Feta and Freeways

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Feta and Freeways Page 14

by Baganz, Susan M. ;

  They were staying in a nicer hotel than usual for their tour, and Niko woke her up with breakfast in bed the first morning.

  She yawned and tried hard to eat a few bites even though she wasn’t hungry. She didn’t want him worried.

  “I need to tell you something.” Niko sipped his coffee as he sat next to her, leaning against the headboard.


  “We have the next two whole days to ourselves. Just you and me. None of the guys.”

  “What? I thought we were meeting them at ten to head over to Epcot?”

  “Nope. Matter of fact, they are doing Epcot today, and we are going to do Magic Kingdom. We won’t even run into them.”

  “Why? I enjoy the guys.”

  “So do I, but I want to date my wife. We never get to spend much time together that doesn’t contain the band, the tour, songs… I desire to know you better.”

  “Oh, really? I have some ideas for that.”

  “You do?”

  “Sure. Since we don’t need to please anybody but ourselves…”

  Niko grinned as he removed the breakfast tray. “I like the way you think, Mrs. Acton.”

  * * *

  They still made it into the park that morning, wandered around, and enjoyed a few rides. Tia refused the roller-coaster, saying her tummy couldn’t take it. By noon, she was wiped out. “Niko, I’m exhausted. Can we go back to the hotel?”


  They did, and Tia walked into the room and collapsed on the bed for a good ninety minutes. She awoke to find her husband studying her closely.

  “Other than right after the assault, you never used to need a nap in the middle of the day. You’ve lost your appetite. Are you okay, Tia?”

  “I don’t know. Just tired. All the time.”

  “Maybe we need to see a doctor.”

  “I’m functioning, aren’t I?”

  Niko frowned.

  “Come on, let’s go to the park.”

  “No. We’re going to have you checked out. There’s a clinic not far from here. I’ll call a cab. I need to know you’re well. If you’re fine, we can go to the park after we return.”

  “Fine.” Tia rose, and they took off for urgent care. They didn’t have to wait too long, and the doctor listened and asked questions while Niko waited in the lobby.

  “Mrs. Acton. Is it possible you could be pregnant?”

  Tia tried to think back. Her last cycle had been before the wedding, and that was, what, three months ago? “I suppose.” He had her take a test and brought both her and Niko back into the room.

  “Mr. Acton. Your wife is healthy. Everything looks good.”

  “But she’s been so tired…”

  The doctor held up a hand. “Yes, and it is perfectly normal during the first trimester of a pregnancy. You are fortunate not to have morning sickness.”

  “Some slight nausea at times but, yeah, not the throwing up part. Whew,” Tia joked.

  Niko’s jaw dropped. “Wait. She’s pregnant? We’re having a baby?”

  Tia nodded.

  The doctor grinned. “Congratulations. Due date might be late May or possibly early June, but you’ll have to consult with your doctor back home. You wife tells me you’re touring, and I’ve given her a prescription for a prenatal vitamin. See your doctor as soon as you get back home, and try to take good care of yourself.”

  Tia and Niko left the office, and Tia waited to see what else he might say. The taxi ride back was quiet.

  Niko turned to her when they entered the room. “Did you know?”

  Tia shook her head. “I’ve been so busy looking after the band I didn’t realize I’d missed more than a month. I was clueless.”

  Niko came over and kissed her. “A baby. We’re having a baby.”

  “Are you happy, Niko? We never discussed the timing of something like this or planned for it…”

  “I’m thrilled! I want to tell the band. In person.”

  “Epcot is a big place. How would we even find them all?”

  “What about at breakfast tomorrow? I’ll invite them here at the hotel, early enough so we can still get in a full day at our parks.”

  “How do you think they’ll react?”

  “They will be happy and incredibly jealous of me.”

  “You mean they’ll congratulate you for being ‘the man?’”

  Niko grinned. “Oh, yeah. I’m ‘da man’ all right.”

  * * *

  They went back to the park and walked around. They bought cute little Disney stuff to send home to the grandparents-to-be.

