Legends and Myths of the Demigoddess 1

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Legends and Myths of the Demigoddess 1 Page 24

by Owen Oakley

  I roll my eyes. Let’s get this over with.

  “What about me Sabine?”

  Foxtrot’s voice wasn’t in my head, but in the room. He fluttered about in a tiny male body that was too adorable for words. He was an actual guy, but in a faerie way.

  His wings were beating as fast as a hummingbird that my eyes couldn’t focus. He landed on my shoulders as the others stared. “How do you feel?” I ask.

  He smile a boyish grin, as his dark hair flopped over his face. His hands wiggled about, and he touched my face. “Free.” I put my hand over his and gave him a warm smile.

  “Ready,” I say as we step into the center of the circle.

  “Sabine, I want to—” I raise my hand cutting him off. It feels weird. I was looking Demetri in the face, but his eyes and head were focused on the floor. Trippy.

  “Save it for when I come back.” He nods. I don’t want any long drawn out goodbyes, because I have every intention on coming back with everyone I left with.

  A bright light flash and when my eyes readjust, we aren’t where we should be and upon further inspection, we’ve teleported in the center of it all, a murky pond and only one thing dwelled here. The freaking lake hag!

  I try to lift my feet in the greenish murk, but it only weighs me down. It covers most of Roman’s centaur body. He looks at the goo, unable to see to the bottom. “Sabine,” he hiss out to me breathless, moving away loose weeds and only realms know what else.

  I wade through the pond, trying to push through the heavy liquid. We must have gotten separated after we arrived. Yelling would be the least smart thing here to do, although I worried where Fox landed.

  After I get to Roman’s side, I place my hand on his arm causing him to stagger back.

  “Shh... I’m right here!” He relaxes, staring in my direction but not able to see me. “Remind me to kill Aiden when we get back.”

  “With pleasure!” All we need to do now is find Fox and get the hell out of this pond. To the far back a waterfall lights up to our amazement it pushes out clean water. I look around and only see disgusting green slime as far as the eye can explore.

  “How is that possible?” Roman’s legs moved around, searching for me. My face crinkles, forgetting he couldn’t see me.

  “Your guess is good as mine, but I don’t like it,” I say looking around at the deadly quiet place. The moon is full and a few clouds surrounding it. The stars were twinkling giving us the extra light.

  “We need to find Fox, now!” I whisper yell to him. As soon as the words leave my mouth, something hard swim pass my legs, knocking me into the water. “Did you feel that?” I look over at Roman, who was already searching for the source.

  He nods once, “Wait here.” Before I could grab his arm, he had submerged himself into the pond. Shit! Now what?

  I wait a few minutes until I was a reckless as he had been. The green slime encased me as I drove straight down. To my relief it coated only the surface in goo, down under was crystal clean water that was freezing cold. I scan around and there was no sign of Roman.

  Fox and now Roman were gone and every second I paddled was a second, we couldn’t afford. It was dark thanks to the covered surface. The biggest shocker was I had no problem breathing under water. These realms never cease to amaze me. I close my eyes and imagined a light, my magic swirled around and the palm of my hand warmed.

  There was a bright light in my hand. As I surveyed my surroundings, I could go only one way, towards the waterfall. Everywhere I looked was nothingness, except the fall.

  I swam to it and came upon a cave opening behind where the water’s current flowed the hardest.

  After squeezing through the tiny opening, I find myself in a dry space. A tingle ran in my chest followed by the emptiness. I shake off the mood and continue down the path.

  My free hand flies to my nose. A stench of rotten pungent meat assaults my nostrils as I tamper down the vomit rising in my throat. The further I move into the cave the brighter things became. The cave is damp and breezy. Chill bumps cover my entire body.

  I release the light orb I created and focus on the walls’ torches that illuminate the way.

  With each step a prickly sensation causes the hairs on the back of my neck to stand on end. The sense of being watch never felt more prominent. The cave’s wall had smooth, sharp pointed edges. I curse under my breath when I reach the back of the cave with nothing but space, darkness, and rockier interior.

