Information that MALCOLM and his wife are now “Orthodox Muslims” and MALCOLM was appointed to the board of the Supreme Council governing Islamic Affairs, and, therefore qualified himself to “spread Islam in America among the Afro-Americans.” (Airtel to Bureau 9/29/64 and LHM 10/2/64)
The information received from this source has been used to supplement and corroborate information from live informants and has been channelized to appropriate files.
American Nazi Party of the World Union of Free Enterprise National Socialists, also known as The George Lincoln Rockwell Party
Fair Play for Cuba Committee (FPCC)
Freedomways Associates, Incorporated
Fruit of Islam (FOI)
Independent Socialist Youth (ISY) and Independent Socialist Club (ISC)
May 2 Movement (M2M), formerly known as May 2 Committee
Muhammad’s Temple of Islam No. 11, Boston, Massachusetts, also referred to as Nation of Islam (NOI)
Muhammad’s Temple of Islam No. 13, Springfield, Massachusetts, also referred to as Nation of Islam (NOI)
Muhammad’s Temple of Islam No, 14, Hartford, Connecticut, also referred to as Nation of Islam (NOI)
Muslim Girls Training (MGT)
Muslim Mosque, Incorporated (MMI)
Nation of Islam (NOI), formerly referred to as the Muslim Cult of Islam, also known as Muhammad’s Temples of Islam
Nation of Islam, Mosque No. 7
Organization of Afro-American Unity, Incorporated (OAAU)
Progressive Labor Party, Progressive Labor Movement, “Progressive Labor”
Provisional Organizing Committee for a Marxist-Leninist Communist Party (POC); also known as Provisional Organizing Committee For the Reconstitution of a Marxist-Leninist Party; Provisional Committee For the Reconstitution of the Marxist-Leninist Communist Party; Provisional Committee to Reconstitute the Communist Party, USA
Revolutionary Action Movement (RAM)
Socialist Workers Party-Los Angeles Local (SWP-LAL)
Socialist Workers Party-Philadelphia Branch
Socialist Workers Party-New York Local
Socialist Workers Party-San Francisco Division
Socialist Workers Party-Seattle Branch
Workers World Party
Young Socialist Alliance (YSA)
Young Socialist Club of Wayne County (YSC); also known as Wayne University Young Socialist Club; Wayne Young Socialist Club; Young Socialist Club
A. American Nazi Party of the World Union of Free
Enterprise National Socialists, also known as the
George Lincoln Rockwell Party
In his book This Time The World, copyrighted in 1961, GEORGE LINCOLN ROCKWELL identified himself as Commander, American Nazi Party of the World Union of Free Enterprise National Socialists (ANP-WUFENS), Arlington, Virginia.
The April 4, 1963 issue of The Richmond News Leader, a Richmond, Virginia daily newspaper, reported that GEORGE LINCOLN ROCKWELL had, on the previous day, again applied for the American Nazi Party to be chartered in the State of Virginia, but this request was turned down by the Virginia State Corporation Commission. This action was taken pursuant to an act of the 1962 Virginia Assembly which prohibits the use of “Nazi” or “National Socialism” in a Virginia charter. This article further pointed out that ROCKWELL’S party is presently chartered in the State of Virginia as the George Lincoln Rockwell Party.
On August 19, 1963, a source advised that the ANP-WUFENS was organized by GEORGE LINCOLN ROCKWELL at his residence in Arlington, Virginia, on February 26, 1959, as an international “National Socialist” movement based on the German Nazi Party headed by ADOLF HITLER. He added that ROCKWELL is the dominant force and personality in this party; that he is espousing a “line” of hatred against the Jews and Negroes; and that he is seeking, through speeches, distribution of literature and picketing, to establish a cohesive and dominant political party in the United States and in foreign countries.
