Zoey Avenger (Incubatti Series Book 2)

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Zoey Avenger (Incubatti Series Book 2) Page 25

by Lizzy Ford

  She heard the sound of him stripping off his shirt and smiled. Pushing away from the wall, Zoey twisted free of him and ran again, fueled by desire so intense, she was giddy. His magic was free, intoxicating her, flooding her senses and filling her to the point she felt she could fly. Her skin prickled with exquisite sensitivity; the brush of air from an overhead vent nearly sent her tumbling into ecstasy again.

  Declan caught her arm and pulled her into his embrace, hefting her on top of his hips, so she could feel the thick, hard rod of his erection.

  Zoey groaned and rubbed the part of her that ached against him, kissing him with the same desperation she used to fight Cambions. Within seconds, she was ready to climax, over stimulated by the amount of sex energy he’d unleashed and the sensation of his heated skin against hers.

  “Oh, no,” he said with a low chuckle. “You want to play, I’ll play.”

  As he’d done once before, he trapped her in the last second before ecstasy, refusing to let her orgasm break or come down from the high where every scent, touch and sensation was delicious torture.

  Declan swiped the top of a table off and pushed her onto it, his hands burning a trail down her body to her hips. He leaned down and licked her swollen clit through her underwear.

  Zoey wriggled. He held her hips in place and pushed her knees farther apart with his elbows, his tongue running down the seams of her thighs, nose nuzzling her pussy, teeth pressing to her clit in torture she needed more of.

  “Declan!” She objected.

  “You don’t know the half of it,” he said evilly and tugged her panties off. “Just remember – you wanted this, Zoey.”

  Before she could collect the dazed thoughts needed to ask what he was talking about, another shot of pleasure went through her – and stuck. She arched, stuck in the moment before orgasm, nearly immobilized by need. His magic raced within her body. She closed her eyes, understanding faint and brief before it was lost to the pleasure of her body.

  The first hard stroke of his tongue against her clit made her feel tense enough to snap. Her nipples hardened and twisted under the invisible influence of his magic, while what felt like kisses spread down her collarbone and jaw.

  “You feel it,” he said hoarsely, voice trembling with desire.

  “Y… yes.”

  Declan ran the back of his hands against her inner thighs, while the sensation of his magic toying with her breasts drove her breathless. Invisible hands traced up her neck, down her collarbone, tickling her sensitive skin on their way down her body. He nipped her nether lips before his hot tongue flickered into her core. Zoey squirmed, barely able to move, unable to breath straight. He drank from her with a quiet growl before his mouth found her aching clit, and she writhed once more, while he sucked and licked the most sensitive point on her body.

  “Declan!” she gasped.

  He ignored her and continued with her clit, slow and sure, hard strokes mixed with feathery caresses. Sliding two fingers into her, he rubbed the rough skin of her g-spot. Simultaneously, his magic tortured her, invisible hands roaming her skin, tracing her lips lightly, pinching her nipples. Zoey’s body quivered, her toes curling and core demanding relief.

  He shifted away, and seconds later, she felt the tip of his arousal at the opening of her pussy.

  “Yes!” she cried, eyes flying open. Expecting him to be gentle, the way he had been during their rite, she was surprised when he pierced her fast and hard enough for there to be a pinch of pain. He stretching her with his size, and she experienced every glorious inch of his dick. Zoey started to tumble into her climax, but he stopped it, hand on her chest.

  “Not yet,” he whispered and moved in and out of her slowly.

  She clawed at him, needing to press their bodies together, to feel his skin against hers.

  Declan smiled, his breathing rough and hands trembling from the effort it took to control his movements. She lifted a leg to kick him in the head, and he laughed, released her and flipped her onto her belly faster than she could counter.

  He thrust into her hard once more, and Zoey arched, near the point of screaming at him. His body covered hers, his chest pressing to her back, his breath tickling her ear. He gripped her wrists and pinned them above her head on the table, fucking her hard and deep. His scent wrapped around her, and she breathed him in, loving and hating him at the same time. Unable to pull loose, she listened to his breathing and struggled with her own.

