Shattered Skye (The Skye Chronicles Book 3)

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Shattered Skye (The Skye Chronicles Book 3) Page 7

by Anna Moranski

  “I considered us back together long before you gave me the chance baby. But to make it official I can ask.” Skye giggled.

  “Maddox be serious.” He kissed her cheek softly.

  “Skye, will you be my girl?” Skye felt like a young teenager being asked out for the first time. Her heart couldn’t help but skip a beat in excitement though. Nothing had been normal with them and this seemed utterly normal. She loved it.

  “Yes, I will be yours.”

  “Only mine.” He growled as he kissed her lips again. This time he gently brought her to the ground beneath them with her legs straddling his waist.

  Maddox quickly ripped his own clothing off of him leaving no barriers between them. The very thought of even a small scrap of cloth being between them was far too much for him to even handle. He needed skin to skin. He needed to be inside of her. He needed her screaming his name and only his name for the rest of her life.

  Maddox’s impassioned kisses left Skye gasping for breath. His desire for her was intoxicating and intense and she loved every second of it. Her bare chest rubbed against his hard muscled body causing her nipples to harden. She moaned at the decadence of the moment. The friction between them drove her insane. Reaching between them she cupped him and smiled when he groaned loudly.

  “I love you. Every minute without you feels like a lifetime of torture.” Maddox said as he rolled her beneath him and hastily thrust himself inside of her as hard as he could. Skye screamed out in pleasure and shock. His name was a blessing and a curse on her lips. The sound broke him. Every sound she ever made drove him insane but hearing his name screamed out in pleasure was almost too much for him to bear.

  He bent over taking her nipple into his mouth as he drove himself inside of her harder and faster unable to hold back his need for completion inside of her. Skye clawed at his back moaning loudly. In that moment there was only need. He needed to make her shatter into a million pieces. He needed for her to want him forever as he wanted her.

  Maddox suddenly slowed down, pulling out slowly. He pushed himself back inside of her gently, then pulled most of the way out until he pushed completely inside of her again slowly. Skye looked as if she were going to murder him for slowing down which made him smile.

  “Skye… marry me? Be my wife.” He huffed out above her staring into her wide shocked eyes.

  “Seriously?” She bit off a moan when he slid inside of her again and she gripped his arms tightly with her nails.

  “Yes. I love you. I want you to be my wife. Marry me?” he asked again shoving inside of her once again. Skye moaned and then did something unexpected. She smacked his chest hard.

  “You can’t ask me that when you’re inside of me!” She squeaked out. The pleasure and the talking together was not something she was prepared to do. She wanted him to shut up and continue making love to her but he seemed determined to talk.

  “I can pull out and ask if that helps?” Maddox said with a wicked grin. Skye’s eyes were wide as saucers as he chuckled

  “Pull out and die.” Skye raised her hips to silence him quickly.

  Maddox felt Skye’s pulse racing along with his. It made him feel even more powerful to be with such an amazing woman and to have such an effect on her. He was wise and shut his mouth. He let his body finish the task that she so desperately needed from him. He held himself above her moving in and out of her at a leisurely pace.

  “Faster!” Skye cried out. Maddox knew she was close. He wanted to extend her pleasure. He wanted to see her flushed face when that moment finally hit her.

  He kept his slow but steady pace even though it nearly killed him. He wanted to impale himself in her over and over as hard as he possibly could, but as much as this was torturous for the both of them he knew that she was lost in her own pleasure. Her eyes were glazed over as if she couldn’t see and her chest rose and fell quickly.

  The moment came and she screamed his name ferociously, raising her hips to force him to move and he finally obeyed. He slammed himself inside of her hard and fast enough to bring his own end around. When he came inside of her, he roared her name knowing she had forever branded his heart and his body.

  Maddox managed to fall to the side and pull Skye into his arms cradling her. Breathing heavily he couldn’t help but smile. He had the most beautiful, strong, and stubborn woman by his side. Even though she hadn’t said yes to marrying him, he wasn’t about to quit asking until she said yes.