  “It’s rare that someone let alone three creatures appear into my domain,” a voice hiss. I attempt to put my magic on standby, but nothing happens. I try again like a lighter that almost flickers but just can’t catch a spark. “Don’t bother, your powers are useless here demigoddess.” Well, this can’t be good.

  “Where is Roman and Fox?” I inquire. I don’t care about anything except those two.

  “Do you mean your mate and familiar?” Feet shuffle around me, and I’m empty handed. This was none other than the infamous hag and I have to be witty to get us out of here.

  “Show yourself!”

  I didn’t enjoy being blind no more than I like playing games. Fingers snap and torches blaze to life. I find myself in a semicircle fill with monstrosities. To my left and right were sirens with tridents all pointing in my direction, and in the far corner was Roman and Fox, with their glamour gone, and I was certain mine was too.

  That sensation as I entered the cave was when my powers were stripped away. More sirens with razor-sharp teeth, tissue thin hair and blotchy wrinkly skin surround my guys.

  These sirens were no doubt responsible for why they were here. They wouldn’t be the first to fall victim to a siren’s call and won’t be the last. At second glance they don’t look helpless, fawning over the ugly creatures, revealing their true selves to me while keeping them in a hypnotic trance of perfection. My hands clench together, and jaw set grind. Jealousy and anger stirring in me so deep, my eye twitches.

  I take an involuntary step forward.

  “Stay back,” the hag warns, “or I’ll have my girls gut them like a fish.” I freeze raising my hands in surrender.

  She smirks. This was bad, not only was our situation complex, but we’re wasting time.

  “What do you want?” My question comes out through gritted teeth. With creatures like these it was all about bargaining. The hag shifted closer to the front and when the light from the torch hit her face my stomach recoils.

  She was the monster nightmares were made of and makes every horror movie pale in comparison.

  The sirens were an awful sight, but she was hideous. Black pit eyes, sickly olive skin with rotting patches in varies of places. Her teeth were like razors also, the ones that remained, and she was bald.

  She was of female gender, her upper half anyway, God I wish I could say the same for her lower half. I watched as she slithered closer to me as I attempt to keep a neutral expression. She release a manic laugh placing her skeleton like hand under her chin. The high-pitched cackle made my ears bleed. A sound both unforgettable and unnerving.

  “What can the Nymph demigoddess do for me?” I cringe. I didn’t appreciate my powers until they were gone. “I want to read your destiny, to see if the rumors are true.” Hmmm, a seer hag, interesting. I shook my head.

  “Let them go first,” I counter gesturing to Roman and Fox who were pawing at the sirens.

  The hag cocked her brow at me but didn’t hesitate releasing the spell. The moment she did Roman stopped mid grope and shouted.

  Well it was more like a squeak I intended to hold over him for a while. Fox who was inter-winding himself between one of their legs halted and tried to flutter towards me but was stopped a few feet in front of me.

  Fox thrust and fought against an invisible force that was hurting him. “STOP!” I couldn’t take it anymore the hag was into games and I was in her domain, so I had no choice but to play by her rules. “If I let you read me, you’ll let us all go, unharmed?” Had to add in the last part, these magi
cal creatures were tricky and cunning; if I wasn’t specific, they’d jump at the chance to use it against me.

  “Sabine no! It’s not worth it. We’ll find another way out.” I mouthed to Roman, “how?”

  There wasn’t any other way around it. A fight would only get me so far before they’d put Fox and him back in a lust trance and I had no magic and nothing else that would best these beasts, I know what had to be done.

  “Hag seers give half-truths and before you know it, you’re obsessed with the things she’s telling you and—”

  “Silence!” Roman’s mouth snapped shut and the hag’s eyes blazed with hate. I relaxed because Roman was four more words from talking me out of it. “What will it be demigoddess?” I lift my chin and walk towards her stretching my hand to meet hers.




  I watch as Sabine made the deal with the Hag. What was she doing? I was her familiar, but the bond ran deeper than that. I didn’t want to see her harmed and neither by words, but I had a suspicion that’s what would happen.