  “Should we call your parents?” Tia asked.

  “I’ll do that tonight. We’re an hour ahead of them. They’ll be thrilled.”

  Tia grinned. Niko was flying high with the news, and she was excited and terrified all at once.

  “How about you, Tia? Do you want to tell your father?”

  “He wouldn’t care.”

  “But he’s your dad. Can’t God change a heart?”

  Tia bit back the tears. “He deserted me long before he was arrested. Anything for the next big buck.”

  “You got your business smarts from him?”

  Tia’s eyes grew wide. “I…I. I suppose so. I hadn’t ever considered it that way. He was out to make money. My goal is different. Yes, I long for you guys to do well, but more than that I want to be responsible with the resources God has given us. Which includes the musicianship, your voices, and the hearts of the band members. My father never cared about who he hurt along the way. I want to serve. He only wanted to take.”

  “You could write him a letter. You never told him you married, did you?”

  She shook her head.

  “Send him a copy of For Love of You.”

  Tia sat on a bench, and he joined her. The warm Florida sun caressed her face and arms. Niko wrapped an arm around her, and she leaned into his chest. “I’ll let you lead me in this, Niko, as long as you promise to scrape me off the floor if I’m hurt by him again.”

  “I promise.”

  “Are you sure you want to call your parents now, or would you prefer to send them a fun Christmas gift, since we’ll still be on the road over the holidays?”

  “Why did you make that decision to not be home for Christmas?”

  “I could arrange for plane tickets home, but it could be expensive and a short trip for everyone. We planned it for Wayne because of his family, but the rest had agreed we would celebrate as a group wherever we ended up, which is in Texas if my memory serves me right.”

  “Thanksgiving is in Atlanta?”

  Tia nodded. “I’m afraid with no family around, the holidays haven’t been a time for me to anticipate, much less celebrate. When I set up the venues, it never entered my thinking.”

  “We all agreed to it, though. You didn’t hide it from us.”

  “You want to be home with your family.”

  Niko nodded. “I understand if we can’t afford it.”

  “I’ll crunch the numbers and see what I can figure out. It might be financially feasible.”

  Niko kissed her hair. “Thanks, sweetheart. So, what next? Wanna do It’s A Small World?”

  “Sure.” Niko pulled her off the bench, and they ran to wait in line for the next ride.

  * * *

  Tia couldn’t settle down. After a little celebratory intimacy, Niko was sound asleep. He had been happy with the news of the baby. Her hand went to her tummy and rested there. A child. Oh, Mom, I wish you had lived long enough to see these days.

  She opened up her computer and calculated what the costs were for the band to fly home for the holidays. They would still miss Thanksgiving, as it was a travel day for them. But if they flew out on Christmas Eve morning, early, and were back on the twenty-seventh, maybe it could work. The airfares didn’t balance out cost-wise with the price of hotels. A little more expensive but it wouldn’t break the bank. She’d inform the gang in the morning and give them the option.

snuggled back up to Niko. Her hand rested over the steady beating of his heart. A child. She was having this man’s baby. Would he have Niko’s dark hair and eyes? Or her lighter hair? Would she have curly hair or the straight hair of Tia’s mom?

  Becoming a mother terrified her. She had younger siblings but no contact with them since their mother’s funeral. They made it clear her faith precluded a relationship with them. She went from being the oldest of five kids to being an orphan. She understood Niko’s desire for her to reach out to her father, but he didn’t understand what he was asking her to do. She winced at the memories of the harsh words and an even harder fist, which were a part of her childhood prior to his arrest and her mother’s conversion to Christianity.

  Niko’s family was a blessing. His brothers and sisters were effusive in their welcome, and his parents were sweet in telling her she was now their daughter. Christmas this year could be something new and wonderful for her. She never had a good memory of the holiday in the past. Fear warred with curiosity in following Niko home for their first Christmas together. He wanted to go, and if she could make him happy with that, she would.

