And Then There Were Three

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And Then There Were Three Page 10

by Renee Lindemann

  “Yes we are okay with that.” Mark answered as I tried to regain my composure.

  “Nicole, you are okay with having these two paw all over you. They are animals around this house normally?” Junior said laughing. This eased the tension in the room considerably. Nicole nodded up and down smiling.

  “Will you tell other people? Say for instance when you go out to dinner.”

  “We are not ashamed of what we are doing son. We love Nicole and what we do with our marriage is our business. We just want to make sure that our children are okay other than that no one else’s opinion means anything.” I shook my head agreeing with Mark. Junior looked at each of us as he made his decision and I could see the tears threatening to fall from his eyes. My heart broke for my son as he contemplated this very adult issue.

  “Please whatever happens, do not get a divorce mom and dad.”

  Mark reached him first as we both enveloped him in a hug.

  “Never son. I love your mom and you so much. We are never divorcing. Mom is stuck with me forever.”

  For over a month Nicole became a regular member of our family. She spent most of her time at our house when she wasn’t at the dance studio. A few times she picked the kids up from school to help ease our crazy schedule as I began work on book number six. She became a regular fixture at the dinner table and while we downplayed our public displays of affection, we were caught kissing a few times. The kids treated it the same as they had in the past with Mark and I, they ran from the room screaming in disgust. You know the normal reaction to seeing your parents making out.


  Atlantic City was the location for the next Seventh Wonder with my seven best friends.

  “Oh so you are the local best friend that has been monopolizing our Eva’s time?” Shantell asked as she sipped her champagne. We were in the large suite that accommodated all of us, if Nicole slept in my room, which of course she would. Cordelia was the last one to join the crew, having had a case run over.

  “I am Sabrina’s dance teacher and we just hit it off,” Nicole said blushing. I took that opportunity to down the rest of my champagne.

  “Man Eva, that second honeymoon with Mark is working wonders on your skin. You are positively glowing,” Amber said hugging me. Nicole choked on her champagne and I shot her a dirty look. Monica arrived with her usual flair hugging everyone but stopping at Nicole pulling her sunglasses down. “Who is this?”

  “Monica this is my friend Nicole. She is Sabrina’s dance teacher.”

  “Oh hey Dance Teacher! No offense but what is she doing here?” Monica questioned her usual dramatic self.

  “I invited her, she has become a really good friend and I wanted her to meet you guys.” I defended wanting to sew Monica’s mouth shut.

  “It’s nice to meet you,” Nicole said extending her hand to Monica. Monica barely shook it as she picked out her bedroom.

  “I am not sharing with Cordelia since I have lost a little weight I do not want her pawing all over me.”

  Everyone gave her exaggerated looks and ignored her craziness. Shantell pulled me to the side as Nicole talked to Amber, Uwimana, and Stacey. Amy was taking an important phone call in one of the bedrooms. Shantell hugged me tightly and I felt bad for neglecting my friend these past few months.

  “I am sorry so much has happened in the last few months Shantell. I will dish about it later I promise. Sorry I have been such a crappy friend.”

  “Oh okay. It’s cool. It was nice to see the book mostly about me hit the best seller’s list.” Shantell beamed as she thought about her character Savannah’s escapades.

  When everyone was gathered we opted for in house catering for snacks and drinks as opposed to going out to a restaurant. With all my best friends gathered I decided it was now or never. I was going to tell them and we would be accepted or we would be getting a separate suite and enjoying our weekend together. Cordelia was having a hard time keeping her eyes off Nicole who seemed indifferent to the attention. I barely ate any of the food opting for lots of champagne to ease my nerves.

  “She is fucking gorgeous,” Cordelia whispered to Amy, who nodded in agreement.

  “I bet she has like a million boyfriends,” Amy added. “Glad my Charles is at home with Penelope.”

  “I am getting a vibe and it’s not boyfriends,” Cordelia replied lifting a knowing finger. Amy blushed at the thought and then felt better if she knew the gorgeous woman was gay rather than straight. All husbands would be safe. They all turned their attention to me as I took to the floor. Almost everyone has had a chance to talk about what’s going on in her life. It’s my turn now.

