Legends and Myths of the Demigoddess 1

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Legends and Myths of the Demigoddess 1 Page 9

by Owen Oakley

  I take a deep breath and cross the large shop that’s made for our kind to where Traci is. “Okay,” I say. “I’ll take what you have for me, but this is new, and it’ll take some time for me to get used to.”

  She places her hand on my shoulder and gives me a sad but understanding smile. “I know it will, but I’ll be with you every step of the way.” A simple statement gives me a great deal of comfort.

  We rack up over fifteen thousand dollars in clothes that ranged from everyday wear, special occasions, and sleepwear, which was unnecessary because I sleep in the nude or close to it. I wanted to put some clothes back because I didn’t feel comfortable spending that much of the psychopath Demetri’s money.

  But to my surprise Traci hands me a debit card. Demetri had set up an account for me and placed a little over twenty million dollars after I convert it into US dollars.

  Warmth rushed over me that’d he’d make such a grand gesture, but it vanishes after Traci explain my mom left me the money. Now that I can believe.

  After leaving the shop with nothing in hand, thanks to magic everything will be in my closet when I get back to the manor; I spot a pet store. My inner kid was in full drive.

  “Traci please can we go?” I beg. She looks skeptical, biting down on her lip.

  “I don’t know The Lord told me to have you back as soon as we were done.”

  The Lord. The Lord. God, I’m sick of hearing that! “We’re already right here. Did he give us a time to be back?” She shakes her head. “All right then, for all he knows it’ll take us hours.”

  “He has eyes everywhere,” she says in a whisper, looking around.

  I howl out with laughter. She can’t be serious. That man has everyone afraid of him. He should be ashamed of himself.

  If Traci will be my friend or, my Nymph sister, she has to loosen up, especially about Demetri. I suspect that’s her man and all, but she’s needs to grow a pair.

  I grab her hand and begin walking toward the pet store. “We’re going.” She puts up a little resistance at first, but it doesn’t last long before she’s skipping and laughing alongside me.

  Puppies, furry kittens with whiskers, goldfish, or even a ferret or two are the animals that come to mind when I think of a pet shop.

  Hoo boy was I wrong. Nope baby dragons both hatched and unhatched eggs. We stop to play with a silky black bunny that has antlers and five glowing eyes.

  It was just as sweet as any other rabbit I suppose, but my hand shoots away when I read the warning information.

  The words right underneath breed and caring instructions; Spits acid when placed in danger, angry or upset. We keep moving down the aisle to something a little less dangerous under the cuddly exterior.

  While Traci was playing with a cat with owl fur, eyes and ears, something else in the distance snags my attention that I had to see up close and personal.

  They have them caged off and for a good reason. I’d only read about them and saw them in movies whenever Hollywood wanted to depict the mythical beasts.

  I step up to the gate with my hand held out beckoning it forward. This one is black, solid with a strong build and beautiful.

  I push away my giddiness and remain gentle and open to it.

  In return, it rears itself back on its hind legs and spread its wings to the full extent and the others follow. The underside of its wings were bright glittery gold.

  Great Pegasus!

  “You know it’s an honor for you if they let someone see the full length of their wings.” Traci stands next to me, in the same amount of awe as I am.

  The underside of their wings are rainbow adding to everything that makes them, them.

  Laughter bubbles out and I don’t contain it. For years these were the things I’ve only dreamt and written about. Now I’m living it. A living witness to so many great creatures.

  “Remember how I told you dragons were a luxury here?” I nod unable to take my eyes off the creature in front of me. “Check out the price,” she whispers, pointing down at the information card.

  I almost choke. One hundred thousand dollars! Shit! That’s a house where I’m from, lower your standards and it’s two houses!

  “Come on,” Traci says, laughing.

  We move towards the exit, still admiring some creatures until I hear a voice.

  Another day here. They always go for kittens, and even the deadly bunny gets chosen. This is pathetic. Does anyone find me cute?