  Morning came too early as Tia finally drifted back to sleep. At least she escaped torture by nightmares from the assault. Only bad memories of other things. Niko’s kisses awakened her, and soon they headed to the restaurant where tables were reserved for them. Niko kept an arm around her, as if he feared she would disappear if he didn’t keep her close. The men shared greetings. They were eating from a buffet, and once everyone returned to the table, Niko clinked a glass to get their attention.

  “I have news for you all.”

  “We hit the top ten?”

  Tia giggled. “No, but you are in the top twenty, and that’s nothing to sneeze at.”

  A collective cheer rose up around the table.

  “You reached your fundraising goal. You have the money to get into the studio to make your next album.”

  Another cheer as water glasses clinked.

  “And…” Niko started. “Tia and I are having a baby.”

  All sound stopped as the men stared wide-eyed at her and Niko. They were up and out of their seats in a flash. Johnny picked her up and spun her around, planting a kiss on her lips. The guys alternated between congratulating her and patting Niko on the back. Ginny and Candace gave her hugs too. Soon they sat again.

  “When?” asked Johnny.

  “We’re not totally sure yet—probably late May or early June.”

  “Right before festival season.”

  Tia piped up. “I’ll not let a baby get in the way of what you guys need to do. We’ll work it out.”

  Niko took a bite of his food, chewed, and spoke up again. “And one more thing…”

  “More?” Wayne dropped his fork on his plate. “I’m never going to finish this breakfast if you keep hitting us with news. I hope this isn’t the other shoe dropping after all this good stuff.”

  “No shoes dropping this morning.” Tia smiled. “Niko and I talked and I checked over the books, and we wanted to offer you each a round trip plane ticket home for Christmas should you want it.”

  Jaws dropped. Johnny swallowed hard, and tears welled up in his eyes. “Seriously? We can go home for Christmas?”

  “If you want to. Whomever wants to stay in Texas can. I was checking into airfares to Milwaukee, though, so if Christmas would be spent elsewhere, you’ll need to check with me. Oh, and Johnny, please keep mum about the baby news. We decided we’re going to surprise everyone at Christmas.”

  Johnny’s grin grew wider. “I can keep a secret.” He winked at her.

  Tia took some small bites of her food as she answered questions. “Pray about it and let me know tomorrow. I can get flights scheduled right away and possibly save money.”

  “Tia. If things don’t work out with Niko, I’ll marry you.” Sam offered.

  Johnny jabbed him in the ribs. “I’ve already proposed. I’ve got first dibs.”

  Niko growled at them. “She’s mine. All mine. I don’t share.”

  Johnny held up his hands in surrender. “Can’t blame a guy for trying. She’s always been yours Niko, long before you were ready to claim her. I didn’t step in then, and I won’t now. I’m just thrilled she’s part of the family.”

  Tia smiled. “I’m happy to be part of your family too, Johnny.”

  When the meal was finished, everyone split up to head to the various entertainments.

  Niko held Tia’s hand as they took a shuttle to Epcot. “I’m glad we scheduled this break, but part of me wishes we could sit and talk all day.”

  “We can chat as we walk.”

  Niko nodded. “What was Christmas like for you as a child?”

  “That’s what you want to discuss?”

  “I need to learn more about you.”

  Tia sighed. “Most of what there is to learn isn’t pretty.”

  “Okay, here’s what I know. Your mom died as a result of alcoholism three years ago. Your father is in federal penitentiary for fraud, and she had stayed married to him. You’re an only child—”

  “—Sorry, no. I’m the oldest of five kids.”

  “You never told me. I assumed…”

  “I allowed you to. My siblings don’t recognize a relationship with me. They made it clear at my mother’s funeral they wanted nothing more to do with me, and Jesus. They blamed me for converting mom—and because she never left them any inheritance. The fact is, with or without Jesus, she never had much once my dad was arrested.”

  “Christmas must have been crazy and fun with brothers and sisters?”

  “Anything but. My mom drank, and dad yelled. I tried to protect the younger kids and often got slugged for it. For many years, my dearest wish was for my father to die. Prison wasn’t a bad second choice, but it did leave my mom destitute.”