  This magic induced place had turned off my connection with her, and I missed being able to communicate.

  She didn’t know the struggle to hold a disconnect to know you’re meant to be with someone but had to wait until they found you. It seemed like an eternity. I give her shit about it now but I’m grateful for her.

  Some familiars aren’t as lucky to have such a caring, loyal, loving and powerful master. Some just want the extra magical boost and didn’t care about the creatures’ wellbeing. Sabine is different, always have been, always will be.

  The hag yank Sabine’s hand further into hers and we all wait. I was still suspended in the air, so I had a front-row seat.

  Roman was on edge, shifting his weight from one foot to the other, craning his neck to see better. We have to do better trusting her intuitions especially her mates. I was different but the others would have to stop treating her like a fragile child.

  The hag’s body made a jerking motion until it stopped after a moment. Her black eyes turned milky white settling on Sabine.

  I assume she was smiling or the closest thing to one. One side of her mouth was twisted up towards her cheek. Sabine’s breath hitched, and my body stiffened.

  “What did you see?” Sabine ask, leaning closer to the creature. Roman broke free from the sirens and I thought the hag would stop him, but she allow him to reach her side.

  I float back to the earth. As much as I love to fly, I never want to do it again on someone else’s magic.

  “You owe me that much! What did you see?!” I cringe. Sabine was hysterical even advancing on the hag, but Roman was right there and kept her rooted in place.

  “Let’s go. She got what she wanted Sabine. A deal is a deal! Magical ones are more binding than anything.” Thank the realms for Roman. He was right, and I didn’t like the attention she was giving us. Something mixed with curiosity and disgust. Sabine relented a bit before we backed away. Never turn your back on untrusting creatures, magical deals be damned. Sabine’s gaze was locked onto the hag but Roman continued to guide her.

  We were making good progress until the hag decides she wanted to taunt her.

  “Your fate does not consider good for you Demigoddess.” Damit! So close.

  “Excuse me?” Sabine was still being man handled by Roman. She swatted him away like a nagging fly of insignificance. I dodge to the side surviving being crushed by her foot.

  “If you don’t bond with all five mates, find the Phoenix, and the key you will die, and the realms will merge.” Holy shit! Five mates! Roman growled at the mention of more mates. “That will prove to be a difficult journey demigoddess. Even your charming wills won’t persuade a mage that hates and doesn’t trust you.”

  Sabine turns pale and tears well in her eyes. Her bottom lip tremble and before she threatens to fall, Roman catch her by the waist and hold her steady.

  “Five mates?” She asks to herself. I hate hags. They take the worst of their gifts and deliver it to a person. Never mind there being two sides to the coin. She wouldn’t tell Sabine the other outcome, I was sure of it.

  The worthless hag was too busy gloating, enjoying feeding on Sabine’s misery. “Who are they?”

  Roman’s arm snaked tighter around her waist, while he whispered something in her ear.

  She blinked a few times but never moved, waiting for the answer to her question. The hag shrugged in response, floating back to her seat positioned in the middle of the cave.

  The sirens followed her like puppets.

  “TELL ME!” Sabine bellow so loud the cave shook throwing Roman and I to the rocky side.

  Roman’s head made a sickening smack against the jagged rock, but it didn’t bother him. He was on his feet making sure I was okay, which I was.

  Somehow, I slowed myself down before connecting to the wall. All demigods had a temper. Although, her tantrum hadn’t disrupted the hag or her sirens as they gave us a smug face.

  If I pretend to be hurt would Sabine forget about everything and leave?

  “I’m waiting!” Doubt it.

  The hag sighed, becoming bored with us. “One stands beside you,” she says with a knowing smirk. “The other has been with you in the Earth realm.” Aiden. “The third one would give his life for you and has been waiting for you for eons.” Clearly Cairo. “Your greatest challenge and utter downfall because he loathes and pines for you.” Demetri, that’s four. Her face falls.

  Sabine’s and Demetri’s relationship was love, hate. They didn’t trust each other and neither one of them would bend for the other.

