Revenge of the Cat Men: A Shifter Romance (The Pride Book 1)

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Revenge of the Cat Men: A Shifter Romance (The Pride Book 1) Page 2

by Amie Heights

  Whatever they were, they were both looking right at her.

  She could see the reflection of light in their eyes, a yellow glint in the dark forms. A second later they had leaped to the ground and were coming for her, about to give chase. Without even thinking about what she was doing she turned and fled as fast as she could.

  Alison could hear the howls of the creatures chasing her. Dashing between two parked cars she stumbled before catching herself and running down a side alley. She shot a look behind her to see if she could see anything but the street was empty. She knew the monsters were still following her because she could still hear the growls and snarls of the beasts, she just couldn’t see them.

  Alison saw a back door to one of the buildings in the alley and grabbed at it, twisting the knob and letting out a sob when it didn't budge. She looked for another door that was close by but didn't see any. Far down the alley she saw what could only be the back side of a restaurant with a large trash bin next to a pile of boxes. It was far but there was at least a door and there might be people inside. She was going to have to make a break for it.

  As she started to run the door next the garbage bin opened and a man in a stain covered apron came out, kicking the door wide with his foot because he was carrying several bags of trash in his hands.

  "Help me!" she screamed. She ran towards the man, crossing the alley and sprinting towards him. He turned to face her, his mouth open as he tried to understand why he was being yelled at.

  A dark shape dropped down over the man and Alison skidded to a stop. As he let out a yell the man was thrown to the ground and the bags of garbage spilled into the alley. The creature leaped on him and the back of his head was slammed into the cement with the weight. Alison saw the creature rise up to its haunches, sitting over the cook who was now knocked senseless.

  The creature was vaguely human, a muscular male who’s features blended from feline to man. Lean and naked except for a short layer of fur he looked at Alison, his pointed ears turning to take in every sound around him. Alison saw that a thick tail sliding from side to side behind him.

  He leaped from the cook and bounded directly to Alison, the moonlight flashing on its extended claws, reaching for her. Shrieking she turned to flee and immediately tumbled to the hard ground. She tried to regain her feet when a second creature dropped down directly in front of her. He was similar to the first but even larger, a lion-like mane of hair framing his face. His eyes focused on hers and she was shocked to see the slit pupils of a cat that seemed so out of place on the lean, half man body. His paw like hands gripped her shoulders and he slowly pulled her closer to him until she was face to face with it. She could hear him letting out a low growl and saw the lips pull back to reveal a row of pointed, sharp teeth.

  It was too much for Alison, she fainted in his arms like a rag doll, held up only by the monster's grip on her.

  He tossed her over his shoulder and leaped up to catch a window ledge before jumping again to a higher one. Alison's limp body dangled over his shoulder, swinging as he pulled himself to the rooftop. The first creature joined him and they set a path back to the den.


  Gerald barely felt the weight of Alison on his back as he leaped up to the rooftops. It was the only place in the city he felt comfortable when away from the den. He needed to be able to be high and see his surrounding to feel safe. Tonight even high above the city he felt more venerable than ever before. His pride had been violated and he was furious.

  Diving forward Gerald moved at such great speed that William was having trouble keeping up. The city sped into a blur of movement underneath them. Moving like shadows they made their way towards home. People went about their business unaware of the unnatural kidnapping going on above their heads.

  Only when they reached the destination did they slow their pace. For a very long time the pride had owned a section of property that to anyone else in the world would be useless. Abandoned and dilapidated and in a section of the city that was ignored by everyone, their den was secure. On the outside it was a broken shell of a building but that was just what they wanted. Inside was equally ruined except for one door buried deep inside. That door was new, well maintained, and led to the most private and secure area of the city. The pride's den.

  Swinging down by one arm Gerald entered the outer building, in his haste not even double checking to make sure he was unnoticed by the normal humans. He came to the heavy steel door and keyed the passcode that kept them locked. As William caught up behind him the system unlocked and the door swung wide. It was several inches thick with thick rods that held it in place.

  William watched as Gerald strode purposefully through the entrance to their home. He paused his following to shut and lock the door behind them before hurrying to join his leader.

  The inside of the den was a violent contrast to the outside facade. Hundreds of years of collecting rare and exclusive items had made the pride wealthy beyond belief. Plush carpets lined the floors and rare works of art hung on the walls of the entrance corridor that the men walked down. Once they reached the main hall it was even more evident with every item or piece of furniture hand-picked throughout history. The pride had a home of luxury and comfort to come back to after venturing into the realm of the humans. He placed Alison on the floor even though there were several soft couches in the room, uncaring for her comfort out of worry for Samuel.

  Wasting no time Gerald went directly to where he knew Samuel would be. Mathew was the closest thing the pride had to a doctor and Gerald knew that he would be caring for their recovered brother. He wasn't surprised to find that all of the pride had gathered around Samuel and Mathew in the chamber.

  “Let me through, here, make a path,” he said, pushing past Jean Luc and Davidson to kneel down next to the young kit.

  “His breathing is steady, and his pulse is strong,” Mathew told him.

  “Will he live?” William asked.