  Chapter Ten

  Maddox had hated letting Skye go back to the cabin and leaving him alone. The time they had together was always magical and he didn’t just mean the sex either. Although that was always mind blowing with her. Just the feel of her skin or the look in her eyes made him feel like a different man. She made him feel like a real man, the man he wanted to be, and not just a demon.

  Maddox knew he had done many bad things. There was so much he could never atone for or even remember them all. What he did know was that when he was with Skye and fighting for the right side, he finally felt like he had a true purpose. That made him feel the peace he had been denied his whole life. The peace that had avoided him because of what he was.

  Maddox gathered his things and put them behind a tree to conceal that he had been camping out. He walked around the small cabin again looking for traces of anything or anyone. He found nothing. Even with his highly sensitive senses he couldn’t find a thing. The scent of Skye’s Nanna, Evelyn, was weeks old.

  Maddox was having trouble keeping his anger under control whenever thoughts of anyone threatening Skye’s life entered his mind. His hands immediately balled into fists ready to fight, but fight what? He tried taking a deep breath to calm himself and focus.

  He had been trying hard to deny his natural demon tendencies when his anger spiked so highly, but when it came to Skye he couldn’t help but be defensive of her. The very thought of her in danger made him want to rage and murder more than he had ever known or done before. The thought made him want to rip someone or something to shreds, discarding the body pieces over the ground. He knew that wasn’t a thought Skye would want him to have but when it came to someone he loved he would do anything whether it was right or wrong. He felt his blood begin to boil at the thought.

  Maddox had lived without Skye for a couple of months, years in her time, and it was a type of hell he had never thought he could experience, much less live through. It was surely an experience he never wanted to go through ever again.

  Maddox wondered once again, why would anyone want to hurt someone so innocent, so sweet, and so kind? Fear drove people to the darkest depths of hate and all he feared was losing Skye. Maddox knew in his core he would do anything and everything in order to protect her for as long as he lived, no matter what that meant. He would let the demon inside of him take control if that meant Skye would be safe. He was willing to lose himself in order to save her.

  Maddox stiffened suddenly. His head jerked to the side allowing himself to take in a deep breath. He knew that smell. Without even having to turn and look he knew who had snuck up on him while he had let his own anger and worry distract him.

  “Father.” Maddox said curtly as he turned to face Luke.

  “I was worried you were slacking there son. Took you a whole minute to sense me.” Luke’s evil grin made Maddox ball his hands up in fists again. He had wanted something to punch. Luke looked like a great target.

  “I was momentarily distracted. It won’t happen again I assure you.” Maddox looked his father over and was shocked at his condition. Luke was normally sharply dressed and clean shaven, but he looked as if he had not showered or shaved in a long time. It was appalling to see his father look so rough yet he had to remind himself not to feel sorry for him. Luke looked down at himself realizing what Maddox was staring at.

  “Living life roaming around doesn’t have its advantages. I suppose you would understand as you have apparently been sleeping in the woods yourself.” Luke shot him a wry look of amusement.

�If you think I’m going to lead you back to Skye you’re sorely mistaken father. I told you before I would fight you for her.” Maddox’s body was stiff and tense. He truly was ready to fight his father even if part of him didn’t want to. Maddox had to set aside the fact they were related and focus on the fact that his father was evil. He supposed that in the world he lived in that what you wanted did not always matter.

  “I don’t need you to. I know where she is. I have for a while.” Maddox felt something in him snap. He grabbed his father, pushing him up against a tree while holding his neck tightly with his hand. Maddox realized he could be lying just to incite his anger. Trying hard Maddox forced himself not to act without thinking.

  “Tell me why I shouldn’t snap your neck right now then!” Maddox gritted through his teeth.

  When Luke managed to take a breath he muttered slowly, “I’m here to help.” Maddox dropped his father. Not because he believed him but from amusement.

  “You are here to help? Help Skye? Help me?” Maddox let out a humorless laugh. “You are such a liar.” Maddox shook his head.