  “You wanted the full incubus experience,” he whispered. “You ready for a little more?”

  “Piece of … cake,” she lied in a gasp.

  He slid one thumb into her mouth, and she wrapped her tongue around it and sucked on it loudly. “Wait for it.” He went still, buried in her pussy.

  The magic took on physical form once more, skating from her toes down her leg, a touch that shouldn’t exist, and sliding between their bodies. “Declan!” she exclaimed, suddenly aware of what he did.

  The magic tickled the area around her ass, swirling and teasing, the way he’d done with his fingers during their rite. Aware of the wide range in his appetite for pleasure, she waited, not quite believing him capable of doing what she suspected he was. Something hard pressed to her ass, and she gasped as the magic penetrated her slowly, growing and stretching her out while his dick was in her pussy.

  “Now comes the fun part,” he said.

  He began to pump again, the double penetration driving her insane within seconds. Zoey bit down on his thumb. Pleasure-pain ricocheted through her, more intense than anything she’d ever experienced. Declan’s arm snaked beneath her, and he pulled her to her feet, the sounds of him thrusting into her wet core loud in the hallway. More invisible hands went to her breasts, rolling her nipples and tugging. He wrapped his hand in her hair and pulled her head back to expose her neck. Fluttering kisses down her neck and collarbone, he continued to pound into her.

  Unable to move, Zoey toppled into the pleasure of what he did, unable to tell what was magic and what was him. She surrendered to him and his magic, soon tumbling down the path closer to ecstasy.

  Declan withdrew and spun her once more, lifting her onto his hips and sinking his dick into her once more. “You okay?” he asked.

  Zoey managed a nod, breathing ragged and body shaking. She wrapped her legs around him and took his face in her hands, kissing him hungrily. “More,” she said against his lips.

  The magic crept through her, over her skin, and she shuddered.

  Declan’s control began to fizzle; she felt it. He pushed her against the wall and pumped faster, his nips at her neck growing harder while his magic wrapped more tightly around her.

  “More!” she commanded.

  Something within him snapped. Fire swept through her, and she lost all semblance of place and time. He slammed into her from the front, his magic penetrating her from the back. The world grew hazy and blurred – and any thought outside of him vaporized in sex-fueled desperation. Yanking her hair back, Declan kissed her throat.

  “Tell me you’re mine, Zoey,” he growled in a voice that was barely human.

  “Prove … you’re worth it,” she managed.

  “God, I love fucking you!”

  She said nothing, the tears in her eyes as much from frustration at wanting to come as it was from emotion. “Make me believe you, Declan,” she whispered.

  Declan’s careful control smashed to pieces, replaced by reckless hunger. He manipulated her body with deft expertise, bending her over the couch, sinking to his knees to plunder her pussy and torment her clit, pulling her on top of him to ride him hard, pushing his dick down her throat…

  He set her free twice, and they played her dangerous game of tag. Near delirious with need, she rarely got more than a few steps away before he wrapped her in his arms, and she sank into him, pleading softly for the climax he denied her.

  They made it through the house to his bedroom and toppled into it, pawing, pulling and slamming against one another as they clawed their
way towards climax. Zoey rolled on top of him, his erection deep within her. Lost to anything beside him, she rode him hard, unable to get enough of his thick dick or the hands roaming her body.

  Declan twisted his hips and pushed her onto her back.

  Zoey felt the world start to break, a sign he’d let up on the magic trapping her. She sank into them, recognizing the place where their bodies, souls and hearts collided, an internal journey of warmth, pleasure and peace deep enough that she nearly wept. It had been two months – but it felt like a lifetime since she was cut off from this part of her soul-mate, from the spiritual link that reminded her that they were made for each other, not by Olivia, but by fate.