  “These past few months have been crazy for my family and I, which also includes you eight ladies,” I managed to stammer. “My book has made some lists whoop whoop!”

  The ladies all give a cheer at my success before I continue. I turn to face Nicole who gives me a subtle nod of her head.

  “Mark and I are doing awesome as we head into our sixteenth year of marriage,” I said to applause. “We have had some changes to our life that while unforeseen were unavoidable. In the course of the last few months Mark and I have managed to find additional love.”

  I waited for the bomb to drop as realization replaced confusion.

  “Mark and I have managed to fall in love with this beautiful creature right here.”

  I extend my hand to Nicole. She takes my hand slipping a hand around my waist.

  “Wait! What the hell are you talking about Eva?” Monica was first to speak.

  “Nicole is our uh girlfriend, Monica.” I am barely whispering at this point. I try to clear my throat to annunciate my words better. “Mark and I are in love with Nicole.”

  “I told you she was gay. You owe me twenty dollars Amy,” Cordelia announced then quieted as the tone in the room was somber. I could see tears fall down Shantell’s eyes as she shook her head.

  “You can’t do that you are married,” Amber informed me as if it was the law.

  I turned to face Amber and replied, “Yes we can and we have.”

  “I love Mark and Eva very much,” Nicole finally admitted.

  “Is this Mark’s doing Eva? You do not have to go along with this to keep your husband,” Stacey asked her voice angry.

  “No, I actually fell in love with Nicole first. Mark realized later that he loved her too. This decision was mutual.”

  “Is this some kind of joke Eva?” Uwimana finally questioned. The disgusted look on her face broke my heart. I shake my head fighting tears as the barrage of questions reach a crescendo.

  “Why would you want to ruin our friend’s marriage?” Shantell yelled the loudest, almost directly in Nicole’s face. Nicole does not flinch, nor does her smile fade.

  “I am not ruining their marriage. I know that they have a great marriage and I hope on some level I am adding to it.” Nicole spoke calmly and assuredly. She would have to be our strength because I was useless.

  “Okay everyone calm down,” Amy shouted as the room quieted. “Now please explain this to us, while we are all quiet.” Amy gave threatening looks to everyone in the room. I relayed the tale of how we met and the circumstances. I left out the graphic sex of course but included sex in general terms. When I was finished Cordelia was fanning herself and my friends shocked and bewildered faces greeted me.

  “So when that thing happened with Mark and I, you almost had me killed but little Miss Dance Teacher sasses in your life and you let her into your bed?” Monica admonished.

  “Uh first off there was nothing between you and Mark,” Shantell interrupted. “You were inappropriately crushing on him and made him feel uncomfortable. Secondly, this woman has been in the bed with you and your husband? Since when are you gay? How long have you known that you are gay?”

  “I am only into Nicole. I have never been attracted to any other woman the way I am attracted to Nicole. Trust me this has been a hard pill to swallow but no other woman makes me feel like Nicole. I do not feel one
drop of attraction to other women. So I am not sure what I am, except in love with Nicole and Mark.”

  “What if she and Mark decide to get rid of you and live happily ever after,” Uwimana asked.

  “I do not think that will happen, besides we made a pact with the kids that no matter what Mark and I will never divorce.”

  “You fucking told your kids? That’s reprehensible,” Amber shouted, getting off the sofa. Stacey stood with her mouth covered.

  “First off we didn’t have a choice but to tell our kids as Nicole is Sabrina’s dance teacher. Sabrina figured it out and we ended it. Secondly Sabrina saw how miserable we all were and realized we were in love. She was the one that gave us the strength to figure out what this was. My husband and I do not believe in keeping things from our kids so recently we told Junior and Celeste. It wasn’t easy but these past six weeks have been wonderful as our kids get to know Nicole. I don’t suspect that any of you in this room will understand what this relationship means to me and my husband. Furthermore I am only telling you this because you are my sisters and we have shared so much over the years. I know that you all think I have made a mistake but I know in my heart that this is what is best for Mark and myself,” I explained my blood boiling. “C’mon Nicole let’s get another room.”