  Luke stood up shakily in front of his son. Maddox noticed the shaking and was confused by it. His father never showed signs of fear. What was he doing? Luke brushed his clothes off from the dirt he had gotten on him from falling. Maddox sighed. He was tired of his father already.

  “Enough of this. I’m tired of your games. Leave now or I’ll be forced to fight you.”

  “You would fight me for her. I know that now. I thought you were full of shit before but I can see that you’re not.” Luke said looking his son over. Maddox let out a breath of frustration.

  “Congratulations for figuring that out. Now leave or fight.” Luke shook his head at Maddox’s words.

  “I’m afraid I’m not going to do either of those. I am, however, going to ask that you hear me out for a minute. I know you think I have no reason to ask this of you, but if you truly love Skye like you so obviously do, then you will listen to me for a minute.”

  “Speak quickly I have a very low tolerance for your crap.”

  “I have no desire to hurt Skye.” Maddox scoffed at his father’s words. “I’m serious! Did I originally want her for us? Yes, of course. It took me a long time to finally realize that you love her, really love her. You look at her the way I used to look at your mom.” Maddox held his breath at the mention of his mother.

  “Don’t you dare try to manipulate me by using Mom.” Maddox’s voice was low, but full of warning.

  “When it comes to your mother I would never do that. I am a horrible person, an evil demon, and I love that about myself. I am also a man and I loved your mother fiercely. She was everything to me. She is the only reason I didn’t try to force you to be like me earlier than I did. You love Skye like I loved your mom. Hell, I still do love her even though she’s been gone for so long.” Luke shook his head and looked away from Maddox. His eyes were full of pain, real pain.

  “But why…” Maddox paused confused.

  “Why did I try to stop you from being with Skye?” Luke finished the question and looked to Maddox. “Because when you love someone who isn’t as strong as you are you can lose them. They can die! Die! That pain is greater than any pain in the world. I didn’t want you to have to live with that for the rest of your life like I have had to in mine.”

  Maddox stared at his father as if he were a stranger and in many ways he was a stranger to him. Luke had never once spoke about the pain he felt at losing his wife. He never once let on that it was okay to mourn her. Maddox had to cover his feelings at the loss of his mother in fear of making his father mad. Now to find out that his father had been mourning the entire time? Maddox wasn’t sure if he felt pity for his father or anger at the betrayal of feeling alone after his mother’s death.

  “Forgive me if this is hard to swallow. After all of this time you decide that now is the time to open up to me? Now? When I’m trying to save the love of my life?” Maddox wanted to yell. His voice was too weak. He felt drained hearing his father’s confession.

  “You don’t have to believe me right away. You don’t have to forgive me ever. I don’t deserve it. I’m not… good. I know that. I don’t think I’m capable of changing who I am even if I wanted to. Which by the way, I don’t. What I want is for my son to be happy and to not suffer as I have.”

  “How is this supposed to help? Maybe I should be grateful for a father son bonding moment but I’m not. I’m pissed. Why now? How does this help me? Is this to appease your own guilt?” Luke shook his head.

  “No. I came with information to help you. Skye’s grandmother Evelyn cannot be trusted. She’s a traitor to her kind. Evelyn is the one who sent the demons to her home realm to kill Skye.”

  Maddox’s eyes narrowed focusing on every inch of his father. He had heard him correctly, he was sure of that, but how was that possible? Skye’s grandmother had been there watching over her for years, hadn’t she? Maddox questioned himself. Her grandmother had been watching Skye her whole life, yet had never intervened. She should have intervened. Skye’s step-parents were horrible people.

  “How am I supposed to believe anything you say?” Maddox snapped at his father. His patience was nearly gone. He wanted to believe his father wouldn’t lie to him about how he felt about losing his mother or about this, but he hadn’t exactly been trustworthy to Maddox.