  I stop and whip my head around to see who’s talking. Traci stops in front of me, looking back with concern. “Sabine, are you okay?”

  “Shh!” Still looking for the person who was talking only moments ago, but nothing. “I thought I heard something.”

  I continue walking and —

  I wish someone would take me home.

  “There it is again.” I grab Traci’s arm this time, making her stop with me. She has to hear this. “Don’t you hear it?”

  “No. I don’t. We’re the only ones on this row. As a Nymph you’ll get a sensitive hearing. It’s freaky at first but you’ll get used to it.”

  I shake my head. “I think it’s an animal.”


  I don’t answer her question I move to find the voice. It began speaking again. I dodge around and before I know it, I’m staring the source in its face.

  A Fox. Or should I say an owl fox like the kitten but with wings.

  “Can you hear me?” It cocks its head and blinks its huge owl eyes at me. For a moment, I feel like a dumb ass idiot and turn to leave.

  Well, it took you long enough! Do you know how long I’ve been here waiting for you?

  Wait! I dodge around. Did he just roll his eyes at me?

  “Holy shit! Traci!” I whisper-yell and wave my hand for her to come over. My heart was thumping hard against my chest.

  When she gets there, I point down at the Fox. “It’s cute!” She coos.

  “That’s what I was hearing. I can hear it and it can hear me.”

  Her eyes go wide as saucers. “You have a familiar?!”

  I know what familiars are, but I am curious why this is so shocking that I’d have one. “Don’t you?” I counter.

  Her head goes from the Fox and then back to me. “Yeah, plants! Nymphs are all things nature that’s what we deal with, elemental stuff, trees, flowers, plants, the earth.” She circles her arms around in a grand gesture. “If you have that ability, then yes, but it’s very rare and you haven’t unlocked your powers. So, it has to be your familiar.”

  This is the last thing I need is more attention. With the right pieces, they’ll figure things out.

  “Witches, wizards, and even mages have familiars we don’t.”

  Shit! Sabine is it too much for you to be normal or at least act normal. Why didn’t you ignore the voice?

  You can’t ignore me!

  I jump back from the fox’s gate. “What is it?”

  “He can read my thoughts! What does this mean?”

  Her body goes rigid, and she shakes her head. “It means you’re powerful Sabine.”

  Well, isn’t this great, just the words I want to hear? I sigh, rubbing my forehead.

  Congratulations you’re powerful. Take me home you have missed scratches to make up for.

  Oh. My. God!

  Traci insisted that since we would face Demetri’s wrath that we might as well make one more stop. I stood in front of a tattoo shop. My first word is, “No!” I’ve gone my entire life without a tattoo. Never had a desire to get one. I love guys who have them but it’s not for me.

  “Oh, come on. They aren’t that bad. See.” She lifts her arms, and it’s a terrible example.

  “I’ve been curious about those. Back at your shop they looked like actual vines wrapped around your body, now they’re plain tattoos.”

  She gives me a sly wink and smile. “Magic.”

  I know that but how? Never mind. “So are you in or not. I promise it won’t hurt. No needles involved, well for some
but not our kind.”

  I bite down on my bottom lip. Reinvent yourself.

  I take a deep breath. “Okay. I’m in.”

  A troll greets us at the front and have me fill out paperwork. I guess even supes have to protect themselves. It’s intriguing how their world is similar to Earth.

  After I finish that, he tells me to pick out a design.

  “Remember, it’s permanent so choose carefully.” I throw my head back, and she laughs, enjoying every bit of my dilemma and discomfort.

  “Why did you choose vines?” Her eyes went into the top of her head, while she thought.

  “I guess because of my abilities to communicate with the plants and I thought they looked cool.” I nod. I guess that’s a good enough reason. “Choose something inspiring or a passion,” she advises.

  I turn to the patient troll waiting for me to decide. “I want an orchid with a butterfly please.”

  The troll nods and begins drawing a sketch that takes least than thirty minutes and I fall in love with it. A glittery gold orchid, no stem, with a purple butterfly perched on the petal.

