Immortals of New Orleans Box Set (Books 1-4)

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Immortals of New Orleans Box Set (Books 1-4) Page 90

by Kym Grosso

  “No. And honestly, how am I supposed to tell her? She hasn’t even shifted yet. I don’t even know if she knows about being marked or mated or any of that wolf stuff. In all seriousness, I can’t keep my hands off her. And as much control as I have, my friend, and I have shown great restraint, I’m not sure how long it’s goin’ to last…with or without your help. I fucking bit my lip so hard this morning that it bled.”

  Dimitri laughed again picturing that scene. Priceless. After all, it was kind of comical. Well, as long as it wasn’t happening to him.

  “Listen, I know I should tell her but there’s a lot of shit going down. Not to mention that I’ve known her all of two days,” he insisted. “And there’s Jax, which is a whole other issue.”

  “I get it. Not sure what to tell you. But if your wolf wants her, you know as well as I do that it’s going to be damn near impossible to deny him. It’s just a matter of time.”

  “With Dana dead and some psychopath running around with viruses, my love life should be the least of my problems. We’ve gotta focus, D.” Logan changed the subject. “I just got a text from Devereoux. Looks like he’s found the location of what he thinks is the lab. Cagey bastard didn’t give me the address. Told him to be here within the hour.”

  “Sure you want the vamp here? What about the office?”

  “No, too many humans around. We’ll meet in my conference room here at the house. Don’t worry,” Logan stated without emotion. “If he crosses me, he’ll be leavin’ in an urn.”

  This was exactly why Logan was Alpha, Dimitri thought. The guy could joke around with him and show compassion for his wolves, but at the end of the day, he’d tear the throat out of the enemy without a second thought. A lethal weapon. After what happened to Dana, his Alpha would take swift revenge.

  “Can you get the guys over here?” Logan asked. “I’m hoping the vamp is ready with building schematics and details. I’d like to take this place out as soon as possible.”

  “I’m on it. Anything else?”

  Logan blew out a breath and shut the cover on his tablet. “Jax. Looks like the weather up north is clearin’ up. He could be here tonight, tomorrow morning at the latest. I was going to call him about Wynter, but this conversation needs to happen in person.”

  “Is that goin’ be a problem?”

  “No, just wanted to give you a heads up. Our main focus is tonight, takin’ out this lab. I don’t know how this thing is going to go down with Devereoux. I don’t trust him, but we don’t have many options. Also, we’re going to have to bury Dana soon; her mom’s making the arrangements. The full moon’s in a couple of nights too. So I want everyone out of the city right after the funeral.”


  The men stopped as soon as they heard Wynter padding down the stairs. Logan looked over to Dimitri with a knowing look and mouthed, “Not a word.”

  Dimitri rolled his eyes and sighed. The female really was driving his Alpha mad.

  “Hi there,” Wynter greeted as she strolled over to Logan. She placed a kiss on his cheek and smiled at Dimitri.

  Wynter felt the cloudy skies clear after talking to Logan. No more secrets. She wasn’t sure where their relationship was going, but after making love, she hoped they were meant to be. She wasn’t a fool, she’d heard about mates and how it worked between wolves. Wolves could mate with wolves and even humans every now and then. But was she destined to be Logan’s mate? Of that she couldn’t be sure. She wondered if it was something that would just smack her in the head. Maybe after she shifted she would know?

  As she looked to Logan and his beta, a rush of happiness broke across her face. She blushed like a schoolgirl. It was so irrational yet she just couldn’t help how good it felt to be free: physically, emotionally, and sexually. Logan knew all there was to know of her past. So did Dimitri. Not only that, she’d been made love to thoroughly during the past twelve hours. Being with Logan drove her to new sexual heights. In the past, she’d never been so adventurous. But his touch to her skin ignited her libido; she wanted him in every way and position she could get him.

  In the shower, she spent the time fantasizing about Logan, the next time they’d have sex, and actually was hoping that he’d push her further. Not that she’d had a lot of sex with other men, but it’d always been strictly vanilla. With Logan, she imagined she’d let him do anything and everything with her….except for sharing him with another woman. The feel of his fingers in her ass thrilled her, and she couldn’t wait to take it further. She laughed silently to herself. She really was changing and damn, if she wasn’t enjoying it.