  “Oh come on Eva please, you can’t just walk in here and announce that you and Mark have a girlfriend. You can’t expect us to just say wow nice job,” Shantell yelled pushing me back to the circle.

  “I have had to defend my feelings for Nicole with myself for the last three months and I am tired. I love her plain and simple and it doesn’t undercut the love I have for Mark,” I yelled back.

  “This is not normal and you can’t expect us to just think so,” Uwimana spoke next. The ladies all began an intense debate. Nicole and I stepped into what would have been our room. I am crying and Nicole is doing her best to comfort me. My friends have done plenty of crazy outlandish things over the years and I had hoped their reaction would be a bit more understanding. Not so much!

  “They are right you know. This was a big thing to spring on them. For over sixteen years it has been you and Mark. That is all they know. This will take some time for them to adjust. I doubt they will throw away twenty years of friendship for this,” Nicole said soothingly.

  “I have been supportive of their hair-brained schemes and relationship craziness for years. I just expected the same level of support. I will have enough people telling me that I can’t, that we can’t love you. I didn’t want them to be in that crowd.”

  Nicole kissed my lips tenderly, “It will be okay sweetheart. I promise.” The kisses intensified as I pulled her close. I was so glad to have her right there with me, maintaining her cool while I went to pieces. The suppleness of her lips soothed my tears as we continued our passionate exchange.

  “I will make you feel better later,” Nicole murmured between kisses. I moaned my appreciation for future kindness. Nicole was resplendent in a navy blue short-sleeved party dress with a thin silver belt around her waist. I was wearing a simple V-neck belted dress that accentuated my cleavage, much to Nicole and Mark’s delight. My hands encircled the silver belt of Nicole’s dress. Nicole’s left arm wrapped around my waist while her right hand wrapped lightly around my neck as we kissed.

  “Wow this is really real,” Cordelia exclaimed, smiling from the doorway. Shantell, Amber, and Amy looked on in fascinated horror. I tried to remove the look of lust from my eyes but I was beholden to how Nicole made me feel. Nicole’s eyes wanted to love and protect me, not necessarily in that order.

  “Eva, you are kissing a woman,” Shantell bellowed as if it were news to me.

  “Shantell, I love Nicole. I kiss her every chance I get.”

  “This is so fucking weird,” Monica interjected. Taking in the scene of Nicole and I in a passionate embrace was too much. Shantell took out her cell phone dialing rapidly.

  “Mark there is no way Eva should be here explaining this without you.”

  “Shantell, I understand that this maybe hard to comprehend or understand. I do not owe anyone an explanation except my children and that has been done. Eva decided to tell you and the rest of the ladies out of a mutual respect. I respect your opinion and the remainder of you ladies but it will neither sway nor destroy what we have with Nicole, no matter how much you may disagree. I have only loved two women in my life and they are both in that room with you now. I will never apologize for feeling this way,” Mark responded, matter of fact.

  “But you are putting your kids through this Mark. They will not understand how their parents can love another woman. What about when this is over and they miss Nicole?” Shantell continued to question.

  “I would appreciate it if you didn’t underestimate our kids. Our kids are the only creatures on this planet except the man above that can put an end to this. They have chosen acceptance without our coercion. Besides I am not in the mind that this will end. I love Nicole very much as does Eva. My kids have asked tougher questions than this Shantell and while I appreciate your concern I am done defending my relationship with Nicole for the seven sisters. You ladies find a way to enjoy your weekend. Nicole and Eva I will see you two at the airport Monday morning.” Mark waited a few seconds just in case. I spoke up first. “We will see you Monday morning sweetheart.”

  For the next few hours Cordelia and I were the only people speaking to Nicole. We decided after a while that we would get a separate hotel room and enjoy our weekend.

  “You have already paid for your share here and it is non-refundable,” Monica pointed out.

  “I am not going to spend my weekend being ignored or judged when I could be having fun with Nicole. No worries I will still pay my share on this room.” I went to my room to collect our luggage.

