How to Write

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How to Write Page 21

by Gertrude Stein

  A misunderstanding as to a return to that place which made it be more nearly as much as they wished because of their not finding it out. Letting it be rolled further and so they might which is left to them alone letting it not be which is it when they can establish in their only definite return to which might it be when it was alike. They might be theirs. There is a difference between success and succeeding and between announcing and never having left it to be left and after all this they came away. It is not very likely that they were not prepared to indulge themselves in it not at all and why because it should be as if they were prepared to abide by it abide by it leaving it not only as much as if they had no other arrangment to make or not at all briefly. As soon as soon as letting it alone makes it of more importance just as soon might and will they be there in exchange and so forth and so forth. A narrative might be why they visited one another one earlier and one later.

  Needs to have him answer. After once when he was out and stayed to have after all reminded that they had changed to the best of his knowledge and belief. Came to be sure that if after that it would be theirs at that time. Let us know how a narrative at length.

  A narrative means that not to have him replace him and not to have him have him replace him. A narrative a narrative of one of that one having met to repeat that one of that one and then one of that one having one of that one replace one one replace one one of that one two replace two of that one there never having been two of that one one of that one. Not a narrative of an approach to a union. Why could why could why could he why could why did their little boy recognise me. There is this difference between narrative and portrait a narrative makes anybody be at home and a portrait makes anybody remember me. There is this difference between a narrative and their walking. A narrative allows a change in this being that for the best of the time that makes letting it be when they might compare it altogether while a portrait has been while they were kept apart cordially. A narrative allows it to be most of it attached to their having lost it and a portrait is what might be while they were easily enough all about it all about it makes it do, a portrait and a narrative together makes it be one at a time.

  He was to was he was there when he made it as a pair of a pair like to be likely to be a thing to be given to be painted to be given to be here. For a very long time it was here. It is here now.

  There is no use for it but if it were not here it would not be here and so the pleasure of it not having not been here would have been lost. That in itself follows at one at a time and might it when left with it now be theirs as to come to that two mixing with a hunted as a left to them. Never having been as wanted as not to be what is it in allowance. This if not a narrative is a conclusion. What is the preparation of a narrative as a conclusion. What is it. What is it. A narrative, a conclusion a narrative comes to be to tell everything to them simply they had to have their coming to be seen that each cup not each saucer had a wild animal upon it. How many cups not only cups and saucers have to be following when they have had no opportunity for further display. No opportunity for further display. It might often be that they liked that. Every day it came to be darker at four than at five. And so forth.

  A narrative is an understood following of that individually individually sail which makes of it their understanding their understanding let it be in their way in their way wherever wherever there must. One narrative at once now. Another narrative two months now. Another narrative forty-five in a month now. Another narrative at once now. Another narrative twenty months now. Another narrative with a month now. Another narrative there are many who have come back to them. Another narrative as a matter of course.

  Mr. Herbert Masters come to be to change which is after all the difference between iron and steel and after a while he comes to change to which if after that you said to said allows it might it follow. If seen two at a time there could be no difference of their reorganising reorganising their arrangement. In this way there is no definite restitution. Supposing it followed their having it was nearly never that they needed their interposition. Finally it was by them and paid, letting it be why they went together. Who can now be aroused. They can by the narrative.

  Finding it have half the time having have finding it have half of the time half the time and so very nearly so very nearly and so half the time having which it is very extraordinary that they might use it. This is when they need it really desperately and placing it in different very well and nearly how far is that. This and it felt very well one at a time could there be any difference between their liking Grace and my liking Esther and her liking it every once in a while in that way. This is nearly what they mean by their preferring it. Once in a while it happens that they mean it just as much. And for this reason they have every time that they have to leave it where they can they mean to like to know which is the way they came that they came to bring it here which is what they do have when it is made at once. Liking to know just what they mean. There is some difference between having made it and carrying it about and how to use it and most of it is when they might be just as careful as ever. This will be what happens when very much as they like they are over pleased with what has happened and just like that at once. Every little while they meant to be in the way. This makes why they wished to reply if it is reasonable it is reasonable to let theirs be held just as it is which is why they must always think. A narrative remains which they had wanted.

  They might have theirs to-day they might have theirs to-day, it was very much what they did when they did not come.

