VAMPIRE ROMANCE: A Witchy Girl (A Vampire In Disguise Book 2, Paranormal Romance) (Mystery Fantasy Dark Demon Romance)

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VAMPIRE ROMANCE: A Witchy Girl (A Vampire In Disguise Book 2, Paranormal Romance) (Mystery Fantasy Dark Demon Romance) Page 7

by Amelia Wilson

  “I was able to see that,” he said in an equally low tone. I finished cleaning off the blood from his face. He cut me off from what I was about to say.

  “I still didn’t get my reply,” he said, smiling at me.

  “Reply to what--,” then I realised what he was talking about, “Oh,”

  “Yeah… and?”

  “Yeah, I guess maybe a little, I don’t know—“I was cut off with his lips crashing onto mine. I was surprised, and my eyes widened. Slowly, I started kissing him back. I could taste the alcohol and blood from his torn lips. But I didn’t care; it felt like bliss, pure, utter, complete joy.

  We slowly separated from the kiss as he looked into my eyes.

  “I take that as a yes,” he was smiling so wide, it should have hurt his cheeks.

  I answered with a breathy yes.

  He looked so happy with my reply as he took me by the hand, and led me towards the other side of the car, and opened the door for me like a gentleman he was.

  “Shouldn’t we ask the others to join us? We all came in the same car after all!” I wondered, looking back towards Michael’s house.

  “Yeah, I am going to call Ashley,” he said, taking out his phone.

  Mirabelle was going to kill me for not telling her about leaving. Suddenly calling them wasn’t such a good idea.


  I watched from my room’s balcony as Sharon and Julian kissed. How can these teenagers start liking someone in one day? Yeah, she’s a year younger than me; I can call her a teenager, can’t I? By the way, who am I to say that starting to like someone on the first day can’t happen? I already like Sharon too. I liked her ability to talk herself out of anything; I liked her style of dressing; I liked her voice, and I love the way she doesn’t give a fuck to anyone! And then again, she acts so shy and cute at the same time. How has she even managed that?

  Seeing them kiss made me feel a bit hollow. I seem to not be capable of finding love. I fought for a stupid reason with Julian and Lee gave me such a lecture, I feel like my ears have fallen off. Always the too organized and responsible bastard! Okay, I need to stop dwelling on all this, she’s taken now! I need a girl, I am the sexiest guy around college. I don’t dwell on some junior I know only for a day.

  “Are you coming down Mike? What are you watching? Come on, you know Lee didn’t say all of that shit to hurt your ‘too sensitive’ feelings,” Tim said from the doorway to my room.

  “Just making Lee feel a little guilty. I bet he does regret it already, considering he sent you to take me down,” I chuckled as I walked towards the door.

  “You bastard,” Tim laughed.

  “Did you guys find a girl or something? I guess I am going to go for one,” I said confidently.

  “Yeah, Hans has been already off to his house, Lee and I are being the sober ones today,” he said.

  “Yeah, sure, I will see to that when the next hot piece enters my door,” I said, chuckling.

  Chapter-7 Sharon

  “Are you joking with me? Julian fought with THE Michael Starton, over you?” Mirabelle shouted on my Skype window.

  “Belle, please don't yell, my parents might hear you from all the way down the stairs, and I don’t want that. And yeah, Julian did that for me. Quite possessive, I guess,” I smiled at the memory. Even though it was too violent for my definition of possessive, but oh well, it was cute.

  “Do I see ‘I don’t drool over guys’ Sharon Esther smiling over a guy?” Mirabelle said mischievously.

  “If you don’t shut your mouth over my blushing, I am going to close my laptop. I bet you don’t want that, being that you’re not done taking out all the gossip from me?” I asked with a death glare.

  “Okay, okay no talk about that hint of red on your cheeks,” She said.

  “Mirabelle….” I warned her.

  “Okay, okay, sheesh. Now can we talk about what Mr. Hotshot Starton did?” She asked excitedly.

  “Yeah, so, Michael was breathing down my damned neck, and he even winked at me! I mean, okay, you’re a senior, and you want a hot girl like me, but just in the morning, I have sworn my enmity to you. Can you at least respect that?” I said clearly frustrated.

  “Well, who are you kidding? I know you liked it, don’t even try to lie to me. Julian doesn’t even stand a chance against Michael.” Mirabelle said very clearly.

  “Belle, I have no liking towards the Michael type of guys, I like Julian, end of the story,” I said crossing my arms.

  “Oh, now, Michael has a type? And how do you know his type?” Mirabelle asked, raising her perfectly arched eyebrows for special effect.

  “Belle, I think you’re drunk, and that’s why you’re talking all shit to me right now. How about you tell me what happened between Jerome and you on the dance floor.” I said back to her.

  Jerome kind of had those sparkly eyes when he had first seen Mirabelle. When I said that to her, she didn’t acknowledge him to be more than a friend. But that didn’t mean I couldn’t tease her a little about it.

  “What do you expect? I danced my way into the crowd like I had nobody to look out for, as usual. He’s nothing more than a friend Shar,” she said back to me with a careless attitude.