  If this depended on those two, we’re screwed. All four were apparent. I was curious about the last one. Who else was Sabine connected to; always knew she was a freak.

  I chuckle to myself, making a mental note to tease her about it once everything had blown over.

  “Your fifth and final mate is like a thief in the night. He’s torn between protecting you and following orders.”

  “Whose orders?” Sabine ask cutting the hag off. The hag eyes flashed with rage, but she recovers with a smile. “He’s a vampire.”

  It was my turn to growl then. Sabine looked over at me surprised filling her features. Everyone knew vamps were all bad and power hungry.

  I’ve heard stories about vamps getting close to powerful magical creatures with offers of protections only to drain them dry.

  So, hell no, there’s no way in hell a vampire would get close to her let alone be her mate. Over my dead furry body.

  Roman looked down at me nodding his agreement. The hag cleared her throat to continue.

  “He’s a soldier and the right hand to— ”

  The hag doesn’t finish. Roman released a battle cry, throwing his fist into the concrete, splitting the ground in half. The rumbling of rock was all around us.

  Truth be told all it needed was someone to blow on it and it would have come tumbling down.

  “Run!” Roman yells and we take off down through the cave dodging and evading huge chunks of rocks as they tore from the ceiling. The sound of the Hag’s rage fill our ears. We just burnt a bridge that we wouldn’t be able to cross again should we need it.

  I leap over rocks, scurrying around fragments until my path is blocked and I come to a brief halt.

  I whimper and look up in time to see a sharp tip stone coming right for me. I close my eyes, my heart running away in my chest.

  A loud boom sounds, and a shower of particles fall on the top of my head.

  Later I’m scooped into a hard chest. “Hold your breath Fox,” and I did.

  As we plunge into the cold water. I think to myself; I should’ve stayed in the pet store.


  W hen I reach the surface of the water my arms wail. My limbs forget how to swim. Who knew a pond would run as deep as an ocean. Everything on my body hurts; my heart and mind. Five mates. The hag confirms that Demetrius was my mate. Not to mention whoever the hel
l this vampire is she mention.

  Had it not been for Roman attacking her I would know by now. I’m not dumb, he’s hiding something. Something he didn’t want her telling me.

  I swim the rest of the way shaking myself dry. My hair is extra heavy as the water clings to my curls. Roman and Fox aren’t far behind me. Closing my eyes and whispering a few words that still seem foreign to me, the air turns to heat, and a breeze sweeps over me.

  My body tingles a bit with warmth and within seconds I was dry. I’m already moving towards Fox and then Roman repeating the spell. Roman gives me a curt nod but I’m unable to meet his eyes.

  For one, he’s hiding something and two, I don’t know how he feels about me having three more mates. When it was just me, him, and Cairo everything was manageable, and I hadn’t expected taking on anymore.

  A knot forms in my stomach at the thought of Cairo, he had a hard-enough time accepting Roman; now three more? He will lose it.

  All of this could very well be pointless. Demetri and I are complicated, factor in another mate I know nothing about, other than his order, or how to find; we’re talking up shit’s creek without a paddle.

  Thanks Sabine! I smile at my now fluffy familiar. When I hear Fox’s voice it’s more than a relief. When I lost my link to him it felt like a part of me had died. I pick him up and nuzzle him in the crook of my neck, and he rewards me with a soft purr.

  “We have to move, if things were dangerous before it’s life or death now.” Roman’s voice interrupts my mental connection with Fox. He was right we have nothing disguising us anymore. And if there’s one thing anyone or thing is attracted to, it’s power.

  We stay close to each other walking in a silence that was both comfortable and awkward. I can sense Roman stealing several glances my way, but I keep my focus on the path before us. Every few minutes Fox would fly ahead to see if anything was waiting for us.

  It would’ve been easy to cast an illumination spell or tracker, but we weren’t in the mood for unwanted company from deadly creatures. My arm brush against Roman’s as I side stepped a puddle in the forest’s bed. Warmth followed by a rush of heat entered me, and I removed it.


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