  “Skye is in Kentucky. Hiding in the mountains. A beautiful little cabin.” Luke said in a low voice in case anyone was nearby. “I’ve known where you have been and I have not went there. I haven’t sent anyone after you.”

  Maddox felt a shiver run down his spine. He did know where they were. Luke could have invaded them at any time and attacked, yet he hadn’t. That had to mean something, didn’t it? Maddox shook his head trying to quickly process this information.

  “I’ve never hidden anything from you Maddox. I was always honest with you. Growing up I didn’t hide anything from you.” Maddox glared at him.

  “You hid how you felt about Mom.” Luke nodded.

  “I did. I thought I was going to die from the pain of losing her. I hated feeling so weak. I had no power when it came to her. I hope you never have to experience that. This is why I’m reaching out to you now. I was wrong for that. Besides that, I’ve always been upfront with you.”

  Maddox knew there was truth in his words. Luke had never hid the evil he was doing or how he enjoyed it. Luke was always brutally honest. Maddox hated to admit it, but he actually admired that about his father. At the moment, though, he hated it. It wasn’t the right timing. Then again, Maddox thought, when was?

  “Tell me what you know.” Maddox finally said.

  Chapter Eleven

  Skye did a quick spin kick. Her foot landed on Buck’s chest making him smile proudly. Skye wanted to crack a smile back. She had finally hit him. It only had taken her seven tries. She had begun to doubt that she could even fight. After all, she knew Buck was a trained killer. As soon as that thought entered her mind she instantly felt guilty for thinking of him that way. She knew he would only boast that it made him a better protector. Instead she focused on him and swept low to kick his feet out from beneath him.

  “Yes!” Skye shouted as she watched Buck’s giant body hit the ground with a loud thud. Buck flipped her off but was quick to jump back to his feet.

  “If you wanted me on my back all you had to do was ask.” Buck teased. Skye rolled her eyes.

  “Seriously? I’m a tiny little girl who just knocked you down on your ass and you are still going to be cocky?” He raised his eyebrow at her question.

  “I’m Buck.” He said, as if that were explanation enough.

  Skye turned hearing a commotion going on inside of the cabin. As soon as she turned her feet were kicked under her and Skye caught a glimpse of the ground right before her face planted into it. Turning her head, Skye spit dirt out of her mouth.

  “What the hell?”

  “Never turn your back on your opponent, espe
cially one that likes to fight dirty.” He grinned happy to have her on the ground. Skye got to her feet and focused on the noise.

  “Something’s up.” she said as she walked inside the cabin to see what was going on. Several demons were in the kitchen talking with her parents. “Mom? Dad? What’s going on?” Skye asked.

  “Apparently our cell phone service isn’t working.” Cloud said. It was obvious she had no idea why this was causing the disturbance in the kitchen. Several people tried talking at once, but Gary put his hands up to silence them.

  “One at a time.” he said calmly.

  “We’ve lost contact with Maddox and the team that went with him.” Prue said. Skye looked at the female demon and raised her eyebrows.

  “When was the last time you heard from him?”

  “Two days ago.” Prue answered.

  “Is that normal?” Skye knew Maddox hadn’t been in contact with her, besides their astral projection booty call. She knew he liked to focus on the assignment so she had not bothered to call him.

  “He checks in every couple of days. When we reached out to him we haven’t heard from him or the others that went with him.” Prue said with a small shrug. “Then we all lose cell phone service today? It’s suspicious.”

  “What could make the phones go out?” Cloud asked.

  “Someone is preparing to attack.” Evan said as he walked in. Everyone’s eyes shot to him.

  “We don’t know that.” Gary said trying to keep the room calm.

  “I do. I feel the spell that knocked the phone’s out. It’s strong.” Everyone started moving, looking out the windows and arming themselves with several weapons. Skye grabbed Evan’s arm.

  “Can you fight it? Knock the spell out or something?” Skye asked.

  “I’m good but it’s hard to take down someone else’s spell work. I can do it, no doubt, but it’ll take some time.”

  “How long?” Kel asked from behind him. He turned to face her.


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