  “’Ron, come down to dinner.” I heard Mum say from downstairs.

  “Yeah, coming,” I replied back to her, and answered to Mirabelle, “Well that’s my cue. Meet you tomorrow Belle; I hope your dreams are haunted by mice,” I chuckled.

  “Yeah, sure, such a bitch you are.” With that, she ended the call.

  I put away my laptop and went down for dinner. We had an awesome, loving family, and I felt proud to have my mum and dad. They were the best parents in the world, no arguing that.

  After we had the perfect family dinner with a lot of laughter, I finally lay down on my bed, tired from the proceedings of the day. Even though I tried to sleep, behind my closed eyes several thoughts popped up, including thoughts about a particular guy who had been breathing down my neck at the party.

  His eyes were a beautiful forest green; it looked like they held so many answers that even he didn’t know about. I felt like we had a lot of history. Weird. I was not thinking about my heated kiss with Julian outside Michael’s house, but I was thinking about how Michael felt when he was talking to me like that. I figured he didn’t have an effect on me, but here he is, invading my thoughts. His height is probably more than Julian’s and Julian had dull grey eyes. His crooked smile was captivating and when he winked at me, oh my gosh, I had stopped breathing for a second. Or so it felt. His brown leather jacket had clung to his shoulders perfectly and the black shirt he had worn underneath looked like a second skin to his body. His dark jeans clung to the perfect spots. Now my mind was going on the dirty track, if you know what I mean? I had to stop. I have already made out a provision for a future love with Julian. I can’t just think about someone else when I supposedly kissed another guy and said that I liked him! I am a very loyal person. I never two-time a boy, that is not my cup of tea.

  Like that, I forced my mind to shut down Michael’s hot body thoughts and switched to my future where I had a good career and lots of money to spend on my hobbies.

  Chapter-8 Michael

  After a heated night with Margaret or Malissa or…. I don’t remember her name already. Who cares? Certainly, I do not; she’s just a one night stand. I could still feel her naked body pressing into my chest under the covers, as the bright sunlight invaded my room. Ugh, in the heat of the moment, I had forgot to draw the curtains yet again. This girl, man, this girl was some fucker. She’s a tigress in bed, and I had taken her more than once in the night. She certainly did not complain. Like Tim had said, Lee and him both went back home without a girl clinging to their biceps. I was a bit surprised; then the realization had dawned upon me. They both had a major fight with very strong contenders. They couldn’t just fuck with some whore and still not be sleep deprived; they had to save their energy for the fight tonight. I had quickly found this girl on th
e dance floor, shaking her booty for attention from any guy who was willing to give it, and I being the type I am, took the opportunity.

  I turned my head towards the other side to take a look at the time, and I was late for college. This always happens. I don’t mind, I would only miss my first class, that’s it. You may think, being this awful fuck boy and street fighter, I am idle at my studies, but it’s the complete opposite. I am very well known for my academic achievements in the college. Now, don’t ask me how I do it, because I don’t even have a clue to it myself.

  I raised my naked body from under the covers, and my man was sitting there peacefully between my thighs, very satisfied with yesterday.

  “Babe, where are you going?” the girl whined from my bed.

  “I am going to take a shower and by that time I want you out of my house,” I said clearly as I looked for some clean boxers.

  “How about around two?” she said, sitting up on the bed, letting the covers fall to her upper thighs. Her breasts stood open, inviting me in, but I had seriously lost interest in her already.

  “No thanks. Get out of my house before I throw you out personally.” I said with my back turned to her still rummaging in the closet for a clean pair of underwear.

  She huffed and started collecting her pieces of clothing from the floor. She wore them seductively trying to get me to surrender to her, but sweetheart, I have already seen this way too many times, and I have got no interest in it anymore.

  She finally went out, slamming the front door in anger. I chuckled as I saw her walk out on the pavement outside towards the road. I entered my bathroom and took a quick shower to get the entire stench off my body. I put on some random clothes and took off to my garage. I will have breakfast from the canteen. Let’s drive my bike to college today. I am in the mood for something more daring. I did tell you, my parents had a lot of wealth, and they spent a maximum of it on my wishes.

  As I parked my bike into an empty slot, I heard Hans’ voice, “Somebody had a late night, I assume?” he asked with a smirk.

  “We both had my friend, we both had.” We both started laughing at that.

  “Where are Lee and Tim?” I asked, as I started walking towards the cafeteria.

  “Practicing for their big game tonight, they can’t let their title be taken away from them. They are way more egotistic than that,” Hans said, as we took a seat at an empty table. The cafeteria still had some people in it, most who were chatting.

  The young boy of the cafeteria came to us, and he was an old friend. “So what do you two want? I assume you had a late night being you missed your first classes?”

  “Yeah, we had, I will take the usual. A French marmalade, fries and milk,” I said back as Hans started to order his greasy meal. He wasn’t a fighter, he was a money collector in these fights, and therefore he didn’t have to care for his body. But surprisingly, he was very fit, maybe not more than us, but he was fit. I think you’re questioning what kind of guy drinks milk; well, I do, it’s healthy. Don’t even question it! As we ate our meals peacefully and chatted about the night’s proceedings, I couldn’t help but think about Julian and Sharon kiss on my property. Technically on the road, but hey, that was still too close to my house. As we finished, the bell rang, and here we go to our classes.