  “I’m sorry, Tia. Has Christmas ever been good?”

  “It’s a day on a calendar, Niko. Since I left home and moved to Wisconsin, I’ve not celebrated. I own almost nothing that can’t be stored in my car when I’m on the road.”

  “Wait. Where did you move from? I thought you were born in Wisconsin.”

  “You didn’t look closely at the marriage application, did you? I was born in Trenton, New Jersey.”

  “And where is your dad?”

  “Morgantown, West Virginia. He’s probably due for parole soon, though, so who knows where he’ll be after that.”

  “You’ve really had no contact with him?”

  “I sent him a notice of mom’s death.”

  “Wow. I can’t relate. No wonder you didn’t even think of the holidays in your planning.”

  Tia shrugged. “Not on purpose. I didn’t want everyone to experience the emptiness I do. Maybe it was more of a wish I could spend it with people I love and enjoy being with. Selfish though unintentional.”

  “Hey, don’t beat yourself up. You didn’t do it on purpose. You are always doing stuff for others, and rarely do you do anything for yourself. I think I still take too much advantage of that because you never tell me you need anything.”

  “What do I need? I have a place to sleep, clothes to wear, and food to eat. I enjoy my job and work with people I love. I have an adorable husband who treats me well, and we’re expecting a baby.”

  Niko wrapped his arms around her and held her close as crowds wandered past them. “Shall we go tour the globe for a few hours?”

  “Let’s, but what if I need a nap?”

  “Then we’ll sit in a shady spot, and you’ll snuggle up to me and doze away until you are ready to continue on.”

  Tia raised her eyebrow at this. “Really?”

  “Yes. Really. This is our last day, and I want to enjoy as much time exploring with you as possible.”

  Tia smiled and hugged him back. “See? What more could I need? I have you.”


  Faith makes all things possible—love makes all things easy.

  Dwight L. Moody

  Niko struggled to keep the pregnancy a secret from his parents. They knew he and Tia were traveling home for Christmas, and all his siblings, their spouses, and kids would be present as well. Niko was the youngest, so he expected good-natured razzing but also a huge celebration over his news. He wondered how Tia would adjust to this kind of holiday after the life she experienced. She had written to her father but had not received any response. The letter could be waiting for them when they got home.

  The band flew together. The boys still lugged their guitars, not willing to leave them locked in the bus for a few days. Rocco was the only one who chose to stay, since he had family close by in Texas. He was going to take the opportunity to visit them.

  Tia fell asleep leaning against Niko on the plane. He could barely tell she was pregnant. Here he had thought she was gaining curves from eating, but no, apparently the baby was responsible for the bounty he enjoyed. He grinned. They had come so far since summer.

  When they landed in Milwaukee, he shepherded Tia off the plane and to the baggage area. His big brother Nathan greeted him and gave Tia a kiss on both cheeks.

  “Mom and Pops are beside themselves that you were able to come.” Nathan took Tia’s bags as Niko hefted his own and the guitar. They headed into the cold Wisconsin December air. Light snow fell. Niko offered Tia the front, but she declined and sat in the back.

  Niko jumped into the passenger seat and buckled up. “How’s Claire?”

  “Claire’s great. She’ll be happy to have you around as well. She’s close to delivering our third kid now. Still haven’t caught up to Alex, but he always was an overachiever. Five kids. Come on. Soon he’ll pass mom and dad.”

  “If Ana will let him. Didn’t she swear after the last one he was never going to touch her again?” Niko laughed.

  “Yeah, wait until it’s your turn and see how funny that is. You go for so long without you think you’ll go crazy, and when your wife makes that kind of claim, well, let’s just say Alex has been getting really fit jogging. Says he’s training for a marathon.”

  Niko sobered up pretty quick. No sex? No one had warned him about that part of having a baby. He gave Tia most of the reigns for when and where and how often, and he had been happy that he’d rarely gone without since they’d been married.


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