and a bag of maxxolonium. “Well, that was pretty impressive. You’re quite the fighter. I’m not sure you needed my help. Remind me never to piss you off.”

  I put on my shoes after picking broken glass and pebbles off the soles of my feet.

  “You helped me, Grant. By distracting them, I got the chance to run away.” I jerk my head toward his hand. “Where did you get that bag of maxx?”

  “The guy I chased dropped it.”

  “He had it with him? That ass told me it was in his car.” I curse under my breath. “That means he was luring me away from the front of the motel. He kept insisting I go with him. That means I was about to be robbed or worse by him.”

  Lucien comes over with James. “Do you need James to move any bodies? He’s very strong.”

  “No bodies. All the jerks ran away. So where were you during the fight. Hiding?” I ask.

  “Hey, whoa,” says Grant. “I told Lucien to stay behind because I didn’t want to worry about protecting both of you. He wasn’t happy about it, but I finally convinced him. He’s not a coward, Lily.”

  Lucien takes my hand. “I was worried about you and wanted to come to your defense, but Grant insisted I not join the brawl. I’m not saying you can’t handle yourself; you proved that today. But I felt helpless watching you fight.” He releases my hand and steps back. “By the way, love your new look. You rock the barefoot and dangerous thing.” He gives me a thousand-watt smile, the same one as the first day he walked into my office.

  “My new look isn’t going to last long. Starting tomorrow, you’ll see a different Lily. I’m bleeding, tired, and hungry. Let’s check in and go to our rooms. Think this place has room service?”

  Grant and Lucien look at me like I’m nuts.

  “Yeah, what am I saying? There’s no way. Still, maybe we can get food delivered? Who wants Chinese?”

  We meet in my room after everyone has a chance to clean up. I have on my new uniform: jeans, boots, a T-shirt, and my favorite leather jacket. This is the real Lily, not the vamp in high heels. In hindsight, I’m embarrassed by my past behavior, using my sexuality to get clients and information. That changes now.

  “Here’s the Chinese food,” says Grant, lifting up two large white plastic bags. “They delivered it five minutes ago, so everything is still hot.”

  He sets up the food on my tottering table. The wood laminate is curling up at the edges, catching dust and dead flies. There’s barely enough room for everything. He drags the table next to the bed. I sit in the only chair, and the other two sit side by side on the saggy bed.

  We gobble up the food without talking. I can’t remember when we last ate. Once we’re finished, Grant clears off the table, then brings Jennifer’s briefcase over. We’re about to find out if there’s anything important in there or if it’s another distraction. Grant breaks the lock and opens the case and begins to empty the contents onto the table. A communicator, a tablet, a flash drive. That’s it. He checks the case for a false bottom, but he doesn’t find one.

  I’m disappointed by the contents. “That’s it? I don’t know what else I was expecting, but I thought there would be more.”

  “Actually, there could be a wealth of information in her tablet and flash drive,” says Lucien. “Also, we now have her contacts from her comm. Why don’t we each take one of these and do some digging?”

  I grab the tablet and start scrolling through her messages first. Jennifer has been messaging someone with the initials JF. That’s definitely Jupzi. Their texts started out as love notes to each other. As their conversations progress, there is talk of scoring maxxolonium. This could be something. I keep reading, but there’s no mention of where Jennifer is getting the drug. It also sounds like Jupzi is hooked. Poor guy. His lifestyle is catching up to him.

  Her list of contacts is a mystery to me; none of the names sound familiar. I figure I can send the list to Judy right now for her to do further research. I wonder if the other two will find any valuable information.

  “Grant, anything in her tablet we can use?”

  “She has schematics of several buildings. Lucien needs to look them over to figure out if they are all his. There’s no drug formula, but I wouldn’t expect her to keep something that important on her tablet. It would be too easy to steal. Other than that, I can’t find anything worthwhile. How about you, Lucien?”

  He’s still going over the information in the flash drive and doesn’t answer.

nbsp; “Lucien? Did you hear Grant’s question?”

  “Uh huh. I need a few more minutes.”

  Standing in the corner of my motel room is James. He’s staring at me without any expression. I’m a bit creeped out by the android, so to make myself feel better, I try to have a conversation with him.

  “James, what did you think about what happened today?”

  No answer.

  “Lucien, I thought you said James speaks when questioned?”

  He chuckles. “Only when I ask him a question. If you like, I can adjust him to answer to you and Grant. It’s pretty simple. I have a control box in my pocket. Hold on.”

  Lucien fiddles with a small black control the size of a comm. There’s no discernible change in James’s demeanor, but I try talking to him again.

  “James, what did you think about the events of today?”

  He turns his head in my direction and answers. Sort of. “Which part of the day are you referring to, Lily?”

  “What about the fight? Were you worried about me?”

  “I apologize, Lily. I’m not programmed to worry. That emotion is not part of my circuitry. I found the fight to be fascinating.”

  Well, a sparking conversationalist he is not. I wonder if he could be programmed to interact more like a human. I’ve never been able to afford an android but have been curious about them for a long time.

  “Lucien, are you ready to tell us what’s on the flash drive? Grant and I are getting antsy.”

  “Yes, I briefly read through the files to be sure they were the real deal and not another diversion. We’ve hit the jackpot. The stolen formulas are present as well as the exact steps for making maxxolonium. Jennifer is going to want this back, which means she will be looking for us. Maybe we should stop chasing her and just wait until she finds us. What do you think of that?”

  I, for one, can’t stand to wait around for something to happen. I’m a doer. It will be interesting to hear Grant’s input.

  “I don’t want to wait around,” he says. “For all we know, she has another copy of the formulas. Also, how do we know these aren’t fake ones to trick us? I vote we keep pursuing her. What do you think, Lily?”


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