  Logan, still seated, wrapped a hand around her waist, pulled her to him and kissed her hip. It felt so good, so natural to have her in his home.

  “You want coffee? Something to eat?” he asked lovingly.

  “I can get it, thanks,” she said with a caress to his cheek. She poured herself some coffee and took a beignet out of the bag on the counter. “So what’s up? You guys are awfully quiet all of a sudden.”

  The men exchanged a look. How much should they tell her? Dimitri averted his gaze, deferring to his Alpha. Logan decided to tell her about tonight. She had every right to know what was about to go down.

  “Devereoux thinks he’s got a location on the lab. We’re goin’ in tonight,” Logan disclosed.

  “We’re having a meeting here in a little bit,” Dimitri added.

  Wynter, determined not to let it get to her, didn’t miss a beat. “Okay, I’m in. So when is the meeting? Who’s coming?”

  Logan coughed. She seriously wasn’t thinking of going back to the lab? “Devereoux. He’ll probably bring a couple of his vamps.”

  “I want to go with you…to the lab,” she stated, popping a pastry into her mouth.

  “No,” both men said at once.

  She nearly choked. After a chew and a swallow, she propped a hand on her hip. “I could get the data, find the blood samples, help transfer any samples. I know what I’m doing. Listen, I’m not crazy about going back in there, but someone with knowledge of viral transports has to go. That is unless you happen to have another virologist available who’s just dying to go into a dangerous situation with a high probability of injury or death.” She raised an eyebrow at them.

  Dimitri shook his head no. Logan, on the other hand, considered her argument. This was exactly why he should not be involved with Wynter. They needed her. His heart said ‘no fucking way’, but the objective leader in him told him she was right. He played the scenario through in his mind. They go in guns, teeth and fangs blazing, kick some ass, tear open a vial and end up infecting the neighborhood with some unknown contagion. No, there had to be a way to take her as part of the team and keep her safe.

  “Okay, you go,” he decided.

  “Um, Logan, maybe we should talk about…” Dimitri started.

  “She goes,” Logan reiterated. “Wynter’s right. We’ll put someone on her. She stays in the car until we’ve got an all clear. Then, she’ll come in to evaluate the lab.”

  “Okay, she goes then,” he agreed reluctantly. As much as he didn’t want her to go, he knew Logan was right. Who else could they bring who had knowledge about viruses?

  “So, it’s settled. Anything else I should know? God, these things are good,” she moaned, closing her eyes. Powdered sugar covered her lips.

  For a brief second, Logan considered licking the white powder off her lips, flipping her onto the table and thrusting into her right there. From now on, he was so keeping a supply of beignets in the house. Damn, she was hot. And completely unaware of what she was doing. His little wolf was going to be the death of him.

  Logan looked over to Dimitri whose jaw was wide open. Even his beta was not immune to the way she slid her tongue over her pink lips and inserted a finger into her mouth, moaning in ecstasy.

  “D?” He snapped his fingers, trying to break him out of her spell.

  “Yeah,” Dimitri said as if in a daze.

  “D,” Logan said lou
der with a smile.

  “Sorry.” Yeah, not really sorry. He grinned back at Logan. “So, what were we talking about?”

  Logan laughed at how ridiculous they both were acting. There was no denying that she was captivating. Sensual without being overtly sexual. Maybe the most humorous part of the whole thing was that she was his mate. As she continued licking and sucking her sugary fingers, oblivious to her effect on the males around her, it occurred to him that if Dimitri noticed, so would others. His wolf would not stand for it one bit. Sure, he might eventually share her with his beta but it’d be on his terms. And it would only happen after he’d claimed her, marked her as his own.

  Logan sat solemnly at the head of the table in the conference room. When he’d renovated, he’d ensured that his office had an adjoining meeting room. Unlike the other rooms in his home, this room was uber-sleek, modern and secure. Twelve high-backed leather chairs surrounded the boat-shaped mahogany conference table. Trimmed in a black inlay, the well-oiled wooden surface gave off a sheen. A large flat screen monitor hung on the wall behind the captain’s chair. Overhead, a retractable projector extended from the ceiling.