  “Where do you want it?” He asks, his voice husky. Traci settles in a chair across from me for direction. She shrugs.

  “Underneath my collarbone right here.” I point at the left side close to my shoulder but directly underneath my collarbone.

  The troll smile and instructs me to lie back on the table. My entire body shakes uncontrollably. I blew inside my gloves to cool my sweaty palms.

  I remove the shoulder of my sundress down to give the troll access to the area needed. He stood on a small stair-step to reach me.

  His hairy, stubby hands rubbed together emitting a bright glow, and it raised my hackles. He spread his hands over the exposed area and pressed down.

  I brace myself for whatever pain that Traci may have not warned me about, but it was only pressure fill with warmth. I shoot a look over at Traci and she gives me a thumbs up.

  This isn’t too bad and before long it was over. He handed me a mirror, and it was by far the most gorgeous thing I’d ever seen.

  Traci helped me up, taking it in, smiling. “It’s beautiful Sabine, just like you.” I do a double take. Is she flirting with me? No, just a compliment.

  “Thanks,” I say, both of us blushing nonstop. New things at every stop I make.

  “Thank you,” I also say to the troll, extending my hand. His eyes buck, hesitating before he accepted it.

  “You’re welcome.” I gather that he’s not used to friendliness.

  “Traci, I’m happy you talked me into this it’s awesome!” I let out a low squeal and suddenly my skin begins to warm and pulsate. “Um Traci. My skin is tingling.”

  The troll double over in laughter. I jump up from the table, shaking out my arms as if that will do something.

  “Calm down Sabine it’s from the spell he used.” I frantically look between the both of them.

  “You didn’t tell her?” The troll ask incredulously.

  “Tell me what?” I put my hands on my hip and glare at them both.

  “The tattoo has an emerging effect like mine. It temporarily comes to the surface when you feel certain things. Different emotions.”

  “Which emotions?” She looks at the troll for help, who in return holds up his meaty hands in surrender.

  “All of them.”

  With my panic comes real gold orchids, protruding and scattering on my skin; along with a butterfly that flutters off the surface and into the air.

  I scream and so does the troll and Traci.

  “A butterfly came off my skin and floated away Traci!” The troll’s jaw was slack he was just as astonished as we were. Traci’s tattoo’s connected to her but receded back underneath her skin. Mine was doing something weirdly crazy. “Traci?”

  “It’s not supposed to do that,” she says looking at the very real butterfly dancing around us.

  She turn to the troll for confirmation and he shook his head. “At all,” he agreed with her.

  “Sabine you’re not an ordinary Nymph.”

  I’ll say.


  A m I really arguing with a fox-owl right now. His furry ass cost ten thousand dollars because he has the physical properties of an owl. He also has owl abilities, grade A hearing obviously, their eyesight, and wings. His fur, more like feathers, are rainbow, a combination of reddish orange and stripes and adorable, but his mouth and attitude is for the birds no pun intended. I’m trying to get used to him having a direct line to my thoughts and me to his. Nothing is safe anymore good thing he’s on my side.

  Nope, I don’t like that either. I sigh and continue our name game that’s been going on for the past hour.

  “Okay. What about Crimson, Ash, Ember?” I tick off names as they pop into my head.

  Nope, hell no, and seriously?

  I throw a pillow in his direction that he dodges, taking flight to the other side of the room. When I arrive in my room, he was flying around like a lunatic saying that he was free at last. Like my clothes, he appeared after I purchased him.

  I wanted to tell Demetri about him, but he was in a mood. What else was new? Turns out, Traci was right. He was not happy about us being out for six and a half hours straight. He’s treating me like a child. Ardam doesn’t get dark for Realm’s sake.

  Let him tell it, it’s for my safety. I’ve only been here three days and already I’m adding more and more things to my plate to handle and figure out. A furry friend was the last thing I needed.