On December 13, 1963, this source advised that in about September, 1960, the ANP initiated the Fighting American Nationalists (FAN) as a front group for the ANP, although it has never been a separate organization. He said the FAN name is merely used on occasion instead of the ANP name and there are no separate officials for FAN, the FAN officials being identical with the ANP officials. He stated that GEORGE LINCOLN ROCKWELL has informed him the FAN name was originally used as a device to attract supporters to his organization who might rebel at the use of the Swastika and at being labeled a Nazi.
He added that the ANP has operated under the FAN name throughout the country with the exception of a group operating under the FAN name in Baltimore, Maryland. He said the FAN group in Baltimore is now, and always has been, a separate organization and not a part of the ANP.
On October 3, 1963, RICHARD BERRY NORTON, the admitted former director of the FAN group in Baltimore, Maryland, advised that the Baltimore FAN, which was organized in the Spring of 1961, has no official connection with the ANP, although until December, 1962, it received its literature from GEORGE LINCOLN ROCKWELL’S ANP.
According to the “Stormtrooper’s Manual,” an official publication of the ANP, the phases of ANP struggle for power are fourfold, namely, first “to make ourselves known to the masses”; second, “the dissemination of our program and the truth about the party”; third, “organizing the people who have been converted to our propaganda”; and fourth, “the attainment of power through the votes of the newly-won masses.”
B. Fair Play for Cuba Committee (FPCC)
The April 6, 1960 edition of the New York Times newspaper contains a full page advertisement captioned, “What Is Really Happening in Cuba,” placed by the FPCC. This advertisement announced the formation of the FPCC in New York City, listed various sponsors of the Committee and declared the FPCC intended to promulgate “the truth about revolutionary Cuba” to neutralize the distorted American press on Cuban affairs.
The New York Times edition of January 11, 1961 reported that at a hearing conducted before the United States Senate Internal Security Subcommittee on January 10, 1961, Dr. CHARLES A. SANTOS-BUCH identified himself as one of the organizers of the FPCC. Also, Dr. SANTOS-BUCH identified ROBERT TABER as a co-organizer of the FPCC and said TABER drafted the aforementioned FPCC advertisement. Dr. SANTOS-BUCH further testified that he and TABER obtained $3,500 from the Cuban Government through the son of Cuba’s Foreign Minister, which funds, along with about $1,100 collected from supporters of the FPCC, paid for the cost of aforementioned advertisement in the New York Times.
[BUREAU DELETION] advised that the Socialist Workers Party (SWP) in New York had become active in the FPCC, and that SWP members, in a recent FPCC election, had been able to remove several Communist Party members who were on the Executive Board of the FPCC and gain control of the organization. This source asserted that the SWP members believed that they had achieved a great influence in the course of the Cuban revolution through their control of the FPCC.
[BUREAU DELETION] advised that PHIL BART, National Organizational Secretary and member of the National Committee, CP, USA, had reportedly stated recently that the FPCC had been captured by the Trotskyites, but that the CP had not given up on the FPCC.
The SWP and the CP, USA, have been designated by the Attorney General of the United States pursuant to Executive Order 10450.
C. Freedomways Associates, Incorporated
The records of the New York Secretary of State, Albany, New
York, show that the certificate of incorporation of Freedomways Associates, Incorporated, was filed on March 2, 1961.
The Spring, 1964, issue of Freedomways is self-described as “A Quarterly Review of the Negro Freedom Movement” published by Freedomways Associates, Incorporated, 799 Broadway, New York City.
On May 24, 1961, a source advised that a report was given on Freedomways at a meeting of the National Board, Communist Party, USA (CPUSA), held on May 24, 1961. It was stated that the original plan called for the publication to be openly Marxist, but that it was later decided it would not be avowedly a Marxist publication. Editorials are in the hands of a mixed group of Marxists and non-Marxists. It was stated that the central purpose of “Freedomways” is to develop a theory and positive criticism of currents in the Negro movement, as well as to raise the level of understanding and discussion taking place in Negro life today and to project a socialist and pro-Soviet orientation.