  Glancing over to Wynter, he almost regretted bringing her to the meeting. Concentrating on something other than how he wanted to tear off her clothes and get her back in bed was going to be a challenge. Beautiful as always, she’d pulled her wild hair back into a ponytail, exposing her sun-kissed neck and shoulders. The spaghetti-strapped royal blue sundress hugged her breasts and fell just above her knees. A hint of lip gloss shone on her soft lips; the same magic lips that’d been wrapped around his cock earlier this morning. She looked up to him with a small smile as she played nervously with the pen in her hands.

  Logan quickly refocused his attention to Dimitri who ushered their fanged guests into the room. His face hardened as he nodded to Léopold who’d brought Étienne and Xavier with him. Zeke and Jake followed, cautiously eyeing the vampires. After everyone was seated, Dimitri sat next to Wynter so that she was safely nestled between him and Logan.

  Wynter heart raced at the sight of the vampires. With his typical arrogance, Léopold gave her a broad smile as if he’d known she’d slept with Logan. Her face heated as he took his time undressing her with his eyes. A glance to Logan, whose eyes were flared in anger, told her the gesture was not unnoticed. When Léopold finally stopped looking at her breasts and caught her gaze, he nodded as if to say, ‘nice rack’. She rolled her eyes in disgust. Léopold may have been gorgeous, but he was trouble, big trouble. After that dance, a cautious smile was all she could manage. Shit, this was going to be a long meeting. Why was she here again? Yeah, that pesky virus business.

  After reviewing schematics of a small abandoned factory in the Warehouse District, the group agreed on the side entrance. Wynter had tried to tell them that even though she suspected there were other scientists on the premises, the operation was small. It had to be considering the frequent relocation. Regardless, there had to be at least one room for the guards and maybe one for whoever was running the show. But Wynter couldn’t be sure because she’d never left the lab.

  Every time they’d prepare for a move, it was on short notice. The guard would tell her to pack her equipment. From flasks to pipettes and test tubes to beakers, everything had its container. Similar to the portable labs being used by students in a university, they hadn’t relied on a sedentary lab. She wasn’t sure how they made quick work of relocating the larger, high priced ticket items like the microscope, incubators and centrifuges. But like clockwork, the next lab would be set up within a day.

  After an hour’s deliberation, the team decided to let Léopold go in first. He suspected that someone in his line had created children for the sole purpose of protecting their endeavor. Logan was more than happy to let him deal with his own, but when it came to finding the killer, he wanted first dibs on meting out justice. It was the least he could do for Dana and Wynter.

  By the end of the meeting, Logan’s wolf was strung out, not at all happy with the testosterone filled room. His lips formed a tight line, listening to Léopold pontificate about how he planned to kill his children. Digging his fingers into the chair arms, he observed how Étienne stared at Wynter a little too much. At no point did the vampire take notice that the Alpha watched him like a hawk. He wasn’t sure if he sensed a sexual intention or blood lust from him, but he wanted the blonde vampire out of his house.

  “Enough,” Logan declared. He rose and placed his palms down onto the table’s smooth surface. “Devereoux, as much as I appreciate you cooperating with Acadian Wolves, I think we’ve covered everything. We’ll meet you there at nine.”

  Léopold stood, giving a slight nod to Étienne and Xavier. Dimitri followed suit, intending to accompany them out of the house. As he did, Léopold boldly strode across the room, directly approaching Wynter. Logan growled, pushing in front of her.

  The dashing vampire merely chuckled. “Alpha, you’ve found your wolf, no? I won’t harm her.”

  “It’s okay, Logan,” Wynter stated calmly, determined to show no fear. She slid around Logan to face Léopold directly. Logan wrapped his arm around her waist, keeping her close to him. “Monsieur Devereoux, I appreciate your help with this. They’ll come for me otherwise.”

  “Brave fille. No matter what you think, I won’t let them have you…whoever they may be.” He reached for her hand, and Wynter found herself allowing him to take it. Logan visibly tensed as Léopold kissed the back of her wrist, letting it go as quickly as he’d taken it.