  “I can not see any reason why not,” Mathew replied. “But other than the drugs they used to sedate him I do not know what exactly was done to his body and mind.”

  “What do you mean?” asked Davidson.

  “How would you have liked being captured, your skin torn from you, locked in a cage?” Jacob said, knowing the question would be also the answer. Gerald focused on the missing patches of skin and fur on Samuel's hide. They had taken samples, to try and discover why he wasn't like them. They had violated him, and now they were going to violate their captive in return.

  “What he needs now is rest,” Mathew said. It was true, the metabolism of the shifter men allowed for rapid healing. Now that Samuel was safe in the den he would only get better. But in their minds that didn't change what happened before to him. Gerald was relieved to have him home, but seeing him torn like this made the fury rise in his soul.

  “Come with me, we have some justice to serve,” he said.


  Alison woke up. She was confused and didn't like it. Holding her head she sat up and looked around her. Unsure of what had happened she sat there, trying to concentrate. She felt for her phone and couldn't find it. She tried to take in her surroundings but it just didn't make any sense. It looked like she was in a museum inside someone's house. How had she gotten here?

  She tried to remember the last thing she could think of. She had been at work, she remembered that. Something about work, something had happened at work. There was a fire alarm? No that wasn't it. She was at her desk and then...

  Suddenly something snapped in her mind and what she was blocking rushed back. She remembered the armed men, the flight from the building, and the monsters that had chased her.

  She had to get out of here, right now.

  She saw that there were several doors in the room she was in and started heading at the closest one. She would try and find a way out, the police, the army, animal control, anybody who might keep her safe.

  Her hastily made plans were shredded when the door she was runn
ing to was suddenly thrown open and a beast stood there, silhouetted in the door frame.

  Gasping, Alison tried to back pedal but just had her feet fall out from under her to land on her butt on the floor. The monster entered the room and she saw with growing fear that he was not alone. She counted five more of the man-like creatures as the spilled into the room, surrounding her.

  She studied them, unable to take her eyes away. Each of the things were half man, and half cat. She saw the features of lions, jaguars, even house cats as the moved. They were lean and tall, muscular like cats but with human bodies merged together into something more. Ears were pointed, hands were clawed, and the eyes were larger than what a man would have, more expressive too. Over every inch of their bodies a layer of fun covered them. Even with the hair she could see the muscles rippling on them as they moved.

  She was surrounded, there would be no escape. Alison could think of only one reason why she was here. She was going to be dinner for these things and nothing she could do would stop it. She wondered how much it would hurt to be ripped apart by those claws and teeth and shuddered. Knowing it was futile she went on the offensive, unable to think of anything else to do.

  She ran at the one blocking the door, full speed. Fast as a cat he lowered his body as spread his arms wide. She plowed into him and bounced off to tumble to the floor.

  In a flash he was on top of her, his claws holding her arms down next to her head at the wrists. His large body straddled hers, his weight holding her down to the floor.

  “Not so fast, little bird,” he said. His voice was a growl, low and menacing.

  “Please let me go,” she pleaded.

  “Why would we do that?” asked another, who had moved in with the others in a tight circle to where she was held down. She tried to move her arms but they were held fast by the monster. His face was inches from hers and she could see his pupils were split wide, a vertical slit rimmed by golden iris. His lips were pulled back in a snarl and the points of his teeth were wet. They looked very sharp.

  “Because I don't deserve this, I didn't do anything to you,” she said.

  The one over her let out a short and fierce growl at that.

  “You came from the place where our brother was kidnapped, you were there, tonight. He was being cut to pieces above your head, you are responsible.”

  “I don't know what you are talking about,” Alison said, but in her heart she knew that wasn't exactly true. She had known something was happening, she had known and did nothing about it. Her excuse for her inaction had been to protect her job and that seemed so flimsy now when presented with real world consequences. That gurney she had seen go past her must have hid one of these beast men and now they were looking for revenge.

  “YOU WERE THERE!” he growled. “You have been judged, and you are guilty.”

  What surprised her the most is that she felt like she deserved it. He had said that one of them were being cut into pieces, and she imagined the scientists at the lab doing horrible experiments on their captive. Her heart broke at the thought.

  “If I'm responsible, then yes, I will pay the punishment,” she said.

  She knew that she was not going to survive these monsters but if her sacrifice satiated them then she wouldn't die for nothing.

  “After you kill me you have to promise you won’t hurt anyone else,” she said. “I want your word on that.”

  “I have no plans to kill you, little mouse, your punishment will be equal to the violation you caused on our brother.”

  “What?” Alison had a glimmer of hope that perhaps she wasn't going to die tonight after all. Before she could ask what he meant, she felt him release her wrists to rip her blouse open with his claws. He arched his back to lift his body from hers so he could reach down to grab the fabric.

  Shocked too much to scream, Alison could do nothing to stop Gerald from tearing her clothes from her body. They fell in tattered shreds to the floor as he ripped them with his claws. He yanked the last remnant from her back and her body was lifted upward by the force used. She fell back to the floor when the fabric tore free.