On May 25, 1961, another source advised that Freedomways was set up for the CPUSA by JAMES JACKSON, a member of the National Committee of the CPUSA.
D. Fruit of Islam
On May 8, 1964, a source advised that the Fruit of Islam (FOI) is a group within the Nation of Islam (NOI) composed of male members of the NOI. The purpose of the FOI is to protect officials and property of the NOI, assure compliance of members with NOI teachings and to prepare for the “War of Armageddon.” Members of the FOI are required to participate in military drill and are afforded the opportunity to engage in judo training. The FOI is governed by a military system wherein the members are controlled by general orders similar to those issued by regular military organizations.
E. Independent Socialist Youth (ISY) AND
Independent Socialist Club (ISC)
A source at various times from April to December, 1958, advised that the Independent Socialist Youth (ISY) was organized in March, 1958, at Detroit, Michigan, in part by efforts of members of the Socialist Workers Party (SWP). The ISY was referred to by SWP members as an “IBM” group (independent, broad, and militant). The ISY emphasized that it welcomed persons from all political tendencies who were interested in socialism. The ISY membership was comprised of individuals who belonged to the Communist Party (CP), SWP, Young Socialist Club of Wayne County (YSC), and independent socialists. The ISY had no definite program for political action; however, members of the YSC, who made up the majority of the ISY membership, tried to influence the ISY toward being a revolutionary socialist group. In an attempt to extend this influence, the YSC was officially dissolved on August 18, 1958, and the members urged to join the ISY.
By November, 1958, the SWP members in the ISY found they could not introduce the program for political action they wanted; therefore, they withdrew their support from the ISY, which caused it to become defunct. Part of the reasoning behind this action was the belief on the part of the SWP members that the ISY could not serve any useful purpose, but a similar-type group organized on the campus of Wayne State University, Detroit, could be of value in furthering the SWP youth movement.
An SWP member who was a student at Wayne State University was assigned to attempt to get a socialist youth group organized on the campus of that school. This member, together with assistance from a former member of the ISY and ISY contacts at the university, was successful in getting a group organized on the campus of Wayne State University in December, 1958, under the name Independent Socialist Club (ISC). The club was organized under the political science department of the university. Officers were elected and a new constitution was drawn up. Reportedly, with the exception of one SWP member, the ISC consists mostly of “independent socialists” or persons who are not socialists but are interested in learning the socialist viewpoint.
The SWP and the CP, USA have been designated pursuant to Executive Order 10450.
F. May 2 Movement (M2M) Formerly known as
May 2 Committee
A source advised on March 3, 1965 as follows:
The M2M is the name now used by the May 2 Committee, which was organized on March 14, 1964, at New Haven, Connecticut, by a group of young people participating in a symposium, “Socialism in America,” being held at Yale University. The original aim of the M2M was to plan and execute a demonstration in New York City on May 2, 1964, demanding withdrawal of United States troops from Viet Nam.
The M2M is dominated and controlled by the Progressive Labor Party (PLP) and has for its aim and purpose the embarrassment of the United States government by meetings, rallies, picketing demonstrations and formation of university level clubs at which a Marxist-Leninist oriented approach and analysis is taken of United States domestic and foreign policies.
This source advised on May 19, 1965, that the current headquarters of the M2M is 640 Broadway, New York City, Room 307.
G. Muhammad’s Temple of Islam No. 11, Boston,
Massachusetts, also referred to as the
Nation of Islam (NOI)
On March 18, 1954, a source stated that the Nation of Islam (NOI) had become active in Boston, Massachusetts, and knew that it had held meetings as early as November, 1953.
On May 11, 1964, a second source stated that the Temple of Islam in Boston, Massachusetts, is known as Muhammad’s Temple of Islam No. 11 or Muhammad’s Mosque No. 11. It is located at 35 Intervale Street, Dorchester (Boston), Massachusetts, and is the local branch of Muhammad’s Temple of Islam whose headquarters are in Chicago, Illinois.