  She opened her eyes and gazed up into Declan’s. Like her, he was panting and covered in a sheen of sweat, his solid, lean body pressing her into the bed. The sight of his passion and desire, of the raw emotion on his face, of his chiseled features and beautiful eyes held her riveted. Emotion too strong to contain bubbled within her.

  “Together,” he whispered, holding her gaze.

  He released his hold on her climax.

  Pleasure unlike anything she’d experienced, even with him, sprung from their soul connection and her aching body hit her like a tsunami. Zoey screamed, their connection overwhelmed by the sensual back-and-forth of their simultaneous orgasms. Wracked by uncontrollable emotion, she let it take her, aware of Declan using his dick and magic to push her climax higher, render it more intense.

  At her limit, she sagged, close to passing out from the exquisite, unbearable sensations tearing her apart from the inside out.

  She became aware of Declan’s hard breathing after a short time, of his body draped across hers in utter relaxation, of the magic flowing between them without barriers. Anything he was holding back had been freed, and she basked in the full power of her soul-mate, astounded by the sensation. She had a feeling of being around a power plant. The air was super charged around them, and if she wasn’t grounded, she’s wind up with more volts roaring through her than she could handle.

  “But you did handle it,” he replied to her thought. Declan lifted his head to meet her gaze. He brushed his thumbs along her cheeks.

  “Duh,” she said hoarsely. “I knew I could. You’re the one who doubted me.”

  “I never doubted you,” he replied. “I didn’t want to hurt you. Again.”

  She kissed him on the lips. Joy, ecstasy, and immense sorrow twirled inside her in a dance she absolutely hated to feel. “I love being like this,” she whispered and swallowed hard. “I love feeling our bodies together.”

  Declan searched her gaze, sensing her sadness across their bond. “So do I. Zoey …”

  “No. I want to be happy right now.”

  He smiled and touched his lips to hers. “You know anything about Tantric sex?”

  She shook her head.

  “Ready to learn something new?” He gave an evil grin.

  Zoey laughed breathlessly, doubting she could even sit let alone go through another rough round of lovemaking.

  He withdrew from her pussy and sat, his erection hard and thick already. “C’mere.”

  She stretched a hand to him. He pulled her up, maneuvering her pliant body. Zoey straddled him and impaled herself onto his dick, her pussy still throbbing from their first intense session. She shivered, able to feel every inch of him. She sank against him and wrapped her arms around his neck. He draped his around her hips.

  “It’s about the spiritual and physical connection,” he whispered. “Direct eye contact, joining our bodies and souls at the same time.” He moved deliberately as he spoke, lifting and releasing her to ride along his erection.

  Zoey met his gaze, mesmerized by his throaty voice and assured touch. His hazel gaze anchored her, his magic invigorating yet soothing, the gentle friction of their skin sending tremors of pleasure and anticipation through her.

  “It’s about honesty, too. Being open to one another in every way,” he added more quietly. “No secrets. No lies. No obstacles. It’s rule four at its finest. Joined physically and spiritually, becoming one with nothing between us.”

  Her throat tightened, and a flutter of panic went through her. He had a way of infiltrating her emotions, of making her feel vulnerable, exposed. “I’m not sure I’m ready for this,” she murmured.

  He ran his hands up and down her back, his gaze at her level and perfect features inches from her. Pressed to him, with his dick deep inside her, it was hard for her to remember why she’d tried to hold up the tiniest of walls, to offer some protection in case he wasn’t the man she needed him to be.

  “You asked me for this, Zoey. For me to let you in completely,” he said, cupping her neck with a warm palm.

  She shifted her knees farther apart and sank onto him, rubbing her clit against the top of his groin. She sensed it then, the gentle push his magic was giving her. Her wall was thicker than she had thought, and he wanted her to take it down, so they could dwell in the incredible place the way they did before orgasm, where they were completely connected.

  It meant letting go of her fear, of being exposed to him again.

  Zoey shook her head, unable to speak.

  “It’s easy,” he said with a small smile. “Let go. The way you did for me the first night we were together.”

  The memory made her ache with yearning to experience him the way she had during their rite. How did she tell his she was scared?