  It was what they did when they had it as well as if they could be sent as much there as they liked when they did not neglect to relieve it at once as they might by the time that they could which is not why they liked it at all and this makes that is why they can be as much prepared to have come and been been very well received. As narrative did he tell which one he would very much have been after all not as much as they could joining theirs to all of it as beside which is not at all a reason. There is a narrative of seldom having had and coming to be which is it. Not to not to not to too alike like like like alike they share like they prepare, can a letter place a letter can a letter place a tray can a letter place a letter can a letter be a way to have this be arranged. Be arranged very well be arranged very very well be arranged. They were not convinced that it was the same they were not convinced that it was the same they were not convinced that it was the same they were not convinced that it was the same. They accepted what they were convinced was not the same they accepted what they were convinced was not the same, they accepted what they were convinced was not the same they accepted what they were convinced was not the same they replaced with what they were convinced was not the same they replaced with what they were convinced was not the same they replaced with what they were convinced was not the same they replaced with what they were convinced was not the same it was as carefully chosen that which with they replaced what they were convinced was not the same it was as carefully chosen that with which they replaced what they were convinced was not the same it was as carefully chosen that with which they replaced that which they were convinced was not the same it was as carefully chosen that with which they replaced that which they were convinced was not the same it was as carefully chosen that with which they replaced that which they were convinced was not the same and this might be the name of ring around a rosy because letting papers glide makes needles needles having tried makes having having it beside makes which is when they have to have it tried like that to be alone at home most and very likely which is now and by this in the kind of left as it would be might it be left to the rest for a return. They never returned it. A narrative makes arranging for the situation which is desirable as easily difficult and arranged for.

  A narrative of Harold Acton

  A narrative of Elliot Paul

  A narrative of William Cook

  A narrative of George Lynes

  A narrative of Harry Brackett

  A narrative of Eugene McGowa

  A narrative of Edgar Taine.

  In the in the in a narrative of Harold Acton there is no that is no separation. There is no in no declaration. Conversation and circumstances and there about to may leave it as they can left it out and out. Out in it. Let any leave it to the make it bring bring letting seeing seeing letting seeing seeing. Nobody knows the difference between a girl and a boy. How can you tell a girl you can tell a girl by a girl how can you tell a girl by a girl how can you tell a girl by a girl. She was a girl. How can you tell a boy by a boy how can you how can you tell how can you tell well how can you tell a boy by a boy. A boy is one two three yet yesterday year yet yesterday year how can you tell a girl yet yesterday year yet year yet year yet yesterday year. How can you tell a boy how can you tell a girl. In a narrative of Harold Acton not conversation not as they might be which is which is not conversation which is which is yet yesterday year which is year which yet which is year yet which is yet yesterday year which is yet year yesterday year yet yesterday year yet. Which is year yet yet yesterday. Which is year yet yet yesterday yet year yesterday year yet.

  Leave when nor and is leave let when or and sooner. Might he be and in indicated other this which is met to might to be to where. Supper suppose if supper suppose let which in there to fasten. Fast to if to an and chinese junk broke a rudder and an and chinese a junk broke a rudder. This effort leave the bed alone.

  They be little be left be killed be left be little be killed be killed be little be little be left be killed be his father be his mother be his father be little be left be killed be his mother be his father be left be killed be little be his father be his mother. Be little be his mother be left be his father be killed be little be his father be left be killed be his father be left be killed be his father be his mother be killed be his mother be left be his mother be little be killed be left be his mother be his father be his father be his mother be his father be left be his mother be killed be left be his father.

  This is what did not happen to happen to be this brother to his brother to his father to his father to be left to his mother to his father.

  Like which is this to have the bay to-day to seed it with a fine compare the little having had it not to like it as if they might which is it it is like which is meant meant to consider come to find it to compare Harold would infinitely rather have roses between pear trees than a child. Yes he would and very likely that is a gain. This is not why this followed that. To try and have it all again Harold need not share.

  He first added fed and way and weighed and followed from and first and first added weighed and wait and first added followed he first added followed first and wait weighed and first he first added followed first and weighed and wait and wait. He first added followed weighed and wait first added followed wait and weighed first added wait and weighed first added followed wait and weighed first added followed he first added followed he first added followed wait weighed first added followed he first added followed first wait and weighed first weighed and wait first he first added followed he first added followed wait and weighed first added wait and weighed he first added followed he first added followed weighed and wait first added followed wait and weighed first added weighed and wait he first added followed weighed he first added followed weighed and wait followed he first added followed.

  There can be she be to be rose to be killed to be which to be as to be he can be killed to be rose to be should to be killed to be and this is why they made the pose to-day.

  Harold to be which is to be which is not to be rose to be not to be say to be rose to be which to be is to be any way to be not as much as when there is a house and room and left to have to be to quell to be to be to rose to be to quell to be be followed quell to be and a little never well to be a moon. Which is an advantage. Harold Acton can be finally withdrawn from Beatrice withdrawn from Beatrice withdrawn from Beatrice who was quelled to be withdrawn from Beatrice who was quelled to be rose to be Harold Acton quelled to be rose to be with soon and not at light sight and and at at attention in in intention with in within might might see be. How to go on.