  Chapter-9 Sharon

  Julian and I were standing in front of my locker waiting for the bell to go and as usual, talking some random shit. I hadn’t seen Mirabelle yet; maybe she was running late. I must say, Julian and I were hitting it off quite well, it didn’t even feel like we had known each other for only a few days. He was funny, sweet, protective, smart and intelligent… the list goes on and on. What does that Michael even have except for a big mouth and that massive body of his? And not to forget his big pointy nose! Oh, and probably some money inherited from his parents. Why am I even comparing Julian to Michael? They are not even on the same page.

  “Wow, you sure are some philosophical beauty, you know that,” Julian looked at me with adoration. We were discussing life and death theories. I told him that death never kills us wholly; we are still alive but just in our subconscious mind.

  “Don’t flirt with me mister.” I punched his arm playfully.

  “Ow, don’t do that. I am very sensitive, don’t even touch me,” he said faking hurt. He was such a clown.

  “Really? I am even not that soft to get hurt from that light punch. Liar,” I said, staring him down.

  Suddenly he came closer to me and whispered in my ear, “I bet you’re soft in all the right places.” His breath fanned the outer shell of my ear and down my neck. A chill went down my spine making my toes curl.

  “What?” I croaked out finally.

  He smiled, knowing the effect he had on me. I exactly knew what he was talking about. That pervert.

  “Nothing S…, and here goes the bell; we should go. Meet you at lunch,” he said back as soon as the bell rang. We walked our separate ways, he to the gym and I to History.

  I mainly opted for all the Arts subjects, and this was my favorite. Damn, how I loved History. History is life if you tell me. But right now, I had to keep an eye out for Mirabelle. How boring to spend your day without your best friend. I know I am an 18-year-old girl, an adult, and I am reading in college, but I still want my best friend to be around me. I wasn’t exactly looking at where I was going, as I was trying to find Mirabelle in the crowd of students hurrying to their classes, which is why I crashed into someone. Damn what the hell? Was it a wall I collided with or a human made of stone? I thought here I go, down on my precious ass, kissing the floor, but no, two strong hands caught hold of my waist and I had clutched the books with all my might, so the day was saved. As I looked up to thank whoever saved me from falling, I was met with that arrogant idiot Michael’s face. He seemed to have gone dumb.

  “Can’t you see where you’re going? And you can leave me now,” I said, still being held in his arms in the ballroom stance. Suddenly he let go of me, and there I go, kissing the floor. So much for saving the day!

  “Oops, it was a mistake; I didn’t know it was you. Your boyfriend had strictly ordered me not to go near you last night,” he said back. I was fuming, how bitchy of him! First, he saved you and now he lets you go, “He’s not my boyfriend.” I am still just dating him or hanging out with him. We are not on a girlfriend-boyfriend basis.

  “Yet,” he said before turning around to that friend of his

  Oh my god, class! I had to reach my class or else the teacher wouldn’t let me enter.

  All of this is happening because of that guy. I started running down the hall, and the teacher luckily was just entering the room. I took a seat at the usual desk, and there I found Mirabelle was sitting alone. Weird, she never does this, each and every time we meet before the class. She looked a bit tired and sullen too. As she looked up at me, I asked with my eyes about what had happened. She just nodded her head and mouthed later.

  As the bell rang indicating the end of the class, Mirabelle was still sitting at her desk while the others were leaving the room.

  “What happened Belle? Is something wrong?” I asked softly touching her wrist, testing the waters.

  “Huh?” She looked up like she didn’t know the class finished and we had to leave.

  “Okay, let’s just go, come on get up,” I made a grabby hand gesture at her.

  She slowly pulled herself off the seat. We walked in silence to her locker. As we got out the books for the next class, I grabbed her hand, “Shoot!”

  “What are you talking about?” she asked. She was always like this, trying to hide her pain.

  “I can see you’re tired and sad, and you’re not paying attention to anything that is happening in class. What is the matter?” I asked, looking her in the eye.

  She sighed, oh boy, this was big. Something big has happened, “My mum, she’s, uh, in the hospital.” And there, her voice broke; I could see tears on the brink of her eyes.

  I caught hold of her waist, ru
nning my hand up and down, as a gesture to calm her, “What happened to her Belle?” This was not good, and I, myself am surprised and tensed, now that I heard this.

  “She had a heart attack yesterday night. Mum and dad were fighting for something and suddenly she couldn’t breathe and then went unconscious without warning. We had to take her to the hospital. She has barely made it. She wouldn’t have lived; she had a major heart attack. The doctors said it’s because of stress. My dad and I fought over how he always shouted at mum for petty reasons.” She cried all of it out. I was heartbroken too; I didn’t know how to console her. I was never good at these things. So I did what any other best friend would do at that moment, I hugged her tight.


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