  “This is important. We mustn’t fail,” she insisted. Wynter brought her palm to her chest, feigning courage.

  “A lost battle is a battle one thinks one has lost,” Léopold stated.

  “Sorry?” Wynter asked.

  “Sartre,” the vampire quoted. “I’m optimistic, given that they haven’t moved.”

  “We shall see tonight, won’t we?” Logan commented.

  “That we will…that we will,” Léopold repeated, waving a hand in the air as he left the room.

  By the time everyone was gone, Logan’s confidence regarding the probability of finding the killer had risen.

  “Odd vampire, isn’t he?” Wynter noted.

  “That he is. My gut tells me he abides by some code of honor, but don’t ever mistake him for anything but what he is,” Logan warned.

  “A monster?”

  Logan smiled. “Battle not with monsters, lest ye become a monster.”

  She laughed. “Another quote?”

  “Friedrich Nietzsche,” Logan confirmed. He took her hands in his. “We have a few hours before it’s time to leave. I know I should be encouraging you to go relax, take a nap or something sensible like that.”

  “Relax, huh? How ‘bout a bubble bath? Or a massage?” She winked and dragged her finger down his chest.

  “A bath sounds good to me as long as I’m in there with you.” Logan pulled her flush to him, burying his head in her neck and growled. “You drive me crazy, do you know that? I can’t keep my hands off you.”

  Wynter giggled, growing aroused, loving the feel of his warm lips on her skin. She looked over to the table and gave him a sexy smile. “My Alpha,” she began seductively. “You know, I just noticed that this is a really nice table. Sturdy. Long. Hard.”

  My Alpha? Logan’s cock thickened at her words. The table isn’t the only hard thing in this room, baby. He glanced to its wooden top then back to her with a smile.

  “African mahogany. A friend custom made it for me. You like?”

  “Oh I like. I mean, it looks very functional. I bet we could get a lot of work done at this table,” she mused with a wink. Meeting his eyes, she gave him a suggestive smile and cocked her eyebrow. She slid her hand down between his legs and cupped his hard arousal. “You know, I always wondered what it would be like to be a secretary. I’ve been looking around here, and it seems you’re in need of some assistance.”

  Logan hissed, closing his eyes. Holy shit, that felt amazi

  “How about I fill in for your secretary today?” she asked. “I’m very good at dictation, sir.”

  Wynter had never in her life been so forward. But after making love to Logan, she craved him more than ever. As though she were addicted to a drug, she needed more. The warmth between her legs grew painful. Feeling flirtatious and horny, she didn’t think it would take very long to entice him into her fantasy.

  Logan eyed Wynter, hardly believing he could be so lucky. His naughty little wolf wanted a romp in the office? Seriously? His brain said ‘no way’, but his burgeoning erection said, ‘hell yes’. He’d have to be careful not to get carried away. His wolf wanted this woman in the worst way, sought to claim her.

  “Sweetheart, I don’t think you know what you’re askin’. My wolf, he’s restless.” He gently nipped at her collarbone, as if to give her fair warning. If he took her, it was going to be rough and hard.

  “But I do…I know exactly what I’m agreeing to.” Wynter leaned into Logan and placed a kiss to his chin then dragged her tongue along his bottom lip and kissed him.

  “Do you now?” Logan grabbed a fistful of her hair, gently pulling her head backwards. Revealing her neck, he licked at the hollow until she gasped.

  “I need it…need you…here…” Wynter breathed.

  “Do you submit, little one?” He peppered her with soft kisses. “Is that what you crave?” He pushed up her dress, reached between her legs, sliding his fingers into her slick folds. She tried to move, and he stilled her, holding her by the back of her hair.

  “Yes, oh God, yes,” she cried.

  He drove a thick finger up into her hot pussy, tracing small circles over her clit with his thumb. “Like this? Is this what you want? Oh, yes…yes you do. You’re so wet.”

  Closing her eyes, she nodded and moaned. Submit? Dominate? It was all good. She’d do whatever he wanted as long as he made love with her now.

  “Turn around,” he commanded, pulling his hand out of her panties. “Hands on the table, Miss Ryan.”


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