  When if he would when if he would when first. What will happen to this to say what will happen when this to may what will happen when this to lay what will happen when this to-day to close him. What will happen happen to be what will happen to Beatrice three Beatrice Beatrice had a mother and a father and two or a brother and she was left alone and she was left alone beautifully. This made that be that be that be might be made it be that to be to be rose. Harold Acton came to leave leave leaf lead land and leave it in it could it may I ask everybody was it agreeable. How is he followed by a narrative of reprisal. Reprisal means an excellent refusal an excellent industry an excellent facility an excellent recognition an excellent instance and an excellent consequence consequence of it. Refusal means partaking of it extraordinarily and their in use. No one knows who use whose use whose use in which leave leaf and made he might he will be unknown to and farther. As among.

  Harold Acton wintered in as stay. He need be nearly be why did an artificial bird no bird is not artificial at a glance.

  Continue away and this makes what happened by the time be time the vine that is suppose when he will have to may. To be rose.

  Not to be to come to be to come to be rose to come to be rose. Fair fair fare very well to go if it is not to be so fare fairly well to be go to be rose rose to go fare fairly well if and if and if and not if and not not to to be rose to be fare fairly well to be rose to be not to be rose to be gone. How to go religiously.

  Harold Acton has left Sunday for Friday Harold Acton has left Thursday for another day Harold Acton has left Saturday for Tuesday Harold. Acton has left Monday for yesterday. Harold Acton has left the day before yesterday Harold Acton has left the day before Wednesday Harold Acton has left Tuesday for every day Harold Acton has left to day for a day for a day by day day by day Harold Acton has left day by day day by day Harold Acton has left day by day day by day day by day Harold Acton has left day by day day by the day day by the day Harold Acton has left the day by the day Harold Acton has left that day Harold Acton has left on the day Harold Acton has left on the day. Harold Acton one two two one one two two one Harold Acton and one two two two one Harold Acton and one one two two two one one two two one Harold Acton one two two two one Harold Acton two one two one two two one two two one two one two one two one Harold Acton one two two one. Harold Acton one two two one. Harold Acton inestimable and return to two two one two two two two one. Harold Acton inestimable and return returned to returned to two two two returned to two two two one two Harold Acton inestimable to returned to returned to two to two two one returned to inestimable returned to two two two two one inestimable Harold Acton returned to to two two to two two to two two two to two two two two one Harold Acton returned to two two one Harold Acton returned to two two two two one. Harold Acton make is different from made and made is different from that and again and that and again is different from circumstance and circumstance is different from not and not and not at all and not and Harold Acton might be obliged to might be obliged to not to come Harold Acton might be obliged to not to come might be obliged to not to come Harold Acton might be obliged to not to come Harold Acton might be obliged to not to come.

  Harold Acton as to this to that to which is what is what to and which one. He was individually and in willing not to be discredited to the disliking of their extra and having much more than felt it to be following at this time. This made be theirs by their choice, could one be more than confusing and will it be after a while theirs again and this at all and freshly be might it be witnessed if if can be called farther. He might be with it all for this relatively theirs be and being searched searching leaving this in as three. He might it be in their coming is it be wished wishing theirs this and what was it he said he said he said. Not allowing moistening to be dwelt upon by theirs in name and so she might be Beatrice Beatrice bent she she bent to bent to be bent to be he to be bent to be he to be
bent to be Beatrice but to be he. Not much at a time but as long.

  Harold Acton which is it Harold Acton to be sure which is it Harold Acton and to be a choice follow makes place please pay it as they have it as they call it come and call it call it come come come and call it and come and call it and succeeded he is succeeded he is succeeded and succeeded notably by his successor. This is a narrative regularly read it read it when it is in that perhaps in that perhaps in that past past it let him alone with his discoveries.

  Hatold Acton might be useful altogether.

  How soon can one at noon lose well at noon the place as soon as soon as he which is why they usefully let it be which might might generally be restfully determined to be undermined identically to their restraint. Make it be theirs never hesitatingly leading when in an exact esteem their esteem is as noted noticeably never all to it come to be felt redressed and unexacted to their lingering in there as soon. Never follow their under under which made it be and seen seen is never resolutely under estimatingly automatic is much as that. He made makes might merely make it advantageously in retrospect. When he had a shepherd a shepherdess four cows one bull two goats a sheep dog and in the distance houses built upon the end of their position which is why they have been not unreasonably left beside one another at one time. This makes it not appear neither which is nor why it is as it is wanted.


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