  “How about Felix, that’s cute? Or Auburn. No, wait Hunter.” He narrow his huge marble owl eyes.

  I see you’ve never owned a pet. All those names are terrible.

  This was true, not the names being terrible but not having owned a pet before. My love for animals ran deep just as deep as my love for plants but there was barely room for kids in foster care never mind an animal. I had gone that long without one after being on my own I never sought to get so much as a goldfish.

  Stay calm Sabine.

  Yeah stay calm and come up with better names.

  “Do you want me to send you to the ether? Because I will! They gave me the word to use and poof you’d be on your way.” This was my third threat to send him there. The pet store clerk told me it’s a place to send pets if the owner was busy with other things, on vacation or need a breather.

  I need a breather.

  Like hell you do.

  My familiar swears it’s a horrible place where pets go unattended and treated poorly, but this was all hearsay information passed down from animals that heard it from somewhere else. Very reliable information.

  We’ve talked about the ether Sabine. Why would you subject me to such things? I’m not a pet I’m your familiar, we have a deeper connection.

  I blink at him. This is too weird.

  I should name him Foxtrot and get it over with. I laugh to myself, but his ears perk up from the corner in the room and he flies over to the bed where I was lying.

  “Let me guess, you like that name?” He smile and curls his owl feathered body around my foot and lightly purr. It was a joke, but I’m relieved we don’t have to go through anymore names.

  That one I like.

  Of course, he did. I shake my head and sank back into my bed.

  “I don’t know what Demetri will say about having you here.”

  Foxtrot lift his head, cocking it to the side, with his ears at attention studying me intently.

  The Lord? Is that who you’re shacking up with? Why it took you so long to come and get me?

  Wait, shacking up? I sit up. “No, he’s the asshole who kidnapped and tore me away from my former life. But yes, ‘The Lord’,” I drawl.

  He comes to visit the pet store a lot. I mean no one can see him. His identity is always masked. He gives good scratches and talks a lot, but he’s very lonely.

  Talks a lot. Oh, no. “We’re talking about two different people.” He shakes his feathery coated head as he makes himself cozy
on one of my pillows.

  We’re talking about the same person. Lord of the realm, dream mage, gentle guy. He nod in confirmation.

  Now my familiar is a fan. Am I the only person Demetri hates?


  “Get out of my head,” I hiss, tucking my legs under me. “What does he talk about?” It piqued my curiosity I have to know now. Demetri is one of the most infuriating beings I know, and any insight would be helpful. Not that I’m trying to win him over or anything.

  Foxtrot snorts at me like I’m a stranger asking for information about a close friend of his. I’m not telling you that.

  I open my mouth to ask his traitorous ass why not? When a hard knock comes at the door.

  Speak of the devil.

  “Demetri?” I whisper.

  Yes. Go answer it. I need proper sleep from that hellhole you forced me to wait in.

  I stick my tongue out at him despite the fact he already closed his eyes. I believe I’ve met my match with this creature.

  With labored steps I stalk towards the door and open it, wondering what I’ve done this time.

  Sure, enough Foxtrot was right. Demetri stand in the hall with both hands pressed against the doorframe. His hair is a gorgeous mess, loosened collar, and rugged breaths.

  “Hey. What’s going on?” I raise nonchalantly. For an instant, he says nothing. He pushes back, far away from the door to show and leave. “Hey,” I reach out to his arm, stopping him. He stiffens and I let my hand drop. “What is it?”

  Is this how you two communicate? I give my familiar a warning glare behind the door.

  “Would you shut up before I have to send you to the ether for real this time?”

  When I turn back around, Demetri was starting at me with an unreadable expression on his face.

  Does he know about Foxtrot?

  He’s a powerful dream mage. There’s no telling what he knows.

  “Roman is having an um.” His voice is low and husky with redden cheeks. I don’t recall ever seeing him flustered or embarrassed.

  “A refueling party?” I finish for him after finding the proper words to use. He sighs. “Okay? You come to tell me to stay clear of downstairs?”


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