  In less than ten seconds she was stripped naked born the marks from it. Gerald's claws had traced scratches on her skin and where he yanked the clothes off she knew she would have bruises.

  She went to cover herself with her hands again but before she could move them Jean Luc and Mathew snatched them, holding her down. Gerald stood and looked down at her naked body. She saw that the cat man had a large cock that was proudly standing out, full and erect. Like every other part of the man, it was covered in a short velvet layer of fur. It was bigger than any normal man's cock she had ever seen. She couldn't take her eyes off it because she knew what was going to happen next.

  Two more of the creatures, Jacob and Davidson, moved to grab her kicking legs and pull her spread wide. She was ashamed that all of these man creatures could now see every inch of her exposed body, including her pussy. She wondered if they could tell that she was getting wet from it, arousal from the incredible amount of excitement and terror she had experienced tonight. She wished that her body wasn't responding like this, but unlike her kidnappers, she was only human.

  At her feet Gerald lowered himself down to all fours, like a lion stalking his prey. He crawled forward until he was over her body and she felt his cock brushing her thighs as he moved.

  Without any hesitation he plunged the huge cock inside her wet pussy and she couldn't help but to let out a little moan of appreciation. Closing her eyes and straining against the men that held her, she felt him slide his cock in and out of her, long and deep strokes that made her feel like she was being split in two. With each thrust he slammed his oversized cock inside her and her body shuddered with the impact.

  Alison felt Gerald's fur covered chest pressed against her skin. It was soft but the muscles underneath it were as rock hard as the cock inside her.

  A sudden pain on her neck startled her. Gerald had nipped her with his sharp teeth. She had the silly memory of a pet cat she used to own that would bite her unexpectedly when its belly was being rubbed. This was obviously something different but it struck a cord and reminded her of how different these creatures were. Gerald licked at the spot of blood with a rough tongue, sending shivers through her entire body.

  Snarling, Gerald slammed his cock over and over into her poor pussy. She felt a pressure building inside her and knew that she was going to climax with this monster inside her. His throbbing cock was unrelenting as he fucked her, an unstoppable force of nature. If he didn't stop and kept fucking her like this, she was going to come.

  Alison felt her body quivering as the first wave of pleasure poured out of her pussy. She felt like a switch had been flipped and every ounce of tension and stress was flooding from her body in a flowing release. Her pussy cinched down, gripping the large cock inside her and she relished the feeling. She didn't know why but plush covering of fur, slick with her cum, and the hard cock it covered was turning her on more than anything had in her life.

  Gerald could feel her pussy squeezing down and began to fuck her even harder and faster. She felt a hot wetness explode inside her, his cum mixing with her own. When he pulled himself out she felt his seed pouring from her. It was a deliciously naughty feeling, to be used so raw and unprotected. Alison felt the clawed hands on her again, lifting her and tossing her over. Spun like a top, Alison was flipped over roughly to her hands and knees.

  She looked behind her and saw that another of the creatures had taken his place behind her. She didn't know any names yet, but they others knew it was Mathew. His clawed hands dug into the flesh on the sides of her hips as he pulled her back to him, his large cock pressing into her pussy.

  Alison felt him slide in, and Gerald's cum being forced out around it to make room. Her pussy was only so big and the presence of the cock took up every inch of it.

  From where she kneeled down she could see that the others were watching them intently. Their cat-like faces studying t
hem in a way that reminded her of predators on the prowl, except this time the pussy was what was being hunted instead of the other way around.

  Mathew began to glide his cock in and out of her, each time hitting so deep that Alison winced. He had a large cock too, and it felt so good to be filled by such a beast. Alison could feel the soft fur of his waist press against her cheeks as he worked his cock in her.

  Like a machine gone berserk he began to pound her as hard as he could. Alison was propelled forward with each powerful thrust, her body shacking with the impact. She had to push back with her hands on the floor to keep from being thrown forward from the force. This younger male couldn't have the staying power that Gerald did, and she felt his hot cum quickly spilling inside her to join his alpha’s.

  Jacob was next and he impatiently pulled Mathew back by the shoulders to take his place behind her. Holding his own cock in his clawed hand, he rubbed it over the slick area of her pussy, trying to find the spot. When he felt the opening her rocked his hips forward to slam himself in.

  His claws wrapped up a handful of her hair and pulled back hard. Alison had no choice but to arch her back and be pulled nearly upright. He grabbed her arms and with his cock still deep in her he threw her down face first to the floor. His weight pushed her ass down she was forced to lay flat with the cock in her. Prone and venerable, Alison felt the beast begin to fuck her with his inhuman cock. His whole body was pressed down over hers and she could feel his hot breath and feline whiskers on her neck.

  Jacob kept himself deep in her, not pulling out much as he pushed in each time. She was amazed at how tightly his body was pressed down on hers. His cock didn't travel as much as the others, his thrusts inside her were just as deep but they were shorter, because he didn't pull out as much each time.

  His body conformed to hers, her back to his front, molded together and joined by his thick cock.

  Alison had never done it this way before and it surprised her how much she was loving it. It could be the excitement of new position but everything was new with these creatures so it was impossible to tell.


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