H. Muhammad’s Temple of Islam No. 13, Springfield,
Massachusetts, also referred to as the
Nation of Islam (NOI)
On March 9, 1955, a source advised that the Nation of Islam (NOI) had, at that time, just opened a Temple in Springfield, Massachusetts.
On May 11, 1964, a second source advised that NOI Temple No. 13 is located on the corner of Oak and Tyler Streets, Springfield, Massachusetts. The membership refer to Temple No. 13 as either Muhammad’s Temple of Islam No. 13 or Muhammad’s Mosque No. 13. This source stated that Temple No. 13 is a part of the national organization which has its headquarters in Chicago, Illinois.
I. Muhammad’s Temple of Islam Hartford, Connecticut,
Temple No. 14 aka Muslim Cult of Islam,
Nation of Islam
The July 12, 1956 edition of the Pittsburgh Courier, New York edition, a weekly Negro newspaper published at Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, contains an article reflecting that Temple No. 14 of the Muslim Cult of Islam was located at Hartford, Connecticut.
A source advised on May 19, 1961 that Muhammad’s Temple of Islam, Hartford, Connecticut, Temple No. 14, also known as the Muslim Cult of Islam and Nation of Islam, is affiliated with the Headquarters of the Nation of Islam, Chicago, Illinois.
J. Muslim Girls Training (MGT)
On May 19, 1960, a source advised that the Muslim Girls Training (MGT) is a group within the Nation of Islam and is composed of all female members of the NOI. The MGT is similar in structure to the Fruit of Islam, which is composed of all male members of the NOI, in that the MGT has officers, similar to military organizations, to whom other female members are accountable. MGT members receive instructions in homemaking, hygiene, calisthenics, and other subjects such as Muslim history and the English language. There also exists a Junior MGT which is composed of female members of the NOI who are between the ages of 15 and 19 and who are afforded military-type drill.
Since 1957 various officers and “sisters” of the MGT have, at meetings of the MGT, used the term MGT so that it also means General Civilization Class. General Civilization Class refers to classes conducted within the MGT.
The above refers to activities of the MGT at Muhammad’s Temple of Islam No. 2, 5335 South Greenwood, Chicago, Illinois.
On May 16, 1960, another source advised that the MGT is a group within the NOI which is composed of all female members of the NOI. The MGT is similar in structure to the Fruit of Islam, which is composed of all male members of the NOI. In theory the MGT exists in all Temples of the NOI and is patterned after th
e MGT at Muhammad’s Temple of Islam No. 2, Chicago. General Civilization Class refers to the collective group of classes held within the MGT.
K. Muslim Mosque, Incorporated (MMI)
The March 13, 1964 edition of the New York Times, a daily newspaper published in New York, New York, contained an article on page 20 which indicated that MALCOLM X (LITTLE), former national official of the Nation of Islam (NOI) who broke with the NOI on March 8, 1964, publicly announced in New York City on March 12, 1964, that he had formed the Muslim Mosque, Incorporated (MMI). The MMI, according to the article, would be a broadly based politically oriented black nationalist movement for Negroes only, financed by voluntary contributions. In this public statement, MALCOLM X urged Negroes to abandon the doctrine of non-violence when it is necessary to defend themselves in the civil rights struggle, and he also suggested that Negroes form rifle clubs to protect their lives and property in time of emergencies in areas where the government is unable or unwilling to protect them.
Incorporation papers of the MMI filed on March 16, 1964, with the Business Section, Clerk of Courts, New York County, New York, New York, reflect that the MMI was incorporated under the Religious Corporation Law of the State of New York to work for the imparting of the Islamic Faith and Islamic Religion in accordance with “accepted Islamic principles.” The principal place of worship to be located in the Borough of Manhattan, New York, New York.
Malcolm X Page 42