  “Do you see all the trouble you are causing already? We have a long friendship. Do you want to be the reason for its demise?” Amber vehemently interjected.

  “Do you remember that you have a long standing friendship with Eva? Do you remember how she stood by your side through all of life’s curve balls? Do you remember that friendships should be unconditional? Do you know how much you are asking her to give up to make these meetings every three months comfortable for you? Do you know that people grow and change? Do you even care about Eva’s feelings? You do understand that our relationship has nothing to do with you,” Nicole hissed at Amber.

  “Do not presume to know my best friend better than me because of some kinky pillow talk?” Amber shouted. I pulled our luggage from the room fighting my anger.

  “There usually isn’t much talking when we are in the bed. But I can see on each and every one of your faces that you’re more worried about how this will look and reflect on you. How much have you leaned on Eva in the past? How many of you swooped in when her marriage was really in trouble during her postpartum depression? I am not the one you are mad at and the sooner you realize the better. I have never in my life been in a relationship like this and I am more scared than any of you have a right to be. If this doesn’t work out, I lose not one but two of the most amazing people I have ever met plus their wonderful kids. You all seem to have forgotten just how strong Eva and Mark’s marriage was before I happened on the scene. They would survive and thrive without me in a heartbeat. So before you make a decision and lose Eva, I seriously think you should consider her feelings first, not your own.”

  Nicole took her rolling luggage bag from my hand, giving me a chaste kiss before placing it back in our room.

  “We are not going to waste this room. Let’s have dinner downstairs sweetheart,” Nicole said softly. I could tell she was feeling really bad about the turn of events. Having to confront her mortality in our relationship was not something that brought her joy. And while I could ply her with reassurances up the wazoo, she was right Mark and I would survive if this relationship didn’t last. During dinner we rehashed our little vaudeville act.

  “You do know that your marriage to Mark is the st
andard by which they measure their own relationships?” Nicole asked popping a shrimp into her mouth.

  “No, they have their own relationships and standards I am sure.” I replied nonchalantly. Nicole shook her head laughing. “Eva, wake up. They are angry because from day one your marriage has shown them how it could be. You have shown them nothing but success. Everything you touch turns to gold sweetheart. They need your indirect Midas touch to improve their lives. You have much more power than you think.”

  “That’s absurd Nicole. Cordelia is an openly gay partner in a large law firm. She fought through mountains of adversity to finally achieve her dreams. Shantell is a highly successful pediatrician with research papers on child development in some of the most highly respected journals. Uwimana has proudly kept her Rwandan heritage alive with her amazing humanitarian efforts. Monica, well she is just Monica and drama but it adds spice to our friendships. Stacey is like a super-genius working on James Bond type stuff in a secret mountain laboratory, or at least that’s what I think. Amber is happily married enriching the lives of children through language. Amy is like a wizard with numbers and has a great husband and cutey patutey daughter Penelope. So you see these women are amazing in their own right without my influence.”

  Nicole still smiled at me gorging on the shrimp. It was starting to irritate me the more she did that.

  “What the fuck Nicole? Why are you grinning like a damn Cheshire cat when my friendships are in jeopardy?” I managed to say exasperated.

  “Now what’s the real scoop? They didn’t wake up to greatness they trudged through life making mistakes before they started hitting goals. And while they were making those mistakes who was right there?”

  Nicole finished her last shrimp before leaning over the table to kiss me. After the kiss I tried to process those words. There were deep dark secrets that I would never recount, even in this juicy tell all. Those seven sisters of mine had done a number of things to survive and achieve success in both their careers and relationships.

  “Damn, I now have to get used to two know-it-alls in the family,” I retorted, my smile widening. Nicole shook her head up and down, giggling. Once we finished dinner we decided to head to the hotel club for some dancing. I needed to have some fun on this trip and dammit I was going too. The beauty of Atlantic City was that for once we were not the weird ones. Our obvious handholding and affection went largely ignored. On the dance floor we would bump and grind against each other without a care in the world. Scoring a few drinks we people watched and chatted.


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