  “You don’t have to,” he whispered. “I know. Let go. For tonight. Trust me.”

  “Just tonight?” she asked.

  “Just tonight.”

  By the gleam in his eye, he knew as well as she did that her surrender was permanent.

  Zoey moved against him sensually, undulating her lower body, massaging his dick, which in turn rubbed her g-spot. She took his cheeks in her hands, hot for him already, her lower belly burning with fire once again. “Okay,” she said. “Just tonight.”

  He took her hips, pulling her closer so that her clit rubbed against him as she moved. “Good. Now do it.”

  Zoey released the anger and pain that floated in the bond between them. The channel normally only open to them before orgasm bloomed into existence. Warmth, comfort, peace … they wound around her, and she did as he asked and let go of the part of her that feared being hurt again.

  Declan held her gaze, his intensity penetrating her mind the way his dick did her body. “Good, kitten, good.” He smiled, his features open and expression tender, reassuring her. “I want to see you come, every breath, every move, every shade of red your face turns.”

  The sparse hair on his chest tickled her nipples, his hands sliding to grip her ass and his magic wrapping them in a charged blanket of lust.

  Zoey’s arms went around his neck, her breathing soon uneven once more. Fucking him with their bond fully open while gazing into his eyes was more enthralling, more erotic than anything she imagined possible. She used his dick, hands and magic to take her close to orgasm once more, never looking away, exposed, every part of her bared for him to see.

  The intensity of the intimate pose rendered her breathless before the climax came. She struggled to keep from closing her eyes as the pleasure approached, to keep their channel open when she wanted to turn away for privacy.

  Declan allowed none of it and gripped her chin in one hand to prevent her from ducking her head. “I want to see everything,” he whispered in his sultry voice.

  Zoey rode him harder, taking herself closer to the orgasm. Her fingernails dug into his shoulders, and she arched back, her movement up and down his dick growing faster, more frenzied, completely out of control. The finger of Declan’s other hand slid into her wet ass, and he stroked her closer.

  Her climax came with an intensity that startled her. Zoey sagged in his arms, the waves of ecstasy washing over her, pulling her apart from the inside out. He stayed hard while her pussy convulsed, and she shifted forward to press her clit against him in an effo
rt to prolong the orgasm.

  “Good,” he said. Declan wrapped an arm around her to steady her without looking away. “How does it feel?”

  She kissed him in response, the primal need to watch him get off and to experience him again roaring to life. She pushed at him. Declan pushed back, and she gave, stretching onto her back between his legs. He leaned forward and took one nipple in his hot mouth, his hands guiding her hips up and down, stroking his dick inside her. Declan teased and nipped each breast before he shifted to his knees. Guiding her hips, he turned her over and tugged her onto all fours.

  “You remember how much I love your ass,” he said in approval. He slid into her and wrapped his hand in her hair once more, pulling her head back.

  Zoey arched her back, pressing her ass into him as he gave quick, light thrusts. Declan rested his other hand on her back and pushed her torso to the bed.

  She stretched out on her belly, groaning at the sensation of his skin against hers as he settled on top of her. He entered her once more, the motion of his thrusts causing her clit to rub against the bedding underneath. Declan pinned her hands above her head and kissed the back of her neck to the tip of her shoulders.

  Loving the friction between them and the way his scent wound through her senses, she focused on enjoying every last detail of the man she’d craved. He rolled onto his side, taking her with him, and continued to thrust, his hips working in circular motions that teased her g-spot, mixed with deep thrusts. Declan’s hand traveled down her belly to her clit, and he stroked her gently at first, swirling around the tight nub, over, around, tickling the underside, until tension rose within her. Before she had a chance to complain, he rolled her onto her back and sank down between her knees, his mouth finding her pussy once again.

  This time, he didn’t deny her the climax. Declan slid his fingers into her core and feasted on her clit, until pleasure tore through her. Zoey bucked, and he continued to wring out every last wave of her orgasm.


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